Physicians’ Wound Center 2770 Eureka Way, Suite 100 Redding, CA 96001 (530)241-2151 Fax: (530)241-2489 NEW PATIENT PAPERWORK Name:______________________________________________________________ (First) SS#:_____-___-_____ (Middle Initial) (Last) DOB: ____-____-_____ Gender: Male or Female Mailing Address:_________________________City:____________Zip:_________ Home Phone:_____________________ Cell Phone: ________________________ Email Address: ______________________________@______________________ Referring Physician: _________________________________________________ Primary Care Physician: ______________________________________________ Pharmacy: _________________ Street: _______________ City: ______________ EMERGENCY CONTACT INFORMATION: Name: _____________________ Relation: _____________ Phone: ____________ VOLUNTARY INFORMATION FOR MEDICARE REPORTING Ethnicity: Hispanic/Latino Non-Hispanic/Latino Patient Declined Race: American Indian/Alaskan Native American/Pacific Islander Black/African American Multiracial Asian White Preferred Language: English DO YOU HAVE HOME HEALTH? Spanish Other: ______________________ YES OR NO If your answer was YesName of Home Health Agency: _____________________________________ Name of Home Health Nurse: ______________________________________ WHERE IS YOUR WOUND(S) __________________________________________ What treatments do you use on the wound(s)? ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ MEDICATIONS & PAST MEDICAL HISTORY Drug & Food Allergies: ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ Please list all prescribed and over-the-counter medications you are currently taking. Medication Dose Frequency Please check any of the following that apply to you: ___Local Anesthesia Problems ___Bleeding Tendencies ___Psoriasis ___Eczema ___Neural Disease ___Hypertension ___Poor Circulation ___Lung Disease ___Hay Fever ___Heart Disease/Murmur/Palpitation ___Recent Weight Loss/Gain ___Tuberculosis ___Hepatitis ___Leg Swelling ___Herpes ___Arthritis ___Keloids ___Migraines/Headaches ___Ulcers ___HIV ___Hives ___Cancer: ___Lupus ___Radiation/Chemotherapy ___Asthma ___Diabetes ___Anemia ___Seizures ___Thyroid ___Hearing Problems ___Kidney Disease/Stones/Recurrent Infections Social History (please check all that apply) ___ Cigarettes ___ Alcohol ___ Recreational Drugs ___ Coffee ___ Exercise Please list any Surgeries, Serious illnesses and/ or Hospitalizations: CONSENT FOR TREATMENT AND BILLING 1. I hereby authorize Physicians’ Wound Center or associates to perform upon me the named patient the following wound care and/or treatment: WOUND TREATMENT AND DEBRIDEMENT. 2. The nature and purpose of the wound care and/or other treatment has been fully explained to me and I have been informed of the expected benefits and complications (from known and unknown causes), attendant discomforts and risk that may arise, as well as possible alternatives to the proposed treatment including no treatment. My questions have been answered fully and satisfactorily. 3. Any tissues removed may be examined and retained by the Physicians’ Wound Center and its authorized affiliate for medical, scientific or educational purposes and such tissues or parts may be disposed of in accordance with accustomed practice. 4. I acknowledge that no guarantees or assurances have been made to me concerning the results intended from the wound care and/or treatment. 5. I herby consent that photographs, tape recordings, video tapes and/or movies may be taken of me, or the named patient, by Physicians’ Wound Center in connection with the medical and other services, which, I the patient am receiving at Physicians’ Wound Center. I further consent that a history of my/the patient’s social and medical problems may be taken by the Physicians’ Wound Center staff. 6. I understand that neither myself/the patient nor members of my/the patient’s family will be identified by name in connection with any public use of this material. 7. MEDICARE, I authorize any holder of medical or other information about me to release to the social security administration or its intermediaries or carries any information needed for this or a related Medicare claim. I permit a copy of this authorization to be used in place of the original request payment of medical insurance benefits either to myself of the party who accepts assignment. 8. ALL OTHERS: I authorize any holder of medical or other information about me to release any information needed for this or a related claim. I permit a copy of this to be used in place of the original. 9. I authorize payment of benefits to Physicians’ Wound Center. I understand I am financially responsible for charges not covered by this assignment, including coinsurance and deductibles. 10. CANCELLATION POLICY: We require a 24-hour notice for all cancellations and/or rescheduling. A $30.00 cancellation fee will be charged for those who do not give proper notice. We are committed to your care and appreciate your commitment to us. This charge will not apply in some cases of emergency or illness. I confirm that I have read and fully understand the above and that all blank spaces have been completed prior to my signing. I have crossed out any paragraphs that do not pertain to me. _____________________________________________ __________________________ _____________________________________________ __________________________ Signature of Patient or Person Authorized to Consent for Patient If Other than Patient, Relationship to Patient Date Date