KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY Mukthagangotri, Mysore – 570 006, www.ksoumysore.edu.in DEPARTMENT OF STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN LAW Off. Tel. No.: 0821-2519941, Extn.355 E-mail-ID: teachermanjappa@gmail.com Ref. No.: KSOU/Law Dept/IA/2014-15/ Date: : 13.11.2014 Internal Assessment questions for 1st Semester LL.M .[ Business Law] NOTE: 1. Answer any Two question on each of the course/ paper for 20 marks 2. Assignment shall be in one’s own hand writing and be written on one side of A4 size sheet 3. Assignment shall be submitted before the term end examination. 4. Assignment on each course/ paper shall be submitted separately. 5. On the facing sheet of the assignment write your name, Reg. No. and address 6. Using of plastic sheets/ spiral wire to bind the assignment is strictly prohibited 7. All the assignment shall be put in a single cover. 8. Assignment can be submitted either by post or personally to The Chairperson Department of Studies in Law and Research Karnataka State Open University Mukthagangothri , Mysore-570 Course LL.M.- 33: Research Methodology 1 What is scientific method of research? Explain the difficulties in adopting scientific method research. 2 What is research problem? Explain the steps mvolved in framing research problem. 3 What is case study? Dieting between case study and interview. Course LL.M.- 34: Judicial Process 1. Discuss the importance of logical researching in judicial decision making 2. Exam me the conceptual basis of the doctrine of precedent. Compare the doctrine of precedent in English and french legal system 3. Exam me the provisions of the India constitution relating to independent judicial system. Course LL.M.- 35 : Corporate Law 1. What is corporate personality? Explain the judicial interpretation of corporate personality with instance of Lifting of corporate. 2. Who is a promoter? Explain the remedies available to the company against a promoter. 3. What is corporate social responsibility? Why companies shall take up corporate social responsibility? Course LL.M.- 36: Public Law 1. Discuss the nature, scope and importance of fundamental rights under part III of the constitution. 2. Exam me the powers, privileges and immunities of the members of legislature under the Indian Constitution. 3. Exam me the states of ombudsman(Lokpal and Lokayukta)in India. KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY Mukthagangotri, Mysore – 570 006, www.ksoumysore.edu.in DEPARTMENT OF STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN LAW Off. Tel. No.: 0821-2519941, Extn.355 Ref. No.: KSOU/Law Dept/IA/2014-15/ E-mail-ID: teachermanjappa@gmail.com Date: : 13.11.2014 Internal Assessment questions for 1st Semester LL.M .[Constitutional Law] NOTE: 1. Answer any Two question on each of the course/ paper for 20 marks 2. Assignment shall be in one’s own hand writing and be written on one side of A4 size sheet 3. Assignment shall be submitted before the term end examination. 4. Assignment on each course/ paper shall be submitted separately. 5. On the facing sheet of the assignment write your name, Reg. No. and address 6. Using of plastic sheets/ spiral wire to bind the assignment is strictly prohibited 7. All the assignment shall be put in a single cover. 8. Assignment can be submitted either by post or personally to The Chairperson Department of Studies in Law and Research Karnataka State Open University Mukthagangothri , Mysore-570 Course LL.M.- 18: Research Methodology 1 What is scientific method of research? Explain the difficulties in adopting scientific method research. 2 What is research problem? Explain the steps mvolved in framing research problem. 3 What is case study? Dieting between case study and interview. Course LL.M.- 17: Judicial Process 1. Discuss the importance of logical researching in judicial decision making. 2. Exam me the conceptual basis of the doctrine of precedent. Compare the doctrine of precedent in English and french legal system 3. Exam me the provisions of the India constitution relating to independent judicial system. Course LL.M.- 19: Constitutional theories and Development 1 Exam me the difference between the constitution, constitutional law and constitutionalism. 2 Explain the evaluation of state. 3 Explain the meaning of preamble and justify preamble as a part of constitution. Course LL.M._ 20: Constitutional Law-I 1. What are Human Rights? Explain how they differ from Fundamental Rights. 2. Explain the approach of the judiciary in defining ‘State’ 3. Equality of opportunity in matters of public employment is merely a general rule-justify the statement KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY Mukthagangotri, Mysore – 570 006, www.ksoumysore.edu.in DEPARTMENT OF STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN LAW Off. Tel. No.: 0821-2519941, Extn.355 E-mail-ID: teachermanjappa@gmail.com Ref. No.: KSOU/Law Dept/IA/2014-15/ Date: : 13.11.2014 Internal Assessment questions for 1st Semester M.B.A. (Law) NOTE: 1. Answer any Two question on each of the course/ paper for 20 marks 2. Assignment shall be in one’s own hand writing and be written on one side of A4 size sheet 3. Assignment shall be submitted before the term end examination. 4. Assignment on each course/ paper shall be submitted separately. 5. On the facing sheet of the assignment write your name, Reg. No. and address 6. Using of plastic sheets/ spiral wire to bind the assignment is strictly prohibited 7. All the assignment shall be put in a single cover. 8. Assignment can be submitted either by post or personally to The Chairperson Department of Studies in Law and Research Karnataka State Open University Mukthagangothri , Mysore-570 Course M.B.A.(Law)-01: Principles of Management 1 Discuss the distinction between administration and management. 2 Explain the important theories of motivation. 3 Explain how business effects natural environment. Course M.B.A.(Law)-02: Accounting for managers 1. Explain classification of Accounting principles 2. Write a note on social audit, why it has got importance in nowadays. 3. What is final statement? Explain the Techniques and tools of financial statement analysis. Course M.B.A.(Law)-03: Public Law 1. Discuss the nature, scope and importance of fundamental rights under part III of the constitution. 2. Exam me the powers, privileges and immunities of the members of legislature under the Indian Constitution 3. Exam me the states of ombudsman (Lokpal and Lokayukta)in India. Course M.B.A.(Law)-04: Corporate Law I 1. What is corporate personality? Explain the judicial interpretation of corporate personality with instance of Lifting of corporate. 2. Who is a promoter? Explain the remedies available to the company against a promoter. 3. What is corporate social responsibility? Why companies shall take up corporate social responsibility? Course M.B.A.(Law)-05: Research Methodology 1. What is scientific method of research? Explain the difficulties in adopting scientific method research. 2. What is research problem? Explain the steps mvolved in framing research problem. 3. What is case study? Dieting between case study and interview. KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY Mukthagangotri, Mysore – 570 006, www.ksoumysore.edu.in DEPARTMENT OF STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN LAW Off. Tel. No.: 0821-2519941, Extn.355 Ref. No.: KSOU/Law Dept/IA/2014-15/ E-mail-ID: teachermanjappa@gmail.com Date: : 11.07.2014 Internal Assessment questions for 2 nd semester LL.M (IP & Tech. Law) NOTE: 1. Answer any one question on each of the course/ paper for 20 marks 2. Assignment shall be in one’s own hand writing and be written on one side of A4 size sheet 3. Assignment shall be submitted before the term end examination. 4. Assignment on each course/ paper shall be submitted separately. 5. On the facing sheet of the assignment write your name, Reg. No. and address 6. Using of plastic sheets/ spiral wire to bind the assignment is strictly p rohibited 7. All the assignment shall be put in a single cover. 8. Assignment can be submitted either by post or personally to The Chairman Department of Studies in Law and Research Karnataka State Open University Mukthagangothri , Mysore-570 Course LL.M. - 05: Law Trade Marks and Domain names 1 Discuss the maturational convention on Trade Marks. OR 2 What is domain name? Explain the role of ICANN in domain name administration. OR 3 Discuss the remedies available for infringement and passing off. Course LL.M.-06: Law of Designs and integrated circuits 1. Discuss the scope and significance of integrated circuits. OR 2. Examine the procedure for registration of designs under community designs? OR 3. Discuss TRIPS agreement, Berne correlation, and pair’s conversation on industrial designs. Course LL.M. - 07: Law of Trade Secrets 1. What is Trade Secrets? Explain the importance of trade secret in the present day context, OR 2. Can an employer impasse restriction on his employee during the cause of employment? Explain this with deserted case. OR 3. Discuss the maintained of confidentiality and commercial information under the National Innovation Bill, 2008 analyzing the exceptions to confidentiality. Course LL.M.-08: Technology Law and Society 1. Briefly explain the impact of science and technology on Social reformation. OR 2. Discuss how Law could be an instrument of sandal and change and vice versa. OR 3. Evaluate the status of women in the society and study the role of law in the uplitment of women. KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY Mukthagangotri, Mysore – 570 006, www.ksoumysore.edu.in DEPARTMENT OF STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN LAW Off. Tel. No.: 0821-2519941, Extn.:355 Ref. No.: KSOU/Law Dept/IA/2014-15/ E-mail-ID: teachermanjappa@gmail.com Date: : 11.07.2014 Internal Assessment questions for PGDBL NOTE: 1. Answer any one question on each of the course/ paper for 20 marks 2. Assignment shall be in one’s own hand writing and be written on one side of A4 size sheet 3. Assignment shall be submitted before the term end examination. 4. Assignment on each course/ paper shall be submitted separately. 5. On the facing sheet of the assignment write your name, Reg. No. and address 6. Using of plastic sheets/ spiral wire to bind the assignment is strictly prohibited 7. All the assignment shall be put in a single cover. 8. Assignment can be submitted either by post or personally to The Chairperson Department of Studies in Law and Research Karnataka State Open University Mukthagangothri , Mysore-570 Course PGD(Law)-01 : Public Law 1 Explain the concept of citizenship and mention the grounds under which citizenship can be acquired OR 2 Explain the powers of the central and state executive. OR 3 Examine the grand’s under which president rule can be imposed on state city the decided cases. Course PGD(Law)-02 Law of property 1. What are the different kinds of property? OR 2. Elucidate the development of the night to property in India from being a fundamental right to constitutional rights OR 3. Define a mortgage. Explain the different kinds of mortgages. Course PGD(Law)-03 : Mercantile Law 1. State briefly the relating to competence of parties to a contract. OR 2. Explain the main objective and scope of consumer protection Act. Discuss the relief available to Consumers with examples. OR 3. The WIPO strives to undertake activities to promote the protection of Intellectual property Rightselucidate this statement Course PGD(Law)-04: Service Law 1. Define recruitment discuss the central and state agencies for recruitment OR 2. Discuss the importance of disclosure of information under RTI OR 3. What is suspension? Distinguish suspension from discharge and dismissal. Course PGD(Law)-05: Criminal Law 1. Trace out the historical evaluation of the concept of criminal liability and explain the essentialse element s of crime. OR 2. Explain the constitutional validity of the punishment for the offence of adultery under Indian penal code. OR 3. Exam me the principles which under the law of evidence. KARNATAKA STATE OPEN UNIVERSITY Mukthagangotri, Mysore – 570 006, www.ksoumysore.edu.in DEPARTMENT OF STUDIES AND RESEARCH IN LAW Off. Tel. No.: 0821-2519941, Extn.355 E-mail-ID: teachermanjappa@gmail.com Ref. No.: KSOU/Law Dept/IA/2014-15/ Date: : 11.07.2014 Internal Assessment questions for 1 st Semester LL.M .[ IP & Tech. Law] NOTE: 1. Answer any one question on each of the course/ paper for 10 marks 2. Assignment shall be in one’s own hand writing and be written on one side of A4 size sheet 3. Assignment shall be submitted before the term end examination. 4. Assignment on each course/ paper shall be submitted separately. 5. On the facing sheet of the assignment write your name, Reg. No. and address 6. Using of plastic sheets/ spiral wire to bind the assi gnment is strictly prohibited 7. All the assignment shall be put in a single cover. 8. Assignment can be submitted either by post or personally to The Chairperson Department of Studies in Law and Research Karnataka State Open University Mukthagangothri Mysore-570 Course LL.M.- 13: Intellectual property valuation, Auditing and Management 1. Explain the importance of business structure in exploiting intellectual property. OR 2. What is commercialization of IP assets? Explain the commercialization strategies. Course LL.M.- 14: Intellectual property and competition Law 1. What are are anti-competitive agreements? Explain the measures provided under the TRIPS agreement to prevent anti competitive practices. OR 2. Explain the various modes of protection of trade Secrets? Discuss the provisions of “unfair competition” under the Paris convention.