AP HUG Study Guide – Economic Geography Know the terms from

Study Guide – Economic Geography
Know the terms from your vocab list.
For the following, you should be able to define/analyze, give real world examples, show cause and effect.
The Industrial Revolution
Origin, causes, and associated technologies
World Cities
Transnational, footloose, cottage, conglomerate
Ancillary activities
Types of Economic activities
Export processing zones
Primary  Quinary
Rostow’s stages of development
World Cities
Indicators of development
Models of transportation
GNP, GDP, % of pop in ag, HDI, GDIetc…
Wallerstien’s Core-Periphery Model
Gender Equity
Natural Resources and current reserves (who has the
Industrial Location Theories
most of what)
Weber, Hottelling and Losch
Renewable Resources
Bulk Gaining and Bulk Breaking Industries
Asian Tigers & reason for success
Break of bulk points
Site vs. Situation
Differing Methods of development – sustainability,
Transfer of industrial capabilities, type of diffusion
international trade, self sufficiency
Free Response Questions
Silicon Valley & the Research triangle – investment capital, labor, government & agglomeration
Weber’s industrial location theory
Diffusion Automobile factories in the U.S
Economic restructuring – international division of labor impact in the U.S (core) & periphery
Maquiladora’s spatial distribution & why Mexico is an important location in the global market
Study Guide – Economic Geography
Know the terms from your vocab list.
For the following, you should be able to define/analyze, give real world examples, show cause and effect.
The Industrial Revolution
Origin, causes, and associated technologies
World Cities
Transnational, footloose, cottage, conglomerate
Ancillary activities
Types of Economic activities
Export processing zones
Primary  Quinary
Rostow’s stages of development
World Cities
Indicators of development
Models of transportation
GNP, GDP, % of pop in ag, HDI, GDIetc…
Wallerstien’s Core-Periphery Model
Gender Equity
Natural Resources and current reserves (who has the
Industrial Location Theories
most of what)
Weber, Hottelling and Losch
Renewable Resources
Bulk Gaining and Bulk Breaking Industries
Asian Tigers & reason for success
Break of bulk points
Site vs. Situation
Differing Methods of development – sustainability,
Transfer of industrial capabilities, type of diffusion
international trade, self sufficiency
Free Response Questions
Silicon Valley & the Research triangle – investment capital, labor, government & agglomeration
Diffusion Automobile factories in the U.S
Weber’s industrial location theory
Economic restructuring – international division of labor impact in the U.S (core) & periphery
Maquiladora’s spatial distribution & why Mexico is an important location in the global market