Sample Formal Lab Report LABORATORY “0” THE FRACTURE OF GLASS John Doe Jane Roe Joe Sixpack John Q. Public MatE 453 Lab Section 1 August 27, 2013 1 ABSTRACT The behavior of brittle materials was studied by performing 3-point bend tests on laboratory glass slides. Both as-received and chemically etched specimens were tested to failure. The Young’s modulus of the glass was determined from the load–deflection data. The results demonstrated that the deformation of the glass slides remained elastic up to the moment of fracture. The fracture strength of the glass was greatly improved by the chemical etching process; the etched specimens had nearly twice the fracture strength of the untreated specimens. 1. INTRODUCTION 1.1 Brittle Fracture Rock, glass and concrete are brittle materials in that they exhibit no plastic deformation prior to fracture. Since the strain to fracture of brittle materials is entirely elastic, their strain at fracture and the energy they absorb are undesirably (and sometimes dangerously) small. Moreover, the fracture strength of brittle materials is controlled by the size of the largest flaw. Thus brittle materials and structural components made from them have a very low tolerance for stress-concentrating defects, particularly for those located at the outer surface, where the highest stresses usually occur. 1.2 Historical Background The theory of brittle fracture was established by Griffith [1], who used energy arguments to derive an expression for the conditions that lead to instability, that is, to rapid propagation of cracks in brittle materials such as glass: f 2 E , c (1) 2 where f = remote stress at the moment of fracture, E = Young’s modulus, = surface energy of the glass, c = major axis of an elliptical crack (half crack length). This equation may be used to compute the stress required to propagate an existing crack or to compute the size of surface flaw (crack) that will grow rapidly at a given level of applied stress, leading to failure. Griffith’s work on the fracture of glass is one of the cornerstones of modern fracture science, and Eqn. (1), as proposed in 1924, is still the relationship used to describe the behavior of brittle materials, such as glass. 1.3 Laboratory on the Fracture of Glass In this laboratory session, small specimens of a soda-lime-silica glass were tested to failure in 3-point bending to determine their fracture stress in the as-received condition and after a chemical etch that removed many of the larger surface flaws. Both modulus and fracture data were obtained. 2. EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 2.1 Materials Several standard laboratory glass slides with nominal dimensions of 0.93 x 25.5 x 63.5 mm were provided. These dimensions were confirmed by measurement with a micrometer. The glass slides were handled only at their edges so as to avoid introducing additional surface damage (flaws). 3 2.2 Specimen Preparation Eight slides were selected for testing; of these, four were tested in the as-received (untreated) condition and four were given a chemical etch treatment to remove surface flaws prior to testing. The etched specimens were immersed in a 5% hydrofluoric (HF) acid solution for 10 minutes, after which they were washed successively in tap water, in absolute ethyl alcohol, and finally in petroleum ether. 2.3 Testing Procedures Each of the four laboratory groups tested two specimens—one untreated and one etched. The slides were mounted in a 3-point bending test fixture (see Fig. 1). Mass was added as shown, and the resulting mid-span deflection (indicated by a dial gage) was recorded. Since the growth of cracks may initially be quite slow, at least 30 seconds were allowed to elapse before an additional mass was added. Mass was added in large increments (500 g) until a total of 1500 g was applied, after which mass was added in smaller increments (50 g). Mass was added until the specimen failed, and the time delay between the application of the last mass and the failure event was recorded. 3. RESULTS 3.1 Load–Deflection Results The measured values of mass and resulting mid-span deflection for the untreated and etched specimens are listed in Tables 1 and 2, respectively, and are plotted in Figs. 2 and 3. It is evident from the linear relationships between load and deformation observed in the two graphs that the deformation of both the untreated and the etched slides remained elastic until fracture occurred. A regression analysis was performed for the data in both Figs. 2 and 3, the results of which are shown in each figure. The average 4 slope of the two mass–deformation experiments was 2.22 kg/mm. The Young’s modulus of the glass slides was then calculated from the deflection relation for a beam loaded in 3-point bending: y FL3 , 48EI (2) where y = mid-span deflection for 3-point bending, F = applied force, L = span between beam supports, E = Young’s modulus, I = moment of inertia. Note that I bh 3 /12 , where b = beam width and h = beam depth (thickness). For b = 25.5 mm and a measured value of h = 0.922 mm, I = 1.666 mm4. Equation (2) may be rearranged to give F L3 , E y 48I (3) where F = the slope of the load–deflection plot. y For the data in Figs. 2 and 3, F m kg m N g 2.22 9.81 2 21.8 , y y mm s mm N (63.5mm)3 N E 21.8 69,800 69.8GPa . 4 mm (48)(1.666 mm ) mm2 The experimental value of 69.8 GPa compares favorably with a textbook value for E-glass of 72.3 GPa [2]. 5 3.2 Fracture Stress Calculation The fracture loads observed for all the untreated and etched specimens tested are listed in Table 2. The fracture strength was calculated using the relationship for elastic stresses in a beam loaded in 3-point bending: f 3FL . 2bh 2 (4) An example calculation for an untreated specimen is as follows: f (3)(1814.5g) (9.81 m/s2 )(63.5mm) 78.2 MPa . (2)(25.5mm)(0.922 mm)2 The average and standard deviation values were calculated for the pooled fracture strength data (Table 3). The number of observations is really too small to consider these statistics to be accurate, but is sufficient to illustrate certain general tendencies in the fracture behavior: compared with the untreated specimens, the etched specimens had much higher fracture strengths and proportionately much greater standard deviation of fracture strengths, indicating more variability in the etched results. 4. DISCUSSION 4.1 Load–Deformation Behavior The load–deformation behavior of the two glass slides tested in 3-point bending remained linear up to the point of fracture. Thus no mechanism of deformation other than the elastic stretching of atomic bonds is evident. While the specimens were not unloaded, it would be expected that the induced strains (deflections) would be totally recovered on unloading. 6 The calculated value of Young’s modulus agreed well with a published value. Thus it seems that the simple experiment performed in this laboratory provided an adequate method of determining that quantity. Only a small difference in slope (and hence Young’s modulus) was observed between the untreated and etched slides. This observation was expected because Young’s modulus is a bulk property and is therefore not affected much by the presence of surface flaws. 4.2 Effect of Surface Treatment The etched specimens had a substantially greater fracture strength and a more than proportionately greater variability in fracture strength. The average strength of the etched specimens was roughly double that of the untreated specimens. From this observation it must be concluded that the etching treatment greatly reduced the number and size of surface flaws present. This phenomenon was first described by Joffé, and indeed the increase of the fracture stress of specimens tested in solution as a consequence of the dissolution of the outer surface is known as the Joffé effect [3]. 5. CONCLUSIONS The conclusion can be written in paragraph form, bullets or a combination of both (preferred). 1. The deformation of the glass slides remained elastic until the moment of fracture. 2. The calculated value of Young’s modulus agreed with a textbook value. 3. Removing surface flaws by chemical etching greatly increased the level and variability of fracture strength. 4. The technique proved valuable in analyzing etched glass under this type of deformation. The technique may also be applied to other similar investigations. 7 6. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This simulated laboratory report utilized data from an actual laboratory performed by Prof. N. R. Sottos while a student at the University of Delaware. 7. REFERENCES 1. Dieter, G. E., Mechanical Metallurgy, McGraw-Hill, 2nd Edition, 1961, p. 253. 2. Askeland, D. R., The Science and Engineering of Materials, PWS-Kent Publishing Company, 1989, p. 591. 3. Cottrel, A. H., The Mechanical Properties of Matter, Wiley, 1964, p. 346. 8 Table 1. Added mass and measured mid-span deflections for untreated glass slide Mass added (g) Total mass, m (g) Deflection, y (mm) 190.1 190.1 0.0 302.0 492.1 0.13 197.7 689.8 0.25 100.6 790.4 0.29 165.0 955.4 0.37 200.0 1155.4 0.46 297.2 1452.6 0.60 58.1 1510.7 0.61 45.8 1556.5 0.63 51.5 1608.0 0.65 51.4 1659.4 0.68 53.5 1712.9 0.70 55.3 1768.2 0.74 46.3 1814.5 0.75 Time to fracture = 60 s. 9 Table 2. Added mass and measured mid-span deflections for etched glass slide Mass added (g) Total mass, m (g) Deflection, y (mm) 190.1 302.0 288.0 280.2 297.2 165.0 45.8 46.3 47.6 48.5 58.1 53.5 56.6 53.5 54.9 60.7 40.0 41.1 66.7 36.1 49.6 81.9 47.2 29.4 57.9 190.1 492.1 780.1 1070.3 1367.5 1532.5 1578.3 1624.6 1672.2 1720.7 1778.8 1832.3 1888.9 1942.4 1997.3 2058.0 2098.0 2139.1 2205.8 2241.9 2291.5 2373.4 2420.6 2450.0 2507.9 0.0 0.12 0.25 0.38 0.51 0.59 0.61 0.63 0.65 0.67 0.69 0.72 0.74 0.77 0.79 0.82 0.83 0.85 0.88 0.89 0.91 0.95 0.97 0.98 1.02 Time to fracture = 10 s. 10 Table 3. Fracture stress for the untreated and etched glass slides Condition (group) Fracture stress (MPa) Delay time (sec) Untreated 1 62 65 Untreated 2 74 25 Untreated 3 72 60 Untreated 4 59 15 Etched 1 79 14 Etched 2 137 30 Etched 3 103 10 Etched 4 131 40 Mean fracture stress (MPa) Standard deviation (MPa) 67 7 112 27 Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experiment. 11 Fig. 2. Added mass versus measured mid-span deflection for the untreated glass slide. 12 Fig. 3. Added mass versus measured mid-span deflection for the etched glass slide. 13 Sample Letter Report ACE GLASS TESTING, INC. “Serving your glass testing needs since 1958” Aug. 21, 2012 Mr. C. Threw DontThrowStones Glass Co. 836 Brittle Blvd. Clearview, CO 75232 RE: Load bearing ability of etched glass Dear Mr. Threw, I am pleased to report that we have completed testing of your standard laboratory glass slides. Several tables, charts, and sample calculations are attached to summarize our findings. A full laboratory report that includes experimental procedures and analysis is available upon request. You are free to publish these results as part of the qualityassurance documentation for your company’s finished glass products. Eight slides were tested. Four were tested in the as-received condition and four were chemically etched in a 5% HF solution for 10 minutes. The Young’s modulus and strength of the glass slides were tested by three-point bend tests, as shown in Fig. 1. The results are summarized in Table 1. As shown in Figs. 2 and 3, deformation of the glass slides remained elastic up to the moment of fracture. The Young’s modulus of the glass for both types of specimen was determined from the load–deflection data to be approximately 69.8 GPa, a value that compares favorably with a textbook value of 72.3 GPa for E-glass. The tests showed that the fracture strength of brittle materials is extraordinarily sensitive to flaws introduced at their surface during manufacture and subsequent usage. The fracture strength of the glass slides was greatly improved by the chemical etching process. The chemical etch reduced the size of the larger flaws and resulted in a doubling of fracture strength. This phenomenon is known in the literature as the Joffé effect. Note that there was proportionately more scatter in the results for the etched specimens. Sample calculations for modulus and strength are appended to this report. Please call me at (515) 555-1234 if you have any questions regarding the results. We look forward to assisting you with glass testing in the future. Sincerely, John Doe, Jane Roe, Joe Sixpack, and John Q. Public Materials Engineering Students, Iowa State University Enclosure cc: Professor of MatE 453/MSE 553 15 16 Table 1. Fracture stress for the untreated and etched glass slides Condition (group) Fracture stress (MPa) Delay time (sec) Untreated 1 62 65 Untreated 2 74 25 Untreated 3 72 60 Untreated 4 59 15 Etched 1 79 14 Etched 2 137 30 Etched 3 103 10 Etched 4 131 40 Mean fracture stress (MPa) Standard deviation (MPa) 67 7 112 27 Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of the experiment. 17 Fig. 2. Added mass versus measured mid-span deflection for the untreated glass slide. 18 Fig. 3. Added mass versus measured mid-span deflection for the etched glass slide. 19 Sample calculations Modulus of elasticity The Young’s modulus of the glass slides was calculated from the deflection relation for a beam loaded in 3-point bending: y FL3 , 48EI (1) where y = mid-span deflection for 3-point bending, F = applied force, L = span between beam supports, E = Young’s modulus, I = moment of inertia. Note that I bh 3 /12 , where b = beam width and h = beam depth (thickness). For b = 25.5 mm and a measured value of h = 0.922 mm, I = 1.666 mm4. Equation (1) may be rearranged to give F L3 , E y 48I (2) where F = the slope of the load–deflection plot. y For the data in Figs. 2 and 3, F m kg m N g 2.22 9.81 2 21.8 , y y mm s mm N (63.5mm)3 N E 21.8 69,800 69.8GPa . 4 mm (48)(1.666 mm ) mm2 20 The experimental value of 69.8 GPa compares favorably with the value for E-glass of 72.3 GPa given Askeland’s textbook, The Science and Engineering of Materials, PWS-Kent Publishing Company, 1989, p. 591. Fracture strength The fracture strength was calculated using the relationship for elastic stresses in a beam loaded in 3-point bending: f 3FL . 2bh 2 (3) An example calculation for an untreated specimen is as follows: f (3)(1814.5g) (9.81 m/s2 )(63.5mm) 78.2 MPa . (2)(25.5mm)(0.922 mm)2 Complete data are given in Table 1. 21 Sample Presentation Report The text below the slides in this presentation is typical of “speaker notes” as created in Microsoft PowerPoint. Such notes are used by speakers in an oral presentation. You may wish to add speaker notes in the notes. To view or print the slides and notes, select “Notes Page” in the View menu. 23 Purpose • Explore behavior of brittle materials • Determine Young’s modulus and fracture strength of glass slides • Investigate effect of chemical etch on properties of glass 24 Theoretical Background • Glass is brittle • Brittle fracture is described by Griffith’s equation, 2 E c f where f is remote fracture stress and c is half crack length Brittle materials exhibit little or no plastic deformation prior to failure, so the amount of energy a brittle material can absorb is small. In 1924, Griffith proposed an equation to relate remote fracture stress, Young’s modulus, surface energy, and half crack length in brittle materials (see Dieter, G. E., Mechanical Metallurgy, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill, 1961, p. 253). Notice that as crack length is increased by a factor of four, the remote fracture stress is reduced by one-half. We therefore expect the amount of load that our glass specimens can sustain to be highly dependent on the presence and size of small cracks, or flaws. 25 Specimen Preparation • • • • Standard laboratory glass slides Dimensions: 0.93 x 25.5 x 63.5 mm Four tested in “as-received” condition Four tested after chemical etch – Immersion in 5% HF solution for 10 min. – Washed in tap water – Rinsed in ethyl alcohol and petroleum ether A micrometer was used to confirm slide dimensions. The specimens were handled by the edges at all times to reduce the introduction of additional surface flaws. 26 Mass was added to the weight bucket. Deflection was measured by a dial gage at the center of the slide. The masses were added in 30 s intervals to allow for slow crack growth. Large masses (500 g) were added until a total of 1500 g was applied; then small masses (50 g) were added until fracture. 27 Load Deflection Results To tal A dded M ass (g) 3 00 0 Etc hed y = 2 2 8 0 .2 x + 1 9 9.5 8 2 50 0 2 R = 1 .0 0 0 U ntreated 2 00 0 Linear (Etc hed) Linear (U ntreated) 1 50 0 1 00 0 y = 21 7 3 .5 x + 1 7 4.7 2 2 R = 0 .99 9 50 0 0 0.0 0 .2 0 .4 0 .6 0 .8 1.0 1 .2 Mid -s p a n D e fle c tio n (m m ) This graph shows the relationship between load and deflection for an untreated and an etched glass slide. Both curves remain linear until specimen fracture, indicating that both the untreated and etched glass slides undergo only elastic deformation. The Young’s moduli for the samples were nearly identical since the slopes of the load–deflection curves were similar. Using linear beam theory, we can calculate the Young’s modulus of the untreated slide from the formula FL3 y 48EI where y = mid-span deflection, F = applied force, L = beam length, E = Young’s modulus, and I = moment of inertia. Rearranging, and noting that F/y is the slope of the load–deflection plot, we find F m kg m N g 2.22 9.81 2 21.8 , y y mm s mm N (63.5mm)3 N E 21.8 69,800 69.8GPa . 4 mm (48)(1.666 mm ) mm2 This value is close to the published value of Young’s modulus for glass, 72.3 GPa (see Askeland, D. R., The Science and Engineering of Materials, PWS-Kent, Boston, 1989, p. 591). 28 Fracture Stress for the Untreated and Etched Glass Slides Condition (group) Untreated Untreated Untreated Untreated Etched Etched Etched Etched (1) (2) (3) (4) (1) (2) (3) (4) Fracture stress (MPa) Delay time (sec) 62.07 74.33 72.09 59.10 65 25 60 15 78.50 136.82 103.00 130.64 14 30 10 40 Mean fracture Standard stress deviation (MPa) (MPa) 66.9 7.4 112.5 26.8 Fracture stress calculation Using elastic beam theory, we have f 3FL 2bh 2 where f = fracture stress, F = applied force, L = beam length, b = beam width, and h = beam depth. Substituting in values for untreated slide 3 gives f (3)(1814.5g) (9.81 m/s2 )(63.5mm) 78.2 MPa . (2)(25.5mm)(0.922 mm)2 The etched specimens were roughly twice as strong as the untreated specimens. Referring to the Griffith equation, it can be concluded that etching the glass reduced the size of the flaws present. The phenomenon was first described by Joffé (see Cottrel, A. H., The Mechanical Properties of Matter, Wiley, 1964, p. 346). 29 Conclusions • Deformation of glass remained elastic until moment of fracture • Calculated Young’s modulus agreed with published values for glass • Etched specimens gave much higher fracture strengths due to Joffé Effect 30