SCI raksti

Tēzes / konferenču raksti.
1. A. Svagere, M. Zinge “Mercury concentration measurements in peat of ombrotrophic bogs in
Latvia”, Open Readings 2010, Viļņa, Lietuva, 24-27 Mart (2010), p.147.
2. Egils Bogans, Anda Svagere, Inese Silamikele, Janis Sire “Analysis of Mercury in peat from
several places in Latvia using Atomic Absorption Spectrometry”, In abstracts of NordicPlasma
2010, Loen, Norway, June 6-9 (2010) p. 89.
3. Zanda Gavare, Madara Zinge, Eduards Gavars “Determination of argon-hydrogen highfrequency electrodeless plasma temperature using rotational spectra of hydrogen molecule and
hydroxyl radical”, In abstracts of NordicPlasma 2010, Loen, Norway, June 6-9 (2010) p. 85.
4. Z. Gavare, M. Zinge, J. Skudra “Determination of rotational temperature of hydrogen molecule
and hydroxyl radical in helium-hydrogen high-frequency electrodeless plasma”, Proceedings of
the 12 International Sympoposium on the Science and Technology of Light Sources and the 3
Intenational conference on White LEDs and Solid State Lighting, p. 513-514, July 11-16, 2010,
Eindhoven, Netherlands.
5. N. Denisova, G. Revalde, A. Skudra “Study of atomic state distribution functions in non-thermal
high-frequency electrodeless discharge plazmas”,
Proceedings of the 12 International
Sympoposium on the Science and Technology of Light Sources and the 3 Intenational
conference on White LEDs and Solid State Lighting, p. 101-102, July 11-16, 2010, Eindhoven,
6. N. Zorina, G. Revalde, A. Skudra “Discharge plasma diagnostics by means of spectral line
profile studies”, The 20th European Conference on the Atomic and Molecular Physics of Ionized
Gases, p 2-37, 13-17 July 2010, Novi Sad, Serbia
7. Z. Gavare, A. Skudra, M. Zinge, N. Zorina “Plasma temperature and surface studies of argonhydrogen containing low-temperature dumbbell form light sources” Abstracts of Twelfth
Intenational Conference on Plasma Surface Engineering, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany,
September 13-17, (2010), p. 510.
8. S. Sholupov , S. Pogarev, V. Ryzhov, A. Skudra, E. Bogans “Zeeman AA monitors for
determination of background mercury concentration in ambient air and gases without absorption
traps”, Proceedings of 15 International Conference on Heavy Metals in the Environment, p.259261, September 19-23, 2010, Gdansk, Poland.
9. G. Revalde, N. Denisova, A. Skudra, J. Skudra “Spatial diagnostics of Hg/Ar and Hg/Xe
discharge lamps by means of tomography”,
a. abstracts in Bulletin of the American Physical Society Volume 55, No.7 October 2010,
63rd Gaseous Electronics Conference & 7th International Conference on Reactive
Plasmas, Oct. 4-8, 2010, Paris, Frace, p.27-28;
b. In Proceedings of 63rd Gaseous Electronics Conference & 7th International Conference
on Reactive Plasmas, Oct. 4-8, 2010, Paris, Frace, CTP-068.
10. A. Svagere “Mercury concentration measurements in lake sediments and water in Western
Latvia”. In abstacts of 54th scientific conference for young students of physics and natural
sciences "Open Readings 2011", Vilnius, Lithuania, March 17-19, 2011, p. 83
11. N. Denisova, E. Bogans, G. Rēvalde, Ja. Skudra “A study of physical processes in microplasma
capillary discharges”. Abstract of 18 International Colloquium on Plasma Processes Nantes
(France) – July 5-8, 2011, p. 51.
12. G. Revalde, N. Zorina, N. Denisova, A. Skudra “Capillary microdischarge light sources for
different applications.” Abstract of 18 International Colloquium on Plasma Processes Nantes
(France) – July 5-8, 2011, p. 129.
13. E. Bogans, A. Svagere, J. Skudra, Z. Gavare, R. Poikane “Mercury concentration determination
in different types of samples from waste dump sites in Latvia”, In abstracts of 10th International
Conference on Mercury as Global Pollutant, July 24-29, 2011, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, p.
14. Z. Gavare, E. Bogans, A. Svagere, L. Tiluga, R. Poikane “Determination of mercury
concentration in natural waters from several lakes in Latvia using CV AAS on RA-915+ mercury
analyzer”, In abstracts of 10th International Conference on Mercury as Global Pollutant, July 2429, 2011, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, p. 107
15. E. Bogans, Z. Gavare, A. Švāgere, R. Poikāne, J. Skudra “Dzīvsudraba piesārņojuma apzināšana
Latvijā”, Apvienotā Pasaules Latviešu 3. kongresa un Letonikas 4. kongresa sekcijas "Vides
kvalitāte Latvijā: Esošais stāvoklis, izaicinājumi, risinājumi" referātu kopsavilkumu krājums,
(Rīga, 2011. gada 24.-27. oktobrī), 27.-28. lpp.
16. A. Skudra, Z. Gavare, E. Bogans, A. Švāgere “Dzīvsudrabs un tā koncentrācijas mērīšana
apkārtējā vidē ar Zēmana atomu absorbcijas spektrometru”, Apvienotā Pasaules Latviešu 3.
kongresa un Letonikas 4. kongresa sekcijas "Vides kvalitāte Latvijā: Esošais stāvoklis,
izaicinājumi, risinājumi" referātu kopsavilkumu krājums, (Rīga, 2011. gada 24.-27. oktobrī), 85.86. lpp