Essay Prewriting

Introduction Paragraph
Attention grabber
Thesis Statement (One sentence that tells the reader what the essay will
Body Paragraph #1 main idea ________________________________________________________________
Detail #1_________________________________________________________________________________
Detail #2_________________________________________________________________________________
Detail #3_________________________________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph #2 main idea ________________________________________________________________
Detail #1_________________________________________________________________________________
Detail #2_________________________________________________________________________________
Detail #3_________________________________________________________________
Body Paragraph #3 main idea ________________________________________________________________
Detail #1_________________________________________________________________________________
Detail #2_________________________________________________________________________________
Detail #3_________________________________________________________________________________
Conclusion (Wrap up essay and leave reader with interesting thought.)_________________________________
Creating a great essay can be accomplished by creating an essay outline. Creating an outline makes it much easier to organize an
essay and the supporting details that must be included within the body of the essay.
Writing Well
Organization will make the essay flow smoothly and will avoid causing confusion to the reader. A well written and organized essay will
make the information entailed easily
understood and make it more meaningful for the reader.
Introductory Paragraph
A good introductory paragraph captures the reader’s attention and explains what the essay will be about. A strong introductory
paragraph can be written easily by creating an outline. The introduction of the essay has an introductory statement to explain the essay
topic. A topic for an essay might be “why the washing machine was a good invention.” In the introductory paragraph, there should be
brief statements to support the essay topic. Only brief statements supporting the topic are necessary in the introduction because the indepth supporting details the will be included in the body of the essay. Three supporting topics for “why the washing machine was a
good invention,” could be because the machine saves time and energy, it cleans clothes better than hand washing, and it is very
1. Introduction
- Introductory Statement
- Supporting Topic #1
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- Supporting Topic #2
- Supporting Topic #3
The Body
The information for the body of the essay can easily be organized with the use of an outline. If the information is organized, then the
essay will be comprehensible and the point of the essay will be clear and concise. To properly organize the essay, each supporting
topic in the body should be separated into individual paragraphs. Each supporting topic has a topic statement that explains what the
supporting topic is about. A topic might be “The washing machine is a great invention because of how quickly the cloths are washed”.
Supporting details and analysis of the information about the washing machine should be written next. For example, describing how long
it takes to wash a load of laundry in a machine vs. how long it takes to wash clothes by hand would support the topic statement. At
the end of each paragraph there is a concluding sentence to allow a smooth transition from one paragraph to another.
2. Supporting Topic #1
- Topic Statement
- Supporting Ideas
- Analysis
- Concluding Sentence
3. Supporting Topic #2
- Topic Statement
- Supporting Ideas
- Analysis
- Concluding Sentence
4. Supporting Topic #3
- Topic Statement
- Supporting Ideas
- Analysis
- Concluding Sentence
The Conclusion
An outline for an essay will help to produce a strong concluding paragraph, which often has the greatest impact on a reader. The
concluding paragraph should restate the essay topic. It should include the brief descriptions of the supporting topics that are included in
the body of the essay. It also has a concluding sentence to strongly finish the essay.
5. Conclusion
- Concluding Statement
- Supporting Topic #1
- Supporting Topic #2
- Supporting Topic #3
- Concluding Sentence
Writing an essay can be an easy process by creating an outline to properly organize the information. If an essay is organized, then the
paper will flow smoothly. This allows information in the essay to be easily understood and interpreted. provides
excellent examples of what an outline for an essay could look like as well as many other tips for creating a great essay.