The University of Arizona Honors College Freshman Review 2015 Instructions and Application Freshman Review applications must be postmarked by MARCH 13th, 2015. Our Mission Statement: The mission of the UA Honors College is to inspire extraordinary students to develop an enduring spirit of inquiry, discovery, and responsibility. The purpose of Freshman Review is to allow students to highlight personal and academic accomplishments that may facilitate possible Honors admission. Before proceeding, please carefully read the notes below. There are many reasons to complete this application EARLY: Campus Housing If you choose to sign up for on-campus housing, you will be able to self-assign to a residence hall. However, students who are not yet admitted into the Honors College will not have the option of selecting an Honors residence hall (Árbol de la Vida or Yuma Hall). If you gain Honors admission after you have self-assigned to a non-Honors hall, you may have the option of re-assigning yourself into an Honors hall if you so choose, provided that there are still spaces available. You should not wait to sign up for housing, as housing may fill up before Freshman Review is complete. Please note that acceptance into the Honors College does not guarantee placement into an Honors hall, but submitting your Freshman Review materials early will increase your chance of having the opportunity to reassign into an Honors hall. New Student Orientation Do not sign up for New Student Orientation yet if you are participating in Freshman Review. Honors students have special orientation sessions. If you have already signed up for orientation and are subsequently admitted into the UA Honors College, you will need to switch into an Honors orientation session online through the Next Steps Center. Please note there is a fee to change orientation dates. Therefore it is advised that you wait to sign up for orientation until after your Freshman Review application has been processed. Again, participating in Freshman Review early means you will receive a decision in time to choose from a wider range of open orientation dates. Freshman Review Timeline The UA Honors College evaluates Freshman Review applications on a rolling basis. You should be notified of our decision within three weeks of our receipt of your completed application. Freshman Review applications will be reviewed beginning January 2nd 2015. Applications postmarked after March 13th will not be considered. The Honors College may stop accepting Freshman Review applications at any point before March 13th if we have received applications from more students than we can reasonably accommodate. Additionally, we reserve the right to delay a decision for any reason. All materials should be submitted directly to the Honors College, not to the Office of Admissions. For all of the reasons listed above, it is recommended that you complete your Freshman Review application as soon as possible. 1 Application Components: Please use word processing software to complete all application components. Contact Information Sheet Please complete the contact sheet (on page 3) and attach it to the front of your application. Short Essays Please include your typed responses with the essay questions repeated before each response. Teacher Recommendation Form Email the form with the first page filled out to one of your teachers in an academic course (i.e., English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, History, Government, etc). The teacher you select does not have to be a current teacher but it is recommended that you select someone who can speak about your recent academic performance. Your teacher must return the form to you in a sealed envelope with his/her signature across the seal. We will accept letters of recommendation in lieu of the form as long as the letter addresses each of the questions included on the form. Give your teacher plenty of time to complete your recommendation form. Select a teacher and give him or her the form before starting your application, as this will enable you to send in your application earlier. High School Transcript Through 7th Semester Please include a copy of your full high school transcript through the 7th semester (fall of senior year). Providing a school profile along with the high school transcript is also particularly helpful so that we may interpret your academic record in the context of the school you are attending. You may submit either an official or unofficial copy of your transcript. Progress reports may also be acceptable. Please mail all items listed above in the same envelope to: The University of Arizona Honors College Attn: Freshman Review Slonaker House 1027 E. 2nd Street Tucson, AZ 85721-0006 Please direct any questions to the UA Honors College at 520-621-6901. 2 The Honors College The University of Arizona Freshman Review 2015 Student Information Last Name: First Name: UA Student ID: Birthdate: MI: Street Address 1: Street Address 2: City, State, Zip Code: Home Number: Student Cell Number: Email Address: High School: High School Address: High School City, Zip Code: High School Phone Number: Intended Major(s): Please respond to the following prompts on separate pages: Short Essay #1. This is the Honors essay question from the UA application. Even if you already submitted an Honors essay with your UA application, please include a copy. Please limit your response to 500 words or less. Select an inspirational quote that you would put on the wall of your room as you begin your freshman year at the University of Arizona Honors college. Why did you pick this quote? Explain why you see its message as enduring rather than situational. Short Essay #2. Please highlight any challenges or extenuating circumstances that have affected your academic performance. Please limit your response to 350 words or less. Short Essay #3. What specific aspects of the UA Honors College do you find most appealing and how would you contribute as a member? Please limit your response to 350 words or less. Please mail all application items in the same envelope to: The University of Arizona Honors College Attn: Freshman Review Slonaker House 1027 E. 2nd Street Tucson, AZ 85721-0006 3 The Honors College The University of Arizona Freshman Review 2015 Teacher Evaluation Instructions to the applicant: Email this form to a teacher who has had you as a student in an academic course such as English, Foreign Language, Mathematics, Science, History, or Government. Please provide the information below before you send the form to your teacher. Student Information First and Last Name: Intended Major(s): Classes with Teacher (e.g. “AP English”): Teacher Information Name: Department: High School Name (if different from student’s): High School Address (if different): High School City, Zip Code (if different): Contact Telephone Number (including extension): Email address: To be completed by student By checking this box, I affirm that I request that this evaluation be completed for inclusion in my Freshman Review packet, which will be sent to the University of Arizona Honors College. I understand it will be used in support of my candidacy for participation and that I may not seek to read the material submitted by the person recommending me. ______________________________________ Student Signature or typed full name 4 Instructions to the recommender: Please complete the following required form on behalf of the applicant. A letter of recommendation will only be accepted if it addresses all of the questions below. Please ensure that your contact information provided on the previous page is complete and accurate. All contact information is confidential. The student named above is seeking admission into the UA Honors College. Initial admission to the Honors College is based on a combined assessment of the unweighted academic grade point average; ACT and/or SAT test score(s); and rigor of coursework (AP, IB, honors, accelerated, or university/dualenrollment/community college). This assessment takes place at the time of admission to the UA. While this student was admitted to the University of Arizona for the Fall of 2015, he or she did not initially receive admission into the Honors College and has opted to submit supplemental materials as part of Freshman Review, an additional Honors review process. Our Freshman Review committee would like to have a better sense of this individual's potential as an active and contributing member of our Honors community and his or her academic preparedness. Please note that this evaluation is time-sensitive. The UA Honors College may stop accepting applications at any time. Please return the completed form to the student in a sealed and signed envelope so that he or she may include the form with the other application materials. If you have any questions, please contact the UA Honors College at 520-621-6901. 1. How long and in what capacity have you known this student? 2. What strengths will this student bring to university study in his or her chosen field? 3. To what extent does this student demonstrate initiative by working beyond the assignments? Please include an example. 4. Sometimes, students have academic or artistic potential that has been underdeveloped due to uncommon challenges or extenuating circumstances they have faced. Briefly describe any circumstances that may have prevented this student from reaching his or her full academic potential while attending your high school. Examples might include (but are not limited to): the use of English as a second language, extended illness or physical disability, an emotional or family crisis, or any other disruptive condition or event. 5. The UA Honors College is seeking students who have demonstrated excellence in scholastic or artistic achievements. Please cite an example(s) of how this student has shown great promise for the future in any of these areas. 6. Please share any additional comments. Please return this form or a letter that addresses all of the questions above to the student in a sealed envelope with your signature across the seal. 5