Homework Guide: Art KS3 Students are expected to be given and to complete 1 substantial homework per fortnight Year 7 Year 8 Autumn one Autumn two Spring one Spring two Summer one Summer two Research and gather images of symbols used in Japanese art. Write the meanings of the symbols used. Use the website to guide your research http://www.vam.ac. uk/content/articles/ k/kimonodecoration-symbolsmotifs/ Find out the different meanings of the natural motifs used in Japanese Kimono design Use the website to guide your research http://www.vam.ac.uk /content/articles/k/ki mono-decorationsymbols-motifs/ Read Alice in Wonderland Write a summary of the story http://www.literatur e.org/authors/carroll -lewis/alicesadventures-inwonderland/ Read Alice in Wonderland Collect images of all the animal characters mentioned in the story http://www.literat ure.org/authors/ca rroll-lewis/alicesadventures-inwonderland/ Watch the video clip about living walls in the National Gallery. Create a report about the process of making a living wall. Visit the website of the ceramicist Heather Knight. Look at her ceramic works: -Micro tile collection -Textural wall tile collection Compile a list of key words that describe the texture and appearance of the tiles. Watch the video clip about signs and symbols and write in detail about the meanings of the following symbols: Find out the different meanings of the following colours: Watch the youtube clip ‘Faces of the Surreal’ Watch the youtube clip ‘Faces of the Surreal’ and write a poem about the work of John Stezaker using similes: e.g. his brain was like a cave. Use the following website to give you ideas for your poem: Give an account which explains the meaning, use and history of Totem poles. Consider the cultural, spiritual and social significance of Totem poles. Swastika Symbol of an elephant The hand of Fatima Red Blue Yellow Black http://www.threemusketeers.net/mike/ colors.html http://www.giusepp e-arcimboldo.org/ write a story about the identity of one of the surreal portraits of Giuseppe Arcimboldo. http://www.nationalg allery.org.uk/themaking-of-the-livingwall http://www.gullitote mpoles.com/TotemPol eSymbols.html http://www.heatherknight ceramics.com/gallery.html ?folio=For%20Sale&gallery =Press Draw or photograph a piece of street art in your local environment which inspires you. Write about why the artwork is inspirational and interesting to you. If possible find other examples by the same street artist. 1 Any other symbols you find interesting http://www.youtube .com/watch?v=QaQK weHL4Nc Year 9 Take part in the 1950’s Pop Art online colour activity. Print examples of the colour pieces you create and write about the piece you created links to Pop Art. http://kids.tate.org.u k/games/colourcolour/ http://www.saatchi gallery.com/artists/ john_stezaker.htm Extension website to research Picasso’s use of blue and red(rose): http://www.pablopica sso.org/blueperiod.jsp Research 10 onomatopoeia words. Illustrate the onomatopoeia words using appropriate materials. Explain how your choice of materials and colours convey the sound of the word. www.roaweb.tumblr.com/ www.streetartlondon.co.u k/artists/roa Find 5 images of still life paintings by the following artists: Henri Matisse Juan Gris Audrey Flack Write about the styles and techniques that each of the artists has used in their still life work. www.audreyflack.co m Find 5 images of still life paintings by the following artists: Henri Matisse Juan Gris Audrey Flack Compare and contrast the materials, colour and techniques used by the three artists in their still life work. Write a story about one of the pieces of artwork from the Tate, visit the ‘Tate Tales’ website. http://blog.tate.org.uk /tate-tales/ http://www.youtube.com/ watch?v=ciMbgryCfN4 In your own words write a report about the work of the artist Grayson Perry. Try to include the artist’s own quotes about their work in your report. Use illustrations in your report. http://www.saatchigallery. com/artists/grayson_perry. htm 2