Instructional Pacing for 1st grade

September Instructional Pacing (Parent Calendar) for First Grade
Week of:
Subject Area
What we are working on
Interactive Read
This week, we will focus on what the character is
doing in a story or their actions. We will be using
words to describe the main character in the story
(brave, silly, brilliant, kind, sneaky, etc.
Reading Workshop
We will continue to practice building our reading
stamina and being able to read longer. We will also
practice what to do if we need to refocus on our
Writing Workshop: We will be practicing a personal
narrative and how to continue to add details to our
writing. We will be focusing on how to use words we
know how to spell to help us spell unknown words.
We will also be practicing words that are capitalized
and different forms of punctuation.
Syllables and rhyming words
Writing Workshop
Social Studies
We will begin to practice all the combinations to
make a number. Students will practice this with math
manipulatives. We call these “Peas and Carrots.”
Students will grab the “peas and carrots” to find all
of the different combinations of numbers up to 12
(ie. 5+5=10, 4+6=10, 6+4=10, 2+8=10…)
We will begin to study about a scientist and how a
scientist uses their 5 senses to make observations.
Interactive Read
Johnny Appleseed- We will ask and answer
questions when reading nonfiction text.
Reading Workshop
We will be practicing partner reading and sitting EEK
(elbow to elbow, knee to knee, book in the middle
so we both can see).
Writing Workshop
We will be writing narratives- beginning, middle, and
end. We will add details to our stories.
ABC order
We will be finishing up making combinations of
numbers this week and assess students on ordering,
comparing and combining numbers. We will move
into solving addition word problems.
Social Studies
This week we will learn about maps, cardinal
directions, symbols for maps and students will be
creating their own maps and map keys by the end
of the week.
Interactive Read
We will be reading fiction stories about community
Reading Workshop
This week in Reader’s Workshop students will be
practicing to make connections with a book they
are reading. We will practice text to self~”It reminds
me of a time…”text to text~” It reminds me of a
book”, and text to world connections~ “It reminds
me of something in the world..”.
Writing Workshop
This week in writing we will be using strategies to spell
words we do not know. We will use syllables, word
families, and the magic line for sounds we don’t
know. We will capitalize the correct words in our
sentences. We will be re-reading our stories to edit
the words and illustrations. Towards the end of the
week, we will be publishing our writing and sharing
our writing with the class
We will solve addition equations using strategies
(draw a picture, use cubes, use a number line, count
Social Studies
We will begin by reviewing wants and needs. Then
we will discuss the importance of community helpers
and goods and services.