Apprentices and trainees Great skills. Real opportunities. Great skills. Real opportunities. will improve trade training to make it more accessible, flexible and relevant. Great skills. Real opportunities. will reform Queensland’s further education and training sector. The needs of students and employers will underpin the state’s training system. This will enable every Queenslander to obtain great skills for real job opportunities and boost economic and social prosperity for all. Great skills. Real opportunities. reforms commenced in 2013 with roll out continuing over the next five years. Making trade training more flexible and relevant Apprenticeships and traineeships are an important entry point to most trades in Queensland. To make trade training more accessible, flexible and relevant, government will: improve apprenticeship and traineeship arrangements, making it easier for apprentices and trainees to change employers and move interstate without affecting their progress towards becoming a qualified tradesperson enable adult workers to gain a qualification and trade outcome through flexible pathways for a broader range of industries, including the new Registered Trade Skills Pathway encourage more apprentices and trainees to improve their literacy and numeracy skills through selected training providers accessing a $5 million government support program provide $3 million in incentives to group training organisations to employ additional apprentices provide additional support for apprentices and trainees in regional areas. From school to employment Training programs in schools help young people choose a career and take their first steps towards full-time employment. Government will: target vocational education and training funding towards school-based training that will prepare students to step into employment improve career and training information available to schools, students, parents and employers through a comprehensive new website. Employing apprentices and trainees Employing and managing apprentices and trainees will be made easier. Government will: provide a $5000 bonus for employers to retain school-based apprentices in full-time work after school through the $10 million School to Trade Pathway program reduce barriers to attracting and retaining apprentices through nationally consistent regulation arrangements simplify and streamline administration and online processing to make it easier to take on, train and retain apprentices and trainees enable complementary, flexible trade training pathways for a broader range of industries make gaining trade recognition easier for casual and other employees through the Registered Trade Skills Pathway and other initiatives that will complement existing trade pathways improve regional assistance for employers, including advice on flexible trade training pathways and preapprenticeship career planning through dedicated regional government officers review and improve the User Choice program to ensure ongoing certainty for students, employers and providers. More trade training in Queensland Queensland needs more apprentices and trainees in our priority industry sectors. The Queensland Government has committed an additional $86 million over six years to create an extra 10 000 apprentice and trainee commencements. Employers will be supported to create additional places. Apprentices and trainees will be supported to take up new employment opportunities. Together, Queensland’s trade training will keep pace with industry and employer demand. Great skills. Real opportunities. reform action plan and factsheets are available at Factsheets include: overview industry and employers regional communities students and parents TAFE Queensland reforms training providers. © June 2013 Queensland Department of Education, Training and Employment