Permits and Easements [1]

SECTION 01 41 00
In accordance with the General Conditions, the Contractor shall at all times comply with applicable
permits, ordinances, laws, and regulations.
The Owner has acquired or is acquiring the following permits and approvals:
A. Solid Waste Handling Facility Permit Modification from Clallam County Environmental Health
(Appendix B.1 is Plan of Operations submitted to Clallam County Environmental Health, and
includes anticipated permit conditions.)
B. State of Washington Construction Stormwater General Permit, issuance date December 1,
2010, expiration December 31, 2015 (NOI and a draft SWPPP is Appendix B.2). Construction
Stormwater General Permit is available through the Washington State Department of Ecology
C. Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit for 351 Landfill from City of Port Angeles (Appendix
D. Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit for 304 Landfill from Ecology (Application and
expired State Waste Discharge Permit ST 6108 are Appendix B.4, conditions are expected to
be consistent with ST 6108
E. Olympic Region Clean Air Agency Notice of Construction (Appendix B.5)
F. City of Port Angeles Shoreline Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit with
Ecology approval and MDNS (Appendix B.6)
G. City of Port Angeles Environmentally Sensitive Areas Review (available on request, no
conditions were required)
H. City of Port Angeles Shoreline Substantial Development and Conditional Use Permit with
Ecology approval and MDNS for Dry Creek (for 2015 construction, anticipated conditions
similar to Appendix B.6)
WDFW Hydraulic Project Approval (Appendix B.7, anticipated conditions similar to previous
HPAs issued for this site that are included in Appendix B.7)
Clean Water Act Section 404 Permit from US Army Corps of Engineers, includes ESA
Section 7 Biological Evaluation Concurrence from NMFS and USFWS (for 2015 construction,
anticipated conditions are listed in Appendix B.8).
K. State heritage preservation regulations compliance from DAHP and compliance with National
Historic Preservation Act from the Corps (Inadvertent Discovery Plan which follows Section
01 02 00)
In addition, the Contractor shall obtain or submit the following:
A. Submit Final Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP). Contractor shall obtain an
approved Final SWPPP prior to beginning with initial soil disturbance. Final SWPPP shall be
maintained until final stabilization. 10 calendar days shall be provided by the Contractor for
City and Department of Ecology review and approval. Each resubmittal that is needed shall
require an additional 10 calendar days for review and approval. Contractor’s Final SWPPP
shall be at least as protective as the draft SWPPP dated March 2014 that was submitted to
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Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
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Addendum 3, §01 41 00
Permits and Easements
Department of Ecology by the City (Appendix B.2). In addition, the Contractor’s Final
SWPPP must specifically address the following:
1. Contaminated Surface Water (CSW) shall be treated or conveyed to sanitary sewer
system. Clarify if and when a treatment system is proposed. Treatment systems must be
approved by Department of Ecology, and monitoring, testing, and any other requirements
must be complied with. If discharge of any stormwater that comes in contact with
contaminated material and/or sediments is proposed, any system, treatment, and testing
must be approved by the Department of Ecology. Refuse hauling activities must not be
allowed to contaminate road runoff, including any runoff from the asphalt surface of 18 th
Street extension that drains to the stormwater system. Contractor’s means and methods
to prevent truck traffic from contaminating road surfaces, or for conveying CSW to
sanitary sewer system must be explained. Contractor shall provide a detailed sketch of
any system employed and map of the location of the system, catchbasins modified or
closed, or any other proposed method or Best Management Practice (BMP) employed.
2. On a drawing attached to the Final SWPPP, show all construction access and haul roads
to be utilized or constructed, and separate stormwater and CSW systems.
3. Stabilized construction entrances shall be constructed per approved BMPs for all
construction access roads.
4. Temporary CSW ponds may be relocated as work progresses, and must not be located
on unstable slopes.
5. Explain how fine sediment that may accumulate in the bottom of in CSW ponds will be
6. Stockpiles of contaminated construction soils require geomembrane bottom liner and top
cover (see Section 31 23 02).
7. Ponds containing CSW must be lined.
8. SWPPP must show proposed construction phasing and season (wet season vs. dry
season, 2014 and 2015) during which activities will take place, including waste relocation,
cover placement, Dry Creek road and slope modifications, seawall modifications, and Dry
Creek LWD placement.
B. Construction Stormwater General Permit (CSWGP) will be transferred to the Contractor and
implemented by the Contractor.
The Contractor shall examine the permits granted to the Owner and shall be responsible for complying
with all conditions set forth in the permits. Should there be any permit conditions not incorporated into the
documents, changes to the documents issued after the bid date will be incorporated as outlined in
paragraph 01 41 00-1.04. Failure of the Contractor to review permit conditions will not relieve the
Contractor from compliance with the requirements stated therein.
The Contractor is responsible for all work related to the permits and approvals obtained by the Owner and
for permits to be obtained by the Contractor. See list in Section 01 41 00-1.02.
Draft permits and approvals or anticipated permit conditions and requirements in lieu of a permit or draft
permit that is provided as attachments to Section 01 41 00, or by addendum, are to be treated by the
Contractor as if the permit has been issued and all costs for complying with all conditions and
requirements of these are to be included in the bid. This includes all the permit report submittals and
requirements included in the Special Conditions of the NPDES Industrial Waste Discharge Permits,
including but not limited to:
A. Preparation of all submittals as required by the permits, including plans, reports, and
manuals, and permit required periodic updates;
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Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
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Permits and Easements
B. Perform all sampling, monitoring, testing, reporting, and recordkeeping;
C. All other requirements of the permits and approvals.
Easements available for conducting any portion of the work will be provided by the City.
If, after the bid submittal date, the Owner obtains any permits or easements which require changes to the
work hereunder and thereby cause an increase or decrease in the Contractor's cost of, or the time
required for, the performance of the work under this Contract, the Contractor shall submit information
sufficient for the Construction Manager to determine the extent of the effects on the Contractor's cost
and/or schedule. If the Construction Manager agrees that the Contractor's cost and/or schedule will be
affected by such changes, such effects will be handled in accordance with the General Conditions. The
Construction Manager will provide a copy of any such permits or easements to the Contractor. The
Contractor shall comply with all applicable terms and conditions contained in such permits or easements.
The Contractor shall obtain all other permits required to perform the work, including any State, County or
City permits. The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the proper authority all information required for
the issuance of such permits and shall pay all costs thereof, including agency inspections unless
specifically provided otherwise in these Contract Documents. The Contractor shall provide a copy of
each such permit to the Construction Manager. Such additional permits may include, but shall not be
limited to:
A. Grading, disposal, or hauling permits for disposal of waste materials.
The Contractor shall submit any revisions to Traffic Control Plans for approval to the City of Port Angeles,
and any additional jurisdictions as directed by the City of Port Angeles or the Construction Manager, as
part of the permit application prior to work on public streets per Section 01 41 00. Traffic control plans
shall be prepared per City of Port Angeles requirements.
The Contractor and all subcontractors shall obtain and maintain City of Port Angeles and Washington
State business licenses during the course of the work.
Permits and easements shall be posted at the site of the work.
The Contractor shall comply with all property restoration requirements contained in any and all permits
and easements required for the performance of the work.
Whenever any work is performed on property other than street right-of-way, the Contractor shall furnish
the Construction Manager, before final payment, a written release from the property owner, or proper
authority acting for the owner, of each property affected stating that the restoration of structures and
surfaces has been completed to the satisfaction of the owner and that the owner has no claims for
damages on account of such restoration. If, in the opinion of the Construction Manager, the release is
unreasonably withheld by the property owner, the Owner may, in its sole discretion, accept the portion of
the work involved and cause final payment to be made to Contractor.
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Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
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Permits and Easements
Temporary easements for construction shall be formally identified by survey and physically delineated
with 4-ft high visibility construction fence. The Contractor shall protect private or public property on or in
the vicinity of the work site. The Contractor shall ensure that property beyond the easement boundaries
is not removed, damaged, destroyed, or prevented from being used unless otherwise specified. Property
includes land, utilities, trees, landscaping, markers, monuments, buildings, structures, pipe conduit, sewer
or water lines, signs, and other tangible material whether shown on the contract documents or not. The
Contractor is responsible for locating and protecting all property that is subject to damage by the
construction operations.
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Port Angeles Landfill Cell Stabilization Project
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Permits and Easements