Jyväskylän yliopisto Tutkimus- ja innovaatiopalvelut H2020-hakuja / H2020 Remaining Calls 5-12 / 2015 SUSTAINABLE FOOD SECURITY Deadline Date 11-06-2015 H2020-SFS-2014-2015 H2020-SFS-2015-1 Topic: Authentication of food products FAST TRACK TO INNOVATION PILOT Deadline Date 01-12-2015 H2020-FTIPilot-2015-1 H2020-FTIPilot-2015-1 Topic: Fast Track to Innovation Pilot CALL FOR MAKING SCIENCE EDUCATION AND CAREERS ATTRACTIVE FOR YOUNG PEOPLE Deadline Date 16-09-2015 H2020-SEAC-2014-2015 H2020-SEAC-2015-1 SEAC-1-2015: Innovative ways to make science education and scientific careers attractive to young people SEAC-4-2015: EURAXESS outreach to Industry FET-OPEN - NOVEL IDEAS FOR RADICALLY NEW TECHNOLOGIES Deadline Date 29-09-2015 H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-RIA NOVEL IDEAS FOR RADICALLY NEW TECHNOLOGIES H2020-FETOPEN-2014-2015-RIA Call for proposals for ERC Advanced Grant 2015 Deadline Date 02-06-2015 ERC-2015-AdG CALL FOR DEVELOPING GOVERNANCE FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF RESPONSIBLE RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Deadline Date 16-09-2015 H2020-GARRI-2014-2015 GARRI-2-2015: Responsible Research and Innovation in industrial context GARRI-4-2015: Innovative approach to release and disseminate research results and measure their impact GARRI-9-2015: Estimating the costs of research misconduct and the socio-economic benefit of research integrity OVERCOMING THE CRISIS: NEW IDEAS, STRATEGIES AND GOVERNANCE STRUCTURES FOR EUROPE H2020-EURO-2014-2015 Deadline Date 28-05-2015 H2020-EURO-6-2015 Topic: EURO-6-2015: Meeting new societal needs by using emerging technologies in the public sector H2020-EURO-SOCIETY-2015 Topic: EURO-5-2015: ERA-NET on Smart Urban Futures Deadline Date 28-05-2015 GREEN VEHICLES 2015 Deadline Date 15-10-2015 H2020-GV-2015 Topic: GV-6-2015: Powertrain control for heavy-duty vehicles with optimised emission Topic: GV-8-2015: Electric vehicles’ enhanced performance and integration into the transport system and the grid THE YOUNG GENERATION IN AN INNOVATIVE, INCLUSIVE AND SUSTAINABLE EUROPE Deadline Date 28-05-2015 H2020-YOUNG-2014-2015 H2020-YOUNG-SOCIETY-2015 Topic: YOUNG-3-2015: Lifelong learning for young adults: better policies for growth and inclusion in Europe Topic: YOUNG-4-2015: The young as a driver of social change CALL FOR INTEGRATING SOCIETY IN SCIENCE AND INNOVATION Deadline Date 16-09-2015 H2020-ISSI-2014-2015 H2020-ISSI-2015-1 Topic: ISSI-1-2015: Pan-European public outreach: exhibitions and science cafés engaging citizens in science Topic: ISSI-3-2015: Knowledge Sharing Platform Topic: ISSI-4-2015: On-line mechanisms for knowledge-based policy advice Topic: ISSI-5-2015: Supporting structural change in research organisations to promote Responsible Research and Innovation REFLECTIVE SOCIETIES: CULTURAL HERITAGE AND EUROPEAN IDENTITIES Deadline Date 28-05-2015 H2020-REFLECTIVE-2014-2015 H2020-REFLECTIVE-SOCIETY-2015 Topic: REFLECTIVE-11-2015: Enabling Innovation - Creating Impact from Social Sciences and Humanities Topic: REFLECTIVE-2-2015: Emergence and transmission of European cultural heritage and Europeanisation Topic: REFLECTIVE-3-2015: European cohesion, regional and urban policies and the perceptions of Europe Topic: REFLECTIVE-4-2015: Cultural opposition in the former socialist countries Topic: REFLECTIVE-5-2015: The cultural heritage of war in contemporary Europe Topic: REFLECTIVE-6-2015: Innovation ecosystems of digital cultural assets Topic: REFLECTIVE-8-2015: Communication and dissemination platform CALL – SMART CITIES AND COMMUNITIES Deadline Date 05-05-2015 H2020-SCC-2015 Topic: SCC-01-2015: Smart Cities and Communities solutions integrating energy, transport, ICT sectors through lighthouse (large scale demonstration - first of the kind) projects Topic: SCC-03-2015: Development of system standards for smart cities and communities solutions The ECSEL Joint Undertaking Call Deadline Date 12-05-2015 H2020-ECSEL-2015-1-RIA-TWO-STAGE H2020-ECSEL-2015-1-RIA-two-stage Topic: ECSEL-01-2015: Smart Mobility Topic: ECSEL-02-2015: Smart Society Topic: ECSEL-03-2015: Smart Energy Topic: ECSEL-04-2015: Smart Health Topic: ECSEL-05-2015: Smart production Topic: ECSEL-06-2015: Semicondutor Process, Equipment and Materials Topic: ECSEL-07-2015: Design Technology Topic: ECSEL-08-2015: Cyber-physical Systems Topic: ECSEL-09-2015: Smart Systems Integration H2020-ECSEL-2015-2-IA-TWO-STAGE Topic: ECSEL-10-2015: Smart Mobility Topic: ECSEL-11-2015: Smart Society Topic: ECSEL-12-2015: Smart Energy Topic: ECSEL-13-2015: Smart Health Topic: ECSEL-14-2015: Smart production Topic: ECSEL-15-2015: Semicondutor Process, Equipment and Materials Topic: ECSEL-16-2015: Design Technology Topic: ECSEL-17-2015: Cyber-physical Systems Topic: ECSEL-18-2015: Smart Systems Integration ENERGY EFFICIENCY RESEARCH & INNOVATION Deadline Date 04-06-2015 H2020-EE-2014-2015 H2020-EE-2015-2-RIA Topic: EE-06-2015: Demand response in blocks of buildings Topic: EE-11-2015: New ICT-based solutions for energy efficiency Topic: EE-13-2015: Technology for district heating and cooling ENERGY EFFICIENCY - MARKET UPTAKE H2020-EE-2015-3-MarketUptake Topic: EE-05-2015: Increasing energy performance of existing buildings through process and organisation innovations and creating a market for deep renovation Topic: EE-07-2015: Enhancing the capacity of public authorities to plan and implement sustainable energy policies and measures Topic: EE-09-2015: Empowering stakeholders to assist public authorities in the definition and implementation of sustainable energy policies and measures Topic: EE-10-2015: Consumer engagement for sustainable energy Topic: EE-14-2015: Removing market barriers to the uptake of efficient heating and cooling solutions Topic: EE-15-2015: Ensuring effective implementation of EU product efficiency legislation Topic: EE-16-2015: Organisational innovation to increase energy efficiency in industry Topic: EE-17-2015: Driving energy innovation through large buyer groups Topic: EE-19-2015: Improving the financeability and attractiveness of sustainable energy investments Topic: EE-21-2015: Development and market roll-out of innovative energy services and financial schemes for sustainable energy COLLABORATIVE SHARING OF SPECTRUM INDUCEMENT PRIZE Deadline Date 17-12-2015 H2020-SpectrumPrize-2015 SpectrumPrize-01-2015: Horizon Prize – Collaborative Spectrum Sharing BLUE GROWTH: UNLOCKING THE POTENTIAL OF SEAS AND OCEANS Deadline Date 11-06-2015 H2020-BG-2014-2015 H2020-BG-2015-1 Topic: BG-16-2015: Coordination action in support of the implementation of the Joint Programming Initiative on 'Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans' CALL FOR TWINNING Deadline Date 07-05-2015 H2020-TWINN-2015 Topic: H2020-TWINN-2015: Twinning EXPLORATORY RESEARCH H2020 CALL 1 Deadline Date 25-06-2015 H2020-SESAR-2015-1 Topic: Sesar-01-2015: Automation in ATM Topic: Sesar-02-2015: Data Science in ATM Topic: Sesar-03-2015: Information Management in ATM Topic: Sesar-04-2015: Environment and Meteorology in ATM Topic: Sesar-05-2015: Economics and Legal Change in ATM Topic: Sesar-06-2015: High Performing Airport Operations Topic: Sesar-07-2015: Separation Management and Separation Standards Topic: Sesar-08-2015: Communication, Navigation and Surveillance (CNS) Topic: Sesar-09-2015: Trajectory Based Operations (TBO) Topic: Sesar-10-2015: ATM Architecture Topic: Sesar-11-2015: ATM Performance DISASTER-RESILIENCE: SAFEGUARDING AND SECURING SOCIETY, INCLUDING ADAPTING TO CLIMATE CHANGE Deadline Date 27-08-2015 H2020-DRS-2014-2015 H2020-DRS-2015 Topic: DRS-01-2015: Crisis management topic 1: potential of current and new measures and technologies to respond to extreme weather and climate events Topic: DRS-03-2015: Crisis management topic 3: Demonstration activity on large scale disasters and crisis management and resilience of EU external assets against major identified threats or causes of crisis Topic: DRS-06-2015: Crisis management topic 6: Addressing standardisation opportunities in support of increasing disaster resilience Topic: DRS-09-2015: Disaster Resilience & Climate Change topic 1: Science and innovation for adaptation to climate change: from assessing costs, risks and opportunities to demonstration of options and practices Topic: DRS-10-2015: Disaster Resilience & Climate Change topic 2: Natural Hazards: Towards risk reduction science and innovation plans at national and European level Topic: DRS-11-2015: Disaster Resilience & Climate Change topic 3: Mitigating the impacts of climate change and natural hazards on cultural heritage sites, structures and artefacts Topic: DRS-12-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 1: Critical Infrastructure “smart grid” protection and resilience under “smart meters” threats Topic: DRS-13-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 2: Demonstration activity on tools for adapting building and infrastructure standards and design methodologies in vulnerable locations in the case of natural or man-originated catastrophes Topic: DRS-14-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 3: Critical Infrastructure resilience indicator - analysis and development of methods for assessing resilience Topic: DRS-15-2015: Critical Infrastructure Protection topic 4: Protecting potentially hazardous and sensitive sites/areas considering multi-sectorial dependencies Topic: DRS-18-2015: Communication technologies and interoperability topic 1: interoperable next generation of broadband radio communication system for public safety and security Topic: DRS-22-2015: Ethical/Societal Dimension topic 3: Impact of climate change in third countries on Europe's security CALLS FOR PROPOSALS FOR ERC PROOF OF CONCEPT GRANT Intermediate deadline 28.5.2015, Final deadline: 1.10. 2015 ERC-2015-PoC Topic: ERC-PoC-2015: ERC Proof of Concept Grant INDIVIDUAL FELLOWSHIPS (IF) Deadline Date 10-09-2015 H2020-MSCA-IF-2015 Topic: MSCA-IF-2015-EF: Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-EF) Topic: MSCA-IF-2015-GF: Marie SkÅ‚odowska-Curie Individual Fellowships (IF-GF) NEW FORMS OF INNOVATION Deadline Date 28-05-2015 H2020-INSO-2015 Topic: INSO-1-2015: ICT-enabled open government Topic: INSO-4-2015: Innovative schemes for open innovation and science 2.0 Topic: INSO-5-2015: Social innovation Community DIGITAL SECURITY: CYBERSECURITY, PRIVACY AND TRUST Deadline Date 27-08-2015 H2020-DS-2015-1 Topic: DS-03-2015: The role of ICT in Critical Infrastructure Protection Topic: DS-04-2015: Information driven Cyber Security Management Topic: DS-05-2015: Trust eServices Topic: DS-07-2015: Value-sensitive technological innovation in Cybersecurity EUROPE AS A GLOBAL ACTOR Deadline Date 12-05-2015 H2020-INT-INCO-2015 Topic: INT-01-2015: Enhancing and focusing research and innovation cooperation with the Union’s key international partner countries - proposals targeting Australia, USA, Brazil, South Africa, Ukraine Topic: INT-02-2015: Encouraging the research and innovation cooperation between the Union and selected regional partners – proposals targeting Southern Mediterranean Neighbourhood, Eastern Partnership Deadline Date 28-05-2015 H2020-INT-2014-2015 H2020-INT-SOCIETY-2015 Topic: INT-03-2015: Europe's contribution to a value-based global order and its contestants Topic: INT-04-2015: The European Union's contribution to global development: in search of greater policy coherence Topic: INT-05-2015: Rethinking the European Union crisis response mechanism in light of recent conflicts Topic: INT-06-2015: Re-invigorating the partnership between the two shores of the Mediterranean Topic: INT-07-2015: Towards a new geopolitical order in the South and East Mediterranean region Topic: INT-08-2015: The European Union and the Eastern Partnership Topic: INT-09-2015: The European Union, Turkey and its wider neighbourhood: challenges and opportunities Topic: INT-10-2015: The European Union and integration challenges in the Balkans Topic: INT-11-2015: European cultural and science diplomacy: exploiting the potential of culture and science in the EU’s external relations Topic: INT-12-2015: The cultural, scientific and social dimension of EU-LAC relations INNOVATIVE, SUSTAINABLE AND INCLUSIVE BIOECONOMY Deadline Date 11-06-2015 H2020-ISIB-2014-2015 H2020-ISIB-2015-1 Topic: ISIB-02-2015: Closing the research and innovation divide: the crucial role of innovation support services and knowledge exchange Topic: ISIB-12c-2015: Monitoring and mitigation of agricultural and forestry greenhouse gases (GHG) Topic: ISIB-12e-2015: Sustainable livestock production Topic: ISIB-12f-2015: Biomarkers for nutrition and health Topic: ISIB-13-2015: Coordination action in support of the implementation by participating States of a Joint Programming Initiative on ‘A Healthy Diet for a Healthy Life’ CALL FOR PROMOTING GENDER EQUALITY IN RESEARCH AND INNOVATION Deadline Date 16-09-2015 H2020-GERI-2014-2015 H2020-GERI-2015-1 Topic: GERI-3-2015: Evaluation of initiatives to promote gender equality in research policy and research organisations Topic: GERI-4-2015: Support to research organisations to implement gender equality plans CALL FOR COMPETITIVE LOW-CARBON ENERGY Deadline Date 05-05-2015 H2020-LCE-2015-2 Topic: LCE-03-2015: Demonstration of renewable electricity and heating/cooling technologies Topic: LCE-12-2015: Demonstrating advanced biofuel technologies Topic: LCE-19-2015: Supporting coordination of national R&D activities Topic: LCE-21-2015: Modelling and analysing the energy system, its transformation and impacts H2020-LCE-2015-3 Topic: LCE-04-2015: Market uptake of existing and emerging renewable electricity, heating and cooling technologies Topic: LCE-05-2015: Innovation and technologies for the deployment of meshed off-shore grids Topic: LCE-06-2015: Transmission grid and wholesale market Topic: LCE-09-2015: Large scale energy storage Topic: LCE-14-2015: Market uptake of existing and emerging sustainable bioenergy Topic: LCE-18-2015: Supporting Joint Actions on demonstration and validation of innovative energy solutions Topic: LCE-23-2015: Supporting the community in deploying a common framework for measuring the energy and environmental efficiency of the ICT-sector EU PRIZE FOR WOMEN INNOVATORS Deadline Date 20-10-2015 H2020-WIPRIZE-2015 Topic: WIP-01-2015: EU Prize for Women Innovators BORDER SECURITY AND EXTERNAL SECURITY Deadline Date 27-08-2015 H2020-BES-2014-2015 H2020-BES-2015 Topic: BES-01-2015: Maritime Border Security topic 1: radar systems for the surveillance of coastal and pre-frontier areas and in support of search and rescue operations Topic: BES-02-2015: Maritime Border Security topic 2: affordable and easily deployable technologies for EU coastal border surveillance with reduced impact on the environment Topic: BES-03-2015: Maritime Border Security topic 3: Light optionally piloted vehicles (and sensors) for maritime surveillance Topic: BES-04-2015: Maritime Border Security topic 4: Detection of low flying aircraft at near shore air space Topic: BES-05-2015: Border crossing points topic 1: Novel mobility concepts for land border security Topic: BES-06-2015: Border crossing points topic 2: Exploring new modalities in biometric-based border checks Topic: BES-07-2015: Border crossing points topic 3: Optimization of border control processes and planning Topic: BES-08-2015: Supply Chain Security topic 1: Development of an enhanced non-intrusive (stand-off) scanner Topic: BES-10-2015: Information management topic 1: Civilian humanitarian mission personnel tracking Topic: BES-11-2015: Information management topic 2: Information management, systems and infrastructure for civilian EU External Actions Topic: BES-13-2015: Conflict prevention and peace building topic 2: Training curricula for Conflict Prevention and Peace Building personnel MOBILITY FOR GROWTH 2014-2015 Deadline Date 15-10-2015 H2020-MG-2014-2015 H2020-MG-2015-Singlestage-B Topic: MG-3.6b-2015: Safe and connected automation in road transport Topic: MG-5.5b-2015: Demonstrating and testing innovative solutions for cleaner and better urban transport and mobility Topic: MG-8.3-2015: Facilitating market take up of innovative transport infrastructure solutions Topic: MG-8.4b-2015: Smart governance, network resilience and streamlined delivery of infrastructure innovation