Affordable Care Act (ACA) – Health Insurance Offer Letter The implementation of the Employer Mandate provision of the Affordable Care Act was effective January 1, 2015. Compliance with this mandate requires Murray State University offers health insurance benefits to at least 95% of the employees that work a minimum of 30 hours per week. We continuously monitor and track actual hours worked or an hours worked equivalent method to determine ACA full-time or parttime status under the ACA guidelines for health insurance eligibility for all active employees. If it is determined that any variable hour (non-benefits eligible) employee will work or has worked an average of 30 hours or more during either the initial or ongoing measurement periods they will be eligible for health insurance coverage. For new hires who are expected to work over 30 hours the health insurance eligibility date will be the first of the month following 28 days of employment. For those determined eligible during a measurement period, health insurance eligibility will being with the following stability period. You are receiving this letter because through our tracking process it was determined you will or have exceeded an average of 30 hours per week. Therefore, you are eligible* for health insurance coverage for the current plan year, or as long as you are employed by Murray State University. Ongoing eligibility, after this plan year, is not guaranteed and is determined by each measurement period. Please review the following rate information and return the enclosed form to Human Resources, by the date specified in your welcome letter or email, if you would like to participate in Murray State University’s health plan in 2015. Health Plan - 2015 Monthly Premiums3 - High Deductible Health Plan 1 EE Pays 2 ER Pays Standard PPO 1 EE Pays 2 ER Pays Enhanced PPO 1 EE Pays 2 ER Pays Employee Only $5.71 $394.16 $37.09 $417.48 $111.51 $401.04 Employee & Child(ren) $26.05 $692.18 $118.03 $697.02 $241.71 $677.27 Employee & Spouse $30.66 $765.78 $132.93 $773.46 $270.46 $756.83 Employee & Spouse & Children $80.46 $1,115.30 $232.11 $1,128.30 $438.34 $1,099.31 Extended Family Partner4 $396.58 $0.00 $451.83 $0.00 $514.74 $0.00 Ext. Family Partner & Child(ren)4 $795.90 $0.00 $905.85 $0.00 $1,025.10 $0.00 1EE indicated the amount you as the employee would be responsible for on a monthly basis. reflects the portion covered by Murray State University each month. 3Bi-weekly paid employees can divide this by two for bi-weekly rates. 4Extended Family plans require additional documentation; please contact Human Resources at (270) 809-2146 for assistance enrolling in these plans. 2ER *Eligibility is reevaluated based on your hire date or every twelve month stability period running from January 1st – December 31st of each year. Qualifying in 2015 does not guarantee you will qualify in future years. ACA 30 Hour Rule – Insurance Offer Letter Page 1 of 1