Ranibizumab, verteporfin photodynamic therapy or observation for the treatment of myopic choroidal neovascularization: cost-effectiveness in the UK Authors: Lindsay Claxton,1 Bill Malcolm,2 Matthew Taylor,1 Jennifer Haig3, Claudia Leteneux4 Author affiliations: 1York Health Economics Consortium, University of York, York, UK Pharmaceuticals UK Limited, Frimley Business Park, Surrey, UK 3Optum, Burlington, Ontario, Canada 4Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland 2Novartis Target journal: Drugs and Aging Corresponding author: Lindsay Claxton York Health Economics Consortium, University of York, York, YO10 5DD, UK Email: lindsay.claxton@york.ac.uk Tel: 01904 323620 Fax: 01904 323628 Online Resource 7 Inputs for probabilistic sensitivity analysis 1 Parameter Mean SEa Use of multiplier Typea Alpha Beta 55 15 No Gamma 13.44 4.09 15.0% 0.5% No Lognormal 27 495 6.0% 0.5% No Lognormal 37 485 - Yes (SE: 0.1) Lognormal n/a n/a As above - Yes (SE: 0.1) Lognormal n/a n/a As above - Yes (SE: 0.1) Lognormal n/a n/a As above - Yes (SE: 0.1) Lognormal n/a n/a General Starting age Baseline prevalence of bilateral myopic CNV Annual rate of recurrence Treatment effectiveness Ranibizumab effectiveness TPs, M0 to M3 Ranibizumab effectiveness TPs, M3 to M6 Ranibizumab effectiveness TPs, M6 to M9 Ranibizumab effectiveness TPs, M9 to M12 Refer to full matrices, Online Resource 1 2 Comparative effectiveness TPs, As above - Yes (SE: 0.1) Lognormal n/a n/a As above - Yes (SE: 0.1) Lognormal n/a n/a As above - Yes (SE: 0.1) Lognormal n/a n/a As above - Yes (SE: 0.1) Lognormal n/a n/a 2.45% - Yes (SE: 0.1) Gamma 400 0.0025 - Yes (SE: 0.05) Normal n/a n/a 0.1 0.05 No Normal n/a n/a 3.5 - Yes (SE: 0.05) Gamma 400 0.0025 1 - Yes (SE: 0.05) Gamma 400 0.0025 Treatment visits year 1 (vPDT) 3.4 - Yes (SE: 0.05) Gamma 400 0.0025 Treatment visits year 2 (vPDT) 1.7 - Yes (SE: 0.05) Gamma 400 0.0025 Monitoring visits year 1 8.5 - Yes (SE: 0.05) Gamma 400 0.0025 M0 to M3 Comparative effectiveness TPs, M3 to M6 Comparative effectiveness TPs, M6 to M9 Comparative effectiveness TPs, M9 to M12 Natural deterioration probability (per 3 months) Quality of life Utilities (BSE) Utilities (WSE relative to BSE) Refer to manuscript Costsb Treatment visits year 1 (ranibizumab) Treatment visits year 2 (ranibizumab) 3 (ranibizumab) Monitoring visits year 2 4 - Yes (SE: 0.05) Gamma 400 0.0025 Monitoring visits year 1 (vPDT) 4 - Yes (SE: 0.05) Gamma 400 0.0025 Monitoring visits year 2 (vPDT) 4 - Yes (SE: 0.05) Gamma 400 0.0025 £17,326 - Yes (SE: 0.05) Gamma 400 0.0025 £17,245 - Yes (SE: 0.05) Gamma 400 0.0025 (ranibizumab) Cost of blindness year 1 Cost of blindness subsequent years BSE = better-seeing eye; CNV= choroidal neovascularization; NHS = National Health Service; SE = standard error; TP, transition probability; WSE = worse-seeing eye; vPDT = verteporfin photodynamic therapy. a If a multiplier was used to vary the base case parameter, the distribution and standard error refers to that around the multiplier rather than the mean value. b Drug administration costs and follow-up costs were also included in the analysis, using a gamma distribution. 4 Note on the use of multipliers During the probabilistic sensitivity analyses, many of the parameters, such as transition probabilities, number of monitoring visits, and costs were varied using a multiplier: The base case scenario was represented with a multiplier of 1. This was varied in the probabilistic sensitivity analysis according to the most appropriate probability distribution (with an assumed standard error) for each parameter. When the multiplier was used as a risk ratio, the multiplier was varied with a lognormal distribution. Multipliers relating to cost, age and patient visit parameters were fitted with gamma distributions (as these give only non-negative values). Transition probabilities were varied using a single ‘multiplication factor’ to reflect the interdependence of transition probabilities: o For patients moving to an improved health state, the transition probability was multiplied by the multiplier o For patients moving to a worse health state, the probability was divided by the multiplier o The multiplier was not applied to patients remaining in the same health state o To ensure that the total probabilities relating to one health state added to one, each probability was divided by the sum of the probabilities relating to the health state. 5