Y6 B29 Jan 24 - St. Bernard Catholic Church

St. Bernard
In the Heart of Akron
Come and Worship the Living God
2015 Christmas to Candlemas 2016
Weekend Masses
Saturday Vigil
4:30 p.m.
9:30 a.m.
11:30 a.m.
1:00 p.m. (en Español)
8:00 p.m.
Daily and Holyday Masses
See Mass Intentions inside for times
Baptism- Celebrated (1st/3rd) Saturdays at 11am.
Contact us to schedule and preparations.
RCIA – Interested in becoming Catholic? Attend
an Inquiry Session or call our Parish Office.
Penance - Confessions 3:00-4:00pm on Saturdays,
11-Noon on First Friday, or byappointment.
Marriage – Please contact the parish office as soon
as possible for a date, but at least six months
in advance for marriage preparations.
Anointing of the Sick – Any time upon request;
Call the Parish Office or the hospital chaplain.
Please have your Funeral Director contact us to
arrange a day/time for a Mass or Burial Service.
Newman Center Campus Ministry
Mr. John Szarwark, Campus Minister
Parish Offices, 3rd Floor; 330-376-3585
Heart-to-Heart Communications
Fr. Norm Douglas, Co-founder, in residence
Ms. Sarah Leiendecker, Executive Assistant
Parish Offices, 1st Floor; 330-434-3278
Interested in becoming Catholic?
If you seek a more meaningful Life in the Way
of Jesus Christ and the Truth he taught about
God and us, call us for information on how to be
a disciple with us in the Catholic Church.
Expecting a child? Need help?
Contact us so we can direct you for assistance,
or call confidentially 1-800-712-(HELP)4357.
Prayers? Have a request?
Call our prayer line at: 234-738-2473 or Email
us at: St.Bernard.praychain@gmail.com
Food? In need or want to help?
Contact us for free meal times, to volunteer or
to donate to our Hunger Ministry to the needy.
ContactUs(Se habla español *)
Fr. Daniel J. Reed*
- ext. 27
Fr. Frank Basa
- ext. 13
Mr. Ray DiMascio
- ext. 15
Mrs. Nancy Cabrera* - ext. 10
Business Mgr. Mrs. Cheri Colianni
- ext. 16
Mr. Jim Kintz
- ext. 25
Mr. Ralph Reese
- ext. 10
Maintenance Mr. Will Jendrisak
- ext. 16
44 University Avenue - Akron, OH 44308
330-253-5161 / 330-253-6949 (Fax)
info@stbernardstmary.org (Email)
www.stbernardakron.com (Website)
Hours: 8 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Mon. – Fri.
9 a.m. – 11.00 a.m. Sundays
St. Bernard Mass Intentions
Sunday, January 24 – Third Sunday in Ordinary time
+ Stohovitch & Suplita Families
+ Robert Kramer
+ Pro Populo
+ Armocida and O’Hare Families
Monday, January 25 – Conversion of St. Paul
+ Ronald G. Kasunic
Tuesday, January 26
+ Paul Christoff
Wednesday, January 27
+ Patricia Lundstrom
Thursday, January 28
+ Richard and Virginia Kintz
Friday, January 29
+ Marie Veronique Narcisse
Saturday, January 30
+ Michael and Jessie Yutches
Sunday, January 31 – Fourth Sunday in Ordinary time
+ John and Dolly Casey
+ Ernesto Lopez
No Intention
+ Domenica and Frans Genovese
by Newman Catholic Campus Ministry
January 24th 10am-12pm
St. Bernard Social Hall
Suggested donation of $5 per
person and $20 per family
All proceeds will support the University of Akron
Newman Group and go toward our spring break
mission trip to Detroit
Ralph Reese
I would like to thank everyone for the
gifts that help me celebrate my 40 Years at St.
Bernard. And for Fr. Dan, Fr. Frank, Fr. Norm
and the whole Parish for being so nice to me.
May God bless all of you,Ralph Reese
Collection Offering
Thank you for supporting your parish ministries
Scripture Readings for the Week
Acts 22:3-16 or 9:1-22; Mk 16:15-18
2 Tm 1:1-8 or Ti 1:1-5; Mk 3:31-35
2 Sm 7:4-17; Mk 4:1-20
2 Sm 7:18-19, 24-29; Mk 4:21-25
2 Sm 11:1-4a, 5-10a, 13-17; Mk 4:26-34
2 Sm 12:1-7a, 10-17; Mk 4:35-41
Jer 1:4-5, 17-19; 1 Cor 12:31-13:13; Lk 4:21-30
HELP the HOMELESS–In this cold weather, we
needwarm gloves for people who come to our doors.
Please new or gently used will help! Place them in the
DROP-OFF BOX located at the front church doors.
PRAYER REQUESTS - For Heidi Farver, Dave
Topper, Nick Stohovitch, Bill Eisaman,Ralph
Reese, Doris Hambrick, Charlotte Thurman, Loreta
Garcia, and those listed in our Book of Prayer Requests.
Offering for January 17 - $7,514.00
Catholic Charities USA, Calamities - $375.70
does not permit us to pre-date or post-date donations. If
your donation was received by the parish in 2015, it was
recorded for 2015; if received in 2016 it is recorded
for2016. → BeginningTHIS Monday, January 25, you
can contact the Parish Office for your 2015 Contribution
Statement to include in your 2015 IRS Tax Filings.
YEAR OF MERCY– To assist people in their
understanding of the Church’s teachings on marriage,
divorce, remarriage and annulments as a path to healing
and closure, the Tribunal of the Diocese of Cleveland will
offer First Step on Wednesday, February 17 at 7:00 PM
at Holy Family Church, 3179 Kent Road in Stow in Room
1 below the Church. No reservations are necessary and
there is no cost.
Dear People of St. Bernard,
In 2016 we begin an all-out-effort to restore and
expand our 110-year-old church organ. The last major
restoration was 60 years ago. The organ console was
replaced and the control mechanism that opened the air
ducts to the pipes went from a pneumatic system to an
electric system.
Last week we published this article. And, almost
on cue, one of the organ pipes gave out at the end of
the 4:30 Mass. That was that squealing noise you all
heard. People have come by this week to “Dedicate an
Organ Pipe” in the name of a loved one. As you can see
from our display at the church front entrance, we are
only a third of the way to our goal. We have plenty of
pipes to dedicate. Our current organ has only 28 ranks
of pipes. The renovated organ will have 42 ranks and
trumpets. It’ll be an incredible sound!
As I’ve mentioned in the past, the reason for
this fund is simple: outside of routine maintenance, very
little has been done to correct pipes that no longer
speak. Our organist, Jim Kintz, has mysteriously worked
around all the defects in our organ without us noticing.
We will replace the current console, the wind
chest reservoirs, and also refurbish some of the existing
pipes, replacing other pipes, and adding many more
pipes to expand the instrument tonally. There will be a
total of 2,481 newly restored pipes speaking on our
church organ.
We were successful in razing the school and
expanding our parking lot, I believe WE CAN DO THIS!!
Here’s how:
HOPEWe ask all who pledged to this Diocesan
Campaign in 2012 to continue to honor your
commitment. Seventy percent of your honored pledge
now comes back to the parish. Those quarterly checks
can be applied to our Church Organ Fund.
your relatives, and friends to consider leaving a legacy.
The restored church organ will be able to support future
generations for at least 75 more years (2090).
People have paid to have
their name on a brick. People have
paid to have a star in the heavens
named after them. We are asking
people to consider purchasing an
organ pipe on the St. Bernard
Church Organ. Believing we can
accomplish this task to enhance our
worship of God, we ask people to
consider dedicating or naming a pipe for someone at the
cost of $100.00 for each pipe named. Names will be
inscribed in a Leather-bound Registry when our financial
goal is reached. Or, for the purchase of a rank of 61
pipes for $6,000.00 whereby a memorial plaque will be
affixed to the restored church organ
Doing the math, you can see our hope is to raise
$248,100.00. This amount added to funds already
donated to date ($127,984.) will bring us to the
projected cost of full restoration.
your continued support to the effort of individuals to
help us reach our goal. We are grateful to people like,
Clarence Bechter, who has gone to great heights
(climbing mountains) for this fund. Please continue your
support to these charitable drives.
looking for people who are seeking us. There must be
people in the Arts and Music, in Sacred Music and Organ
Instruments, or support Historical Places who would
consider our efforts in line with their mission. If you
have recommendations we will consider them.
For the Glory of God, Fr. Dan
St. Bernard Church
Organ Fund
Dedicated Pipe - $100
Dedicated Rank-$6,000
Food Pantry on Thursday mornings served 5486 people
in 2093 households. We passed out enough food to
provide over 49,000 meals to needy people. Thank you
to Pantry donors: parishioners of St. Bernard, University
of Akron Newman Center, Akron Energy Systems, Giant
Eagle Montrose, Giant Eagle Springfield, Secular
Franciscans of the Cabrini Fraternity, Walmart Stow,
Daisy Troop 650, Our Lady of the Cedars Church, Our
Lady of Victory Church, and Litchfield Middle School.
CAPACITAR – Un programa para mujeres en áreas
de salud, de espiritualidad, y de amistad. Presentado
por la Sra. Rosita Baker con la cooperación de las
Hermanas Dominicanas de la Paz. La primera reunión
es este sábado, el 30 de enero a las 10:00am en la casa
parroquial (esq. de High y State Streets). Todas están
MISA de CANDALABRIA – Favor de traer las
velas que las quieren ser bendecidas durante la Misa a la
1:00pm, el domingo 7 de febrero. Después de la Misa
podemos compartir tamales, si quieren compartirlas.
ROSARIOS– Les recordamos que si quieren tener un
rosario, en su casa hable con Alma Silva 330-400-7308 o
Rosalía Duran 330-376-1803. Nota: los rosarios son el
primer sábado de cada mes a las 7 pm. Agradecemos la
buena voluntad de las personas que prestan su casa
para rezar los rosarios.
AVISO - Le invitamos a un rosario en honor a la
Virgen María Rosa Mística, será el 2do sábado de cada
mes, 7pm. Más información hable con Julia Rosado
CLASES de INGLÉS– Se ha cambiado para el 2do y
4to sábado de cada mes 10-1pm, Salón Histórico. Más
información llamar al 330-253-5161 o 330-322-4452
If you did not pick up your 2016 Offering
Envelopes, please stop by the Office by January 25.
SCHOLARSHIPS- Ohio Catholic Federal Credit Union
to award $50,000 in Catholic Education Scholarships.
These will be primarily needs-based, and awarded in the
amount of $1,000 per family. Online applications can be
accessed between Jan. 31 at until March 4. Questions
can be to Alexandra at (888) 696-4462.
KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS – Still one of the best
Catholic Men’s Organization around! Thanks to our
Council #547 who sponsored a Basketball Free Throw
Contest at St. Mary School. The seven highest scorers
will go to the District Meet on Jan. 31st. Want to know
about the KofC or get connected? Call 330-253-5161.
“You Look Marvelous!”
Visitors love to take pictures of our church, they consider
it one of the most beautiful churches in Ohio.
Many thanks to the members of St. Bernard Church
Community that wanted to be included in our Photo Disc
these past weekends. What a beautiful Church you are!!
Special thanks to Dave and Ruth Klein and Tom and
Rose Fritsch who volunteered to snap your photo.
If you would like to be included and have a Digital Photo
of yourself, send it to the parish email (bulletin cover)
along with the names of the people in the photo and the
Mass Time you regularly attend.
Pictures will be arranged alphabetically by Mass, burned
on to a CD, and made available to you ASAP.
CONFIRMATION - Let us pray for the youth of St.
Bernard and St. Mary Parishes who will be confirmed in
St. Bernard church on Saturday, February 6 at 4:30pm.:
Perry Antalek
Bethany Ballard
Andrew Cardenas-S.
Christopher Cardenas-S.
Matthew Crookston
Andrea Cuellar
Maria Monsour
Carol Moreno
Josh Nanashee
Juan Perez
Lorena Vicenteno
All Candidates and Sponsors will meet for a practice next
Sunday, January 31st at 2:00pm in the Social Hall.
THE PARISH HOUSE – Located on the corner of
State and High Streets the white house is available to
parish groups of various sizes. There is a TV Screen
with DVD/VCR player on a cart that can be moved from
room to room. Reservations can be made at the Office
by email: parishsecretary@stbernardstmary.org or
calling 330-253-5161.
Conference Room – 12-15 people
St. John Paul II Room – 8-10 people
Bl. Paul VI Room – 6-8 people
Prayer Room – 6-8 people
PRO POPULO – meaning “For the People” is a listed
Mass Intention that every pastor is obligated to pray for
his people weekly. I will pray it next Sunday for you in
the Holy Land. If you can, pray for me and for the 30
Pilgrims journeying in faith, prayer, and some fun in the
land of the Bible, where it is written in Psalm 122:6 :
‫שלום ירושלים‬
‫ن ص لي من أجل ال س الم ف ي ال قدس‬
Pray for the peace of Jerusalem
...and...like Jesus let us pray for Christian unity as well.