2013 HumanIT Annual Report

HumanIT Annual Report
March 2013 – February 2014
Executive Summary
HumanIT is a multidisciplinary research centre at Karlstad University, underlining user and human
perspectives on information and communication technologies (ICTs). The centre seeks to enhance the
appreciation and usability of ICTs, for improved livelihood without compromising human rights.
Departing from user perspectives, research on ICTs is enabled through collaboration between different
researchers at the University, and in close collaboration with the industry and public sector.
HumanIT profiles three areas that remain focused on user perspectives in ICT research;
ICT for/enabled Development (ICT4D)
Surveillance and Privacy in Information Society
ICT for Disaster Management and Crisis Communication
A number of developments within these areas took place during the year such as a successful research
application from Vinnova by the ICT for Disaster Management and Crisis Communication. Another
successful application was within the ICT enabled Development stream, where Jakob Svensson and
Caroline Wamala secured research funding from the Åke Wiberg foundation that will be used for field
work research in the autumn term of 2014. Research application to the Swedish Program for ICT in
Developing Regions, submitted by researchers led by John Sören Petterson from Informatics was
successful, and this project is on-going.
Doctoral seminars for PhD candidates affiliated with the centre were successfully held with
discussants/opponents, providing an interactive forum for discussion. Minor Field Studies (MFS) grantees
returned from their field visits and in September 2013, presented their findings during a HumanIT
Conferences (International and regional) furthered the centre’s visibility with the presence of HumanIT
director, and researchers affiliated with HumanIT. Additionally preparations for two international events,
the ICT for Democracy summer school and the Mobile Communications for Development Conference
scheduled to take place in the spring term of 2014, continued in earnest aided by technological platforms
such as Skype and email exchanges. Cooperation with the Society for Education and Research and
Development (SERD) in New Delhi India who will co-host and co-organise the ICT for Democracy
summer school was strengthened. New collaborations were also successfully sought with the University of
Applied Sciences in Vienna - Austria, Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar – Senegal and The Hague
university of Applied Sciences.
The Internet and Security Conference hosted by Compare, in Karlstad was in cooperation with different
regional partners. This occasion held October 2013 marked the commemoration of the European Cyber
Security month, and brought together Swedish and Norwegian actors from the industry, public sector, as
well as academic to discuss the cyber defense mechanisms that different institutions in Sweden and
Norway think about as well as utilize. To further HumanIT’s visibility in the region, HumanIT centre
sponsored a lunch at the conference, and together with HumanIT board member Mikael Lundström
distributed flyers and information material about HumanIT. Among the material distributed at the
conference was a flyer about seminars scheduled for the autumn term that would continue this very
important discussion on cyber security at the University in collaboration with HumanIT centre. 21
seminars were successfully hosted in 2013 majority in cooperating with other departments, 6 directly
organized by HumanIT.
Lastly the HumanIT director Jakob Svensson’s tenure came to an end in August 2013, and Caroline
Wamala assumed this position from that date. The HumanIT board that guides and supports the
development of the centre also renewed their commitment until 2016.
Table of Contents
Executive Summary ................................................................................................................................. 2
Detailed overview of 2013 .................................................................................................................. 4
Research Projects and Funding Applications ...................................................................................... 5
Doctoral Research at HumanIT............................................................................................................ 6
Collaboration and Conferences ........................................................................................................... 6
An overview of activities in the profile areas ................................................................................ 10
Industrial Cooperation................................................................................................................... 12
Seminar Series ................................................................................................................................... 12
Organisation and Information management .................................................................................... 16
Publications in 2013 .......................................................................................................................... 16
Detailed overview of 2013
The HumanIT centre is located under the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences after the
organizational restructuring. The centre’s portal paragraph, adapted in 2012, remained unchanged
in 2013 and reads as follows:
In close cooperation with the trade, industry and public sector, HumanIT is a multidisciplinary research center
underlining user and human perspectives on information and communication technologies (ICTs).
HumanIT seeks to enhance the appreciation and usability of ICTs in people’s everyday life without compromising
human rights such as privacy. Based on a human perspective, HumanIT focuses on ICT uses for improved
livelihood. Further attention is drawn to developing regions as well as the role and potential uses of ICTs in crisis
and emergency situations.
HumanIT objectives:
- Underline and strengthen research focusing on human perspectives of ICTs.
- Establish Karlstad University as a leading institution for research on human perspectives of ICTs.
- Provide a multi-disciplinary platform for research and collaboration across disciplines with trade,
industry and public sector.
- Contribute to the trade, industry and public sector by influencing product and service development.
The objectives above are achieved through the centre’s profile areas which as mentioned in the
executive summary are:
Surveillance and Privacy in the Information Society
ICT for/enabled Development (ICT4D)
ICT for Disaster Management and Crisis Communication.
Each of the profile areas secured some funding – explored subsequently – that will assist their
An inventory of the year’s activities point towards substantially more international cooperation as
will be noted throughout the report. The centre strives to engage with regional and international
institutions and a strong international presence is especially favourable towards Karlstad
University’s process of internationalization. Karlstad University’s international profile aims to
strengthen and enlarge its research and education through international cooperation which is a
process that HumanIT has contributed to significantly during this year. It is equally important
and beneficial for HumanIT to strengthen and expand the regional cooperation which is a task
that the centre will engage with actively during the autumn of 2014.
Research Projects and Funding Applications
The role of open access in the maturing process of IT research education. Three
case studies
John Sören Pettersson is the principle researcher in this research project that seeks to understand
the role Open Access can play for the growth of IT departments at East African universities.
Collaborating with researchers at Makerere University under the leadership of Rehema Baguma,
the research is being carried out in collaboration with an ongoing Spider supported education
project in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. Access to current, relevant and high quality research
results at low/no cost has a big potential to drive development in developing countries. Open
access (OA) research provides a platform for world-wide knowledge sharing but the channels are
still limited, particularly in developing countries. In this project the research team wants to make
a case study of the actual usage of OA but also study OA as a driver and as a possible barrier for
scholarly communication (will OA work/compete with existing fora?). OA initiatives, governing
policies as well as attitudes and habits of administrators and researchers of Information
Technology/Information Systems departments at Makerere University, Uganda, University of
Nairobi, Kenya, and University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and the department of Information Systems
at Karlstad University, Sweden, will be compared and discussed.
A site visit to Makerere University, by researchers from KAU was conducted in December 2013 by
researchers from Informatics, Prima Gustiené, Monika Magnusson, and Peter Bellström.
Virtual studio for crisis training
The application for a pre-study for a “Virtual studio for crisis training” was awarded a Vinnova
grant (within the FRÖN programme). This project is being hosted by Länsstyrelsen Värmland,
and Monika Magnusson who is the HumanIT coordinator for its ICT4 Crisis Communication
programme manages the project. Researchers from KAU specifically HumanIT and CCS will
perform the work with the Interactive Institute (Karlstad) and Risk and Crisis Research Center at
Mid Sweden University. The project will run from 1 November 2013 to 31 May 2014.
mEmpowerment - Mobile communication for empowering women and girls
This research proposal revolves around the notion of mEmpowerment; analysing to what extent
mobile communication contributes to the empowerment of women and girls. Mobile
communication has grown at an exponential rate in developing countries, clearly emerging as the
more accessible and popular device within the field of Information and Communication
Technologies for Development (ICT4D). The mobile phone is emerging as a critical tool for
development, evidenced by the numerous applications and platforms being developed on a
regular basis. While access to mobile devices is still an important obstacle, there is no doubt that
the proliferation of mobile telephony has opened up a range of possibilities and new avenues for
development and empowerment.
The research will be carried out by Jakob Svensson and Caroline Wamala and a field visit to
Uganda will be organized in the autumn of 2014.
Doctoral Research at HumanIT
HumanIT doctoral candidates Ilkin Mehrabov and Frank van Geelkerken held doctoral
seminars during the year. Ilkin presented his doctoral proposal in April 2013, and Frank in May
2013 with examiners/disccusants. During the year Ilkin also attended four international
conferences providing him the opportunity to share his research with other scholars. Ilkin also
carried out teaching during the year, and also has a peer reviewed journal publication that can be
seen at the end of this document with other publications from the centre. Frank is doing his PhD
in Law and ICT and Ilkin in Media and Communication.
Florencia Enghel, doctoral candidate in media and communication held her 60% seminar in
August 2013 on “A qualitative study of video letters.” Dr. Alexandra Segerberg, senior lecturer at
Stockholm University, was Florencia's opponent during the seminar. Florencia contributed a
chapter to an edited volume with Karin G. Wilkins, Joseph D Straubhaar & Shanti Kumar
published by Springer. Her chapter in this publication is included in the publications list at the
end of this document.
Paola Sartoretto, doctoral candidate also affiliated to HumanIT, carried out field work in Brazil
in 2013. Paola’s research in Media and Communication and her research focus is on the
communicative processes and media practices in the rural workers movement in Brazil.
Julio Angulo, Ph.D. Candidate in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI), attended the 15th
International Conference HCI International Las Vegas Nevada USA June 2013. His contribution
Profiles: prototyping an online information segregation service, was published by Springer, edited by M.
Kurosu, 2013.
Collaboration and Conferences
M4D2014 Conference
During 2013 HumanIT has worked to prepare for the 4th International Conference on Mobile
Communications for Development (M4D2014). The conference will take place the 8th - 9th of
April 2014 in Dakar, Senegal. Université Cheick Anta Diop de Dakar will be the main organizer
with HumanIT acting as a co-organizer. See the conference webpage www.m4d2014.net for more
information. Along with the website and call for papers sent via email, flyers have been printed to
be distributed at conferences to encourage participation in April 2014. The first call for papers
had as a due date 1 October 2013. An extended deadline to 1 December 2013 was granted to
encourage and accommodate more submissions from West African Institutions that were on
Academic term breaks. By 1 December the number of paper submissions received was over 70,
including workshops, panels and posters and demos.
The conference will be preceded by a doctoral workshop 7th April 2014, which will provide an
avenue for doctoral candidates who are doing their research in M4D with mentorship
opportunities by senior researchers, Prof Laura Stark from University of Jyväskylä, Prof Rich
Ling from IT university of Copenhagen, and Dr Jonathan Donner from Microsoft.
ICT4Democracy Summer School
Jakob Svensson and Dr Vikas Kumar following M4D2012 conference that was hosted by School
for Education and Research Development in New Delhi, begun discussions around a summer
school in the area of ICT use in democracy. To facilitate this process, Jakob successfully applied
for funding from STINT. This grant was used for the travel and accommodation of the principle
summer school organisers to have a pre-workshop meeting at the University of Applied Sciences
in Vienna in December 2013. The remainder of the funding will also facilitate the travel and
accommodation expenses for the organisers from Sweden, Switzerland and Austria.
The meeting in December took place in Vienna, and helped shape the agenda and schedule for
the summer school. The keynotes and lectures were also finalized during this two day meeting.
Over 20 participants from developing regions in the global south, as well as others in Europe
submitted papers for the summer school. These participants are at masters and PhD levels of
education. Each paper was reviewed by two members of the organizing committee. The
successful candidates were contacted and participants from the developing regions expressed a
need for funding assistance to participate in the summer school.
Crowd funding for summer school participants
While in Vienna the organisers set up a crowd funding page with Indigogo with a clear message
that the funds collected would go towards sponsoring the participants from developing countries.
This page run until February 9, 2014 with a target collection set at 6500 USD. At the close of the
campaign the amount collected was 1205 USD and this amount will go towards providing meals
for the summer school participants.
HumanIT Collaborating with The Hague University of Applied Sciences
The Academy for European Studies and Communication management at the Hague University of
Applied Sciences, has as its mission the goal to “provide students with the broadest professional,
academic and personal experience of the world during their time” at the Institution. The idea is
to “equip them with the necessary tools to be able to operate successfully in the global
community dealing with the emerging issues of the 21st Century world”1. In their third year,
students in teams of 5 or 6 students carry out assignments provided by “internationally oriented
companies and institutions, the idea being to provide students with practical insight in
contemporary themes”. As part of the “Europe 21” project within this course, Jakob Svensson
designed the assignment "Europe for a Democratic and Empowered Africa" - Evaluating development
initiatives on mobile phones for participation and empowerment in Africa for governmental European aid agencies.
Jakob and Caroline were the assignment providers and the student groups were required to
submit reports and present their assignments on the 19th December 2013 to Svensson and
Wamala and external Jurors. This process also required remote supervision provided by Svensson
and Wamala.
The Academic Guide Guest Students 2014-2015
Conferences Attended in 2013
During the year, international presence at conferences enlarged HumanIT centre’s visibility.
1. Mobile telephony in the Developing World University of Jyväskylä, Finland May 2013
Jakob and Caroline present a research paper on development of M4D
2. ACSIS Conference: On the Move, Norrköping, 11-13 May 2013. Paper by Prof Jansson,
André, in media and Communication studies. Paper titled: Media in Close Relationships:
A Quantitative Study Focusing on Mobile Lifestyles
3. The 2013 ECREA Digital Culture and Communication Conference – University of Bonn,
Germay, October 2013. The conference theme was “Digital culture, promises and
discomforts”. Jakob presented the research proposal submitted to Vetenskapsrådet in
April, titled “financial inclusion or social exclusion? Transacting social relations through mobile money
in Uganda”. Jakob was also invited as a key note speaker where he had the opportunity to
give a presentation titled “New media for development”.
4. ACSIS 2013: "On The Move", ACSIS (Advanced Cultural Studies Institute of Sweden),
11-13 June 2013, Norrköping, SWEDEN. 11.06.2013, Paper Presentation by Ilkin
Mehrabov: "Moving Forward the Concept: Critical reflections on universality of music
5. ICA 2013: "Challenging Communication Research", ICA (International Communication
Association), 17-21 June 2013, London, UK. Paper presentation by PhD Candidate Ilkin
Mehrabov: "Challenging the Intersections of Media and Communication Research: Terra
Incognita of Surveillance Studies".
6. IAMCR 2013: "Crises, ‘Creative Destruction’ and the Global Power and Communication
Orders", IAMCR (International Association for Media and Communication Research),
25-29 June 2013, Dublin, IRELAND. Paper Presentation by Ilkin Mehrobov (with
Miyase Christensen): "Mediatization, Migration and Home-Making: Ontological and
Material Dimensions". Title of Paper Presentation: "Re-appropriating the Means of
Production and Distribution: DIY, Copyleft, and ‘Alternative’ Music".
7. 15th International Conference HCI International Las Vegas Nevada USA June 2013,
Julio Angulo, PhD candidate in Human Computer Interaction.
8. International Communication Association, 17-21 June 2013 at the Hilton London
Metropole, London, UK with Karlsson, Michael, Associate professor in Media and
Communication. Paper titled: Content analysis is dead, long live content analysis?
9. 9th Swedish National Computer Networking Workshop, Lund, June 3-4, 2013, with
Alfredsson, Stefan from Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013),
Institutionen för matematik och datavetenskap) (Distributed Systems and
Communication Research Group. Paper titled: Observations of Bufferbloat in Swedish
Cellular Networks. Co-authored by: Del Giudice, Giacomo; Garcia, Johan; Brunstrom,
Anna; De Cicco, Luca; Mascolo, Saverio.
10. IEEE International Symposium on a World of Wireless, Mobile and Multimedia
Networks, 4-7 June 2013, Madrid – Spain with Alfredsson, Stefan from Fakulteten för
hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013), Institutionen för matematik och
datavetenskap) (Distributed Systems and Communication Research Group. Paper titled:
Impact of TCP Congestion Control on Bufferbloat in Cellular Networks. Co-authored
by: Del Giudice, Giacomo; Garcia, Johan; Brunstrom, Anna; De Cicco, Luca; Mascolo,
11. Future Network & Mobile Summit Lisabon 3-5 July 2013 with Rajiullah, Mohammad,
Doctoral candidate with Institutionen för matematik och datavetenskap, Paper titled:
Reducing Internet Transport Latency for Thin Streams and Short Flows. Co-authored by:
Brunström, Anna and Petlund, Andreas
12. 2013 IEEE 24th International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio
Communications(PIMRC): Mobile and Wireless Networks, Klockar, Annika from
Fakulteten för ekonomi, kommunikation och IT, Avdelningen för datavetenskap paper
titled: Utility as a User Selection Criterion for Coordinated Multi-Point Systems. Coauthored by: Botella, Carmen; Sternad, Mikael; Brunstrom, Anna; Svensson, Tommy.
13. Nordmedia 8-11 Augusti 2013, Oslo; Clerwall, Christer, paper titled: Who wrote this?
Users' perception of software-generated content in online news
14. Nordmedia13 Oslo 8-11 August, with Holt, Kristoffer (Linnéuniversitetet), Karlsson,
Michael. Paper titled: How are citizen journalists telling news? The Swedish case
15. Nordmedia13 Oslo 8-11 augusti, with Karlsson, Michael. Paper titled: Getting softer or
harder?: A longitudinal study of news topics in tabloid, quality and local newspaper
websites in U.K. and Sweden.
16. Aboagora Symposium 2013: The Human Machine, Turku, 13-15 August 2013.
With Jansson, André, Professor in Media and Communication. Paper titled: Reflections on
Social Media: Invited panel presentation at the Symposium: The Human Machine
17. Future of Journalism Cardiff 12-13 September, with Karlsson, Michael; Clerwall, Christer
& Nord, Lars. Paper titled: Transparency and credibility: An experimental study
18. Future of Journalism Cardiff 12-13 September, with Karlsson, Michael; paper titled:
Digitalization and tabloidization: A longitudinal study of news topics in tabloid, quality
and local newspaper websites in U.K. and Sweden
19. The Internet and Security Conference at Karlstad with Compare2, Karlstad October 2013.
In commemoration with the European Cyber Security Month, this event was the result of
cooperation from different partnerships. The occasion gave opportunity to discuss the
cyber defense mechanisms that different institutions in Sweden and Norway think about
or use.
20. The 16th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of
Wireless and Mobile Systems (MSWiM’13), Barcelona, November 3 to 8,2013. With
Lavén, Andreas from Fakulteten för hälsa, natur- och teknikvetenskap (from 2013),
Institutionen för matematik och datavetenskap. Paper titled: Performance Evaluation of
the Anypath Routing and Forwarding Mechanism AP-OLSR. Co-authored by:
Brunstrom, Anna & Kassler, Andreas
From the above activities, a number of research collaborations have been developed and
From the conference in Bonn, Jakob Svensson connected with Sandy Ross Sociology
Fellow from the Higher School of Economics, Moscow Russia.
Collaboration with the Hague University of Applied Sciences was developed with a
foresight of future cooperation
Danube University Krems, Austria
Vienna University of Applied Sciences for Managment and Communication
University of Zurich with the Institute for Mass Communication and Media Research
University of Jyväskyla, with a subsequent invitation to Professor Laura Stark to give a
keynote at the M4D2014 conference in Dakar.
University Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar
Strengthened cooperation with Makerere University through the open access project (see
page 4)
School for Education and Research Development in New Delhi - India
An overview of activities in the profile areas
” Compare Karlstad is a joint organization for ICT companies in the region. Compare was formed by the
seven major companies 12 years ago and has now almost 100 members with a total of around 3.000 engineers
and technicians in the region. Their common goal from the start was to find areas where they could cooperate
and benefit from one another in order to underpin the region as an attractive place for companies for business
and finding good competence. This cooperation has now been extended and further developed to form
innovative interaction with players from trade and industry, research and society.” http://www.compare.se/
Profile area: Surveillance and Privacy in Information Societies
Funding applications and On-going research projects
Ongoing research projects include the EU FP7 project A4Cloud (Accountability for the Cloud and
Future Internet Services) with Computer Science Department as the leading partner in cooperation
with Information Systems and Psychology, as well as the EU FP7 FET integrated project SmartSociety
with Computer Science as a participant. In the A4Cloud project, HumanIT participants cooperate in
the research area of usable transparency tools.
The Computer Science Department has been involved in several EU H2020 applications, from which
the Research and Innovation Action project PRISMACLOUD; which deals with privacy-enhancing
crypto for the Cloud, was already successful and a grant agreement with the EC is currently under
Profile area: ICT enabled Development
Funding applications and On-going research projects
Ongoing research projects include: “The role of open access in the maturing process of IT
research education”. Three case studies and “mEmpowerment - Mobile communication for
empowering women and girls” discussed on pages 3 and 4 respectively.
Research application titled Financial Inclusion or Social Exclusion? Transacting social relations
through mobile money in Uganda, submitted to Vetenskapsrådet (VR) was not granted funding.
The lead applicant Caroline Wamala and collaborating researchers, Jakob Svensson, Evelyn
Kahiigi, Ali Ndiwalana have decided to revise the application based on feedback from VR and
will include Sandy Ross with expert knowledge on the sociology of money in the revised
application that will be submitted in April 2014.
Profile area: ICT for Crisis and disaster management
Funding applications and On-going research projects
As mentioned earlier (see page 5) this profile area received a Vinnova grant and the idea for the
research is to bring together the expertise that exists within the centre for Climate & Safety on
the flood hazards that exist today as well as in the future. It is important to acquire knowledge of
how hazards can be managed by the community, with the expertise that exists in computer
science, informatics and media and communication studies on computer-assisted monitoring,
warning and communication and knowledge of the relationship between computers and human
beings. An initial project workshop was run simultaneous in Karlstad and Östersund in
December 2013 with many different sorts of stakeholders. The workshop was supported by
video conferencing and on-line documentation. From this as well as from study visits and
discussions with invited guests, the stakeholder analysis has highlighted the need for continuous
training, possibly IT-supported rather than more of the physical arrangements that normally are
considered as exercises and awareness-raising activities for crises preparedness. The preliminary
requirements include both individual training and cooperation, and the form should allow for
‘slow’ training such as half an hour a week but stretched over several weeks or months. Also
designing the scenarios and problems to be used is a pertinent requirement as such work has
proven to raise the awareness of the participating organisations concerning deficiencies in their
preparedness. Involvement of public is also highlighted but not yet defined precisely for the
training system even if good examples exist for instance in Karlstad Kommun’s Facebook page
for collecting or distributing information rapidly.
The pilot project financed by VINNOVA will result in one or more applications in autumn 2014,
possibly with the two county boards of Värmland and Jämtland as applying partner.
Industrial Cooperation
HumanIT strengthened relations with Compare and gained visibility with others during the
Internet and Security Conference, where HumanIT sponsored a lunch as mentioned earlier, and
together with Mikael Lundtröm distributed flyers and discussed the centre and its research
profiles with conference delegates.
Konsument Europa and Compare, organized a seminar with Jussi Kosninen presenting from
Paypal, what the future looked like for online and mobile commerce. The seminar was widely
communicated at Karlstad University and attended by Caroline.
Seminar Series
A number of seminars were given during the year. Some of these were HumanIT seminars,
others were in cooperation with other centers or departments at the University as well as the
industry in the region.
3 April 2013 Ilkin Mehrobov Doctoral Candidate from Geography, Media and Communications
presented his doctoral proposal. The Seminar was part of Media Communications seminar.
8 May 2013 Seminar co-organized with Konsument Europa and Compare, Karlstad. Hur vill du
handla på nätet och med mobilen i framtiden? Jussi Koskinen från PayPal berättar om senaste
nytt inom M-commerce.
8 May 2013 A Seminar from the department of Geography, Media & Communications Studies
by Prof. André Jansson who discussed the Kinetic Elites Project, specifically the theoretical and
methodological challenges.
22 May 2013 A 60% doctoral seminar from MKV, with doctoral candidate Johan Lindell the
department of Media and Communication Studies. Seminar titled: Expanding Social Imaginaries:
Cosmopolitanism in a Mediatized World. Dr. Magnus Andersson, senior lecturer at Malmö
University, was the opponent during the seminar.
29 May 2013, PhD Candidate Frank van Geelkerken, one of the HumanIT PhD Candidates
doing his PhD in law presented his ongoing research at the HumanIT seminar.
21 August 2013, Florencia Enghel, doctoral candidate with Geography, Media &
Communication Studies department, had her 60% seminar on “A qualitative study of
videoletters.” Dr. Alexandra Segerberg, senior lecturer at Stockholm University, was Florencia's
opponent during the seminar.
2 September 2013. HumanIT MFS (Minor Field Studies) scholarships recipients Raul Ferrer, and
Kelsey Williams presented their field studies towards their masters degrees, from Ghana and
Lebanon, respectively.
5 September 2013, MKV higher seminar, with Maria Luna, PhD Candidate & research assistant
from Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain presented on Mapping heterotopias in
Colombian armed conflict documentary films: 2002-2010.
16 October 2013, Seminar by Ida Lindgren presenting her PhD thesis on Public e-service
stakeholders. A study on who matters for public e-service development and implementation from Linköping
16 October 2013, an MKV seminar with Dr Martin Berg, Senior Lecturer at the department of
Sociology at Halmstad University, presenting on the Mediatization of everyday life: Facebook as a
social intermediary
1 November 2013, a CS colloquium given by candidates for the PriSec PhD position. Guest
Speaker was Anna Giannakou with a presentation titled “Generating energy aware software by
means of Multi-objective evolutionary Algorithms
6 November 2013, Presenting her on-going research with the Centre for Gender studies,
Caroline Wamala had a seminar with the title, “The missing scripts in ICT4D”.
7 November 2013, Raul Ferrer defended his master’s thesis – Mobile accessibility in disaster
environments: Accessing mobile technology in crisis management in Ghana
27 November 2013, a seminar organized by MKV with Virgina Melián who discussed Social
media use by new social movements in the context of Latin America.
28 November 2013, Researchers from Information Systems at Karlstad University presented
presented an overview of what IS researchers as KAU are investigating. The seminar was titled:
eService Modelling, Design and Use
3 December 2013, HumanIT invited PhD Candidate, Peter Wikström from the department of
Linguistics to give a presentation of his research. His topic for the seminar was “ I tweet like I
talk ^_^: Modality and affordance on Twitter.”
8 January 2014, Seminar organized by MKV with Dr Tina Askanius, postdoctoral researcher at
the department of Media and Communication from Lund University. The topic of discussion was
Online video Activism and Political Mash-up Genres.
22 January 2014, Johan Lindell, doctoral candidate in Media and Communication Studies had his
90% seminar on Explanding Social Imaginaries: Cosmopilitanism in a Mediatized World. Dr.
Alexa Robertson, associate professor at Stockholm University, was Johan's opponent during the
5 February 2014, an MKV seminar with Jakob Svensson titled “Cock fighting in the Digital age:
Political participation on the LGBT community Qruiser”.
12 February 2014, Higher seminar update on Post doc projects delivered by Dr James Pamment,
Post-Doctoral researcher at the department of Radio-Television-Film The University of Texas
Austin, USA.
19 February 2014, Higher seminar with Dr Anders Larsson, post-doctoral fellow at the
department of Media and communication, Oslo University, Norway: Seminar title “Political
communication online – examples from Norway and Sweden.
Evaluation of HumanIT seminars
Following the recommendation of the HumanIT board, an audit of the HumanIT seminars was carried
out during the autumn with the following results. The questionnaire circulated to seminar participants is
attached to this document as an annex. These results will be published online after collecting more
opinions in the Spring of 2014.
9 responses were obtained from attendants. Surveys circulated were seldom filled in by those in
attendance, and an alternative would be to prepare a questionnaire using survey and report and circulate that
in the HumanIT mailing list instead and see what responses are obtained.
The first questions focused on communication regarding the seminars and as shown in the diagrams
below, the general consensus is that the seminars are communicated in good time and that reminders are
highly appreciated.
The next question asked whether seminars should be held in the same location.
Of the seven respondents, four thought that
this would be an excellent move, one thought it
was unacceptable to have the seminars in the
same location, a third response was that the
location of the seminars did not matter, as the
selection made was “not applicable”, and
another response felt that it was not acceptable
to host the seminars in the same location every
The third question asked if the format of the seminars was acceptable, i.e. presenters present their work,
followed by questions and comments, and the following responses were obtained.
As shown in the pie chart respondents are
satisfied with current format the seminars are in.
A question on the value placed on the HumanIT seminars produced the following responses
Four respondents felt that the seminars were
invaluable, one was satisfied and the respondent
who noted that this question was not applicable
had never been to a humanIT seminar before,
as they stated in their comments section of the
questionnaire, it was therefore difficult for them
to say what value the seminars provided.
Not all questions were answered. Two of the respondents only provided comments in the section
requesting feedback on what could be improved about the seminars.
The comments provided are as follows:
“Might be a good idea to have the same location, some places such as Minerva in house 12
aren’t that good since the audience faces each other as opposed to the presenter”
“It might be a good idea to have discussants with each presentation especially good for doctoral
candidates who are preparing conference presentations.”
“The level of assistance is too low”
“Attract people from different departments for a more interdisciplinary discussion”
“Jag har deltagit i for få HumanIT seminarier for att kunna besvara frågorna tidsbrist;
konkurrerande aktiviteter och främsta anledningen, inte kvalitén eller formen for seminarierna
som sådan. Ej heller bristen på information (Jag får via maillistan)”
“I find the seminars to be highly informative and constructive. I do believe most of the
criticisms are highly professional but can be unnecessarily highly opinionated. I believe all
presenters do a great job over the course of their presentation and have the right to agree or
disagree with a remark made by a fellow colleague. Personally I believe the presenter should take
more initiative in defending their stance on their research as opposed to be acceptable to the
criticism of their fellow associates”.
Although the response rate is low, there is value associated with the HumanIT seminars, and after the
autumn term experience with hosting these seminars, it should be as suggested by the HumanIT board,
productive to request registration of attendance prior to the occasion so that a decision whether to hold
the seminar or postpone it can be made.
Organisation and Information management
As mentioned earlier, Jakob Svensson’s directorship tenure ended in August 2013. Caroline who up until
then had been the ICT4D coordinator was elected by the board to assume the position of director after
Jakob. This change also meant that the agreement with the board members had to be renewed. All board
members unanimously agreed to stay until 2016.
During 2013, 7 board meetings were held. An emergency board meeting was convened for 23rd December
2013, to discuss and find solutions to Caroline’s (as director) employment situation.
Twitter is being used by the center as a news broadcaster and as of today has a record of 1 146 tweets, 367
followers and is following 520 others.
Publications in 2013
Ilkin Mehrabov, 2013, 'Turkey and the 'Copyleft' Music Production: Reflections on Bandista',
IASPM@Journal, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 80-90. (Special issue: "The Digital Nation: Copyright,
Technology and Politics"). DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.5429/2079-3871(2012)v3i1.7en
Wamala, C.V. (2013) I have to give an “I can” attitude: Gender Patterns in Beeping Practices.
SageOpen 3(1)
Angulo, Julio (2013). Profiles: prototyping an online information segregation service in Kurosu,
M., (eds). Human-Computer Interaction: Users and Contexts of Use, volume 8006, Proceedings Part III,
Enghel, Florencia (2013). Children’s Well-Being and Communication in Asher Ben-Arieh, Ferran
Casas, Ivar Frønes & Jill E. Korbin (eds). Handbook of Child Well-Being: Theories, Methods and
Policies in Global Perspective, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. Sao Paulo
Enghel, Florencia (2013). Diferentes, desiguales y desconectados: la comunicación para el
desarrollo como interrogante I Castillo Rocha, Carmen; Murillo Licea Daniel y Quiroz Carranza
Roxana (eds),. Comunicación y desarrollo en la agenda latinoamericana del siglo XXI.
Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán, Mérida
Enghel, Florencia (2013). Communication, Development, and Social Change: Future
Alternatives. In Karin G. Wilkins, Joseph D Straubhaar & Shanti Kumar (eds). Global
Communication: New Agendas in Communication, Routledge, London and New York pp 119141.
Fischer-Hübner, Simone; Berthold, Stefan (2013). Privacy Enhancing Technologies, in: John
Vacca (Ed.), Computer and Information Security Handbook, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Zhang, Ge & Fischer-Hübner, Simone (2013): Counteract DNS Attacks on SIP Proxies Using
Bloom Filters. ARES Conference 2013: 678-684. IEEE Xplore.
Fischer-Hübner, Simone; Hoofnagle, Chris; Krontiris, Ioannis; Rannenberg, Kai; Waidner,
Michael; Bowden, Caspar (2013). in: M. Hildebrandt et al. (Eds.), Digital Enlightenment
Yearbook 2013: The Value of Personal Data. IOS Pres.
Tschofenig, Hannes; Volkamer, Melanie; Jentzsch, Nicola; Fischer-Hübner, Simone; Schiffner,
Stefan; Tirtea, Rodica (2013) The security, privacy and usability of online seals. Technical Report,
, ENISA (European Network and Information Security Agency).
Berthold, Stefan; Fischer-Hübner, Simone; Martucci, Leonardo A.; Pulls, Tobias (2013). Crime
and Punishment in the Cloud. In Proc. of: DIMACS/BIC/A4Cloud/CSA International
Workshop on Trustworthiness, Accountability and Forensics in the Cloud (TAFC), Malaga,
May 2013.
Fischer-Hübner, Simone; de Leeuw, Elisabeth; Mitchell, Chris (Eds.): Policies and Research in
Identity Management - Third IFIP WG 11.6 Working Conference, IDMAN 2013, London, UK,
April 8-9, 2013. Proceedings. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology
396, Springer 2013.
Camenisch, Jan; Fischer-Hübner, Simone; Murayama, Yuko (2013). Future Challenges in Security
and Privacy for Academia and Industry (Editorial), Computers and Security, Vol. 30, Elsevier,
Jansson, André (2013). Transclusion vs. Demediation: Ambiguities of Media Practices in
Cosmopolitan Re-Embedding Processes. 63rd Annual ICA Conference, London, 17-21 June
Jansson, André (2013). Keeping in Touch: (Trans)Mediated Communication in Close
Relationships. 21st NordMedia Conference, Oslo, 8-11 August 2013
Jansson, André (2013). A Second Birth?: Cosmopolitan Media Ethnography and Bourdieu’s
Reflexive Sociology. International journal of cultural studies 16(2)
Jansson, André (2013). Kommunikationsformer i nära relationer. I Weibull, Lennart; Henrik
Oscarsson and Annika Bergström (red.). skäl: 43 kapitel om politik, medier och samhälle : SOMundersökningen.
Jansson, André (2013). The Hegemony of the Urban/Rural Divide: Cultural Transformations
and Mediatized Moral Geographies in Sweden. Space and Culture. Sage. Pp-88-103
Rajiullah, Mohammad; Brunström, Anna; Petlund, Andreas (2013) Performance Analysis and
Improvement of PR-SCTP for Small Messages: Computer Networks, Elsevier
Karlsson, Michael & Clerwall, Christer (2013). Negotiating Professional News Judgment and
“Clicks”: Comparing tabloid, broadsheet and public service traditions in Sweden. Nordic Research
on Media and Communication
Karlsson, Michael; Clerwall, Christer & Buskqvist, Ulf (2013). Digitala medier, public relations
och strategisk politisk kommunikation i Jesper Strömbäck & Lars Nord (red.). Kampen om
opinionen: Politisk kommunikation under svenska valrörelser. SNS förlag pp. 89-115
Karlsson, Michael; Clerwall, Christer & Buskqvist, Ulf (2013). Political Public Relations on the
Net: A Relationship Management Perspective. Public Relations Journal. The Public Relations Society
of America
Karlsson, Michael(2013). Journalistiker i. Gunnar Nygren, Ingela Wadbring (red.). På väg mot
medievärlden 2020: Journalistik, teknik, marknad. Studentlitteratur
Strömbäck, Jesper (Mittunversitetet) & Karlsson, Michael(2013). Determinants of news content:
Comparing journalists’ perceptions of the normative and the actual impact of different event
properties when deciding what’s news in: The Future of Journalism: Developments and Debates
Edited by Bob Franklin, Routledge.
Lundin, Reine & Lindskog, Stefan (2013). On Entropy of Selectively Encrypted Bitmap Images
using Information Neighborhoods. Journal of Information Assurance and Security. Dynamic Publishers
Incorporation pp. 86-96.
Åkerlund, Dan (2013). Klassen i dialog med omvärlden: Pedagogiska vinster när skolan syns på
nätet. Bok (Övrig (populärvetenskap, debatt, mm)). Internetfonden