7th Grade Math 6501 Jeffery Ostrom Geometry for the Classroom Executive summary During this unit student will gain a greater understanding of the 7th grade Minnesota Geometry & Measurement Standards, through active activities done in groups and individual work. We will be covering standards: 7.3 Geometry & Measurement, Use reasoning with proportions and ratios to determine measurements, justify formulas and solve real-world and mathematical problems involving circles and related geometric figures; 7.3 Geometry & Measurement Analyze the effect of change of scale, translations and reflections on the attributes of two-dimensional figures We will be using a variety of methods to learn these standards. We will be using graphs, tables, manipulatives (concrete), verbal and formulas, to help better understand these math standards. There will be a pre and post-test given to assess how the students have progressed in their interaction of the unit. The assessment questions will come from activities done in class, MCA Sample test, and other sources. Then we will work through each activities building on prior skill and learning new ones that will help students better understand the standards that they will need to cover in 7th grade and on. They will be able to solve problems like: The purpose of the first activity is to motivate students to examine relationships among geometric properties. You will then move into translations, reflections and Rotations. In Geometry of Circles activity student will using a MIRATM geometry tool, students determine the relationships between radius, diameter, circumference and area of a circle. The next lesson “Apple Pi” Students will be using estimation and measurement skills, students will determine the ratio of circumference to diameter and explore the meaning of π. Students will discover the circumference and area formulas based on their investigations. Students in adding it all up students will be drawing various polygons and investigate their interior angles. In Cubed Cans lesson, students will use formulas they have explored for the volume of a cylinder and convert them into the same volume for rectangular prisms while trying to minimize the surface area. In this lesson Hay Bale Farmer, students will use dimensions of round and square hay bales to calculate and compare volumes. They also calculate unit prices to determine which hay bale is the better value. Finally, students explore how to fit round and square bales into a barn to maximize volume, and decide which type of hale bale is the best choice. Lastly in Hitting Your Mark, student will draw concentric circles, determine angle measures given a prescribed number of equal segments, and calculate measurements for a scale figure. Table of Contents (1 day) Pre-Test (2 days) Polygon Capture (2 days) Translations Reflection and Rotations (1 day) Geometry of Circles (2 days) The Ratio of Circumference to Diameter (2 days) Discovering the Area Formula for a Circle (1 day) Adding it All Up (1 day) Cubed Cans (1 day) Hay Bale Farmer (1 day) Hitting the Mark (1 day) Post Test Pre-Test Geometry Name___________________________ What is the area of the smaller circle A sprinkler is at the center of a lawn. The sprinkler waters the area inside the circle. How many square units will be waters? Using the diagram above, what would be the circumference of the circle? Erin keeps her dog in the pen shown below. The pen is made by 2 walls of a building and a curved fence. What is the approximate length of the fence? What is the volume of the small hay bale below? How much plastic would it take to wrap the hay bale above? A 900 ft2 bag of seed cost $6. What would be the cost of seeding this yard? Identify as many of the polygons below. Polygon Capture In this lesson, students classify polygons according to more than one property at a time. In the context of a game, students move from a simple description of shapes to an analysis of how properties are related. This lesson was adapted from an article which appeared in the October, 1998 edition of Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School. Learning Objectives Students will: precisely describe, classify, and understand relationships among types of two- and three-dimensional objects using their defining properties create and critique inductive arguments concerning geometric ideas and relationships progress from description to analysis of geometric shapes and their properties Materials Polygon Capture Game Rules Polygon Capture Game Cards, photocopied onto cardstock Polygon Capture Game Polygons, photocopied onto cardstock The purpose of this game is to motivate students to examine relationships among geometric properties. From the perspective of the Van Hiele model of geometry, the students move from recognition or description to analysis (Fuys 1988). Often, when asked to describe geometric figures, middle school students mention the sides ("The opposite sides are equal") or the angles ("It has four right angles"), but they rarely use more than one property or describe how two properties are related. For example, is it possible to have a four-sided figure with opposite sides not equal and four right angles? Or a triangle with three right angles? What geometric relationships make such figures possible or impossible? By having to choose figures according to a pair of properties, players go beyond simple recognition to an analysis of the properties and how they interrelate. Choosing all figures in the Polygon Capture Game Polygons sheet that have parallel opposite sides is relatively easy. Choosing all figures with parallel opposite sides and at least one obtuse angle requires reasoning, and a good analysis of such figures leads to the inference that all nonrectangular parallelograms have these two properties, as does the regular hexagon. Another purpose of the game is to give students a format for using important geometric vocabulary-parallel, perpendicular, quadrilateral, acute, obtuse, and right angle-in a playful situation. The basic game is described below and is followed by warm-ups and extensions. Launch To get ready for the game, distribute copies of Polygon Capture Game Rules, Polygon Capture Game Cards, and Polygon Capture Game Polygons. You will need only one copy of each master for every two students. Before introducing the game, have the students cut out the polygons and the cards. They should also mark each card on the back to designate it as an "angle" or "side" card. The eight cards from the top of Polygon Capture Game Cards sheet should be marked with an "A" for angle property; the eight cards from the bottom should be marked with an "S" for side property. Before the game, assess the students' familiarity with the vocabulary used in this game, such as parallel, perpendicular, polygon, and acute angle by engaging students in a class discussion in which they define, illustrate, or find examples of the geometry terms. Explore Basic Rules of the Game Have the students read the rules on Polygon Capture Game Rules sheet. Teachers have found it helpful to begin by playing the game together, the teacher against the class. You may want to do so a few times until the class is confident about the rules. For the first game, remove the Steal Card to simplify the game. To introduce the game as a whole-class activity, lay all twenty polygons in the center of the overhead projector. Students may lay out their shapes and follow along. An introductory game observed in one of the classrooms (as shown in step 4, below) proceeded as follows. 1. The teacher draws the cards All angles have the same measure and All sides have the same measure. She takes figures D, G, Q, and S, placing them in her pile and out of play. 2. Students then pick the cards At least two angles are acute and It is a quadrilateral. They choose figures I, J, K, M, N, O, and R. 3. On her second turn, the teacher picks the cards There is at least one right angle and No sides are parallel. She chooses figures A and C and then asks students to find a figure that she could have taken but forgot. One student points out that figure H has a right angle and no parallel sides. Other students are not sure that this polygon has a right angle, which leads to a discussion of how they might check. 4. The students then proceed to take two new cards. (a) Teacher selects cards. Angle card: All angles have the same measure. Side card: All sides have the same measure. (c) Teacher selects cards. Angle card: There is at least one right angle. Side card: No sides are parallel. (b) Students select cards. Angle card: At least two angles are acute. Side card: It is a quadrilateral. (d) Students capture piece that teacher missed. When no polygons remain in play that match the two cards chosen, the player may turn over one additional card-either an angle or a side card. This move calls for some planning and analysis to determine whether an angle card or a side card is most likely to be useful in capturing the most polygons. If the player still cannot capture any polygons, play moves to the opponent. When all cards in a deck are used up before the end of the game, they are reshuffled. Play continues until two or fewer polygons remain. The player with the most polygons is the winner. When the "Wild Card" is selected, the player may name whatever side property he or she wishes; it need not be one of the properties listed on the cards. Again, a good strategy to capture the largest number of polygons requires an analysis of the figures that are still in play. Steal Card When the "Steal Card" comes up, a card from the deck is not drawn. Instead, the player has the opportunity to capture some of the opponent's polygons. The person who has chosen the Steal Card names two properties (one side and one angle) and "steals" the polygons with those properties from the opponent. The students may select their own properties, not necessarily those on the game cards. If the opponent has no polygons yet, the Steal Card is put back in the deck and a new card chosen. Share Have the students share their keys to playing the game. Summarize Were the students able to precisely describe, classify, and understand relationships among types of two- and three-dimensional objects using their defining properties Were the students able to create and critique inductive arguments concerning geometric ideas and relationships Teacher Notes o One interesting aspect of the game is the various strategies that students use. Some students go through the figures one at a time, using a trial-anderror method to match them to properties on the cards. Some students perform two sorts; they find the polygons that match the first card and, of this group, those that also match the second card. Others seem to analyze the properties and mentally visualize the polygons that are possible. In analyzing properties ("Is this angle acute?"), students quickly learn to use angles and sides in other figures as benchmarks, for example, using the right angle in a rectangle to check whether a triangle has a right angle. Generally classes play with no time limits, although students could choose a limit as an option. Extensions 1. Some teachers have found that coordinating two properties is initially too difficult for their students and have simplified the game by placing all cards into a single pile. For this simpler version only one card is turned over, and students choose all polygons with that property. In this adaptation, it is probably best to remove the Wild Card and the Steal Card. The other rules are the same as described previously. Because only one property is being analyzed at a time, this game will go more rapidly. 2. The polygons on the Polygon Capture Game Polygons sheet can also be used for various sorting games and activities. For example, students may work in pairs, with one student separating the shapes into groups based on some rule or set of rules, and the other student trying to deduce the rules. Whereas some students may begin with simple classifications (rectangles and nonrectangles), others may use more complex relationships (regular polygons, polygons with equal sides but not equal angles, and other figures). With a little experience, many students will find interesting ways to sort the polygons. You may also use the figures to review geometry vocabulary before the game: "Find all of the figures that have a pair of perpendicular sides." "Pick all regular polygons." These activities provide a nice warm-up to the game and other geometry activities. 3. Several other extensions of the game are possible. More polygons can be added, either by the teacher or by the students, including some that are more difficult to capture, such as a kite or a nonconvex hexagon. Nonpolygons, such a figures with curves, can be added for sorting activities. Additional property cards can also be added to the basic deck. For example, as students learn more about polygons, you may wish to add angle cards, such as Opposite angles have equal measure or The number of vertices is a prime number. Similarly, questions about diagonals can be added to the side cards, such as All diagonals have the same length. If you have a set of geometric solids available, you can adapt this game to to three-dimensional geometry. Instead of side and angle cards, make one set of surface and face cards ("I have one curved surface") and edge and vertex cards ("I have an even number of vertices"). If three-dimensional solids are not available, make a third set of picture cards. Instead of polygon cards, students choose the geometric solids. 4. The Polygon Capture game cards can also be used to generate figures. As in the game, students turn over two cards. Instead of capturing polygons, they use a geoboard or dot paper to make a figure that has the two properties. Rather than a game, this is simply an activity to help students learn to coordinate the features of a polygon. NCTM Standards and Expectations Geometry 6-8 1. Create and critique inductive and deductive arguments concerning geometric ideas and relationships, such as congruence, similarity, and the Pythagorean relationship. 2. Understand relationships among the angles, side lengths, perimeters, areas, and volumes of similar objects 3. Precisely describe, classify, and understand relationships among types of two- and three-dimensional objects using their defining properties. References Carroll, William. "Polygon Capture: A Geometry Game." Mathematics Teaching in the Middle School, Volume 4 (Ocober 1998), pp. 90‑ 94. Fuys, David, Dorothy Geddes, and Rosamond Tischler. The Van Hiele Model of Thinking in Geometry Among Adolescents. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Monograph Series, no. 3. Reston, Va.: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, 1988. This lesson prepared by William Carroll. Polygon Capture GAME POLYGONS © 2008 National Council of Teachers of Mathemati cs http://illuminations.nctm.org Translations Reflections and Rotations Standards: Geometry & Measurement;; Graph and describe translations and reflections of figures on a coordinate grid and determine the coordinates of the vertices of the figure after the transformation. Key terms: Segment, Midpoint, Center Point, Vertices, Coordinates, Line of Symmetry, Translation, Reflection, and Rotation. Supplies: Computers with internet access, worksheet NLVM Translation-RefectionRotation, Bell Work: Write these terms in your math composition books. Launch: Ask the student if they had good weekend, and lead them into a story about how you went golfing and you didn’t play particularly well. That you were having trouble with choosing the correct club/tool and taking the correct swing, and you didn’t score very well. Ask the students if they have ever golfed before or maybe seen it on t.v.? What is the object or goal in golf? I am going to introduce you to the game of golf, but not just any game of golf, “Geometric Golfer”. Explain that is game is a little bit different than the one you might see on t.v. In this game you don’t have clubs… you have tools like reflection, translation, and rotations. Show them a quick demo of the game. Then explain that before they get to play we must first learn how use these tools. We are very concerned about safety so we need to learn how use our tools properly so no one gets hurt by a bad shot and we will have a better chance of having a good score, so we will not play the game until we understand the game better. Explore: Have the students in pairs go to http://nlvm.usu.edu/ on a computer. One student will operate the computer the other student will document their findings on a work sheet, after each transformation you will switch roles. Have them select Geometry : 6-8. You will then have to scroll down the page and select: Transformations Reflection – Dynamically interact with and see the result of a reflection transformation. You and your partner will document your findings. What do you notice when you select the axis box? You will then select the back arrow key, you still may have to scroll down the page and select: Transformations - Translation – Dynamically interact with and see the result of a translation transformation. Remember to switch roles and document your findings. Do the same for Transformations - Rotation – Dynamically interact with and see the result of a rotation transformation. Share: When you are done with those three terms go back to your desk and copy them into your math composition books, then hand in your worksheet. Students will share their finding with one another. Have student document anything they had missed into their compositions books. Summarize: “Today we defined what reflection, translation, and rotation mean. Tomorrow we will use what we learned today to create our own shapes on a coordinate system. Extension: Provide students with the term dilation and see if they can define it on their own. National Library of Virtual Manipulative Translation-Refection-Rotation Name:________________________ Name:__________________________ What are some things that you and your partner are finding out about “Reflection”? What are some things that you and your partner are finding out about “Translation”? What are some things that you and your partner are finding out about “Rotation”? Geometry of Circles Using a MIRATM geometry tool, students determine the relationships between radius, diameter, circumference and area of a circle. Learning Objectives Students will: Construct circles, and identify the diameters and centers of those circles Understand the relationship between diameter and circumference Understand the relationship between radius and the area Materials MIRATM Geometry Tool Compass Geometer's Sketchpad software program on the computer (optional) Instructional Plan Finding the circumference or area of a circle depends on the diameter of the circle. To help students develop an understanding of the characteristics of the diameter, have them construct a circle with a compass, and examine this circle with a a MIRA. A MIRA is a transparent geometry tool that reflects like a mirror. It can be used to bisect angles and segments or to explore geometric transformations. MIRAs are available from ETA Cuisenaire, Nasco, and other educational retailers. As an alternative, hinged mirrors can be used for this lesson. Using simple paper folding can also work — after cutting out a circle, fold it in half, and the crease that forms is a diameter of the circle. However, MIRATM tools are definitely better. Launch Have students construct a circle using a compass. (Alternatively, you may wish to distribute a handout with circles already drawn.) Then, have them place the MIRA on the circle and explore; when one image maps onto the other, have them draw the MIRA line. Explain that the MIRA line is a diameter of the circle. Then, allow students to construct several other MIRA lines for the same circle using the same process. Explain that each of these lines is a line of symmetry because each divides the circle exactly in half. Ask students, "How many lines of symmetry does a circle have?" [Infinite.] Explain that any of these lines of symmetry may be called a diameter, because each of them passes through the center of the circle. Explore Ask students, "How can you use the MIRA tool to find the center of the circle?" Give students a minute to do so. [The intersection of two diameters defines the center of the circle.] The segment from the center of the circle to the circumference is called the radius. What is the relationship between the radius and the diameter? [The radius is half the diameter. Have students construct another circle using a compass. Have students mark the spot where the point of the compass was placed. This is the center of the circle. Now, have students draw any chord of the circle. Have students use the MIRA to determine the perpendicular bisector of the chord. Through what special point does the perpendicular bisector pass? [The center.] Allow students to work in pairs to complete either of the following constructions: Draw a circle, and then construct an inscribed square so that the vertices of the square lie on the circumference of the circle. [One possibility is to use the MIRA to identify a diameter. Then use the MIRA to draw the perpendicular bisector of that diameter. The four points where the diameter and perpendicular bisector meet the circle are the vertices of an inscribed square.] Inscribe a regular hexagon in a circle. [One solution is to draw any diameter, and divide it into two radii. Use the MIRA tool to draw the perpendicular bisectors of the two radii. Connect the four points where the bisectors intersect the circle with the two endpoints of the diameter, and a regular hexagon will be formed: An alternative solution is to use the length of a radius to mark off segments along the circle. Six congruent segments dictate a regular inscribed hexagon.] Students may identify other solutions for these constructions. In addition, some students may have difficulty finding a solution for either construction. If that happens, allow students to struggle for a while. Eventually, however, you can have one group of students present their solution to the class; those students who had difficulty should then be asked to explain why the presented solution works. Beyond these constructions, students need an understanding of diameter to examine the circumference of a circle. Allow students to investigate the ratio of circumference to diameter with the Circle Tool. Under the Intro tab of this tool, students are able to adjust the diameter of a circle, and they see that a little more than three copies of the diameter are needed to wrap entirely around the circle. Circle Tool Students can explore the relationship of circumference to diameter more explicitly. Under the Investigation tab, students can view various ratios in the table. By clicking the x/y button and selecting C as the numerator and d as the denominator, students will see circumference (C) in the first column of the table, diameter (d) in the second column, and the ratio of circumference to diameter (C/d) in the third column. By investigating circles of various size, students should see that the ratio of circumference to diameter is constant and has a value of approximately 3.14, or π. Using this applet, lead students to see that C ÷ d = π, or C = π × d. Other ratios can be explored in a similar manner. For instance, the ratio of d/r can be explored in the table, and students should discern that the diameter is equal to twice the radius. This result then leads to another formula, C = 2πr. In the applet, if the ratio C/r were investigated, the result would be 6.28, or approximately 2π. Finally, students can investigate the area of a circle by comparing it to the area of a square. If a circle is inscribed in a square, as shown above, the area of the square is 4r2, where r is the radius of the circle. Further, if a smaller square is then inscribed in the circle, its area is half the area of the larger square, or 2r2. This will lead students to guess that the area of the circle is approximately 3r2, which may cause some students to suspect that π may be involved. Such a conjecture can lead to a nice discussion and demonstration of the area formula, which can be conducted as described in the lesson Discovering the Area Formula for Circles. Share Upon completion of this lesson, students should understand the relationships between radius, diameter, circumference, and area. Have the students share their findings. Summarize Questions for Students 1. How do you know if a chord of a circle is also a diameter? a. [If a chord is also a diameter, it will pass through the center of the circle.] 2. How is the diameter of a circle used to find its circumference? a. [The value π represents the ratio of circumference to diameter of a circle. Consequently, C = πd, so the circumference can be found by multiplying the diameter by π.] 3. How is the radius of a circle used to find its area? a. [The area of a circle with radius r is given by the formula A = πr2, so the area can be found by multiplying the radius squared by π.] Assessment Options Provide each student with a circle of sufficient size, a ruler, and a calculator. The radius of each circle should be 3–10", and the circle should be constructed on heavy paper or cardboard. Do not give circles of the same size to each student. Students should use a ruler to perform any measurements and then determine the circumference. Once they complete their calculations, they should tell you their result. You should measure out a piece of string in the length that they request. Students should then glue the string to the circumference. (It is important that the teacher cut the string for this activity. If students are allowed to cut, they tend to continually cut the string until it fits the circle, rather than learning by doing.) Based on the results, students should explain what they discovered. Specifically, they should explain how well their calculations approximated the circumference and how close their string came to making exactly one revolution. Allow students to score their own work using the following rubric: Advanced. My explanation went beyond the requirements of the task, with my reasoning communicated effectively. I was able to use logical reasoning to deduce relationships and test conjectures. Not only did my string fit exactly around my circle, but I used a systematic and logical process. I accurately measured the string to the proper degree of accuracy, using the correct formula and units. Proficient. My string fit around the circle with no string left over and no gaps. I had a complete and correct solution process and explanation, using correct formula and units. Basic. My string was either too long or too short. I did not use the correct formula or made computational errors, or my explanation was incomplete, unclear or unsystematic. Unsatisfactory. I was unable to attempt this problem, or made an incomplete or incorrect attempt. Rather than revealing the area formula in class, allow students to write a conjecture about the formula. Students should explain their reasoning. Afterwards, a class discussion can be held; at the end of this discussion, the true formula can be revealed. Extensions 1. To develop understanding of the area of a circle, have pairs of students cut up a paper plate using lines of symmetry through the center, just as one slices a pizza. Rearrange the slices as shown below. Students will realize that this configuration almost looks like a rectangle! How would this "rectangle" help in finding the area of a circle? [The width of the rectangle is equal to the radius of the original circle. The length of the rectangle is half of the circumference, since the entire circumference is both on the top and bottom. Therefore, the area is equal to the radius times half the circumference, or A = ½Cr. Because C = =πd and d = 2r, this formula becomes the more familiar A = πr2.] 2. Allow students to use Geometer’s Sketchpad or other geometry software to create the constructions described in this lesson. 3. Research how hat sizes were determined! Or, check out the web site of a company that makes and sells hats, and you might find a table like the one below. What is the relationship between men’s head measurement (in inches) and American hat sizes? Have students measure the circumference of their head, and divide it by π — the result is their hat size. Hat Size 6 3/8 6 1/2 6 5/8 6 3/4 6 7/8 7 7 1/8 7 1/4 7 3/8 7 1/2 7 5/8 7 3/4 Head Circumference (inches) 20 1/2 20 5/8 21 21 1/2 21 7/8 22 1/4 22 5/8 23 23 3/8 23 3/4 24 24 1/2 If students were to plot these points in a scatterplot, one reasonable line of best fit is y = 3.14x, indicating that the y‑ value (head circumference) is approximately π times the x‑ value (hat size). Teacher Reflection Which parts of the lesson had high student enthusiasm? Low? Explain why this happened. How you could improve student enthusiasm if you teach this lesson again? How do you know that students understood the material about circles? What did students do to demonstrate understanding? What adjustments were needed while teaching this lesson? Were the adjustments successful? NCTM Standards and Expectations Geometry 6-8 1. Precisely describe, classify, and understand relationships among types of twoand three-dimensional objects using their defining properties. Measurement 6-8 2. Develop and use formulas to determine the circumference of circles and the area of triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and circles and develop strategies to find the area of more-complex shapes. This lesson prepared by Rhonda Naylor. The Ratio of Circumference to Diameter Students measure the circumference and diameter of circular objects. They calculate the ratio of circumference to diameter for each object in an attempt to identify the value of pi and the circumference formula. Learning Objectives Students will: Measure the circumference and diameter of various circular objects Calculate the ratio of circumference to diameter Discover the formula for the circumference of a circle Materials Pieces of string, approximately 48" long Circular objects to be measured Apple pies (or other circular food item, to be measured at the end of the lesson) Apple Pi activity sheet Calculators Rulers Instructional Plan Prior to this lesson, ask students to bring in several flat, circular objects that they can measure. Launch As a warm-up, ask students to measure the length and width of their desktops. Ask them to decide which type of unit should be used. Then, have students measure or calculate the distance around the outside of their desktops. With the class, discuss the following questions: 1. What unit did you use to measure your desks? Why? a. [Because of the size of desks, the most appropriate units are probably inches or centimeters.] 2. Why did some of your classmates get different measurements for the dimensions of their desks? a. [Measurements will obviously differ because of the units. In addition, the level of precision may give different results. For instance, a student may round to the nearest inch, while another may approximate to the nearest ¼inch.] 3. What do we call the distance around the outside of an object? a. [The distance around the outside of a polygon is known as the perimeter. The distance around the outside of a circle is known as the circumference.] Explore Inform the class that they will be measuring the circumference of several circular objects during today’s lesson. Also, alert them that, just as there is a formula for finding the perimeter of a rectangle (P = 2L + 2W), there is also a formula for finding the circumference of a circle. They should keep their eyes open for a formula as they proceed through the measurement activities. Divide the class into groups of four students. Within the groups, each student will be given a different job. (If class size is not conducive to four students per group, form groups of three — one student can be assigned two jobs.) Task Leader: Ensures all students are participating; lets the teacher know if the group needs help or has a question. Recorder: Keeps group copy of measurements and calculations from activity. Measurer: Measures items (although all students should check measurements to ensure accuracy). Presenter: Presents the group’s findings and ideas to the class. Students should measure the "distance around" and the "distance across" of the objects that they brought to school. Students will likely have little trouble measuring the distance across, although they may have some difficulty identifying the exact middle of an object. To measure the distance around, students will likely need some assistance. An effective method for measuring the circumference is to wrap a string around the object and then measure the string. To ensure accuracy, care should be taken to keep the string taut when measuring the outside of a circular object. Students should be allowed to select which unit of measurement to use. However, instruct students to use the same unit for the distance around and the distance across. Students should record the following information in the Apple Pi activity sheet: Description of each object Distance around the outside of each object Distance across the middle of each object Distance around divided by distance across After the measurements have been recorded, a calculator can be used to divide the distance around by the distance across. Students should answer both questions on the worksheet. As students are working, take note of their results. Push students to note any numbers in the last column that seem to be irregular, and have them check their measurements for these rows. Share When all groups have completed the measurements and calculations, conduct a wholeclass discussion. Rather than present each individual object, students should discuss the average and note any interesting findings. Students should also compare their averages with those of other groups. You may wish to use the Circle Tool applet as a demonstration tool. This applet allows students to see many other circles of various sizes, as well as the corresponding ratio of circumference to diameter. Explain that each group has found an approximation for the ratio of the distance around to the distance across, and this ratio has a special name: π. (It may also be necessary to explain that the "distance across" is known as the diameter and that the "distance around" is known as the circumference. Because of this relationship, algebraic notation can be used to write circumference ÷ diameter = π or, said another way, π = C/d which leads to the following formula for circumference: C=π×d Point out that groups within the class may have obtained slightly different approximations for π. Explain that determining the exact value of π is very hard to calculate, so approximations are often used. Discuss various approximations of π that are acceptable in your school’s curriculum. Summarize Questions for Students 1. Why did we use the ratio of circumference to diameter for several objects? Wouldn’t we have gotten the same result using just one object? a. [If we had used just one object, an incorrect measurement would have given an incorrect approximation for π. Using several objects ensures that our results are correct. In addition, slight errors in measurement may give different values of π, so using the average of several measurements will help to eliminate rounding errors.] 2. Were any of the ratios in the last column not close to 3.14? If not, explain what might have happened. a. [The ratio of circumference to diameter is always the same, and the ratio is always close to 3.14. If a value in the last column is not close to 3.14, it is the result of a measurement or calculation error.] 3. Describe some situations in which knowing the circumference (and how to calculate it) would be useful. a. [Bike tires are often described by their diameter. For instance, a 26-inch tire is a tire such that the diameter is 26". Each time the tire makes one complete rotation, the bike moves forward a distance equal to the circumference of the tire. Therefore, it would be helpful to know how to calculate the circumference based on the diameter.] Assessment Options 1. Each group can be given an apple pie (or other acceptable substitute) and will find its circumference by measuring the diameter and using the formula. 2. Students should practice using the formula C = π × d as independent work. Their work on such problems could be used for assessment. Two real world problems are: a. According to Guinness, the world’s largest rice cake measured 5.83 feet in diameter. What is the circumference of this rice cake? b. The tallest tree in the world is believed to be the Mendicino Tree, a redwood near Ukiah, California, that is 112 meters tall! Near the ground, the circumference of this tree is about 9.85 meters. The age of a redwood can be estimated by comparing its diameter to trees with similar diameters. What is the diameter of the Mendicino Tree? Teacher Reflection What prior knowledge did students have of π (if any)? How did student’s prior knowledge affect the delivery of the lesson? What modifications did you need to make as a result, and how effective were these adjustments? How precise were student measurements? How did you assist students with their measurements? How did students react to the use of 3.14 as an approximation of π? Were there any adverse reactions due to conceptual misunderstandings? How did students show that they were actively learning? Did students understand that the ratio of circumference to diameter (i.e., π) is an approximation? Did they understand why they had obtained different values for this approximation during the activity? NCTM Standards and Expectations Measurement 6-8 Understand both metric and customary systems of measurement. Select and apply techniques and tools to accurately find length, area, volume, and angle measures to appropriate levels of precision. Develop and use formulas to determine the circumference of circles and the area of triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and circles and develop strategies to find the area of more-complex shapes. References Neuschwander, Cindy, and Wayne Geehan. 1997. Sir Cumference and the First Round Table: A Math Adventure. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge Publishing. This lesson prepared by Christopher Johnston. Apple Pi Recording Chart NAME ___________________________ Using string and rulers, measure the distance around several round objects, as well as the distance across the middle of those objects. Record your measurements below. OBJECT DISTANCE AROUND THE OUTSIDE OF THE OBJECT DISTANCE ACROSS THE MIDDLE OF THE OBJECT DISTANCE AROUND DIVIDED BY DISTANCE ACROSS Remember: Include appropriate labels on all measurements! 1. What do you notice about the numbers in the last column? 2. What is the average of all values in the last column? © 2008 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics http://illuminations.nctm.org Discovering the Area Formula for Circles Using a circle that has been divided into congruent sectors, students will discover the area formula by using their knowledge of parallelograms. Students will then calculate the area of various flat circular objects that they have brought to school. Finally, students will investigate various strategies for estimating the area of circles. Learning Objectives Students will: Measure the radius and diameter of various circular objects using appropriate units of measurement Discover the formula for the area of a circle Estimate the area of circles using alternative methods Materials Circular objects Calculators Scissors Compasses Rulers Area of Circles activity sheet Fraction Circles activity sheet Centimeter grid paper on overhead transparencies Blank copy paper Instructional Plan Prior to the lesson, ask students to bring in several flat, circular objects that they wish to measure with their classmates. Launch As a warm-up, give students an opportunity to estimate the area of the circular objects that they have brought to class. Working in groups and using the Area of Circles activity sheet, students should individually complete the first two columns: Description of the object Their estimate for the area of the object (The other two columns will be completed later in the lesson.) Students may use any method they like to estimate the area of their objects. Some possible methods include: Students can trace the shape of their object on a piece of centimeter grid paper and count how many square centimeters make up the total area of the circle. Students can divide the circle into wedges by drawing various radii. They can approximate the area of each wedge using the triangle formula. (This method is similar to a method used by Archimedes, and it is the method that will be used later in this lesson. For a connection to mathematical history, you may want to include a brief overview of Archimedes and his method for calculating the area of a circle.) Students can inscribe the circle in a square, hexagon, or some other polygon. Then, the same shape could be inscribed within the circle. Students could determine the area of the inscribed and circumscribed shapes to get lower and upper estimates, respectively. (You may need to provide a sample drawing of this method, like the one shown below.) Explore After students have estimated the area of several objects, allow them to physically discover the area formula of a circle. Since this is a whole-class activity, you may wish to enlarge the manipulatives and display them on the chalkboard, or you can use them on the overhead projector. Distribute the Fraction Circles activity sheet. Have students cut the circle from the sheet and divide it into four wedges. (This can be done if students cut only along the solid black lines.) Then, have students arrange the shapes so that the points of the wedges alternately point up and down, as shown below: Ask, "When arranged in this way, do the pieces look like any shape you know?" Students will likely suggest that the shape is unfamiliar. Then, have students divide each wedge into two thinner wedges so that there are eight wedges total. (This can be done if students cut only along the thicker dashed lines.) Again, have students arrange the shapes alternately up and down. Again ask if this arrangement looks like a shape they know. This time, students will be more likely to suggest that the arrangement looks a little like a parallelogram. Finally, have students divide each wedge into two thinner wedges so that there are sixteen wedges total. (This can be done if students cut along all of the dashed lines.) Allow students to arrange the wedges so that they alternately point up and down, as shown below: Ask, "When the circle is divided into wedges and arrange like this, does it look like another shape you know? What do you think would happen if we kept dividing the wedges and arranging them like this?" Lead the discussion so students realize the shape currently resembles a parallelogram, but as it is continually divided, it will more closely resemble a rectangle . You may wish to continue this activity by having students divide the wedges even further. Ask students, "What are the dimensions of the rectangle that is formed?" From the Circumference lesson, students should realize that the length of the rectangle is equal to half the circumference of the circle, or πr. Additionally, it should be obvious that the height of this rectangle is equal to the radius of the circle, r. Consequently, the area of this rectangle is πr × r = πr2. Because this rectangle is equal in area to the original circle, this activity gives the area formula for a circle: A = πr2 The figure below shows how the dimensions lead to the area formula. Allow students to return to the objects for which they estimated the area at the beginning of class. They should measure the radius of each object and record it in the third column on the Area of Circles sheet. Then, students should use the formula just discovered, calculate the actual area of each object, and record the area in the fourth column. Share Once all groups have completed the measurements and calculations, a whole-class discussion and presentation should follow. On the chalkboard, the presenter for each group should record the areas for the objects. The students should compare the results of each group and discuss the accuracy of the areas found. The class should also compare their original estimates with the actual measurements. On their recording sheets, have them highlight the objects for which their estimates were very close to their actual. Using a few sentences, have the students explain (on the recording sheet) why some estimates were closer than others. During the class discussion, the following are some key points to highlight: Emphasize that 3.14 is only one approximation for π. Refer to the Circumference lesson, and discuss the various estimates that were found for π and what caused these variations. Also explain that there are other approximations, but typically 3.14 is used because it is accurate enough for most situations and it is easy to remember. If students are curious, other approximations for π are given on the Pi Approximation sheet. The total area is almost always an approximation. Because the value of π can only be approximated, any time the area of a circle is stated without the π symbol, it must be an approximation. For instance, a circle with radius of 5 inches has an exact area of 25π in.2 and an approximate area of 78.54 in.2. You might wish to hold a "mock debate" with one student taking each position (yes, it’s always an exact value; no, it’s not an exact value) giving examples and reasons to justify their position. Students should be able to calculate radius from diameter and diameter from radius. In particular, students should realize that d = 2r. Students should understand the area formula as described in your curriculum. Slight variations are possible, so the version in your textbook, standards, or other materials may be different from the formula presented in this lesson. Questions for Students 1. In your opinion, why did we use the properties of a parallelogram to discover the area formula for circles? a. [Determining the area of a circle is difficult. By converting a circle to a parallelogram, we can use the formula for the area of a parallelogram to determine the area of the circle.] 2. When would it be necessary to know the exact area of a circle? When would an estimate be sufficient? Explain your thinking. a. [Student responses may vary.] 3. Why did we approximate our answers for area? Can the area of a circle ever be exact? a. [It is not possible to find an exact numeric value for π. Therefore, all calculations of area must be approximations (unless the answer is left in "exact form," which means using the symbol π to express the answer).] Assessment Options 1. Students can solve the following practice problem: 2. The radar screens used by air traffic controllers are circular. If the radius of the circle is 12 centimeters, what is the total area of the screen? a. [A = pr2, so the area of the radar screen is approximately 3.14 × 122 ≈ 452.16 cm2.] 3. Working in pairs or groups, have students locate manhole covers and other circles on or near the school grounds. Have students measure the diameter of these circles and then determine the area. 4. Have students explore the following links and answer the associated questions. Circulate throughout the room to ensure on-task behavior and to check for understanding. i. Lessons and Worksheets on Area and Circumference – Go Math ii. Perimeter, Area, and Circumference Gizmo – Explore Learning iii. Circles and Pi – Learner.org Extensions Students can use the Internet to research various methods for approximating the area of circles throughout history. In pairs, students could try the various methods and determine the accuracy of their results as compared to the formula that they found. What cultures used good methods that produced accurate results? Did anything surprise you about these methods or the results? Each pair of students could report back to the class using a poster, overhead transparencies, or PowerPoint presentation. Using the Internet, students should find out the dimensions of a typical dartboard and the sizes of each point value sector. Using their knowledge of the area of circles, they can calculate the probability of hitting a certain point value. (Depending on the information that they find, students may need to estimate the area of certain sectors to find an approximate probability.) Teacher Reflection When students were working in pairs to find the area of their assigned circular objects, how precise were the students’ measurements and area calculations? When the results were discussed as a class, did those students who were not as precise while measuring demonstrate an understanding of how to get more precise measurements? Or did all students get basically the same results? Did students use both metric and customary units of measure? With which were they more comfortable, and would future measurement lessons make them comfortable with the other? Were concepts presented too abstractly? Too concretely? How would you change the presentation if this lesson were taught again? How do you know that students were actively engaged in the learning process? What content areas did you integrate within the lesson? Was this integration appropriate and successful? Did you find it necessary to make adjustments while teaching the lesson? If so, what adjustments, and were these adjustments effective? NCTM Standards and Expectations Measurement 6-8 Understand, select, and use units of appropriate size and type to measure angles, perimeter, area, surface area, and volume. Develop and use formulas to determine the circumference of circles and the area of triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and circles and develop strategies to find the area of more-complex shapes. This lesson prepared by Chris Johnston. Area of Circles NAME ___________________________ DESCRIPTION OF THE OBJECT YOUR ESTIMATE OF THE AREA (IN SQUARE CENTIMETERS) RADIUS OF THE OBJECT Remember: Include appropriate labels on all measurements! © 2008 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics http://illuminations.nctm.org ACTUAL AREA Fraction Circles NAME ___________________________ Cut out the circle and carefully divide it into wedges, as shown. © 2008 National Council of Teachers of Mathematics http://illuminations.nctm.org Adding It All Up In this lesson, students draw various polygons and investigate their interior angles. The investigation is done using both an interactive tool and paper and pencil to foster an understanding of how different patterns can lead to the same solution. After comparing results with a partner, students develop a formula showing the relationship between the number of sides of a polygon and the sum of the interior angles. Learning Objectives Students will: Investigate the pattern between the number of sides of a polygon and the sum of the interior angles using in two different methods Determine that the interior angle sum is always the same for polygons with the same number of sides Create a formula to find the interior angle sum given the number of sides Explore interior angles in regular polygons Materials Unlined paper Rulers Colored pencils or markers (optional) Computers with Internet access Angle Sum Tool Adding It All Up Activity Sheet Adding It All Up Answer Key Launch Begin the lesson, by reviewing key vocabulary with students: Polygon: a closed plane figure made of line segments Convex: the measures of all interior angles are less than 180° Concave: the measure of at least one interior angle is greater than 180° Regular: all angles and sides are congruent Triangulation: the process of drawing diagonals (segments between non-adjacent vertices) to divide a polygon into non-overlapping triangles Tell students that they will be working with polygons. It is up to them whether they use regular or non-regular polygons, and whether they use convex or concave polygons. Encourage students to draw different kinds of polygons. For example, when exploring pentagons, point out that all of the examples on the right are polygons. Tell students that they will use the Angle Sum tool to draw polygons with different angle measures to see what happens to the angles and the angle sum. Then, they will use a process called triangulation to help explain their results. Angle Sum Tool Explain to students that all polygons can be broken up into non-overlapping triangles. Show an example such as the one below, drawing diagonals to create the triangles. Explain that this process is called triangulation. Tell them that the triangles can help them find the sum of the interior angles of any polygon. After they find the interior angle sum and triangulation for several different polygons, they will find a formula for the interior angle sum that applies to all polygons. Launch Pass out the Adding It All Up activity sheet to each student. You may choose to have students work in pairs of mixed ability so they can help each other through the activity. However, each students should complete an activity sheet. Adding It All Up Activity Sheet Read the directions on the activity sheet with students and direct them to first determine how many sides are in each polygon listed. Tell them that although they are working in pairs, each student must draw at least one of each polygon and triangulate it on their own, so that they have data for multiple samples of each polygon. Remind students that the polygons do not need to be regular or convex. Encourage students to try polygons that are not regular and concave. You may wish to offer students colored pencils or markers for the triangulation. This may make it easier for students to make sure the diagonals are non-overlapping. As students work, circulate to ensure that they are drawing multiple polygons of each type and triangulating correctly. Emphasize that the sides of the triangles must be diagonals (segments connecting non-adjacent vertices) and the diagonals cannot intersect. Once they finish working with the interactive tool and drawing their own polygons and triangulations, students should work in pairs to answer the questions on the activity sheet. Students may struggle with finding the formula 180(n – 2), but do not tell them the pattern. Instead, encourage them with questions that lead toward the solution. You may want to begin a discussion about triangles. For example: How many triangles were you able to draw in that polygon? How does that number relate to the number of sides? o [For any polygon, there will be 2 fewer triangles than the number of sides. For example, a hexagon has 6 sides, so a triangulated hexagon is made of 4 triangles.] Can you triangulate a triangle? o [No. A triangle has no diagonals.] What is the sum of the angles in 1 triangle? in 2 triangles? o [The sum is 180° in a single triangle and 360° in 2 triangles because 180 + 180 = 360. Encourage students to explore this pattern and discover how it applies to triangulated polygons.] Encourage students to ask themselves the same questions as they explore each polygon. Do they see a pattern? What happens to the number of triangles as the number of sides increases? What happens to the sum of the interior angles as the number of sides or triangles increases? Question 3 will be especially challenging to some students. Once students recognize the pattern, they may still have difficulty expressing it algebraically. Help students by asking what the variable n will represent in the formula. If they try to use a variable for number of triangles, ask them how they can relate that back to the n-gon, which has n sides. Remind students to ask themselves, How can I find the number of triangles if I know the number of sides. Share Once students have had sufficient time to find the formula, walk through the process of finding it as a group (the formula and the other answers can be found on the Adding It All Up answer key). This will help those who were not able to find the formula themselves to catch up. Ask students if the formula works every time. Check it as a class using some of the polygons from their chart and discuss any other patterns students may have discovered during the exploration. Adding It All Up Answer Key Questions for Students 1. Are all the angle measures always the same for a single polygon? a. [No. If all the angles are congruent, the polygon is called equiangular.] 2. As the number of sides increases, what happens to the sum of the angle measures? a. [For each additional side in a polygon, 180° is added to the sum of the angle measures.] 3. Does the formula work for both regular and non-regular polygons? What about shapes like scalene triangles or trapezoids? a. [Yes, the formula works for all polygons.] Assessment Options 1. Have students write a journal entry describing how to find the interior angle sum of any polygon. Students should include details such as patterns they discovered and other questions on the topic they would like to explore. 2. Create a set of cards numbered from 50 to 100. Randomly give 1 card to each student. Ask all students to find the sum of the interior angles of a polygon with the number of sides shown on their card and the measure of 1 interior angle of a regular polygon with that same number of sides. Summarize Develop and use formulas to determine the area of triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and circles and develop strategies to find the area of more-complex shapes. Extensions Have students explore exterior angles. The sum of the exterior angles for any polygon is 360°, and therefore the measure of one exterior angle in a regular polygon is 360/n In the bottom right-hand corner of the Angle Sum tool, there is an animation for the triangle and square showing how the sum of the interior angles relates to tiling. Have students watch the animations and write a journal entry on what they demonstrate. Teacher Reflection Were students able to use the interactive tool without help? Did students have sufficient data to develop a formula? What other data could have been provided? Did students work well in pairs, or would other groupings work better? Were students able to communicate with their classmates so that everyone had the same understanding at the end of the activity? NCTM Standards and Expectations Geometry 6-8 Understand relationships among the angles, side lengths, perimeters, areas, and volumes of similar objects Draw geometric objects with specified properties, such as side lengths or angle measures. Measurement 6-8 Develop and use formulas to determine the circumference of circles and the area of triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and circles and develop strategies to find the area of more-complex shapes. This lesson was prepared by Katie Hendrickson as part of the Illuminations Summer Institute. Cubed Cans In this lesson, students will use formulas they have explored for the volume of a cylinder and convert them into the same volume for rectangular prisms while trying to minimize the surface area. Various real world cylindrical objects will be measured and converted into a prism to hold the same volume. As an extension, students may design and create a rectangular prism container according to their dimensions to compare and contrast with the cylinder. Learning Objectives Students will: use and explore volume formulas for cylinder and prisms create dimensions for a prism based on a fixed volume solve problems using the volume formulas explore surface areas Materials Various cylindrical cans Rulers Flexible tape measures (optional, if you prefer the circumference measured) Calculators Cubed Cans Activity Sheet Launch Begin your lesson by asking your students the following questions: Why do soups and pops and other food containers come in cylindrical containers?” o [Students may answer that the containers are easier to open, easier to make, cheaper, you can fit more food in a cylinder, or other various answers] When food companies ship these items, do they fill the shipping boxes completely? o [Students may answer no and point out there is gaps when cylinder objects are stacked together] When food companies ship these items, what type of package do they use? Is it a cylinder or prism? o [Students may answer or you direct them that shipping is done in boxes because they stack and are packaged better and more securely.] If we ship items in prism boxes for packaging, why do we not make containers that fit this package better? What if we shipped items in prism containers? Explore Give students the Cubed Cans activity sheet and read through the introduction problem together. “Why do companies choose to put cylindrical objects in containers that are rectangular prisms? Do cylinders hold more or less volume than prisms with the same volume? Food Containers Corporations has hired you to design a new container for various items they currently ship in cylinders. They would like you to keep the volumes the same, but explore various prisms. Your task is to take one of the cans provided and convert it to a rectangular prism. You will need to prove the volumes for the containers is the same and will want to record your notes and calculations as you report back to the company your findings. The company would like to save money and use as little surface area as possible.” Cubed Cans Activity Sheet Once you have briefly given an overview of the task, allow students to choose which containers they will be using. Their task will be to measure out the dimensions of their can. Once they have the measurements, they will be calculating the volume. You will want to point out to students that they are going to have to create prisms that involve decimals or fractions to create a volume that is approximately the same as the cylinder. Allow your class to direct themselves in self discovery by measurements and calculations. If some students are struggling you can discuss with them steps need. Below are a couple of suggestions and tips to help facilitate struggling students. Ask struggling students, “What pieces of information will we need from this cylinder?” [We will need to know the radius, height, and use the formula V = π·r2 to calculate the volume.] Once students have expressed this information, you will want to review the way volume of a prism is calculated. Students should be refreshed that the same three dimensions are multiplied together to create volume. We will need to know that V = l·w·h to calculate volume of a prism. Some students will have the volume, but find a problem working backwards to create the dimensions of the prism. As they do, you will want to assist them in realizing it takes three dimensions multiplied together to make that volume. Three dimensions that are the same will create a cube, while dimensions that differ will create a rectangular prism. Ask students, “If we know the volume of the cylinder, how can we create a prism that has the same or similar volume?” [We can multiply three dimensions to equal that same volume. For example, if the volume is 45, we can make a prism that is 3 × 3 × 5 = 45.] Once students have changed their volume to prism calculations, have them think-pairshare their results with others in class or their groups. In doing so, they will see other people’s results. Since we have created prisms that hold approximately the same volume as the initial cylinder, we are going to explore if the two containers have the same surface area. Objects with less surface area require less material and can save companies money in the long run. Have students calculate the surface area of the cylinder and the surface area of the cube. Remind students: Surface area of a cylinder = 2·π·r2 + 2·π·r·h Surface area of a cube = 2lw + 2wh + 2lh Share Have student’s think-pair-share and compare their observations before sharing their findings with the class. Depending on the type of prisms created by the students, their surface areas may be in very different ranges. Allow students to discuss fellow classmates results to see if certain prisms were close to the cylindrical surface area, or quite different. One pattern to look for in the students dimensions are as the prisms became closer to a cube, the surface area would continue to decrease. The least surface area for the prism would be a perfect cubic box. Any prism that is longer on one or both sides will increase the surface area. Summarize Questions for Students 1. How does the volume formula for a cylinder relate to the volume formula of a prism? a. [They both require calculating the area of the base first, then multiplying it by the height to find the overall volume.] 2. How can the volume of a cylinder can be determined without filling it with objects? 3. Do cylinders and cubes with the same volume have the same surface area? Assessment Options 1. Have students measure and create a prism out of paper to match one they came up with during the lesson. Have other students calculate to the volume and surface area to check if the measurements are approximately the same as the cylinder. Extensions Have students create a cylinder based on a rectangular prism. Give students 36 blocks. Students will need to create a box using the dimensions 1 × 1 × 36. Next, ask students to create other boxes from the same 36 blocks. You will want to clear up any misconceptions that 1 × 36 × 1 is a different box. It is in fact the same as the previous box, but in a different orientation. As students create the boxes, ask them to find the surface area as well. They can do these two ways. They can use the length, width, and height dimension formula or students can count the squares on each side of the box they created. This will allow for a concrete way for students to explore finding surface area and why the formula works. Once students have found all possible boxes, ask students if they see any patterns in the dimensions of the boxes and the surface areas. Lead students in discussing that as the shape of the boxes became closer to a cube, the surface area decreased. The lowest surface area we could create would be the shape that is closest to a cube. Teacher Reflection How were students manipulating dimensions to create a prism with the same volume as their cylinder? How did the students demonstrate understanding of the materials presented? Were concepts presented too abstractly? Too concretely? How would you change them? Did you set clear expectations so that students knew what was expected of them? If not, how can you make them clearer? What content areas did you integrate within the lesson? Was this integration appropriate and successful? NCTM Standards and Expectation Geometry 6-8 Create and critique inductive and deductive arguments concerning geometric ideas and relationships, such as congruence, similarity, and the Pythagorean relationship. Recognize and apply geometric ideas and relationships in areas outside the mathematics classroom, such as art, science, and everyday life. Measurement 6-8 1. Develop strategies to determine the surface area and volume of selected prisms, pyramids, and cylinders. References Connected Mathematics, Filling & Wrapping, Prob.4.3 This lesson was prepared by Corey Heitschmidt as part of the Illuminations Summer Institute. Hay Bale Farmer In this lesson, students will use dimensions of round and square hay bales to calculate and compare volumes. They also calculate unit prices to determine which hay bale is the better value. Finally, students explore how to fit round and square bales into a barn to maximize volume, and decide which type of hale bale is the best choice. Learning Objectives Students will: Calculate and compare volumes of different solid figures Calculate and compare unit rates Verbally and graphically describe arrangements of rectangular prisms and cylinders in a given space Calculate percent of a given value Materials Pictures of hay bales (optional) Cylindrical and rectangular prism blocks (optional) Hay Bale Farmer Activity Sheet Solution – Question 3 Overhead Launch Introduce students to the lesson through a discussion about hay bales. If students are unfamiliar with hay bales, bring in some pictures and discuss the shapes along with the common uses for hay. Use the following questions as a guide: What types of hay bales exist? [Round and square. Be sure to mention to students that although these terms are mathematically inaccurate, you will use them during the lesson because they are the standard terms used in practice.] What shape are the square bales? [rectangular prisms] What shape are the round bales? [cylinders] If students do not have any background knowledge of hay bales, an alternative problem could be finding the volume of soda cans versus juice boxes, and how many of each can fit into a large cardboard box. You could also compare round oatmeal canisters to rectangular cereal boxes. Ask students to name similar products that are sold in different-shaped containers and how they think the distributors choose the shapes. Launch Tell students that they are going to investigate which type of hay bale is the better deal mathematically. Students in some communities may already have some information about their family’s preferred hay bale, and they may volunteer their opinion and the contributing factors to the choice. If they seem eager to contribute, allow them to make predictions, such as which takes more space and which costs more. Remind them that a lot of factors go into deciding which type to purchase, but today they will just be looking at two factors. Explore Distribute the Hay Bale Farmer activity sheet to each student. Read the introduction and ensure that students understand the diagrams. Put students into groups of 3 or 4 of mixed ability, and have them begin working on answering the questions. You may choose to make cylindrical and rectangular prism blocks available to help students reason through the problems and draw their diagrams. As students work, circulate among the groups and provide guidance as needed. If you want to keep all students on pace with the rest of the class, you can have students answer one question at a time and discuss their solutions as a class. Otherwise, wait until all students are finished to discuss the answers. Have students share their answers and draw diagrams on the board. Three-dimensional drawings are difficult for many students, so stress the importance of communicating the mathematics over creating an accurate diagram in the problem. Share Have the student work in groups to figure out their answer and share their finding with the class. Solutions 1. You would need to purchase approximately 12.6 square bales. If students are stuck, you may want to suggest that they find the volume of each. Volume of round bale 𝑉 = 𝜋𝑟 2 ℎ = π (3)2 × 4 ≈ 113 ft3 1 Volume of square bale = l × w × h = 3 × 2 × 1 2= 9 ft3 Volume of round bale Volume of square bale ≈ 113 ft3 9 ft3 ≈ 12.6 3. The quantities needed for 1 year are: o 1,778 square bales or o 142 round bales Note: These values are rounded up since you can only buy whole bales. To determine which is the better value, students could find the unit rate of dollars per ft3: Square bales cost $0.31/ft3. Round bales cost $0.18/ft3. They could also multiply the cost per bale times the number of bales needed: Square bales cost $4,889.50 for a 1-year supply. Round bales cost $2,840 for a 1-year supply. Either way, the round bales are far more economical. 4. The barn will fit 1,728 square bales or 108 round bales. Students should draw 2 diagrams, as shown on the Solution – Question 3 overhead. The square bale diagram should show 18 bales of hay fitting along the length, 12 along the width, and stacked 8 high. The round bale diagram should show 6 bales of hay along the length and 9 along the width, stacked 2 high. Square bales fit a greater volume inside the barn. a. Solution – Question 3 Overhead 5. 34 bales will have to be stored outside. To find this solution, take the difference of 16,000 and the volume that can be stored in the barn, then divide by the volume of one bale and round up. Since 34 round bales of hay have a volume of approximately 3,845.3 ft3, the 10% loss will amount to about 384.5 ft3, which is the equivalent of 3.4 round bales. 6. Student responses may vary. While the round bales cost less by volume, they are harder to store. The square bales can be stored more compactly so less hay needs to be stored outside, which results in less wasted hay due to mold. Summarize 1. Why did we round up when answering the questions in this activity? 2. [You can only purchase whole bales, so while we may calculate that we need 13.2 bales, we cannot buy 0.2 bales. Therefore, we must buy 14 full bales of hay.] Assessment Options Have students write a journal entry, using information on their activity sheet to provide a mathematically based argument for purchasing one type of hay bale. Extensions 1. Students can bring in their own data values by going outside and actually measuring hay bales, or by using the current price for round and square bales. 2. Students can calculate the number of round bales that would fit in a barn that has different dimensions or a different shape than the one use in the activity sheet. Since rectangular bales fit better in a rectangular barn, would round bales fit better in a round barn? Teacher Reflection Did students struggle with understanding the different types of hay bales? How could you introduce farming to them? Was students’ level of enthusiasm and involvement high or low? Why? Were students able to personally connect to the information? How could you adapt the lesson for higher or lower achievers? Did students understand how different shapes can lead to different answers? What else could you have done to emphasize this point? NCTM Standards and Expectations Measurement 6-8 Develop strategies to determine the surface area and volume of selected prisms, pyramids, and cylinders. Solve simple problems involving rates and derived measurements for such attributes as velocity and density. Understand, select, and use units of appropriate size and type to measure angles, perimeter, area, surface area, and volume. Number & Operations 6-8 Understand and use ratios and proportions to represent quantitative relationships. Work flexibly with fractions, decimals, and percents to solve problems. This lesson was prepared by Katie Hendrickson as part of the Illuminations Summer Institute. Hitting Your Mark Darts is a popular game in which players throw 3 darts, one at a time, aiming for a target. Different regions of the board give different points. In this lesson, students learn how to change the scale of an object, and how to measure and draw angles using a protractor. By the end of the lesson, students have created their own dartboard. The dartboard can later serve to emphasize properties of angles and angle pairs. This activity is a good one to do prior to a lesson in which students construct circle graphs. The practice they will get in this lesson drawing circles and measuring angles will help them in their quest to more accurately create circle graphs. Learning Objectives Students will: Accurately draw 7 concentric circles Determine angle measures given a prescribed number of equal segments Accurately measure angles Calculate measurements for a scaled figure Construct a scaled dartboard Materials Protractor Compass Ruler Calculator 12"×12" sheets of cardstock or paper Paper in various colors Markers or colored pencils Scissors Glue Rules of darts (optional) Regulation dartboard for reference (optional but very useful) Regulation Dartboard Overhead (if a real dartboard is unavailable) Hitting Your Mark Activity Sheet Hitting Your Mark Answer Key This activity will give students an opportunity to work with scale, concentric circles, and angles, and to display a little artistic creativity. Using a dartboard as the focus of this lesson, students will practice drawing concentric circles calculated by applying a 2:1 scale to the measurements of a regulation dartboard. If possible, hang a regulation dartboard in your classroom for students to examine before starting this activity. If you do not have a dartboard, ask a student to bring one in if they have one at home. Otherwise, display the Regulation Dartboard overhead so students who are unfamiliar with the game can see what it looks like. Launch Distribute the paper and other craft supplies that students will need to construct their dartboards. However, rather than distributing the activity sheet at this point, consider beginning the lesson by asking students the following questions: Has anyone played darts? o [If so, have the student(s) briefly explain the rules and scoring. If not, you may want to look up the rules in advance and familiarize yourself with the game.] What are some of the attributes of a regulation dartboard? o [Attributes include concentric circles, 20 equal sized sectors, 20 congruent central angles, numbers along the outside ring, a bull's-eye, 6 scoring rings, and multiple colors, among others.] How many degrees are there in a circle? If we have 20 equal segments, what is the measure of each angle? o [There are 360° in a circle. If there are 20 segments, each segment has an angle measure of 18°.] What are concentric circles? o [Circles that share a common center] A regulation dartboard has a diameter of 18". If we want to make a scale drawing that will fit on a 12" by 12" piece of paper and leave at least a 1" margin on all 4 sides, what scale factor should we use? o [To get a 1" margin, students will have to keep their scaled diameter at 10" or less. A scale factor of 2:1, which results in a scaled diameter of 9" would be the easiest to calculate. Other scale factors are possible, depending on the ability level of your students. Try to discourage smaller scales — they may make it more difficult to correctly draw the concentric circles.] What are some ways we could find the center of our paperto mark as the center of our circles? o [Some students may suggest using a ruler and making the 6-inch point horizontally and vertically thus creating four equal quadrants. This is a good strategy if you also have the draw the x- and y-axis since the dartboard can be separated into 4 quadrants. Some students may suggest folding their paper; this is fine but they need to keep in mind that their dartboard will then have creases. If they do not want creases on their paper, they could also fold another sheet and use it as a template.] Explore This activity works best with a partner but can also be done individually. Once the students understand concentric circles, have agreed on a scale they will use, and know how to find and mark the center they are now ready to begin working with a partner to begin their calculations and constructing their dartboards. Depending on the class and as an option for differentiation, all students can use the same scale or different scales. An optional Hitting Your Mark activity sheet is provided. The activity sheet is set up for students to use a 2:1 scale to create a dartboard with a 9 inch diameter. You may want to make this available for students who might have difficulty keeping track of their scaled fractions. Hitting Your Mark Activity Sheet Students will use the marked center to draw the largest circle using the compass. Have students double-check their radius and diameter for accuracy. Have them compare their actual measurements to those calculated and documented on their measurement handout. If you compasses cannot accommodate a circle with a radius of 4.5 inches, you may want to create a template for this outer circle that student can trace or allow students to explore ways to draw circles on their own. Students should measure and check for accuracy the width of each ring on a regulation dartboard. If an actual dartboard is not available, students can rely on the measurements provided on the Hitting Your Mark activity sheet. Using a protractor, students should then proceed to draw the first 18° angle, with sides extending to the edge of the circle, representing 1 scoring sector of the dartboard. Instruct students to verify the measure of each angle for accuracy before proceeding. Students will get the best results if they work in quadrants dividing each quadrant into five sectors. Once students have made, verified, and adjusted all measurements allowe them to add design attributes and personalize their dartboards. Hanging up the finished dartboards for viewing. Consider hanging them up in the halls with student names hidden and have students vote for their favorites based on overall design, neatness, and accuracy. You may want to have three or more awards so more students have an opportunity to be recognized for their particular strength. Ask students if they would like to donate their dartboards so that they can be displayed as examples for next year’s students. Hitting Your Mark Answer Key Share Questions for Students to share as a class. 1. If a 2:1 scale drawing of a regulation dartboard is made, will the central angle measures change from the original to the model? a. [Angle measures remain unchanged. To demonstrate draw a central angle in a circle that measures 18°, and then draw a smaller concentric circle. Ask students if the measure of the angle has changed because of the smaller circle. They should agree that it hasn't.] 2. How do the ring widths compare between a regulation dartboard and a 2:1 scale drawing? a. [The rings in the scaled drawing are one half the width.] 3. How do the areas compare between a regulation dartboard and a 2:1 scale a. [The area of a regulation dartboard is about 254.5 in2. The area of the scale drawing would be about 63.6 in2, 1/4 the original area.] Summarize Where the students able to: Accurately draw 7 concentric circles Determine angle measures given a prescribed number of equal segments Accurately measure angles Calculate measurements for a scaled figure Construct a scaled dartboard Assessment Options Collect the activity sheets and finished dartboards and check for accuracy. Change the scale and ask students to calculate the measurements for another dartboard. Assess understanding by asking individual students questions from the activity. Extensions 1. Consider having students research how the point values were determined. Does it make sense that the point values differ yet the segments are all the same? Where did the numbering scheme come from? a. [According to Wikipedia and Ivars Peterson’s MathTrek, the numbering scheme was devised to penalize poor shots. Both sources also claim that there are 19! possible number schemes.] 2. Have students explore scale and how different measures vary according to scale. In a 2:1 scale, some measurements such as width are halved, while others such as area are quartered. Use scale models of other shapes to facilitate the exploration. Teacher Reflection Did students have sufficient knowledge to draw concentric circles without assistance? If not, what will you change in the future? If the class time required to complete this project is a problem, what changes would you have to consider to make this a take-home family activity? If you partnered students with students of like ability and learning style would you consider partnering students of mixed ability? Why or why not? Was students’ level of enthusiasm/involvement high or low? Explain why. Did you challenge the achievers? How? Did you find it necessary to make adjustments while teaching the lesson? If so, what adjustments, and were these adjustments effective? What worked with classroom behavior management? What didn't work? How would you change what didn’t work? NCTM Standards and Expectations Geometry 6-8 1. Draw geometric objects with specified properties, such as side lengths or angle measures. 2. Measurement 6-8 3. Develop and use formulas to determine the circumference of circles and the area of triangles, parallelograms, trapezoids, and circles and develop strategies to find the area of more-complex shapes. 4. Select and apply techniques and tools to accurately find length, area, volume, and angle measures to appropriate levels of precision. 5. Solve problems involving scale factors, using ratio and proportion. This lesson was prepared by Julie Healy as part of the Illuminations Summer Institute. Pre-Test Geometry Name___________________________ What is the area of the bigger circle A sprinkler is at the center of a lawn. The sprinkler waters the area inside the circle. How many square units will be waters? Using the diagram above, what would be the circumference of the circle? Erin keeps her dog in the pen shown below. The pen is made by 2 walls of a building and a curved fence. What is the approximate length of the fence? What is the volume of the small hay bale below? How much plastic would it take to wrap the hay bale above? A 900 ft2 bag of seed cost $7. What would be the cost of seeding this yard? Identify as many of the polygons below.