Kozminski International Business School BBA GUIDELINES UNDERGRADUATE PROGRAMS Academic Year: 2011- 2012 BBA in Management BBA in Finance and Accounting © Kozminski University 2012 1 Kozminski University BBA GUIDELINES ACADEMIC YEAR: 2011-2012 CONTENTS 1. FIRST DEGREE DIPLOMA EXAMINATION – REASONS AND BENEFITS FOR STUDENTS RESULTING FROM THE REPLACEMENT OF A BACHELOR DISSERTATION BY A DIPLOMA EXAMINATION .................... 3 BBA DIPLOMA EXAMINATION PROCEDURE: planning/timetable .............. 4 3. ACADEMIC SYLLABUS ....................................................................................... 9 4. HOW TO CHOOSE SUPERVISOR .................................................................... 12 5. DESCRIPTION OF DIPLOMA EXAMINATION FOR FIRST DEGREE STUDIES .................................................................................................................... 14 6. TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR WRITING A THESIS ......................... 17 7. PROJECT TITLE PAGE ..................................................................................... 20 8. STUDENT AND SUPERVISOR STATEMENTS .............................................. 21 9. SAMPLE BBA PRESENTATION SLIDES ........................................................ 22 10. BBA FINAL PRESENTATION ASSESSMENT .............................................. 23 12. CLEARANCE FORM ......................................................................................... 27 13. APPLICATION FOR INCLUDING ADDITIONAL INOFRMATION IN THE SUPPLEMENT ………………………………………………………………28 2 1. FIRST DEGREE DIPLOMA EXAMINATION – REASONS AND BENEFITS FOR STUDENTS RESULTING FROM THE REPLACEMENT OF A BACHELOR DISSERTATION BY A DIPLOMA EXAMINATION In the academic year 2006/2007 the Kozminski University Academic Senate decided to replace a bachelor dissertation by a First Degree Diploma Examination. The new oral exam was designed to test students’ knowledge as well as their ability to think creatively, together with analytical skills that enable them to investigate complex social and economic issues. Details of the diploma examination are defined in the Chapter 14 of the Study Regulations of Kozminski University as well as in the respective Rector’s Instruction. The concept of the diploma examination is as follows: 1. In the first part of diploma examination, the bachelor dissertation was replaced by a diploma project related to the subject of studies, which the student became familiar with during internship or work experience. At the same time the number of term papers has been increased throughout the program curriculum, 2. In the second part of diploma examination: verification of student’s knowledge in scope of basic and program-related subjects of study (based on the questions prepared by respective departments). Justification: The new concept will increase quality of learning as well as will improve the process of diploma awarding, which will enable students to apply to the graduate programs on time. 3 2. BBA DIPLOMA EXAMINATION PROCEDURE BBA DIPLOMA EXAMINATION PROCEDURE: planning/timetable STAGE & STAGE TASKS The Dean of Kozminski International Business School (KIBS) allocates the Supervisors (accepts the offers of academic teachers who have at least a PhD degree and achievements related to the issues discussed by students as a part of their presentation Students register to chosen Supervisor on-line (via the Virtual University) TO BE COMPLETED BY: 14 February 2012 28 February 2012 (please see HOW TO CHOOSE A SUPERVISOR page 6) The seminars are conducted. COMMENTS/OTHER ACTIVITY The Kozminski International Business School Students’ Office presents the Supervisors’ name list to students. KIBS forms group seminars. Each group is assigned to a particular Supervisor and consists of maximum 25 people. In the event of more students wanting to participate, the date of enrolment for a seminar will determine who is able to do so. The seminar is aimed at preparing students in the last semester of their final 6-th semester of studies undergraduate studies for the first part of the BBA final examination. A student individually prepares answers to the questions provided in the guidelines. final 6-th semester of studies During the examination the student answers three random questions (one of the The list of questions concerning subjects of study in study program is provided to students in advance & can also be downloaded from the website. 4 questions included in the list of 50 basic questions and two from the list of 100 study program-related questions). (please see the questions, guidelines BBA in Finance & Accounting problems, BBA in Management problems) Students submit their presentation and a description in writing of the issue presented, including a statement of authenticity (electronic and a hard copy) to the Students’ Office Prior to the summer examination session (30 September the latest) Both, the project and the presentation must be approved and signed by the Supervisor After the session, students submit their examination cards. All the courses set by the University’s curriculum must be passed. At least two weeks before the final examination (30 September the latest) The Students’ Office checks the grades and obtained credits Internship Reports must be submitted to “The Forge” Career Center before the final examination. Before the final examination (30 September the latest) (please see the technicalities, guidelines) Obligatory Documentation Before the final examination 1. Completed Clearance (30 September the latest) Form (the clearance form is valid only for a month) 2. Application for including additional information in the Supplement to the Kozminski University Diploma of Higher Education 3. Alumni Questionnaire 4. Examination cards with all signatures & dates 5. Internship Reports 6. Presentation and a IMPORTANT: a student who does not submit his or her diploma thesis and other obligatory documentation within the time limits set (no later than September 30th 2012) may apply (in writing) to the Dean for the extension of the deadline for thesis submission. The Dean may determine a new deadline for thesis submission that is no longer than three months from September 30th. 5 description in writing of the issue presented, including a statement of authenticity (electronic and a hard copy), signed by supervisor 7. 5 photos (6,5 x 4,5 cm) After meeting all requirements, the date of the final exam is set Previously set date The Supervisor and the Reviewer are obliged to fill in the BBA final presentation assessment and submit it to the Students’ Office before the final exam date (please see the assessment sample, guidelines, page 23) The student is taking part in his/her BBA Final Examination Previously set date The examination board completes the BBA final examination assessment form (please see the sample form, guidelines) BBA degree in Management or Finance & Accounting 6 Information regarding the schedule of the examination session, the final diploma examination and dissertation defense for the students being on their last year of studies in academic year 2011/2012 FULL – TIME STUDY FACULTY: MANAGEMENT, FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING BBA Students: 04.05 – the completion of classes (except languages and Preparation for Final Examination) 07.05 – 21.05 – examination session until 25.05 – make sure that all grades are uploaded into the Virtual University and the following documents have to be submitted to the Student’s Office: clearance form, application for including additional information in the Supplement (optional), 6 photos (4.5 x 6.5). 1.06 – students are obliged to submit to the Student’s Office the following: two hard copies of the presentation signed by the supervisor, containing the diploma project and printed slides (double sided, spiral bound copies, transparent cover), signed Student’s “Statement of Authenticity” and a statement confirming, that the thesis was accepted by a supervisor. electronic version of the presentation containing diploma project saved on CD with the contents of the thesis in WORD and presentation saved in POWER POINT. Description of the CD: author’s first and last name, student’s book no, diploma project title, faculty, thesis supervisor’s first and last name,). Those students who DO NOT submit all required documents by the above mentioned dates, WILL NOT be able to defend their project/dissertation in June/ July. 7 OBTAINING DIPLOMA AND OTHER DOCUMENTATION AFTER THE FINAL EXAMINATION After passing the diploma examination students, if needed, may get in Students’ Office an official certificate confirming the obtaining of an appropriate professional title. Students obtain their official diploma of studies during graduation ceremony (date to be announced). Otherwise student can get an original of official diploma one month after the defense. In order to obtain official diploma student must give her/his Student ID card back. FEES Students must pay for the Polish version of the diploma 40 PLN, for English version it is additional 60 PLN 8 3. ACADEMIC SYLLABUS ACADEMIC SYLLABUS 2011/2012 THE SPRING SEMESTER MODULE TITLE Preparation for the Bachelor of Management/Finance and Accounting examination MODULE TITLE IN POLISH NUMBER OF ECTS CREDITS Przygotowanie do egzaminu licencjackiego 10 STAFF TEACHING THE MODULE PRINCIPAL COORDINATOR Academic Degree PhD PREREQUISITES FOR THE MODULE COREQUISITES Name Chair /Institute/ Centre Svetlana Gudkova (Dean) Kozminski International Business School n/a n/a The process of completing the degree project is essentially studentorientated and it should provide a degree of independence in learning so that students set their own agendas and objectives and use useful skills covered in the BBA program to achieve the goals earlier set. AIMS LEARNING OUTCOMES AND COMPETENCES 1. KNOWLEDGE AND UNDERSTANDING 2. SUBJECT SPECIFIC SKILLS (DISCIPLINE SKILLS) 3. PERSONAL TRANSFERABLE SKILLS On successful completion of this course the student will: be able to analyze selected topic on the basis of a literature review and experience gained during internship On successful completion of this course the student will be able to: choose a topic of the presentation taking into consideration the importance and usefulness of the issue, practical implications as well relation to the program curriculum choose appropriate research methods and apply them correctly choose key issues to be included in the presentation prepare a clear and attractive presentation On successful completion of this course the student will be able to: enhance effective communication skills; enhance competencies in public speaking METHODS OF TEACHING The module uses a combination of tutorials, workshops and individual consultations. Tutorials follow a case study approach. NUMBER MODULE CONTENT OF HOURS 1. What is research: overview of research methods; 4 2. Formulating and clarifying the research topic for presentation; 4 3. Critically reviewing literature; 4 9 4. Data mining, referencing and plagiarism; 5. Research approaches; 6. Qualitative research: methods, analysis and sampling; 7. Quantitative research: methods, analysis and sampling; 8. Principles and techniques of public speaking and effective presentations. TOTAL CONTACT/IN CLASS HOURS: SUGGESTED NUMBER OF SELF-LEARNING HOURS TOTAL LEARNING HOURS: 3 3 4 4 4 30 180 210 DESCRIPTION OF THE MODULE IN POLISH (MAX 300 SYMBOLS) Celem kursu jest przygotowanie studentów do pierwszej części egzaminu dyplomowego: rozwój umiejętności pisania i prezentacji raportów biznesowych oraz zapoznanie studentów z metodyka pracy. INTERNATIONAL DIMENSIONS SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY AND ETHICAL ISSUES 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. The course will use international research literature and examples concerning international companies. The course will also discuss social responsibility and ethical issues related to conducting research, especially those connected with data mining, referencing and plagiarism. COMPULSORY READING (max 3 items) AUTHOR, DATE OF PUBLICATION, TITLE, PUBLISHER Creswell J. W., (2008) Research Design: Qualitative, Quantitative, and Mixed Methods Approaches, Sage. ADDITIONAL READING (max 5 items) AUTHOR, DATE OF PUBLICATION, TITLE, PUBLISHER Reynolds, G., (2008) Presentation Zen, New Riders. Duarte, N. (2008) Slide:ology, O’Reilly Media. Weissman, J. (2006) Presenting to Win, FT Press. Heath C., Heath D. (2007) Made to Stick, Random House. METHOD OF ASSESSMENT (written, oral, project) MODE OF TYPE (and SHORT ASSESSMENT DESCRIPTION) Formulation and TO TEST clarification of the KNOWLEDGE AND research topic for UNDERSTANDING presentation, in writing. Preparation and TO TEST delivery of the ACQUIRED SKILLS presentation. (DISCIPLINE AND COMMUNICATION) Active participation in classes, sticking to the research schedule. SUPPLEMENTARY ASSESSMENT n/a DURATION PERCENTAGE OF TOTAL GRADE n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a COMMENTS PROGRAM Bachelor in 10 STUDY YEAR / SEMESTER SPECIALISATION TYPE OF MODULE Basic B / Major M / Specialisation S MODULE LEVEL CONTACT/IN CLASS HOURS (BROKEN DOWN INTO): Lectures – introduction to problems of the subject by leading lecturer Seminars with assistants Seminar/tutorial Team workshops Seminars with practitioners Laboratory Projects E-learning Diploma seminars Other Formal exam MODE OF TEACHING Full-time F / Part-time P TYPE OF PROGRAM Undergraduate U / Graduate G LANGUAGE OF INSTRUCTION (Polish/foreign) Management & Bachelor in Finance and Accounting III/VI F U English 11 4. HOW TO CHOOSE SUPERVISOR 12 13 5. DESCRIPTION OF DIPLOMA EXAMINATION FOR FIRST DEGREE STUDIES DIPLOMA EXAMINATION – FIRST DEGREE STUDIES The diploma examination for first degree studies takes place in an oral form and consists of two parts: the first part is a presentation of an issue selected by a student as a subject of analysis (10-15 minutes). The presentation should provide an answer to a research question or solution to a problem of a practical nature, which has been identified based on the experience gained during internship, traineeship or at work. The above covers an analysis of legal, financial, organizational, social and economic aspects or another selected issue; the second part covers the verification of the student’s knowledge in scope of basic and program-related subjects taught during the study program. During the examination the student answers three random questions (one of the questions included in the list of 50 basic questions and two from the list of 100 study program-related questions). The final grade for the studies shall be indicated on the graduate diploma and calculated according to the sum of the following elements: 60% of the arithmetic average of the grades obtained in the course of studies, 20 % of the grade from the first part of the diploma examination – presentation made by the student during the examination, 20% of the arithmetic average of the grades from the second part of the diploma examination – answers to three random questions. 14 SEMINAR PREPARING FOR DIPLOMA EXAMINATION – UNDERGRADUATE STUDIES The seminar is aimed at preparing students during the last semester of their first undergraduate studies for the first part of the BBA final examination. The seminar (30 hours) is conducted by academic teachers who have a minimum PhD academic degree. Such an academic teacher should have achievements related to the issues discussed by a student as part of the presentation. The student enrolls for a seminar conducted by a selected academic teacher who will deliver these classes as part of a given study program. Each seminar group with one academic teacher may be composed of a maximum 25 people. In case more students want to participate, the date of enrollment is decisive. During the seminar each student prepares the following: a presentation (up to 10 slides related to the issue) and a description of the presented issue in writing (up to 10 typed pages, Times New Roman font, size 12, interline 1.5, printed on both sides). These materials (in electronic form and as a hard copy), including a statement of authenticity, should be submitted by the student to the Student’s Office prior to the summer exam session. The project & presentation must be approved & signed by the supervisor’s signature (the academic teacher conducting the seminar – preparation for BBA final examination). The presentation and description of the research problem should be prepared using Kozminski University templates which, along with the sample of statement of authenticity are available on the Kozminski University website. PRESENTATION ASSESSMENT CRITERIA The examination board assesses the student’s presentation, considering the following criteria: choice of the presentation topic which should be related to the student’s study program; presentation relevance, including: versatility and coherence of the research problem analysis, accuracy of the research method selection, ability to use various sources of information, how advanced the analyses are, ability to 15 provide logical arguments in the presentation, ability to choose key content, correctness of presented conclusions or proposed solutions of problem; form of presentation, including: structure and attractiveness of the presentation, structure of expression, forms of expression used, appropriate time management for the presentation. 16 6. TECHNICAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR WRITING A THESIS 1. The diploma thesis should be submitted in a hard cover. The following inscriptions to be placed on the cover: Kozminski University BACHELOR THESIS Logo of the University 2. The first page of the thesis should contain the following information: Kozminski University Warsaw Last and first name of the Student Student book No. …. Thesis title Bachelor thesis Written under supervision of Professor …………………, Ph.D. Warsaw, year of thesis submission 3. The second page of the thesis should contain the following information: Author of the thesis:…………… Title of the thesis:……………… Abstract Thesis abstract – maximum 60 words Thesis keywords – maximum 5 words 4. Third page of the work, should include: 17 a) Student’s Statement stating that the thesis was prepared without any assistance and had not been earlier used as a basis for a procedure related to conferring professional titles and higher education institution diplomas. b) Supervisor’s Statement confirming that project and presentation have been prepared under her/his supervision and declaration that the project and presentation meet the requirements specified for the purpose of a degree awarding procedure. 5. The fourth page of the thesis should contain: Table of Contents Introduction..................................................... p.. Chapter I Chapter title................................................. p.. (if the thesis is written by a team, specification of the authors of particular sections) 1.1. Titles of chapter sections................... p.. Conclusion..................................................... p.. Bibliography.................................................. p.. List of tables and diagrams........................... p.. Appendixes…………………………………. p.. 6. The contents of the thesis should be printed on both sides. 7. The thesis should be written in Times New Roman 12 font. 8. Titles of chapters and subchapters should be written in Times New Roman bold 14 font. 9. The interline spacing in the thesis should be 1.5 pitch. 10. The left margin of the thesis should be 3.5 cm in width and the right one – 2.5 cm in width. 11. In the thesis two types of annotations are permitted: a) Footnote: in the case of a book – initial of the author’s first name, author’s last name, title of the book, name of the publishing house, place of publication, year of publication, quoted or referred page: 18 (A. Noga, Teorie przedsiębiorstw, PWE, Warszawa 2008, p. 15) In the case of an article – initial of the author’s first name, last name, title of the article in italics, name of the magazine in quotation marks, year of publication, issue of the magazine, quoted or referred page. (A. Noga, W kierunku teorii kosztów transformacji, „Ekonomista” 1997, No. 5-6, p.697) b) Annotation in the text (author’s last name, year of publication, quoted or referred page), e.g. (Noga, 2008, p. 15.), (Noga, 1997, p. 697) 12. The bibliography should be made alphabetically by authors’ last names – author’s last name, initial of the first name (year of publication), title of work, in the case of article its title in italics, in the case of article the name of the magazine in quotation marks, name of the publishing house, place of publication: Noga, A. (1997), W kierunku teorii kosztów transformacji, „Ekonomista”, No. 56. Noga, A. (2008), Teorie przedsiębiorstw, PWE, Warszawa. 13. On the last page of the work, Student Statement should be annexed stating that the thesis was prepared without any assistance and had not been earlier used as a basis for a procedure related to conferring professional titles and higher education institution diplomas. 14. The CD with the contents of the thesis in WORD format should be attached to the hard copy of the thesis. Description of the CD: a) author’s first and last name, b) Student book No., c) title of the thesis, d) supervisor’s first and last name. 19 7. PROJECT TITLE PAGE DIPLOMA EXAMINATION Full Name Subject of the project Project prepared under supervision of: Academic year 2011/2012 © Kozminski University 2012 20 8. STUDENT AND SUPERVISOR STATEMENTS Student statement I hereby certify that this project and presentation for the purpose of a bachelor’s degree diploma examination titled ………………………………………………….. ……………………………………………………………………………...................... ....................................………………………………………………….......................... ........................, submitted to the Kozminski University, are all my own work and had not been earlier used as a basis for a procedure related to conferring professional titles and higher education institution diplomas. I also certify that the content of the project and presentation does not violate copyrights under the Act of 4 February 1994 on copyright and neighboring rights (Journal of Laws No. 24, item 83, as amended) or legally protected personal interests. I acknowledge that the content of the project and presentation will be subject to verification by a plagiarism detection system. /date/ /signature/ Supervisor statement I confirm that these project and presentation have been prepared under my supervision and I declare that they meet the requirements specified for the purpose of the degree awarding procedure. /date/ /signature/ 21 9. SAMPLE BBA PRESENTATION SLIDES Title page Second page 22 10. BBA FINAL PRESENTATION ASSESSMENT Opinia o prezentacji przygotowanej na egzamin licencjacki/ BBA Final Presentation Assessment Imię i nazwisko studenta/ Student’s Name and Surname: Nr albumu/Student’s Registration Number: Kierunek studiów/Major Subject: Forma studiów/Mode of Teaching (Full-Time/Part-Time): Tytuł prezentacji/Presentation Title Prezentacja napisana pod kierunkiem/Name of Supervisor: Opinia została przygotowana przez/Name of Reviewer: Ocena prezentacji/Presentation Assessment Ocena Kryteria oceny/Assessment Criteria punktowa*/Points** Dobór tematu prezentacji (związek z realizowanym przez studenta kierunkiem studiów, wartości poznawcze wybranego tematu). (Skala 1-3) Choice of presentation topic (relevance with the student’s major, cognitive values of the chosen topic). (Scale 1-3) Wartość merytoryczna prezentacji (w tym wszechstronność i spójność analizy prezentowanych zagadnienia, zagadnień, poprawność zasadność merytoryczna wniosków, jakość propozycji rozwiązania problemu) (Skala 1-7) Relevance and quality of content (including comprehensiveness and coherence of analysis of problem, appropriateness of the merit of the presented issues, relevance of conclusions drawn, quality of solutions proposed) (Scale 1-7) Forma prezentacji (poprawność językowa, kompozycja prezentacji, wykorzystanie elementów graficznych) (Skala 1-5) Form of presentation (language correctness, composition of presentation, use of graphic components) (Scale 1-5) Łączna suma przyznanych punktów (skala 3-15)/ Total points awarded (Scale 3-15): 23 Dodatkowe uwagi (ewentualnie)/Other remarks (if any)…………………………………………………………………………………………… ….......………………………………….......................... Wnioskuję o dopuszczenie / nie dopuszczenie prezentacji do egzaminu licencjackiego. I conclude that the presentation should/should not be admitted to the diploma examination. Data i podpis recenzenta/Date and Signature of the Reviewer 24 11. PROTOKÓŁEGZAMINU LICENCJACKIEGO/ BBA FINAL EXAMINATION ASSESSMENT z dnia/date ______________________ Pan/Pani/ Mr/Ms urodzony(a) dnia/ Date of birth student(ka) Akademii Leona Koźmińskiego, nr albumu/Kozminski University Student, Student’s Book Number: Kierunek/Major: Rok immatrykulacji/matriculation year: zdawał(a) egzamin dyplomowy w dniu/took BBA Final Examination on (date) ___________________ przed Komisją Egzaminacyjną w składzie/in front of the Examination Board consisting of: 1. Przewodniczący/Head of the Examination Board: _________________________________ 2. Członkowie/Members of the Examination Board: _________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________________ I część egzaminu: (prezentacja)/The first part of examination: (presentation) Tytuł projektu dyplomowego/Title of the Diploma Project: _________________________________________________________________ Ocena I części egzaminu/Assessment of the first part of examination ___________ II część egzaminu/The second part of examination: Zadane pytania/Asked questions Ocena odpowiedzi/Grade ___________________________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________ ___________________________________________ ____________________________ Ocena II części egzaminu/Assessment of the second part of examination ___________ Wynik egzaminu dyplomowego (wyrównany do pełnej oceny wg. Regulaminu Studiów)/ BBA final examination assessment in total (according to the Rules of Studies) __________ 25 Oceny uzyskane w toku studiów/Grades obtained from the overall of the studies: 5 x _________ = 4 x _________ = 3 x _________ = 2 x _________ = 0,5 x _________ = Średnia arytmetyczna ocen z toku studiów/Grade Point Average from the overall of the studies _________ Średnia arytmetyczna z toku studiów/ Grade Point Average from overall of the studies Ocena I części egzaminu/Assessment of the first part of examination Ocena II części egzaminu/Assessment of the second part of examination x 0,6 = x 0,2 = x 0,2 = Razem/In total: Biorąc pod uwagę średnią arytmetyczną z toku studiów ______________, oraz ocenę z egzaminu dyplomowego ________________________, Komisja Egzaminacyjna jednogłośnie / większością głosów uznała, że Pan(i) Halyna Levchuk ukończył/a studia pierwszego stopnia z wynikiem __________________i postanowiła ___________________ tytuł licencjata z zakresu: finansów i rachunkowości / zarządzania. Considering the Grade Point Average from the overall studies _________, and assessment of the Diploma examination _________, the Examination Board decided unanimously / by a majority of votes to award / not to award a Bachelor Degree to Mr/Ms majoring in Finance and Accounting / Management with the final grade ___________________________________. Podpisy członków Komisji/ Podpis Przewodniczącego Komisji/ Signatures of Examination Board Members Signature of Head of Examination Board 26 12. CLEARANCE FORM KARTA OBIEGOWA/CLEARANCE FORM Data wydania / Date of issue ……………………………………………………. Imię, nazwisko / Name, surname ………………………………………………. Nr albumu / Number of student record book .......................................................... Kierunek studiów / Major ………………………................................................... Tryb / Mode of studies…………………………..................................................... Komórka / Department Data / Date Dziekanat / Dean’s Office .................. Biblioteka / Library .................. Kasa / Cash Desk .................. Dział IT / IT Department .................. AZS / Academic Sports Association .................. Dyplom 60 PLN / Diploma 60 PLN .................. Dyplom, wersja angielska 40 PLN / Diploma, English version Pieczęć, podpis / Stamp, signature .................. 40 PLN Zdjęcia 4,5 x 6,5 cm / Photos 4,5 x 6,5 cm .................. 27 13. APPLICATION FOR INCLUDING ADDITIONAL INOFRMATION IN THE SUPPLEMENT Application for including additional information in the Supplement to the KU Diploma of Higher Education 1. Student’s Name, Surname .................................................................................. 2. Number of Student Record Book ........................ Major.............................................................. Type of Activity Description Confirmation (signature of the supervisor, director, etc.) student research clubs research projects conducted at KU national and foreign student associations (KU Student Council, AISEC, etc.) reports, seminars, scientific conferences, publications diplomas, awards, distinctions for: a) academic b) sports and cultural achievements connected with educational background gained at KU internships, courses and other forms of training connected with educational background gained at KU other I declare that the above information is true and correct. ……………………. signature …………………… date 28