SCH3UI-01 Exam Review Student (Fall 2012)

SCH3UI-01 Exam Review (Fall 2012)
1. Complete the table below.
noble gas
Metal or
2. What is the difference between ionization energy and electron affinity?
3. Why does ionization energy increase from left to right in a period on the periodic table?
4. Explain how the number of electrons in an atom affects atomic radius.
5. List three empirical properties of ionic compounds.
6. Draw Lewis diagrams to explain the empirical formula for the following substances.
(a) KI(s)
(b) Br2(l)
(c) O2(g)
(d) BaCl2(s)
7. Provide both the classical name and the IUPAC name for the following acids.
Classical name
IUPAC name
(a) HClO3(aq)
(b) HNO2(aq)
(c) HI(aq)
8. Briefly describe how polar covalent bonds occur.
9. Explain, in your own words, how and why ionic bonding occurs.
10. Use electron dot diagrams to explain the formula for CaCl2.
11. Draw the electron dot diagrams for ammonia and ammonium ion.
12. Draw the electron dot diagram for carbon monoxide and carbon dioxide.
13. Draw the electron dot diagrams for oxygen, sodium, boron, and neon.
14. Use an electron dot diagram to explain why Lewis theory predicts that sulfur dioxide has one double bond.
15. Predict the products for the following chemical reaction:
A sulfuric acid spill is neutralized by a sodium hydroxide solution.
16. Predict the products and write a balanced chemical equation for the following chemical reaction:
Mercury(II) oxide is decomposed by heat to test the law of conservation of mass.
17. Predict the products and write a balanced chemical equation for the following chemical reaction:
Copper wire is added to an aqueous solution of silver nitrate to recover the silver.
18. Predict the products and write a balanced chemical equation for the following chemical reaction:
Aqueous calcium chloride is added to a small amount of solution suspected to contain sodium phosphate.
19. Predict the products and write a balanced chemical equation for the following chemical reaction:
A nitric acid spill is neutralized by a barium hydroxide solution.
20. Predict the products and write a balanced chemical equation for the following chemical reaction:
Steel wool is burned in a hot flame to produce a fireworks-like effect.
21. What are the products of the reaction between butane, C4H10(g), and oxygen?
22. Determine the number of molecules found in 5.00 mol of water.
23. Calculate the number of moles of lead present in 8.6  1017 atoms of Pb.
24. Determine the molar mass of mercury(II) sulfide.
25. Determine the number of hydrogen atoms found in 5.61 mol of magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2.
26. Calculate the number of fluoride ions present in 0.669 mol of barium fluoride, BaF2.
27. Convert 6.27 mol of hydrogen peroxide into mass (in grams).
28. Convert a mass of 89.7 g of lithium hydroxide into an amount in moles.
29. Calculate the number of empirical formula units found in 425.0 g of SiF3.
30. Define the term "limiting reagent".
31. Balance the following equation by inspection: C10H22 + O2
CO2 + H2O
32. Balance the following equation by inspection: H2C2O4 + NaOH
Na2C2O4 + H2O
33. Translate the following into a balanced chemical equation:
One mole of aqueous ethanol reacts with 3 mol of oxygen gas to produce 2 mol of carbon dioxide gas and 3 mol
of water in the gaseous state.
34. Consider the following balanced equation: 4ZnS + 6O2
4ZnO + 4SO2
Determine the number of moles of zinc oxide produced when 2.5 mol of zinc sulfide is combined with excess O2.
35. If 4.61 g of gold(I) oxide was the amount obtained in a reaction for which the theoretical yield was 8.14 g,
determine the percentage yield.
Explain how an ionic substance like KCl dissolves in water.
37. Explain the difference between dilute and concentrated solutions.
38. Consider the following reaction: Barium chloride solution is mixed with potassium sulphate solution to produce
a solid precipitate barium sulphate and a solution of potassium chloride.
For this reaction, write
(a) a balanced chemical equation
(b) a total ionic equation
(c) a net ionic equation
39. You are given a solution that may contain any or all of acetate, phosphate, and lead ions. Design a flowchart to
illustrate your testing for the presence of these ions.
40. Write the ionic equation to represent the dissociation of calcium hydroxide.
41. List three empirical properties for acids and three empirical properties for bases.
42. According to the revised Arrhenius theory, define an acid and a base.
43. Define acid and base according to the Bronsted-Lowry theory.
44. Write a balanced chemical equation for the neutralization of aqueous perchloric acid by aqueous barium
45. Natural argon contains three isotopes: Ar-36, Ar-38, and Ar-40. In a sample, 0.34% of the atoms are Ar-36,
0.06% of the atoms are Ar-38, and 99.60% of the atoms are Ar-40. Using a sample population of 10 000 argon
atoms, calculate the average atomic mass of argon.
46. Magnesium hydroxide, Mg(OH)2, can be commonly found in antacids. Calculate the percentage composition, by
mass, of each element in magnesium hydroxide.
47. A compound was found to contain 10.06% C, 89.10% Cl, and 0.84% H, by mass. If the molar mass of the
compound is 119.6 g/mol, calculate its molecular formula.
48. Potassium chlorate decomposes to form potassium chloride and oxygen gas. What mass of potassium chlorate is
required to form 120.0 g of potassium chloride?
49. Consider the following balanced equation: 2Li3PO4 + 3Zn(NO3)2
Zn3(PO4)2 + 6LiNO3
Determine the mass of lithium phosphate required to react completely with 415.0 g of zinc nitrate.
50. Consider the following balanced equation: CH4 + 2O2
CO2 + 2H2O
Determine the limiting reagent when 12.0 g of methane, CH4, and 20.0 g of oxygen gas are available for reaction.
51. Sodium chloride is produced when sodium metal combines with chlorine gas as shown in the following balanced
equation: 2 Na + Cl2
2 NaCl
In an experiment, 36.9 g of sodium chloride is produced when 15.9 g of Na and 27.4 g of chlorine are combined.
Determine the percentage yield of the product.
52. A solution of cupric sulphate is used at blood donor clinics to test donor blood for low iron. Calculate the
concentration of this solution, in mol/L, if 125 g of CuSO4 crystals are dissolved in 1.0 L of water.
53. D5W is an intravenous solution used as a fluid and nutrient replenisher for patients. As a hospital pharmacist you
need to make 750 mL of this solution with a concentration of 0.30 mol/L. What mass of glucose, C6H12O6, will
you need to dissolve in water?
54. T.S.P. is an all purpose cleaner that can be used to clean driveways. What volume of solution would you get if
you dissolved 150.0 g of sodium phosphate with water to produce a 0.23 mol/L solution?
55. The concentration of an HCl acid solution is initially 6.0 mol/L. What would the concentration of a new solution
be if 200 mL of the original HCl solution is diluted to 1.0 L with water?
56. Assume that laundry detergent is mostly sodium carbonate. Calculate the concentration of the sodium carbonate
if a 95.0-g scoop of detergent is dissolved in 25.0 L of water in the washing machine?
57. 100 mL of 0.2 mol/L sodium carbonate solution and 200 mL of 0.1 mol/L calcium nitrate solution are mixed
together. Calculate the mass of calcium carbonate that would precipitate and the concentration of the sodium
nitrate solution that will be produced.
58. A student wishes to precipitate all of the silver ions from 3.0 L of a 0.85 mol/L AgNO3 solution. If the student is
aiming to precipitate silver chloride, suggest and calculate an appropriate solute, concentration, and volume for a
reacting solution.
59. A student mixed 100.0 mL of a 0.100 mol/L solution of barium chloride with 100.0 mL of a 0.100 mol/L solution
of iron(III) sulphate. The barium sulphate precipitate was filtered, dried, and was measured to have a mass of 2.0
g. Calculate the % yield of the barium sulphate.
60. Calculate the pH of vinegar which has a hydrogen ion concentration of 1  10–2 mol/L.
61. A quality-control technician is testing the concentration of muriatic acid (hydrochloric acid) to check that the
concentration is within certain limits. Calculate the concentration of the hydrochloric acid if a 15.0-mL sample
(diluted by factor of 10) is titrated with standard sodium carbonate solution. The titration required 10.00 mL of
0.250 mol/L sodium carbonate to neutralize the acid.
62. Spinach leaves were boiled and 20.00 mL of the spinach juice was analyzed for its oxalic acid content. The
spinach juice was titrated with a 0.50 mol/L calcium chloride solution and 5.25 mL of the calcium chloride was
required to produce the calcium oxalate precipitate. Calculate the concentration of the oxalic acid in the spinach
63. A titration was performed on a 10.00-mL sample of water taken from an acidic lake. If it took 8.66 mL of 0.0512
mol/L NaOH(aq) to neutralize the sulfuric acid in the lake water sample, calculate the concentration of the sulfuric
acid. What is the pH of this lake water?
64. A commercial rust remover contains 7.30 mol/L of phosphoric acid. Calculate the mass of calcium carbonate
scale inside a coffeemaker that can be dissolved by 45.0 mL of this solution.