AP Biology Semester Final Study Guide

AP Biology Semester Final Study Guide
1. Which phase of cell cycle does DNA replication occur?
2. What is the pathway/sequence of processing and packaging a secretory protein within a
eukaryotic cell
a. Know the role of each organelle: (Rough endoplasmic reticulum → Golgi body
→ secretory vesicles → cell membrane)
3. What are the functions of the coenzymes NAD+ and FAD in eukaryotic cellular
4. Identify graph which correctly depicts the rate of an enzyme-catalyzed reaction from
low substrate concentrations to saturating substrate concentrations
5. Interpret graph of data that illustrates how environmental temperature affects the uptake
of oxygen in one 300-gram rat and one 50-gram mouse.
a. A respirometer is a container used to measure the amount of oxygen consumed by
an organism (you used this in one of your labs).
b. “Explain”/Understand that at lower temperatures more oxygen is consumed
because of a higher rate of cellular respiration to maintain normal body
temperatures and that metabolic rate per gram of tissue is higher in smaller
6. Explain the effect of pH on the activity of different enzymes:
a. Identify which enzymes have their highest activity at an alkaline (basic) pH
b. Which enzymes are sensitive to changes in pH?
c. What is the active site?
d. How does pH possibly effect the shape of the active site?
7. Know the advantage for eukaryotic cells in having internal membranes (organelles) is to
isolate specific reactions and to increase metabolic efficiency.
8. Stanley Miller (Chapter 4):
a. Purpose/outcome of experiment to synthesize organic molecules in lab
b. Results of experiment
c. What did these results support (in terms of chemical evolution under early Earth
9. Identify a cubed shaped (diagram) cell which would be most efficient in removing waste
by diffusion.
10. Interpret data from experiment which measured the rate of respiration in crickets and
mice at different temperatures using a respirometer. During aerobic cellular respiration,
oxygen gas is consumed at the same rate as carbon dioxide gas is produced.
a. Know that an endothermic animal will demonstrate greater oxygen consumption
at lower temperatures than higher temperatures. Cellular respiration produces
heat and will maintain normal body temperatures.
b. Ectothermic organisms such as insects cannot use cellular respiration to maintain
body temperatures so at lower temperatures will have a lower rate of oxygen
i. Define ectothermic
11. Interpret graph which illustrates rate of contraction (per minute) of a contractile vacuole
in paramecium to maintain osmolarity of cell. The rate of contraction is relative to
osmolarity (the concentration of solute in the cell)
12. Define multifactorial traits (animal or plant) and
a. that multiple genes, combined with environmental influences impact gene
i. These traits/characteristics change due to the amount of light for example,
which will alter/change gene expression resulting in variation/change in
13. Signal transduction pathways: Identify a drug interaction that directly interferes with a
signal transduction pathway
14. Interpret graph of the action of an enzyme. This enzyme action is measured in animals
living in two different areas (one area is normal and the other area is severely
contaminated). Interpret the graph and identify the effect that the environmental
contamination has on enzyme action.
15. Know that glycolysis is a universal energy-releasing process common to all living
organisms and therefore suggests a common ancestor for all forms of life.
16. Apoptosis and its role in embryonic development and metamorphosis
17. Interpret graph that shows the oxygen-binding saturation of each protein: myoglobin and
hemoglobin at different concentrations of oxygen.
a. Both myoglobin and hemoglobin proteins bind reversibly with molecular oxygen.
Interpret graph that illustrates binding of oxygen to these proteins at varying
partial pressure in mm Hg. Also, the physiological significance of the different
oxygen-binding capabilities of hemoglobin and myoglobin is to enhance
movement of oxygen from the blood into the muscles.
18. Know the chemical reaction for photosyntheis and that during the light reactions of
photosynthesis, water is split, removing electrons and protons, and oxygen gas is
19. Organic compounds: know the main/primary elements in the monomers of carbohydrates,
proteins, lipids and DNA
20. Interpret diagram illustrating the similarities between ATP synthesis in mitochondria
and chloroplasts; identify similarities in that they can both create an electrochemical
gradient then ends in the production in ATP
21. Define/describe active transport and the role of ATP
22. Calvin Cycle: What’s role of ATP in the formation of 3-carbon carbohydrates (glucose)
23. Define apoptosis and describe its role in embryonic development
24. Interpret data that illustrates the fluctuations in oxygen concentration in water of a lake
during daylight vs. night
25. Interpret diagram illustrating dialysis tubing submerged in solution and “explain” the
result and the amount of solute in dialysis tubing vs. beaker after time.
a. Define diffusion and osmosis
b. How will molecular size affect diffusion and subsequently osmosis of water
26. Define cyclins, know the role of regulatory proteins that regulate/control the cell cycle
a. What occurs when the genes which code for these regulatory proteins have
mutations? What may result?
27. Describe cyctic fibrosis; what is the role of the CFTR protein under normal conditions?
What occurs if this CFTR ion channel is not present?
28. Define linked genes and explain how this affects cross over frequency
a. “explain” how/why linked genes don’t follow Mendel’s prediction of a dihybrid
29. Explain the experiments used to discover cell cycle regulatory proteins (cyclins)
a. If nuclei from two different cells in different stages of the cell cycle are fused,
explain what happens as a result
30. Define cellular respiration
a. Use the process of cellular respiration as a way to interpret and explain data
collected from experiment that indicates starting and final mass in organisms
(changes over time)
31. Pedigree problem
a. Interpret data that traces disease in family over three generations
32. Explain the inheritance of sickle cell disease
a. Compare sickle cell disease to sickle cell trait (genotype and phenotype)
33. Define/describe Cell signaling
a. Know cell signaling as a common process in all living things which indicates
evolutionary relationships
34. Interpret Energy Diagram/graph
a. Define activation energy
i. Explain how enzymes affects activation energy
35. Explain the role of genetic mutation in creating genetic variation
36. Define Mitosis
a. What are the phases of mitosis and
b. What occurs in each phase of mitosis
c. What is the final product of Mitosis
37. Eukaryotic cell: What is the function of the endomembrane system?
a. What is the function rough ER, Golgi apparatus, and vesicles
38. Pedigree problem: Trace the inheritance pattern in family over three generations and
predict probability of a couple’s first child being affected with the disorder?
39. Interpret experiment involving mitochondria that are placed into two different solutions:
a. “explain” the role of oxygen in ATP production and
b. Why is oxygen required for ATP production
40. Mendelian genetics: Interpret data of cross/breeding experiments to examine inheritance
of pea plant traits
a. Parental generation
i. True breeding
b. F1 generation
i. Hybrids
c. F2 generation
d. Principle of dominance
e. Principle of segregation
f. Principle of independent assortment
g. Test cross
h. Pea plant traits
i. On separate chromosomes so shoe independent inheritance patterns
41. Signal Transduction pathways
a. Hormone activated gene expression
i. Interpret diagrams
42. Interpret data of cross to examine inheritance of genes in fruit flies
a. Identify/define linked genes
43. Explain/describe advantages to eukaryotes in having organelles vs. no organelles in
44. Interpret paired homologous chromosomes during meiosis
a. Define crossing over
b. Define chiasmata
c. Define synaptonemal complex
d. Define cohesions
e. Define Tetrad
45. Compare Eukaryotic and Prokaryotic cells
a. What are the differences and similarities
46. Cells: What limits cells size
Rate of diffusion
Surface area to volume ratios
47. What is the function of ribosomes
48. What is the function of a plant cells vacuole
49. What are the organelles of the endomembrane system
50. What is the function of the mitochondria
51. What is the function of peroxisome
Explain how this results in production of hydrogen peroxide
52. Plasma membrane transmembrane proteins and integral membrane proteins
a. Describe chemical behavior
b. Define amphipathic
53. Define diffusion
54. Define osmosis
55. Define metabolism
56. Define potential energy
57. Define chemical energy
58. Define kinetic energy
59. Chemical equilibrium (in terms of “work”)
60. Explain why heat cannot be used to perform work
61. Define catabolism
62. Define anabolic pathway (in terms of energy and what is does)
63. Define/describe exergonic reactions
64. redox reaction (oxidation and reduction)
65. What exactly is the role of oxygen in the process of cellular respiration
a. What does it form
66. What are the products of:
a. Glycolysis
b. Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle)
c. ETC
67. Where is the ETC (of the mitochondria) located
68. What is the role of an autotroph in an ecosystem
a. Why are they essential to every ecosystem
69. What is the source of oxygen during photosynthesis
70. Define
a. hormone signaling (endocrine)
b. autocrine
c. paracrine
d. synaptic
71. What is the function of protein kinase
72. Describe second messenger signal transduction pathway
73. Describe phosphorylation cascade signal transduction pathway
74. What are the phases of the cell cycle; what is the G0 phase; what types of cells enter this
stage of the cell cycle
75. Define genome
76. What is the human diploid number for somatic cells
a. which cells have haploid number and how many
77. Define homologous chromosomes
78. What are the sex chromosomes in humans; what do they determine
79. What are the phases of meiosis
a. what (2 things) happen that is unique to meiosis
80. Calculate the risk of transmitting heritable disease to offspring if both parents are carriers
81. Define pleiotropy
82. Define polygenic inheritance and give example
83. Based on Mendelian inheritance in Pea plants calculate probability of producing certain
phenotype from cross between homozygous dominant and heterozygous plant
84. Which event of meiosis I in based on Mendels’ law of independent assortment