SkyView Academy English Department Narrative Rubric 4 points 1 point Developed with some narrative elements Minimally developed with few narrative elements Opening intrigues the reader Opening interests the reader Dialogue is good, but some of the characters sound alike; could do more to use dialogue as a storytelling tool Opening is present, but flat or tired; the opening needs to do more to really pull in the reader Opening is abrupt or confusing Dialogue is artfully used as a means to build characterization and advance the story Uses all 3 of the brush strokes taught in class The ending is thoughtful, satisfying, and perhaps even delightfully surprising Appropriate for the task Demonstrates coherence, clarity, and cohesion (easy to follow progression) Organization of the story is masterfully built, providing clear structure and an occasionally delightful surprise Pacing is quick and fluid Skillful use of transitions to help create a unified, cohesive piece of writing Establishes and maintains an effective style Powerful vocabulary with no repetition; always fresh and interesting Excellent sentence flow and variety of sentence structures A lively, interesting writer’s voice comes through to the audience Writing: Grammar, Mechanics, and Usage 2 points Mostly effectively developed with narrative elements When appropriate, the writer uses “showing” details rather than just telling information about the characters/scene Writing: Written Expression 3 points Effectively developed with narrative elements Writer attempts to use “showing” details rather than just telling information, even if the technique doesn’t always work Attempts to use all three brush strokes but is not successful with all three The ending answers all questions Mostly appropriate to task Demonstrates coherence, clarity, and cohesion (fairly easy to follow progression) Organization of the story is clear and smoothly leads the reader through the story Pacing is good, but a few minor bumps slow down your reader at times Correct use of transitions for unity and cohesiveness Establishes and maintains a mostly effective style Good vocabulary that clearly, but not always powerfully, tells the story Smooth sentence flow and occasionally effective sentence variety The writer’s voice comes through to the audience, but the passion falls flat at times There may be a few minor errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage, but meaning is clear. Dialogue is present, but it doesn’t advance the story; it works mostly as filler Needs to use more “showing” details; several missed opportunities to use this technique 0 points Underdeveloped Dialogue is mostly missing Writer does not use any “showing” details The ending is abrupt, not believable, or leaves too many unanswered questions Uses one brush stroke Uses two of the three brush strokes The ending is present, but delivers a typical and/or obvious resolution Somewhat appropriate to the task Demonstrates some coherence, clarity, and/or cohesion (usually discernible, not obvious) Limited in its appropriateness to task Demonstrates limited coherence and/or cohesion (progression of ideas somewhat unclear) Evidence of organization exists, but reader was confused and/or specific sections seemed rushed/underdeveloped Organization is confusing or illogical; your reader needed more help in following your narrative line Pacing is inconsistent and/or sometimes becomes bogged down Pacing is slow and/or labored; your reader must make great effort to slog through the story Style is somewhat effective Style has limited effectiveness Average, simple vocabulary or overly flowery language that blocks meaning at times Flat, below grade-level vocabulary and/or inappropriate diction Sentence flow is choppy at times; limited sentence variety Limited use of transitions; at times, an inappropriate transition is used or is missing altogether The writer’s voice is flat, too formal, or rigid. Where’s the passion in your voice? There may be errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage that occasionally impeded understanding, but the meaning in generally clear. Inappropriate to the task Lacks coherence, clarity, and cohesion Inappropriate style Flow is mostly choppy and erratic; little or no sentence variety Little or no use of transitions No writer’s voice is present. The words are lifeless or robotic. There may be errors I mechanics, grammar, and usage that often impede understanding. There are frequent and varied errors in mechanics, grammar, and usage that impeded understanding.