Supplemental Information for Observations of a Correlation between Primary Particle and Aggregate Size for Soot Particles Ramin Dastanpour*, Steven N. Rogak Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada * Corresponding author email: Linear and power fits to dp-da data presented in Figure 2 of the manuscript Results obtained from fitting correlations in the forms of ππ = π (constant primary average particle size for all aggregate sizes) and ππ = π. ππ΄π (power fit) to the data presented in Figure 2 of the main manuscript are summarized in Table S1. Table S1: Curve fitting results for data presented in Fig. 2 of the main manuscript Source Fit type π π = π π π = π. π ππ¨ * GDI c = 19.93 (19.26, 20.6) a = 5.22 (4.32, 6.12) R-square: -2.22e-16 b = 0.30 (0.26, 0.33) R-square: 0.349 HDPI c = 24.45 (23.84, 25.06) a = 6.49 (5.46, 7.52) R-square: 1.776e-15 b = 0.29 (0.26, 0.32) R-square: 0.327 Aviation gas c = 27.21 (25.8, 28.63) a = 5.01 (3.36, 6.66) turbine R-square: -2.22e-16 b = 0.39 (0.32, 0.46) R-square: 0.282 Inverted burner c = 31.19 (29.54, 32.85) a = 6.05 (2.94, 9.17) R-square: -2.22e-16 b = 0.29 (0.20, 0.38) R-square: 0.195 * Values in all brackets are 95% confidence bounds. According to these results, assuming a constant average primary particle size for the whole ensemble of the aggregates in each combustion source is erroneous. Instead, power fits all resulted in better fits and all have lower bounds (95% confidence) greater than 0.2 for b (b is the slope of a linear fit in log-scale). Notes for shielding effect simulations Two shielding criteria were used. As an extreme criteria, the first shielding case used in this simulation assumes primary particles as opaque objects. Particles are assumed to be excluded from measurements when more than 50% for their projected area is shielded by other particles. Second shielding case assumed in this simulation better represents practical image processing measurements. It assumes primary particles to be partially transparent. TEM images show that the primary particles are usually still detectable when they are shielded by one monomer. Otherwise, their detection probability is reduced. Considering this, in the second case if more than 1/2 of the area of the primary particle is completely shielded (with more than one monomer above it) it is assumed that the monomer size cannot be measured from TEM images. Figures S1 and S2 compare βππ and βππ , defined by equations 4-5 in the main article, for the two shielding cases assumed in this model. Shielding effect on the measurement of primary particle polydispersity is also investigated by the normalized parameter defined by equation S1 and is illustrated in Figure S3. βππ = ππ,ππππ − ππ,πππ‘ ππ,πππ‘ (S1) As shown in these figures, the difference between “measured” and “actual” ππ , ππ , and ππ in practical measurements (case2) is smaller than the extreme case (case1). This conforms that the effect of shielding on practical measurement of primary particle size from TEM images results is a slight overestimation of dp. However, this overestimation is less than 1% of the actual primary particle diameter; and is negligible comparing to 4-6 times changes in monomer size with aggregate size, as illustrated in Figure 2 in the main article. Figure S1: Effect of shielding on the number of primary particles detectable on projected images Figure S2: Effect of shielding on the average primary particle diameter in individual aggregates detectable on projected images Figure S3: Effect of shielding on the polydispersity of the primary particles in individual aggregates measured from projected images Notes for image processing program In order to extract morphological parameters of soot particles from TEM images, a semiautomatic image processing program was developed in MATLAB. The first version of this program was developed in our group by Arka Soewono (Soewono, 2008). Its performance has been enhanced for accurate measurement of soot morphology at different magnifications. The operation of this program can be divided into three sections. First, images are loaded and morphological parameters are extracted from these images in units of pixel (or squared pixel). Then, these measured parameters are scaled with the size of the pixels (nm/pixel) to acquire desired units (nm for length and nm2 for area). Finally, these results are exported and further processed to produce the desired representations. TEM images are loaded by the program (Fig. S4-a). The user crops each image to select the desired aggregate (Fig. S4-b). The aggregate’s morphological parameters are measured by transforming the cropped grayscale image into a binary image by setting a threshold level for the brightness of the image. To compensate for the effect of high levels of background intensity fluctuations usually present in images taken at high magnifications, the operator can draw a freehand boundary around the aggregate, but not necessarily close to it (Fig. S4-c). The threshold level will only be changed in the selected region and after a background intensity correction is applied to the cropped image. Projected area, maximum length and width, gyration radius, and projected area equivalent diameter of the aggregates are measured from the final binary image (Fig. S4-d). Particle perimeter is also measured using the aggregate edge obtained from the binary image. The detected particle edge is super-imposed onto the cropped image and is used to make sure that the binary image is produced accurately (Fig. S4-e). Primary particle sizing is performed manually. The accuracy of the primary particle sizing is enhanced by breaking large aggregates into multiple sections. Considering that the primary particle is not a perfect sphere, its diameter is measured by averaging its size in two different directions (Fig. S4-f). Figure S4: TEM image processing steps Image scale is determined either automatically, using automatic detection of the image magnification, or by using the scale bar. All measured parameters are stored in a spreadsheet. Size distribution parameters (mean, geometric mean, standard deviation, and geometric standard deviation) of the primary particles and aggregates are calculated and histograms are plotted by the post processing part of the program. Upon request, this image processing program can be shared with other researchers for morphology characterisation of soot particles from TEM images.