DANIEL KORNEV Work address: Work phone: Cell phone: Fax: E-mail: Home page: Microsoft Rus LLC Krylatskaya Street 17-1 Moscow 121614 Russia +7 (495) 967 8585 +7 (903) 260 8379 +7 (495) 967 8500 danielko@microsoft.com http://blogs.msdn.com/semantics/ PROFESSIONAL INTERESTS Program management, software development, digital marketing, site management, technology innovations vision & inspiration, technology evangelism RESEARCH INTERESTS Human-Computer Interaction, Task Switching, User Interface Design, Information Visualization, Ubiquitous Computing, Novel Interaction Techniques, Context-aware Computing Systems, Interruptions, Object-relational Databases EDUCATION 2008-2012 Higher School of Economics (expected) | PhD in CS Thesis title: Interrupting users optimally: Developing a context-aware interruption management system sensible to user’s mental load and stable interests Research project involves usage of Microsoft Semantic Engine (as user stable interests indexer), eye-tracking system to detect user’s mental load and is planned to end up with a prototype of a context-aware computing system described in thesis title above Research project is supported by Microsoft Research – VIBE Group (led by Mary Czerwinski) 2003-2008 Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Math | MS in CS Thesis title: Opportunity for creation of context-aware computing applications that depend on information environment changes GPA: 4.83 (of 5) Best student for 1st and 2nd years of education 2004-2005 Business School “Laboratory of Promotion Advance”, Moscow Parliament | Graduate in Project Management Successfully graduated in management, politics, presentation, communications, public speaker art PROFESSIONAL EMPLOYMENT RECORD 2008 - now | Program Manager Microsoft Russia | Moscow, Russia Manage a team of site managers, editors and developers doing support of Russian MSDN Online web site and serving specific customers’ needs in Russia including tools to find experts on technologies etc. 2007 - now | Context-Aware Computing Researcher Microsoft Russia | Moscow, Russia Work on human-computer interaction research around context-aware computing systems, augmented reality-enabled navigation systems, user experience for task management, novel interaction techniques 2007 - 2008 | Developer Evangelist Microsoft Russia | Moscow, Russia Delivered technical talks for developers and students on the newest Microsoft Technologies across Russia & CIS with focus on semantic & context-aware computing as well as novel human-computer interaction technologies like Microsoft Surface and Windows 7; managed advanced DVD Shell UX development project for DPE Russia team; managed DevDays.ru web site that provides easy access to all technical and marketing materials made for developers by DPE Russia team 2006 - 2007 | Project Manager IT Management Research Group | Moscow, Russia Created and led “IT Management Research Group” that combined industry experts in IT Management area - from Microsoft, Siemens, private companies and public organizations. Group's mission was to develop IT Management Education Environment Model & take part in state IT Management education standard development led by AP KIT association. The standard was accepted by national body in June 2007. The IT Management Education Model was deployed at Microsoft Innovation Center at MEPHI. 2006 | Project Management System Integration Consultant Business Consulting Group | Moscow, Russia Analyzed, developed & deployed project management system implementation based on the set of Microsoft products such as Windows Server 2003 R2, Exchange Server 2003, Office SharePoint Portal Server 2003, Project Server 2003 and SQL Server 2000 on the server side, and Outlook 2003, Project Professional 2003 on the client side. The whole solution has been accepted as adequate to customer needs including special tuning of Enterprise Project Management Solution 2005 - 2006 | Microsoft Student Partner Microsoft Russia | Moscow, Russia In the position of MSP promoted Microsoft Academic Programs in MIEM and other universities; delivered technical talks on object-relational mapping (ORM) systems from Microsoft – WinFS, ADO.NET Entity Framework, LINQ; promoted novel human-computer interaction technologies by Microsoft; led student developer user group in my university 2005 - 2006 | IT & Technical Manager SCO Grajdanskaya Smena | Moscow, Russia Owned technical side of Grajdanskaya Smena organization events PROFESSIONAL SERVICE MIEM .NET Developers Group – Chair 2005-2007 PUBLICATIONS CONFERENCE PAPERS Mikhail Matveev, Daniel Kornev (2008): Use of Context Information for User Experience Design. In Proceedings of World Usability Day 2008 Russia MICROSOFT INTERNAL CONFERENCES PAPERS & TECHTALKS Daniel Kornev (2009): “Microsoft Universe: a complete prototype of a context-aware computing stack” In Innovation ThinkTank III DemoFest Fall 2009 Andrew Webber, Russ Burtner, Evgeny Krivosheev, Daniel Kornev (2007): The Windows Semantic Platform. In Think Week Papers Fall 2007 THESIS COMMITTEES 1. Alexey Zuzin, 2008 (M.S. in CS thesis on “Developing prototype of effective user collaboration platform”) PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS Association for Computing Machinery ACM Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (SIGCHI), ACM Special Interest Group on Mobility of Systems, Users, Data, and Computing (SIGMOBILE) Russian Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (member of ACM SIGCHI) INVITED TALKS/PRESENTATIONS TechTalk: WinFS: a view from future to the past TechTalk: Use of Context Information for New Startup Projects was made as a special seminar for Intel engineers in Russia was made across several Moscow universities including Moscow State University, MEPhI and MSTU named by Bauman 2009 TechTalk: Use of Context Information for User Experience Design TechTalk: ADO.NET Entity Framework Keynote: Microsoft Tech.Day Keynote: Visual Studio 2005 Launch World Usability Day 2008 Russia 2008 Platforma 2008 Conference 2007 Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Math 2006 Moscow State Institute of Electronics and Math 2005 2008