Document 6759664

Block: __________
Our America Final Project
You will have to choose one of the following project options to complete after reading
Our America. Both projects are worth 50 points (see attached rubrics). The due date
for your final project will be ____________________________.
Option #1: My Neighborhood
For this project, you will revisit one of the class quick writes, titled My Neighborhood,
where you described your street and neighborhood. You will use this quick write as a
starting point to create a project made up of 2 components–writing and music.
Create-Creative Writing:
First, you will go back and revise this quick write and turn it into a descriptive
and/ or narrative piece of writing. Make sure to use sensory imagery and figurative
language to “paint a picture” for me. Don’t forget to add a creative title to complete your
You will then choose music to pair with your writing. Be sure to carefully choose
music that matches the mood of your writing. Like LeAlan and Lloyd, you have creative
licensing here; you must choose all aspects of presentation for this project carefully and
purposefully. You will have to write a statement explaining how you chose the music
and how it fits your piece of writing. More info on how to publish these works together
to be announced!
Analyze-After you have created this project, you will then write a paragraph comparing
and contrasting your neighborhood to the one in Our America. Answer the following
questions: What stories would you collect that best represent your neighborhood? In
what ways are these neighborhoods similar? In what ways do these neighborhoods
differ? How do environmental factors influence the choices the characters/ people
make? You must include at least one direct quote from the text to support your
Block: __________
Option #2: Picture This
A picture’s worth a thousand words, right? For this project, you will be creating a
photographic essay. A photo essay is a set or series of photographs that are intended
to tell a story or evoke a series of emotions for the viewer. Look at examples of photo
essays before you start!
"A photo essay is very simply a collection of images that are placed in a specific order to
tell the progression of events, emotions, and concepts. Used by world class
photojournalists, the photo essay takes the same story telling techniques as a normal
essay, translated into visual images." -Christina N. Dickson, Photojournalist & Instructor
Create-It’s time for you to pick up the camera like John Brooks and document your life
through a series of snapshots. You will take 8-12 photographs, add captions below
each one, and choose a creative title. You may present this photo essay in a number of
ways–digitally, in a photo album, on a poster board etc.
Analyze-After you create your photo essay, you will write an “artist’s statement” where you
describe the purpose of your photo essay and the process of how you created it.
Answer the following questions: How did you decide which shots to capture? How do
these visuals portray your life/ community? What emotions do you expect them to
evoke? What commentary or message do you hope to send through your visual photo
You will then you will then write a paragraph comparing and contrasting your
neighborhood to the one in Our America. Answer the following questions: What stories
would you collect that best represent your neighborhood? In what ways are these
neighborhoods similar? In what ways do these neighborhoods differ? How do
environmental factors influence the choices the characters/ people make? You must
include at least one direct quote from the text to support your thoughts.
Block: __________
Our America Final Project Option #1-- My Neighborhood Rubric
-Your descriptive/ narrative writing of your
neighborhood is thorough, detailed, and thoughtful.
-It uses figurative language, strong word choice,
descriptive details and sensory imagery to show
your neighborhood and “paint a picture” with your
-The music that you chose is appropriate and
matches the mood of your writing; it enhances your
-Your writing is creative and shows careful crafting
(word choice, sentence structure, organization,
flow, grammar/ conventions etc). You show your
writing process by including multiple drafts with
revisions to improve between each.
-Your topic sentence introduces your claim/ main
-You effectively elaborate to discuss the similarities
and differences between the two neighborhoods
(compare/ contrast) and address the questions in
the prompt in a clear and organized way.
-Your analysis paragraph demonstrates your
understanding of the text, supporting texts (i.e.
photos, Oprah video), and class discussions
throughout this unit.
-You include a relevant quote from Our America
that is strong support for your analysis and the
claim you are making.
Total :
/ 50
Block: __________
Our America Final Project Option #2-- Picture This Rubric
-Your photo essay includes a set of 8-12
photographs that are all related to each other and
tell the same story.
-Each photo has a caption describing what the
image shows and where it was taken.
-Your photo essay shows thought and careful
planning. Photos clear and focused. The photo
essay is organized and photos build off of each
Artist’s Statement
-Your statement justifies and explains decisions
made when creating your photo essay.
-You analyze your “creative licensing” decisions to
explain how your work depicts your communities
and the lives of those who are in it. You do so
through addressing the questions on the prompt.
-Your topic sentence introduces your claim/ main
-You effectively elaborate to discuss the similarities
and differences between the two neighborhoods
(compare/ contrast) and address the questions in
the prompt in a clear and organized way.
-Your analysis paragraph demonstrates your
understanding of the text, supporting texts (i.e.
photos, Oprah video), and class discussions
throughout this unit.
-You include a relevant quote from Our America
that is strong support for your analysis and the
claim you are making.
Total :
/ 50