Story Elements Lesson Plan

Kaitlyn Schuler
Lesson Outline
Lesson Part
Activity description/Teacher does
Students do
I will ask them what they think “character traits” are. I will have Students will share with their
Preassessment them turn and talk to their partner. I will listen to their
table buddy about their prior
(Sequence start) conversations to get a sense of their understanding of “character
knowledge of “character
State Standard
Central Focus (CF)
Learning Target
Practice Activity
Characters of “My Friend Rabbit” written by Eric Rohmann
RSL1.3 – Describe characters, settings, and major events in a story, using key details.
We will discuss the character traits of the different character in the story
Students will discuss and create a “web chart” of the character of
Students will participate in class
their chose and its different character traits. Students will also be
discussion. At the end they will be
able to find “evidence” in the book that proves the characters trait. able to recognize different
character traits of a character in
story and create a character trait
“web-chart” on them.
Students will move from desk, to
The students will start at their desks. I will give the first informal
carpet, back to desk. They will
assessment. Then students will move to the reading carpet where I participate in “turn and talks”, as
will read “My Friend Rabbit”. I will stop along the way asking them well as class discussion.
some probing questions about the different characters in the story.
We will then create a web graph for one of the characters together
as a class. I will then lead those in a class discussion about the
evidence that they find in the book that supports the words they are
using to describe the character (2nd informal assessment). I will then
have student pick in their head what character they want, I will read
the book again, and then they will fill out a web graph worksheet.
Book: “My Friend Rabbit” by Eric Rohmann located on “teacher
book shelf”
Worksheet: located in “papers for today” box
TIME- 30-40 minutes
We will start the class by asking students to think of a character
Students, at their desk, will turn
they have recently read about. I will ask them to share some of the and talk about different elements
characteristics of this character with their partner. I will give them of a story they have read recently.
some examples of characters traits so they understand how to
Students will share their ideas
describe characters such as kind, funny, sensitive etc. I will ask them with the class and we will make a
to share some of the traits they have thought of and we can make a class list of character traits.
list of different character traits up on the board.
We will then move to the reading carpet. I will ask the students to Students move to the carpet and
be thinking of the different characters while I read the book. I will
when prompted students can turn
read all the way through the book, stopping at the appropriate time to their partner. Students will
to ask different questions about the characters. I don’t want to give participate in the making of the
away any answers, but just prompt their thinking. Questions such
class “web chart”
as, “the way that (character name) responded, do you think that
was nice or mean?” After reading, we will pick a character from the
book and as a class we will create a “web chart” about that
character. We will take about the evidence we find in the book that
gives us a reason to think that a character is nice, mean, smart, etc.
I will then ask students to think about one of the characters in the
book that they would like to make a “web chart” for. I will have
them turn to their partner and talk about what character they are
going to choose and some traits that they already know about this
character. I will listen to their conversations to make sure they are
on the right track. I will then read the book again, telling them to
pay special attention to the character they have chosen.
Practice Activity I will then pass out a “web chart” worksheet and send students back
to their desk. They will fill it out based on the character they have
They will participate in the
informal assessment by choosing
a character and turning and
talking to their partner about the
traits of their character.
I will tell the students to get into groups based on the character
Closure they have chosen. They will come up as a group and explain the
Assessment of traits of their character and some evidence they found in the book
Student Voice to support the character traits. We will then hang everyone’s
worksheet on a bulletin- board labeled “character traits”.
Student will get into their groups
and talk about their character and
think of evidence from the book.
Everyone in the group will pick
one trait to share with the class.
The “web chart” worksheet will be the formal post assessment.
(Sequence end)
Student will go back to their desk
and work on filling out the
worksheet. They will have to use
their memory to recall what had
happened in the story.
They will hang their worksheet on
the bulletin- board