Analysis of the reports submitted by Member States on the implementation of directive 2008/1/EC, Directive 2000/76/EC, Directive 1999/13/EC and further development of the web platform to publish the information Draft report on subtask 3: Analysis of Member States implementation of IPPC and WI Directives – Annex A: Member States IPPC factsheets Report to the European Commission Unrestricted Commercial Issue1 April 2010 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Title Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States and the further development of the web platform to publish the information Customer European Commission Customer reference ANV.C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Confidentiality, copyright and reproduction Unrestricted File reference Reference number Marie Leverton AEA Gemini Building Harwell IBC Didcot OX110QR UK t: 0870 190 2817 f: 0870 190 5545 AEA is a business name of AEA Technology plc AEA is certificated to ISO9001 and ISO14001 Author Name Approved by Name Liesbet Goovaerts (VITO) Katrijn Alaerts (VITO Ive Vanderreydt (VITO) Signature Date AEA Energy & Environment iii Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Table of contents Annex A iv 5 AEA Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Annex A Annex A sets out the detailed overviews of the Member States responses to the questionnaire. For each Member State a individual fact sheet is drafted containing: - The main text given in the response to each qualitative question by means of a short summary. This short summary presents the most relevant information provided by the MS in relation to each question. The responses of the Member States are compared with the data given in the previous reporting exercise, to see whether important changes have been made during this reporting period. The questions are structured using the 5 main categories, used in the reporting tool. The qualitative questions are further split into subcategories providing an overview of specific practical approach and experiences of the Member States for each of the main categories. - Presentation of the Member States quantitative data in tables; - The completeness table, which indicates the degree to which the answers comply with the requirements of the questionnaire. The method described in the main report is used; - A summary on the status of implementation. This summary describes whether or not all requirements are implemented into a functional and effective practical systems. In particular the recent progress since the previous reporting made by the MS is assessed and the implementation issues solved are enlightened. These fact sheets were presented to the Member States for approval. All comments, clarifications and additional information provided by the Member States were taken into account. These fact sheets are used as the basis for the analysis made in previous chapters. AEA Group 5 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Portugal Overview of the answers The table below presents the detailed analysis of Austria’s responses to each question of the questionnaire, by means of a short summary or standardised answer where appropriate. Comments regarding the adequacy of the answers in relation to the requirements of the questionnaire are added where necessary. AEA Group 6 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Table 1: Portugal – overview of the answers Question number – sub question reporting tool 1 Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) Category: general description Subcategory: National legislation and legal provisions 1.1 Have any significant changes been made since the last reporting period (2003-2005) to national or sub-national legislation and to the permitting system(s) that implement Directive 2008/1/EC? No Remarks Reference to legislation (2003-2005) The current reporting period (2006-2008) saw the publication of Decree-Law No 173/2008 of 26 August (new IPPC Act) repealing Decree-Law No 194/2000 of 21 August; of the new rules for the licensing of industrial activities, known in Portuguese as REAI (Decree-Law No 209/2008 of 29 October), applicable to the licensing of IPPC and non-IPPC industrial units; and of the new rules for the licensing of livestock activities, known in Portuguese as REAP (Decree-Law No 214/2008 of 10 November), also applicable to the licensing of IPPC and non-IPPC installations. However, the method of implementation of the IPPC Directive was maintained. Decree-Law No 173/2008 of 26 August (new IPPC Act). Level at which legislation apply National. Please describe the changes in 2006-2008 Amendment of existing legislation; new legislation. Please describe the reasons for these changes Part of an overall revision of the environmental legislative framework; shift of competences between authorities (e.g. from a national to a regional level). AEA Group 7 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) Reference to new legislation or legislative framework 1.3 Describe any legally binding measures or administrative plans established to ensure compliance with the requirements referred to in Article 5(1) by 30 October 2007 1.4 Have operators been obliged to submit, or could competent authorities request from operators the submission of, permit applications for this purpose? Remarks AEA Group The new IPPC Act: a) consolidates the legislation on IPPC that had already been amended by Decree-Law 152/2002, transposing Council Directive 1999/31/EC (Landfill Directive); Decree-Law No 69/2003 (new rules on industrial licensing); Decree-Law No 233/2004 and Decree-Law No 243-A/2004 transposing Directive 2003/87/EC on emission allowance trading; Decree-Law 130/2005 transposing those parts of Directive 2003/35/EC concerning public participation; Decree-Law 178/2006 transposing Directives 2006/12/EC and 91/689/EEC of on waste. b) Makes changes to the powers of the authorities on the mainland: the Portuguese Environment Agency (APA), which succeeded the defunct Environment Institute, remains the only authority competent to issue environmental permits. c) Enhances the role of the BREFs in the environmental licensing process, clarifying that one of the reasons for refusing an application for an environmental permit is the non-compliance of the installation's operating conditions with the best available techniques (BATs), specifically the failure of the installation to attain emissions levels within the range of associated emission values (AEVs) for the said techniques. d) The environmental permit is no longer included in the installation permit (permit for the construction or alteration of the installation) and is now included in the operating permit (before the start of operations). The relevant national legislation (IPPC decree) states that applications must be made in good time to ensure that permits will be granted before October 2007. The IPPC Consultative Committee has taken actions mainly on BAT determination issues with a view to help installation being in compliance in due time. Financial incentives are also provided (under CSF III programme) to encourage operators to obtain the permit before October 2007 (available till the end of 2006). Though the administrative state authority together with the operators have addressed the concern of speeding up the permit granting process and proposed a set of actions, none gave rise to administrative plans. No The deadline for the submission of applications for environmental permits was not defined by law. 8 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool 1.4.1 1.5 Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Comments Question (Q) If Yes, please explain: Describe any changes made since the last reporting period in the organizational structure of the permitting procedures (levels of authorities, distribution of competencies, etc.): Are there changes considering the involved competent authorities? Remarks 1.5.1 Summary of MS response If Yes, please explain: AEA Group The new IPPC Act changes the environmental licensing procedures on the mainland and leaves one single authority with responsibility for issuing the environmental permit – namely the Portuguese Environment Agency, which also takes on responsibility for ensuring public participation, disseminating information and liaising directly with the entities responsible for licensing the activity. Coordination with other licensing/authorisation arrangements in the environmental sphere is also clarified - installations where waste management operations take place are subject to licensing in accordance with the applicable legal rules and the environmental permit; Greenhouse Gas Emission Permits and Water Resource Use Permits must be issued before the environmental permit and be annexed thereto, although they remain in force as autonomous and independent permits. Yes The five regional authorities are no longer included in the licensing process and are merely consulted on matters falling within their area of responsibility. Provision has now been made for calling on accredited entities for the preparation of the application for the environmental permit. The APA has also taken over the public consultation. Coordination with other rules has been clarified, and IPPC installations that are subject to licensing or authorisation in the area of waste management, greenhouse gas emissions and water resource use, must obtain the permits in accordance with the specific instruments applicable, while the environmental permit cannot be issued without the prior issue of the greenhouse gas emission permit or the water resource use permits. The "Single Report" was created: this provides that, whenever operators are required to submit reports, data or information to the Portuguese Environment Agency concerning the monitoring of emissions in the installation in compliance with various legal rules, they can submit a single report covering the elements necessary for compliance with these rules, and the frequency of the submissions must whenever possible be 9 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) established in the Environmental Permit. 1.6 Are there any particular difficulties in ensuring full co-ordination of the permitting procedure and conditions, especially where more than one competent authority is involved, as required by Article 7? No Remarks 1.6.1 If Yes, please explain: 1.7 Are there any legislation or guidance documents produced on this issue? No. Remarks 1.7.1 If Yes, please explain: 1.8 What legal provisions, procedures or guidance are used to ensure that competent authorities refuse to grant a permit in cases where an installation does not comply with the requirements of Directive 2008/1/EC? 1.9 Have permits been refused so far? AEA Group The IPPC Act states that applications for environmental permits can be refused on the grounds of the incapacity of the installation to attain the emission limit values shown in the legal and regulatory provisions in force; non-compliance by the installation's operating conditions with the BATs, specifically the failure of the installation to attain emission values within the range associated with the BATs; unfavourable Environmental Impact Statement, in cases where the procedure is subject to an environmental impact assessment; unfavourable opinion on the location or rejection of the Safety Report in cases where the serious accident prevention procedure is used; refusal of the application for a water resource use permit or a greenhouse gas emission permit. Yes. 10 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) Remarks Applications may be refused during the application processing stage (refusal to examine the application because it does not include sufficient elements to permit analysis) or at the technical assessment stage (refusal because it does not meet the IPPC requirements). They can also be considered as abandoned if the operator does not reply to the queries raised. If available, give information on the numbers and circumstances in which permits have been refused (optional): 1.9.1 Total numbers of permits that have been refused within the reporting period 55 1.9.2 Circumstances in which permits have been refused IPPC requirements could not be met (BAT based permit conditions); local environmental quality standards could not be met (local environmental QS require permit conditions that are stricter than BAT based permit conditions); installation did not follow correctly the application procedure. Subcategory: Specific Member States approach Subcategory: Experiences of Member States 1.2 Have Member States experienced any difficulties in implementing the Directive 2008/1/EC associated with the availability and capacity of staff resources? Yes. Remarks 1.2.1 If yes, Describe these difficulties, for instance illustrated as appropriate by data on current resources. AEA Group It has not been possible to retain human resources: high levels of mobility have been observed. The specialists contracted did not have any knowledge or experience of the industrial processes covered by the ICCP, or of the documents relating to the best available techniques (BREFs). The team has little experience in environmental licensing and monitoring. 11 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool 1.2.2 2 Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) If yes, Describe any plans to address these difficulties. Raise staff capacity; streamline implementing procedure; other. Category: Permit application and determination process Subcategory: National legislation and legal provisions 2.1 Describe any general binding rules, guidance documents or application forms produced to ensure that applications contain all the information required by Article 6, either generally or in relation to specific issues (e.g. methodology for the assessment of significant emissions from installations). 2.2 Describe any general binding rules or specific guidelines for competent authorities that have been issued on the following issues: 2.2.1 the procedures and criteria for setting emission limit values and other permit conditions 2.2.2 the general principles for the determination of best available techniques 2.2.3 the implementation of Article 9(4) AEA Group The information contained in Article 6 of the IPPC Directive on the content of the application is covered in national legislation - Article 11 of the new IPPC Act. The application form is provided for in a specialised executive order (Ministerial Order 1047/2001 on model permit application). The procedure for updating the information contained therein is specified in a separate executive order (Ministerial Order No 1252/2001) which confers powers on the IPPC to update the permit application form. For existing installations: examine historical figures for emissions under normal operating conditions, determine the emission value that the installation consistently attains and verify whether this is within the range of emission values associated with the BATs provided for in the applicable BREF. If this is the case, set this value as an ELV. If it is higher, allow an adaptation period (to be examined on a case-by-case basis with the IPPC operator) for attaining the emission values associated with the BATs. Analysis of the applicable BREF. New installations - environmental permit issued only if the operator uses BATs and anticipates emissions within the range of emission values associated with the BATs. Existing installations: adaptation period is allowed (examined on a case-by-case basis with the operator) for implementation of all of the BATs and attainment of emission values within the range associated with the BATs. 12 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool 2.13 2.14 Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) For which categories of installations and which requirements, if any, have general binding rules been established, as provided for by Article 9(8)? (Q 8.1.1) Provide reference to the general binding rules. No general binding rules have been established. What form do such rules take (e.g. who establishes them and what legal status do they have)? No general binding rules have been established. Who establishes them? What legal status do they have? Remarks 2.15 When applying such rules, is provision still made for taking into account the local factors (mentioned in Article 9(4))? No general binding rules have been established. Remarks 2.16 If known, how many installations (either as an absolute number or a percentage) were subject to these rules by the end of the reporting period? 2.18 How do competent authorities decide in practice, under Article 12, whether a “change in operation” may have consequences for the environment (Article 10), and whether such a change is a “substantial change” which may have significant negative effects on human beings or the environment (Article 11)? Changes leading to increased production capacity, the consumption of new or more raw materials or fuel, or the introduction of new technologies, may be considered substantial, unless it is proven that they will have no significant and harmful effects on humans and the environment. 2.20 Is the frequency of reconsideration and, where necessary, updating of permit conditions (Article 13) specified in national or sub-national law? Yes. AEA Group 13 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences 2.22 Comments Question (Q) Remarks 2.21 Summary of MS response Is there a time limit in the permits? The maximum frequency of re-examination of environmental permits cannot exceed 10 years (Article 18.2g of the IPPC Act), if none of the situations described in Article 13(2) of the IPPC Directive, as transposed by Article 20(3) of the IPPC Act, occurs. Depends for each individual permit. Remarks The permits are valid for longer in cases where the IPPC installation implements BATs and its emission values are within the range associated with the BATs. If determined by other means: What are those other means? All of the permits have a period of validity: this period may not exceed 10 years. Give reference to relevant legislation, guidance or procedures Permits need to be renewed in the case of expiry of the existing permit or in case any of the cases described under Article 13 of the Directive, occurs. There is also provision for the reexamination of a permit, set by legislation, at 10 years. The IPPC operator must submit a new application for an environmental permit no fewer than 75 days before the expiry date set therein. Only those elements requiring updating need to be submitted (Article 20(1) and (2) of the IPPC Act). As there are no cases of substantial changes in the BATs arising out of revisions of the BREFs, this legal provision has not yet been implemented. When this occurs the operators of the IPPC installations involved will be notified individually, through the licensing coordination body, so that they can apply for a renewal of their environmental permit (Article 20(4) of the IPPC Act) and they must present a plan for the adaptation to the new BATs (and any emission values associated with the BATs). Article 20(4) of the IPPC Act. 2.24 What does the process of reconsidering and updating permit conditions consist of? 2.25 How is the provision to reconsider permit conditions in cases of substantial changes in the best available techniques implemented? Give reference to relevant legislation, guidance or procedures Subcategory: Specific Member States approach AEA Group 14 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool 2.3 Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) How, in general terms, is the information published by the Commission pursuant to Article 17 taken into account generally or in specific cases when determining best available techniques? 2.4 How are the BREFs concretely used for setting permit conditions? 2.5 Are the BREFs (or part of them) translated? The documents adopted by the Commission on BATs (BREF) provided for in Article 17(2) are always taken into account for the definition of licensing conditions both as regards the BATs to be used in the installation and in the definition of the ELVs. The production process is analysed with the corresponding sectoral BREF used as a reference document for the BATs to be applied. The ELVs are defined in the light of national legislation (minimum requirement - if this is not met the environmental permit is not issued) and the emission values associated with the BATs defined in the BREF. For existing installations, if the emissions history shows that the emission values associated with the BATs have been complied with, an ELV is set within the range of the emission values associated with the BATs, in accordance with the emissions value under normal operating conditions. If the operator does not attain emission values within the range of the associated emission values and has not implemented all of the BATs an adaptation period is granted, defined on a case-by-case basis. If the operator has not implemented any BATs or does not attain emission values within the range associated with BATs the environmental permit is not issued. No. If available, provide a weblink on where these translations can be found 2.8 Have environmental management systems been taken into account in setting permit conditions? No. Remarks Generally, within the same sector, no major differences were found in the environmental performance of IPPC installations that had an Environmental Management System (EMS) and those that had none, with the exception of sectors 2.6 and 6.7. If Yes, please explain how AEA Group 15 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool 2.9 2.10 2.11 Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) What types of permit conditions or other measures have typically been applied for the purposes of Article 3(f) (site restoration upon definitive cessation of activities) and how have they been implemented in practice? What types of permit conditions relating to energy efficiency have typically been determined (Article 3(d))? How has the possibility set in Article 9(3) to choose not to impose requirements relating to energy efficiency been used? No IPPC installations have yet been definitively deactivated. In addition to possible emission values associated with the BATs related to energy consumption, defined in sectoral BREFs, checks were performed on the application of national legislation in relation to major energy consumers (installations consuming more than 500 tonnes of oil equivalent: installations with lower consumption can apply this legislation voluntarily), taking account of the objectives defined in Directive 2006/32/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council. All installations covered by EU ETS were not subject to requirements relating to energy efficient. Remarks 2.12 Have any steps been taken to ensure that, in accordance with Article 11, competent authorities follow or are informed of developments in best available techniques? Yes. Remarks If so, provide details The authority competent to issue the environmental permits (the Portuguese Environment Agency) is also the authority competent to follow up the BREFs. If not, what plans are there to meet this requirement? 2.17 Have cases arisen where Article 10 applies and the use of best available techniques is insufficient to satisfy an environmental quality standard set out in Community legislation (as defined in Article 2(7))? AEA Group No. 16 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool 2.23 Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) What is the representative frequency (or expected representative frequency) for the reconsideration of permit conditions? 6 – 10 years. Subcategory: Experiences of Member States 2.6 How useful, as a source of information for determining emission limit values, equivalent parameters and technical measures based on the best available techniques, is the information published by the Commission pursuant to Articles 17? Useful to very useful. BREF Ceramic Manufacturing Industry: In the light of the date of adoption (August 2007) an adaptation period was granted so that operators could bring their emissions into line with the range of emission values associated with the BATs defined in the BREFs, specifically as regards particulate emissions. Additionally, a conflict has been detected between the BATs (and associated emission values) for this pollutant, which promote the use of gaseous fuels, and the need to reduce CO2 emission permits which promote energy recovery from biomass. BREF General principles of Monitoring: not much used. BREF Intensive Rearing of Poultry an Pigs; BREF Large Combustion Plants; BREF Mineral Oil and Gas Refineries; BREF Non-Ferrous Metals Industries; BREF Slaughterhouses and Animals By-products Industries; BREF Surface Treatment of Metals and Plastics and BREF Textiles Industry: significant shortcomings. BREF Production of Polymers: very general. 2.7 How could it be improved? 2.19 How many applications for ‘substantial changes’ were determined during the reporting period? Provide the data by activity type, referring to the template and notes laid down in part 2. For most of the emission values associated with the BATs listed in the various sectoral BREFs it is important to clarify the conditions for checking the compliance of the emissions from IPPC installations under normal operating conditions against the emission values associated with the BATs listed in the BREFs, particularly as regards the definition of average daily/monthly/annual values, O2 levels in gases, etc. 8 activity IPPC 1.2 - 2; activity IPPC 2.6 - 1; activity IPPC 4.1a) - 3; activity IPPC 5.4 - 1; activity IPPC 6.1b) - 1 3 Category: Compliance and enforcement AEA Group 17 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) Subcategory: National legislation and legal provisions 3.4 Give reference to any specific regulations, procedures or guidelines for competent authorities on this subject. Atmospheric emissions: Decree-Law 78/2004 laying down arrangements for the prevention and control of emission of pollutants into the atmosphere, as well as another regulation specifically applicable to the discharge of wastewater: DecreeLaw 236/98 establishing general emission limit values, as well as other sectoral regulations. Subcategory: Specific Member States approach 3.1 3.2 How do operators regularly inform authorities of the results of release monitoring? Electronically e-mail; information on paper. Remarks Data relating to the continuous monitoring of atmospheric pollutants are sent electronically by e-mail. All other data are sent in hard copy. Provide information on the representative frequency for the submission of such information. Annual Remarks 3.3 Is a periodic monitoring report submitted by operators? AEA Group In accordance with national legislation, the operators are required to send reports on the monitoring of atmospheric emissions (measurements must be taken twice a year a minimum of two months apart, as a general rule) 60 days after the measurements have been taken, to the competent CCDR (Commissions for Regional Coordination – CCDR) in cases of regular monitoring. Regarding the discharge of wastewater, the frequency of monitoring and of the communication of results is defined in the Water Resource Use Permit. The competent authorities (CCDR and ARH) can increase the frequencies of monitoring. The Portuguese Environment Agency can also require this to be increased on the basis of the Environmental Permit. In the Environmental Permit the operators are required to submit the 18 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) compilation of the emission values, in the Annual Environmental Reports (AERs) to which the reports of any monitoring carried out can be attached. Once the Portuguese Environment Agency has checked the quality of the data provided the monitoring reports are requested or the competent authority is contacted so that they can be verified (CCDR in the case of emissions to air and the River Basin District Administration for discharge of wastewater into water or soil). Remarks 3.5 To the extent available, and if not submitted in the reporting under the Recommendation providing for minimum criteria for environmental inspections in the Member States, provide representative information, as regards installations falling under the scope of Directive 2008/1/EC, on the carrying-out of on-site inspections and the taking of samples (type, number, frequency). The information requested was provided in response to questions 3.5.1, 3.5.2, 3.5.3 and 3.5.4. 3.6 What types of actions (e.g. sanctions or other measures) have been taken as a result of accidents, incidents and non-compliance with permit conditions. Warning notice Order remediation Fine or penalty (temporary) Restriction or suspension of activity Subcategory: Experiences of Member States 3.5.1 (Optional) If available, provide the total number of site visits during the reporting period. 2006: 313 2007: 134 2008: 189 3.5.2 (Optional) If available, provide the number of installations where site visits took place. 2006: 313 2007: 134 2008: 189 3.5.3 (Optional) Are samples taken during site visits? In some cases. AEA Group 19 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool 3.5.4 4 Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) (Optional) If available, provide information on the type and number of samples taken. Samples of wastewater were collected as follows: 2006 - 56; 2007 - 24; 2008 - 24. Category: Access to information, public participation and transboundary cooperation Subcategory: National legislation and legal provisions 4.1 What, if any, significant changes have there been since the last reporting period to transposing legislation providing for information and participation of the public in the permit procedure, as required by Directive 2008/1/EC (Articles 15 and 16) ? The only change was the transfer of responsibility for carrying out the public consultation from the CCDR to the Portuguese Environment Agency. If there have been significant changes, please describe these There have been no significant changes. Subcategory: Specific Member States approach Subcategory: Experiences of Member States 4.2 If there have been significant changes, what has been the effect upon competent authorities, permit applicants and the public concerned of the amended requirements? No changes Remarks 4.3 Have there been instances in the reporting period of the use of Article 18 requirements in respect of transboundary information and cooperation? No. If Yes, provide examples illustrative of the general procedures used. AEA Group 20 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool 5 Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) Category: Other Subcategory: National legislation and legal provisions Subcategory: Specific Member States approach 5.3 What measures have been taken within national or sub-national legislation or administrative arrangements to increase coherence between implementation of the Directive 2008/1/EC and other instruments? Council Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances Council Directive 1999/13/EC on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain activities and installations Council Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the incineration of waste AEA Group The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA Directive) can run concurrently with the environmental permit (IPPC Directive) including the public consultation, but the decision pursuant to the EIA Directive must always precede the decision pursuant to the IPPC Directive (Article 16 of the IPPC Act). The Risk Assessment (Hazards Directive) can run concurrently with the environmental permit (IPPC Directive) including the public consultation, but the opinion on the location or approval of the safety report pursuant to the Hazards Directive must always be issued prior to the decision pursuant to the IPPC Directive (Article 16 of the IPPC Act). The VOC Directive constitutes the minimum requirement for the decision pursuant to the IPPC directive, which also includes the provisions of the STS BREF. The landfill Directive constitutes the minimum requirement, along with the BAT, for the decision pursuant to the IPPC Directive. The WP Directive constitutes the minimum requirement for the decision pursuant to the IPPC directive, which also includes the provisions of the sectoral BREFs (emission values associated with the BATs) for the discharge of wastewater. The WI Directive constitutes the minimum requirement for the decision pursuant to the IPPC directive, which also includes the provisions of the LCP BREF. 21 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) Directive 2001/80/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants The LCP Directive constitutes the minimum requirement for the decision pursuant to the IPPC Directive. Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading If the IPPC installation is also covered by the Emissions Trading Directive, ELVs applicable to direct emissions of greenhouse gases, covered by the Emissions Trading Directive (Article 18(7)), are not defined. - Regulation (EC) No. 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Other: 5.4 Have measures been introduced at national or sub-national levels to streamline the reporting requested by competent authorities from operators under the Directive 2008/1/EC and other Community instruments? Remarks No. - If yes, (Optional) If available, provide reference to such measures, and any possibilities that you see for improvement of the EU requirements in this area. Subcategory: Experiences of Member States 5.1 How do Member States generally view the effectiveness of Directive 2008/1/EC, inter alia in comparison with other Community environmental instruments? Remarks AEA Group Effective tool in combating industrial pollution Tool is complementary to other community environmental instruments Tool overlaps with other community environmental instruments such as:___ (please enter in remarks box below) This is complementary to: Emission Ceilings (Directive 2001/81/EC of 23 October 2001), Protection of water resources (Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2000 establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy). It overlaps with: The LCP Directive (Directive 2001/80/EC of the European 22 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) 5.2 Based on relevant studies and analysis, if available, what have been the estimated environmental benefits and costs (including administrative and compliance costs) of implementing the Directive 2008/1/EC? Give references to these studies and analyses. 5.3 What is your practical experience regarding the interface between the permitting requirements under the Directive 2008/1/EC and other Community instruments which can apply to installations falling under scope of Directive 2008/1/EC? Parliament and of the Council of 23 October 2001); The WI Directive (Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 4 December 2000), the Landfill Directive (Council Directive 1999/31/EC of 26 April 1999 on the landfill of waste). No. Council Directive 85/337/EEC on the assessment of the effects of certain public and private projects on the environment Council Directive 96/82/EC on the control of major accident hazards involving dangerous substances Council Directive 1999/13/EC on the limitation of emissions of volatile organic compounds due to the use of organic solvents in certain activities and installations Council Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste Directive 2000/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a framework for Community action in the field of water policy Directive 2000/76/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the incineration of waste Directive 2001/80/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council on the limitation of emissions of certain pollutants into the air from large combustion plants AEA Group 23 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number – sub question reporting tool Main category Subcategory: approach or experiences Summary of MS response Comments Question (Q) Directive 2003/87/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing a scheme for greenhouse gas emission allowance trading Regulation (EC) No. 166/2006 of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing the European Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Other: 5.5 Are there any particular implementation issues that give rise to concerns in your country? Yes Remarks If yes, please specify AEA Group Verification of the relevance of the IPPC thresholds established in Annex I . And the use of the BREFs in the issue of environmental permits. 24 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Member State quantitative data The table below presents the data related to ‘Numbers of installations and permits’ (question 2.1 of the original questionnaire). Ins tallation type Installation type based on A nnex I activity to Directive 96/61/EC Pe r m its for ne w ins tallations Pe r m its for e xis ting ins tallations 1. No. Of new installation at the end 2008 2. No. of permits granted by end 2008 3. No. of existing installations operating at end 2008 4. No. of permits granted under A rts. 6 and 8 by end 2008 11 11 5. No. of IPPC permits reconsidered but not updated by end 2008 Othe r data 6. No. of permits reconsidered and updated by end 2008 7. No., if any, of outstanding permits at end 2008 (in conf lict w ith Directive) 8. No; of installations 9. No of applications f or ‘substantial changes’ determined during the reporting period 1. Ene r gy 1.1. Combustion 18 15 1.2 Mineral oil and gas ref ining 2 2 1.3. Coke ovens 0 0 1.4. Coal gasif ication and liquef action 0 0 2.1. Metal ore roasting/sintering 0 0 2.2. Producing pig iron or steel 2 2 2.3 (a) Hot-rolling mills 0 0 0 0 3 29 2 0 0 2. Fe r r ous m e tals 2.3 (b) Smitheries 2.3 (c) A pplying f used metal coats 4 3 1 2.4. Foundries 9 4 5 2.5 (a) Producing non-f errous crude metals 0 0 2.5 (b) Smelting non-f errous metals 2.6. Surf ace treatment of metals and plastic 2 2 2 2 11 6 5 10 10 44 36 7 11 11 0 0 0 2 0 0 6 9 0 13 54 3. M ine r als 3.1. Producing cement or lime 3.2. Producing asbestos 3.3. Manuf acture of glass 8 8 3.4. Melting minerals 1 1 2 1 1 3.5. Manuf acture of ceramics 1 1 54 42 9 4.1. Producing organic chemicals 4 4 19 18 4.2 Producing inorganic chemicals 1 1 4. Che m icals (s e e note 8) 10 9 4.3 Producing f ertilisers 2 2 4.4 Producing plant health products/biocides 0 0 4.5 Producing pharmaceuticals 3 3 4.6 Producing explosives 0 0 20 17 2 2 11 0 8 3 55 0 23 11 2 0 3 0 5. Was te 5.1. Disposal or recovery of hazardous w aste 10 10 5.2. Incineration of municipal w aste 5.3. Disposal of non-hazardous w aste 5.4. Landf ills 18 18 3 1 0 1 29 25 3 5 4 1 16 13 3 19 17 2 30 2 1 47 6. Othe r 6.1 (a) Producing pulp (b) Producing paper and board 1 1 6.2. Pretreatment or dyeing of f ibres or textiles 6.3. Tanning hides and skins 6.4. (a) Slaughterhouses 0 0 25 19 3 5 17 19 0 25 1 67 6.4 (b) Treatment and processing of f ood products 5 5 62 61 6.4 (c) Treatment and processing of milk 1 1 8 8 6.5. Disposal or recycling of animal carcasses 2 2 6 5 1 6.6 (a) Intensive rearing of poultry 3 3 100 52 41 6.6 (b) Intensive rearing of production pigs 2 2 61 21 14 6.6 (c) Intensive rearing of sow s 1 1 13 10 6.7. Surf ace treatment using organic solvents 5 5 13 10 0 0 579 426 6.8. Producing carbon or electrographite Totals 80 80 3 0 0 107 9 8 103 63 14 18 0 659 0 25 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Analysis of completeness Table presents the level of completeness of the report of Portugal Table 2: Portugal – Completeness analysis table Question number, subquestion 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8 1.9 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 2.10 2.11 2.12 2.13 2.14 2.15 26 Level of completeness Comments Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Question number, subquestion Level of completeness Comments 2.16 2.17 2.18 2.19 2.20 2.21 2.22 2.23 2.24 2.25 3.1 3.2. 3.3 3.4 3.5 3.6 4.1 4.2 4.3 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 27 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report Analysis of implementation status Portugal provides a good overview of the national legislation and the legal provisions in place to ensure compliance with the IPPC Directive (including art 5(1)). In Portugal, no significant changes have been made since the last reporting period (2003 - 2005) to national legislation and to the permitting system(s) that implement the IPPC Directive. Portugal has experienced difficulties in implementing the IPPC Directive associated with the availability and capacity of staff resources. Plans to address these difficulties consist of raising staff capacity and streamlining the implementing procedure. Regarding the permit application and determination procedures, Portugal describes all relevant procedures, criteria and general principles. In general, the BREFs are regarded as useful - very useful, depending on the BREF. Portugal notice also shortcomings in some BREFs. BREFs are used for setting permit conditions (ELVs). To improve their usefulness/practicability To improve the BREFs, the normal operation conditions, for which ELVs are determined, should be described. Regulations, procedures, guidelines to ensure compliance with permit conditions and enforcement are in place. Operators are obliged to report the results of release monitoring at the annually. On-site inspections are regularly organised, and in some cases samples are taken. Regarding information, public participation and transboundary cooperation no significant changes have been made in Portugal since the previous reporting period. There was only an internal change of responsibilities. In general, Malta views the IPPC Directive as an effective tool in combating industrial pollution. However the tool, i.e. the IPPC Directive, overlaps with other community environmental instruments. In Malta there are implementation issues that give rise to concerns. Verification of the relevance the thresholds established in Annex I. 28 Unrestricted Analysis of the reports submitted by the Member States Framework contract No. ENV/C.4/FRA/2007/0011 Draft Report The Gemini Building Fermi Avenue Harwell International Business Centre Didcot Oxfordshire OX11 0QR Tel: 0845 345 3302 Fax: 0870 190 6138 E-mail:,uk 29