Pacing Map Template Directions: Use the Pacing Mat Template to decide when to address each unit of study, listing the unit topic in the space. This will provide you with a quick glimpse of the year as a whole. Grade Level: Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan. Feb. March Apr. May Career Technical Education Course Name: Month or Unit: Unit Topics: Learning Objectives based on Course Competencies Assessments (formative/summative) Attach Competency Profile for this Course Essential Questions: Project Based Learning Opportunities: Formative: End of Unit: End of Pathway Assessment (Local or Pathway Specific): Industry Based Credential: Vocabulary Tier 2 (Academic): Tier 3 (Content Specific): Resources (including textbooks, videos, articles, software, Internet sites, other materials): Career Ready Practices (Highlight those that will be emphasized with this unit) 1. Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee. 2. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. 3. Attend to personal health and financial well-being. 4. Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason. 5. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions. 6. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. 7. Employ valid and reliable research strategies. 8. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 9. Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management. 10. Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals. 11. Use technology to enhance productivity. ELA Reading Standards: Related Activities: ELA Writing Standards: Related Activities: ELA Speaking/Listening Standards: Related Activities: Math/Science/Social Science Standards: Related Activities: 12. Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence. Career Technical Education Course Name: Month or Unit: Unit Topics: Learning Objectives based on Course Competencies Assessments (formative/summative) Attach Competency Profile for this Course Essential Questions: Project Based Learning Opportunities: Career Ready Practices 13. Formative: 14. End of Unit: 15. 16. End of Pathway Assessment (Local or 17. Pathway Specific): Industry Based Credential: Vocabulary Tier 2 (Academic): 18. Resources (including textbooks, videos, articles, software, Internet sites, other materials): 19. 20. 21. Tier 3 (Content Specific): 22. (Highlight those that will be emphasized with this unit) Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. Attend to personal health and financial well-being. Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. Employ valid and reliable research strategies. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management. Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals. ELA Reading Standards: Related Activities: ELA Writing Standards: Related Activities: ELA Speaking/Listening Standards: Related Activities: Math/Science/Social Science Standards: Related Activities: 23. Use technology to enhance productivity. 24. Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence. Career Technical Education Course Name: Month or Unit: Unit Topics: Learning Objectives based on Course Competencies Assessments (formative/summative) Attach Competency Profile for this Course Essential Questions: Project Based Learning Opportunities: Career Ready Practices 25. Formative: 26. End of Unit: 27. 28. End of Pathway Assessment (Local or 29. Pathway Specific): Industry Based Credential: Vocabulary Tier 2 (Academic): 30. Resources (including textbooks, videos, articles, software, Internet sites, other materials): 31. 32. 33. Tier 3 (Content Specific): 34. 35. 36. (Highlight those that will be emphasized with this unit) Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. Attend to personal health and financial well-being. Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. Employ valid and reliable research strategies. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management. Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals. Use technology to enhance productivity. Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence. ELA Reading Standards: Related Activities: ELA Writing Standards: Related Activities: ELA Speaking/Listening Standards: Related Activities: Math/Science/Social Science Standards: Related Activities: Career Technical Education Course Name: Month or Unit: Unit Topics: Learning Objectives based on Course Competencies Assessments (formative/summative) Attach Competency Profile for this Course Essential Questions: Project Based Learning Opportunities: Career Ready Practices 37. Formative: 38. End of Unit: 39. 40. End of Pathway Assessment (Local or 41. Pathway Specific): Industry Based Credential: Vocabulary Tier 2 (Academic): 42. Resources (including textbooks, videos, articles, software, Internet sites, other materials): 43. 44. 45. Tier 3 (Content Specific): 46. 47. 48. (Highlight those that will be emphasized with this unit) Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. Attend to personal health and financial well-being. Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. Employ valid and reliable research strategies. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management. Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals. Use technology to enhance productivity. Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence. ELA Reading Standards: Related Activities: ELA Writing Standards: Related Activities: ELA Speaking/Listening Standards: Related Activities: Math/Science/Social Science Standards: Related Activities: Career Technical Education Course Name: Month or Unit: Unit Topics: Learning Objectives based on Course Competencies Assessments (formative/summative) Attach Competency Profile for this Course Essential Questions: Project Based Learning Opportunities: Career Ready Practices 49. Formative: 50. End of Unit: 51. 52. End of Pathway Assessment (Local or 53. Pathway Specific): Industry Based Credential: Vocabulary Tier 2 (Academic): 54. Resources (including textbooks, videos, articles, software, Internet sites, other materials): 55. 56. 57. Tier 3 (Content Specific): 58. 59. 60. (Highlight those that will be emphasized with this unit) Act as a responsible and contributing citizen and employee. Apply appropriate academic and technical skills. Attend to personal health and financial well-being. Communicate clearly, effectively and with reason. Consider the environmental, social and economic impacts of decisions. Demonstrate creativity and innovation. Employ valid and reliable research strategies. Utilize critical thinking to make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Model integrity, ethical leadership and effective management. Plan education and career path aligned to personal goals. Use technology to enhance productivity. Work productively in teams while using cultural/global competence. ELA Reading Standards: Related Activities: ELA Writing Standards: Related Activities: ELA Speaking/Listening Standards: Related Activities: Math/Science/Social Science Standards: Related Activities: