find Km and Vmax for an enzyme

Biochemistry of the cell
Fall 2013
Enzyme kinetics
from Kimball’s Biology Pages,
an online biology textbook by Dr. John W. Kimball
When a slice of apple is exposed to air, it quickly turns brown. This is because the
enzyme o-diphenol oxidase catalyzes the oxidation of phenols in the apple to darkcolored products. (A similar enzyme, tyrosinase, converts tyrosine to melanin.)
Let’s measure:
 The maximum rate at which o-diphenol oxidase can perform (Vmax)
 The Michaelis-Menten constant (Km) for this enzyme
 We’ll use catechol as the substrate. The enzyme converts it into o-quinone
(A), which is then further oxidized to colored products.
We’ll also measure:
 The activity of o-diphenol oxidase in the presence of a competitive inhibitor:
para-hydroxybenzoic acid (PHBA) (B), which binds the same site as catechol
but is not acted upon
 The activity of o-diphenol oxidase in the presence of a noncompetitive
inhibitor: phenylthiourea, which binds to a copper atom in the enzyme which
is essential for its activity
Preparing for the Assay:
Grind up pieces of apple and centrifuge the resulting soup.
 The supernatant is your enzyme preparation.
 Because of the speed with which colored products are formed, we can use the
intensity of the color as a measure of product formation.
 We measure this in a spectrophotometer, an instrument that measures the
absorbance of monochromatic light passed through the sample.
o The products are yellow-brown, so they absorb green light (540 nm)
First Experiment: No Inhibitor
Set up four tubes with different concentrations of catechol (the substrate). (Catechol
is a relative of the active ingredients in the poison ivy plant and, like them, can cause
serious contact sensitivity if it gets on one's skin.)
 A = 4.8 mM; B = 1.2 mM; C = 0.6 mM; D = 0.3 mM
 Add a fixed amount of enzyme preparation to Tube A and measure the
change in absorbance (Optical Density) at 540 nm) at 30s intervals for four
 Calculate the average change in OD540 per minute (AOD540).
Because the OD is directly proportional to the concentration of the products,
we can use average change in OD540 per minute as the rate, or velocity, of the
reaction (Vi).
Repeat with the other three tubes
The table below summarizes the results.
Tube A
Tube B
Tube C
Tube D
4.8 mM
1.2 mM
0.6 mM
0.3 mM
AOD540 (Vi)
Analysis: Construct a Lineweaver-Burke plot, or a plot of V vs. [S]
Second Experiment: Effect of para-hydroxybenzoic acid (PHBA)
 As before, but this time add a fixed amount of a solution of PHBA to each of
the four tubes.
The table below summarizes the results.
Tube A
Tube B
Tube C
Tube D
4.8 mM
1.2 mM
0.6 mM
0.3 mM
AOD540 (Vi)
The table above summarizes the results.
Analysis: Construct a Lineweaver-Burke plot, or a plot of V vs. [S]
Third Experiment: Effect of phenylthiourea
 As before, but this time add a fixed amount of a solution of phenylthiourea in
each of the four tubes.
The table below summarizes the results.
Tube A
Tube B
4.8 mM
1.2 mM
Tube C
0.6 mM
Tube D
0.3 mM
AOD540 (Vi)
Finally, construct a single Lineweaver-Burke plot, or a plot of V vs. [S] that shows
the results of all three experiments.
How does this plot show which types of inhibition are exhibited by PHBA and