Pathophysiology and Therapeutics-4 (PHCL 424) 2nd Semester 1432-1434/2012-2013 (Spring) King Saud University-College of Pharmacy OVERVIEW: This is the fourth module in the series of 8 modules that introduces students to the pathophysiology and the clinical use of medications in the prevention & treatment of the most common disorders. The course is integrating the two concepts for better comprehension of the science and knowledge behind providing patient care. Module 4 focus on the evidence-based management of gastrointestinal and endocrine disorders, and women’s related health issues. The course is coexisting with pharmacy practice lab 4 (PHCL 423) where students apply their knowledge through case discussion and problem solving of different patient scenarios. PREREQUISITES : PHCL327, PHL326, PHL315 CONCURRENT COURSES: PHCL 423 (Pharmacy Practice lab) COURSE DATE & TIME: Mondays and Wednesdays from 09:00 to 11:00 a.m. in the Clinical Pharmacy Conference Room OBJECTIVES: 1. Understand the pathophysiology associated with endocrine and women’s reproductive disorders. 2. Understand the basic mechanisms of endocrine and women’s reproductive disorders, and interpret these mechanisms in relation to drug therapy 3. Be familiar with the most recent evidence-based guidelines related to the above mentioned disorders. 4. Recognize major signs and symptoms of the above selected disease states 5. Integrate pharmacology, pathophysiology, pharmacodynamic, pharmacokinetics and other biomedical and pharmaceutical sciences as they pertain to clinical therapeutics of the specific disorders. 6. Select optimal therapeutic agents based on drug pharmacology which account for relative drug potencies, efficacies and therapeutic outcomes. 7. Select, adjust and recommend appropriate patient focused drug therapy treatment plans. 8. Apply treatment guidelines and protocols for selected patient populations. 9. Address and prevent drug-drug interactions, drug-food interactions, and drug nutraceutical interactions by applying knowledge of pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic principles. 10. Evaluate the appropriateness of patient specific drug therapy regimen and treatment plans. PHCL 424 Syllabus, Spring 2013 1 COURSE COORDINATOR & TEACHING FACULTY : Ibrahim Sales, Pharm.D. Assistant Professor Course coordinator Email: Office hours: by email Ahmed Shaman, MClinPharm Lecturer Teaching faculty Email: Office hours: by email PHCL 424 Syllabus, Spring 2013 2 COURSE OUTLINE & SCHEDULE: Week Day G Mon 30-Mar Wed 1-Apr Mon 6-Mar Wed 8-Apr Mon 13-Apr 8 10 11 Wed 15-Apr Mon 20-Apr Wed 22-Apr Mon 27-Apr Wed 29-Apr Mon 5-May Wed 7-May Mon 12-May Wed 14-May Mon 19-May Wed 21-May 12 13 14 15 16 Lect # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 Topics PHCL 424 TF Diabetes therapeutics I IS Quizzes/Exams Quiz 1 (Lectures 1-4) Diabetes therapeutics II and III IS Thyroid and Adrenal I and II IS Women’s Health I and II IS Quiz 2 (Lectures 5-8) Midterm (Lectures 1-12) Urinary Tract Disorders AS Osteoporosis AS Osteoarthritis/Gout AS Quiz 3 (Lectures 13-14) Quiz 4 (Lectures 17-20) Final Exam Wednesday, May 14, 2014 Teaching Faculty:IS: Ibrahim Sales; AS: Ahmed Shaman GRADE POLICY & DISTRIBUTION : The grade is distributed as pathophysiology 30% and therapeutics (70%) Questions will be submitted by the teaching faculty and reviewed by the course coordinators. Exam questions will be based on an average of 4-5 questions/lecture hour, MCQ is usually one correct answer and based on 4 or 5 options / choices. Questions are based on the lecture objectives. Student performance on examinations and specific questions may be analyzed for normalized distribution & integrity, and adjusted accordingly if needed and at the discretion of the course coordinator. Bonus credits are, OPTIONAL, and offered per instructor policy and they should not, collectively, make more than 5% of the course total grade. PHCL 424 Syllabus, Spring 2013 3 PHCL 424 Course activities ONE Midterm exam Four quizzes Final Exam Total % of Total Points 20% 40% 40% 100% IMPORTANT NOTES ON COURSE SYLLABUS : Course syllabus may be subjected to change at any time by course coordinator Students will be informed about any changes in course syllabus by email Exam dates can be changed according to students needs and course requirements, any changes must be submitted to course coordinator in the first week of study (Class leader is responsible for arranging the signature of all students on agreed new date for the exam). Final exam date is NOT subjected to any changes whatsoever. COURSE MATERIALS : Required Textbook o Talbert RL, DiPiro JT, Matzke GR, Posey LM, Wells BG, Yee GC, eds. Pharmacotherapy: A Pathophysiologic Approach. 8th ed. New York: McGraw-Hill; 2011 (online access) Blackboard will be utilized during this course to communicate announcements about the course, materials and discussions. Please make sure your account is active. Lecture slides will be provided according to teaching faculty policy. Guidelines, articles and Supplemental materials will provided by teaching faculty. Availability of copies of the required chapters should be arranged with each teaching faculty COURSE FORMAT: During this course the following modes of teaching can be used: formal and informal Lectures, in-class discussions and Blackboard discussion, active learning strategies. There will be 10-minute break scheduled between each lecture hour. Exam Format: Written exams mainly consist of, but not limited to: one correct answer multiple choice questions, true/false, short notes (one sentence), matching, organize a list and fill in blanks. The majority of exam content will be mainly based on case scenarios. There will be an average of 5 questions from each lecture hour. Questions will be based on the lecture objectives. COURSE ASSESSMENT TOOLS : The course will utilize some or all of the following tools to assess student performance a: Exams (midterm, quizzes, online quizzes, pop-quizzes), discussion, assignments, informal presentations, and case presentation. PHCL 424 Syllabus, Spring 2013 4 GRADING SYSTEM : The course follows King Saud University grading system: Grade A+ A B+ B Percentage 100 - 95 94 - 90 89 - 85 84 - 80 Grade C+ C D+ D F Percentage 79 – 75 74 - 70 69 - 65 64 – 60 Below 60 HELPFUL TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL MASTERY OF THIS COURSE : - - - This course contains a large database of necessary materials, memorization is not enough, you will need to understand the materials too, regularly review the materials, ask questions to clarify concepts and do extra readings on your own. The course instructors encourage group study to enhance your learning. The course also includes a large database of medicinal agents. You are expected to review and consult proper references to be familiar with the pharmacological action of these drugs. Although attendance is not mandatory (if within the 2% university requirements) attending lectures will help you comprehend the material more easily. Utilize PPL 4 lab activities to improve your knowledge about the diseases and drug therapy. Review sessions are optional and will be offered per class request and instructor availability, and they should be arranged outside lecture hours. LATE ASSIGNMENTS / HOMEWORK POLICY OR MISSED QUIZZES/MIDTERM EXAMS : If a student missed a quiz/midterm exam for an ELIGIBLE reason (appropriate documents must be provided by the student, please read below), The instructor has the right to determine the method for make-up exam/quiz, which can be any of the following: Increasing the percentage of the remaining exams to cover the missed exam/quiz Assigning the final exam a higher percentage to cover the missed exam for that student A make-up exam/quiz that is based mainly on short answer questions On the final exam, the section relating to the missed examination material can be used as the grade for that missed exam/quiz There will be no make up for pop quizzes Student must submit proper documentation as soon as possible (no later than 2 weeks of absence per University policy). Students who fail to communicate with the teaching faculty/course coordinator to take the exam within 2 weeks of absence renounce their right of makeup exam per University policy. PHCL 424 Syllabus, Spring 2013 5 RECONSIDERATIONS IN GRADING: - Errors in grading: o These must be adjudicated by the instructor. If you believe that your work has been incorrectly graded (e.g. points were added up incorrectly), you must contact the instructor in writing and clearly state the error you believe has occurred. - Post-exam Reconsiderations: o In the case where there is a disagreement over the answer to a question, the student may present a request for reconsideration (appeal) plus documentation for the answer, in written form, to the Course Coordinator within 72 hours of the posting of exam results. - The teaching faculty will always determine the final grade. ATTENDANCE & CONDUCT: o Students are expected to prepare for, attend and participate in all lectures. o Attendance of the class is mandatory. Student should exercise punctuality in attending classes. Students missing 25% or more on attendance are forbidden from setting in the final exam, per University Policy. o Late arrivals or early departures is not permitted and may jeopardize student’s successful completion of the course. o Due to the early class time please let the course coordinator/teaching faculty know of any situation that precludes you from attending on time. o A student absent/late from class bears full responsibility for all material covered in class. o Pop-quizzes may be given anytime during the class period; therefore, be on time and plan to attend the entire period (remember if you missed one there will be no makeup). o You are encouraged to ask questions during the class BUT kindly refrain from side talk or any disruptive behavior. o Dishonesty in any form (including falsifying attendance records) is grounds for disciplinary action leading up to dismissal from the course. o Cell phones MUST be turned off or muted during the class. o Unprofessional conduct including misbehavior during lectures will not be tolerated and may result in actions per university policy. o What constitute professional behavior? Follows instructions Meets deadlines Shows respect for all other people in speech & actions Exhibits good judgment Cooperates with others Good work ethic Maintains personnel self-control and professional decorum Hold himself / herself responsible for professional conduct PHCL 424 Syllabus, Spring 2013 6 ACADEMIC DISHONESTY/PLAGIARISM : Students are expected to demonstrate professionalism and honesty during this course. Academic dishonesty includes, but is not limited to, cheating, plagiarizing, fabricating of information or citations, facilitating acts of academic dishonesty by others, having unauthorized possession of examinations, submitting work of another person or work previously used without informing the instructor, or tampering with the academic work of other students. Students found in violation of such policy are subjected to disciplinary actions as per University Policy. SYLLABUS CHANGES : The course coordinator reserves the right to make changes as necessary to this syllabus. If changes are necessitated during the term of the course, the students will be immediately notified of such changes both by individual email communication (using Blackboard) and emailing the class leader. E-MAIL POLICY: Please note that the following applies to all emails sent to any member of this course. Any announcements regarding this course will be through the Blackboard mailing list and the Class leader student. It is your responsibility to check the site/your email on daily basis. In the case of any down times, the course faculty/coordinator will communicate through the class leader email. All emails should be sent from your KSU account or an appropriately identifying email with student’s NAME (if you need to use other email account please make sure to have a professional one, NO NICKNAMES). In any email to the course faculty, students should include their name, course number and lecture section. If we don't know who you are, your email may not get a response. When writing emails please use proper courtesy and use PROPER Arabic or English. Emails should not be used to discuss personal problems, issues with grades, or problems with other students or other instructor. These emails will not be responded too, and these issues should be discussed in person. Emails not related to the course should not be sent to the instructors and if they are, no further email will be received from that email address. COURSE EVALUATION: An evaluation of the full course and course faculty will be administered towards the end of the course. Additionally, individual instructors or module coordinator may ask for an evaluation of their lecture(s)/modules. PHCL 424 Syllabus, Spring 2013 7 COURSE BINDING AGREEMENT: The Course binding agreement has to be signed by each student and returned through the class leader to the course instructor by Week 3 of the semester. Course Binding Agreement (PHCL 424) “I have read this syllabus, understand its implications (and have sought clarification of those parts that were unclear to me), and will abide by it. I understand that the course coordinator has the right to make alterations to the class and exam schedule as needed.” Name of Student: ___________________________________________ University ID: _________________________ Signature of Student: _________________________ Date_______________ PHCL 424 Syllabus, Spring 2013 8