The Irish Artist-led Archive (1970 – the Present day): Sustainable Activism and the Embrace of Flux INFORMATION FOR CONTRIBUTING ARTIST-LED INITATIVES, COLLECTIVES AND ORGANISATIONS Project Overview The Artist-led Archive - Sustainable Activism and the Embrace of Flux is an archive project initiated by the artist and curator Megs Morley in 2006 as part of an on-going investigation into artist-led initiatives in Ireland. The project aimed to decipher the kind of cultural conditions that led to artist-led initiative’s birth, their economic independence (or lack of), their organizational structures and how all of these factors effected their activities and life spans. As an archival project and touring exhibition (2006-2008), The Artist-led Archive sought to investigate, activate and inform artist-led culture in Ireland by collecting and presenting examples of works and documents from artists organisations, groups, and collectives working in Ireland (North and South) from the 1970’s to the present day, a period marking significant economic, social and political change in Ireland. Comprising of an interactive archive, commissioned art works, installations, video & films, photography, sonic works and constitutive documents gathered from both Southern and Northern Irish artist-led initiatives over the past 40 years, these documents provide a unique insight into the variations and similarities between initiatives operating at different periods and within distinct contexts across Ireland, acknowledging past initiatives work and exposing the roots of some of our oldest cultural vehicles. The Artist-led Archive used a variety of live archiving strategies to initiate dialogue and debate into artist-led culture and was involved in many live events and initiatives across Ireland between 2006-2008 as the Artist-led Archive exhibition toured. Methods in collecting information included; live presentations, focus groups, roundtable discussions, symposiums, the commissioning of installations and performance art works and word of mouth. These strategies served to socially collect and transfer information and initiate dialogue around the critical ideas, pragmatic issues and socio-political contexts of artist-led culture in Ireland. As a moving platform for discussion the Artist-led Archive attempted to initiate and inform interest in artist-led culture in localized contexts by providing a national and international context for such activities. Contributors included; Julie Ault (Group Material, NY), Rachel Bradley & Julie Crawshaw ( UK), Catalyst Arts (NI) Ben Geoghegan & Niall Moore (G126 IRE), Daniel Jewsbury (Factotum & the Vacuum NI), KDFS (IRE), Aileen Lambert & Mick Fortune (Real Art Project IRE), Sean Lynch, Brian Patterson & Rainer Pagel (Art, Research & Exchange NI), Deirdre O’Mahony (the Xpo, IRE), Lise Skou (UKK- Young Danish Artworkers DK). The Artist-led Archive- Sustainable Activism and the Embrace of Flux exhibition was launched in the Galway Arts Centre on 9th November 2007 and subsequently toured to Catalyst Arts, in Belfast (April 2008) the Lab, Dublin (June- July 2008) and was hosted by “Sligo Local” by the Model, Sligo in April 2009. The Artist-led Archive comprises of documents relating to over 80 artist-led initiatives and is currently housed in the National Irish Visual Arts Library (NIVAL) in the National College of Art and Design (NCAD) Dublin, as part of their special collections. NIVAL maintains a policy of maximum accessibility to the collections. Acess to the collection is free, but it is recommended to make an appointment by contacting Donna Romano at It is envisioned that the Artist-led Archive will be infinitely malleable and continue to evolve and change form according to the environment it finds itself in, whether used as a formal research resource as in NIVAL, or on tour as a contemporary art exhibition, as a moving platform of information the Artist-led Archive will continue to; activate, initiate and inform artist-led culture in localized contexts by providing a national and international context for artist-led activities. The website will continue grow to form an online resource and directory of artist-led culture in Ireland. If you do not have your own website, you can submit the information and images that you would like on a short webpage on the ALA website stating that you would like such a page to be created. If you have any further writings or relevant information that you feel could contribute to the project or the website please contact Guidelines for Registration Please read the guidelines for information and ideas on submitting materials You can submit any materials that you feel best represent the past and present activities of your organisation. Please keep in mind the more variety of materials submitted the more potential information the researcher has. Examples of materials might include: Works of Art, documentation of art works, publications, brochures, photographs, slides, board minutes, constitutive documents, application forms, proposals, press clippings, press releases, presentations, proposals for events/performances, audio recordings, video documentation Digital Formats: Where hardcopies of the information you wish to submit is not available, digital files are accepted. However, to ensure that the files are accessible, please convert image and word files to PDF, video files to MPG 4, sound files to MP3. Please submit digital files on USB flash drive only. Please also ensure that the USB flash drive is both mac and pc compatible by first formatting it to FAT 32. Where possible, please submit originals, however in the case where there is only a single copy, please only submit a reproduction(s). Please label all the materials with corresponding dates. Please complete the registration form below and submit it as a printed hard copy with your materials and email it as a soft copy to If you do not already have a soft copy of this registration form as a word doc please contact Any queries, please contact Megs Morley: The Irish Artist-Led Archive Registration Form (please return to and submit a copy with the archival materials) General Information Name of Group/ initative: Date/Year Initiated Date/Year Disbanded Address: Street Address Town/City Phone No: County Email: Name of person submitting materials: Website: Role/Position Date Submitted : Organisational Information Mission Statement (If any) Description of legal status (if any) Limited Company Co-operative Registered Charity Registered not-for-profit Collective Other (Please Describe below) Other: Do you have a constitution or articles of association? Yes No If possible can you include a copy of your constitution? Yes No List of activities: Live Art Gallery/project space Studios Facility (please describe) Publication Other (Please describe below) Other: Description of Organisational History (Any Length) List of materials submitted in archival box (please tick) Board Minutes Video documentation VHS Video documentation DVD Photographs Photographic negatives Slides Brochure Press Releases Press Clippings CD ZIP or other digital media Publication Constitution Art Work Other (Please Describe) Other: Disclaimer and Signature I understand that the information and materials submitted in this application form and archival box are to be used for the public research, exhibition, advertisement, website and publication purposes of the Irish Artist-led Archive Project. Signature: Date: