Magma rheology variation in sheet intrusions Craig Magee1, Brian O’Driscoll2, Michael S. Petronis3, Carl T.E. Stevenson4 1 Department of Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College, Prince Consort Road, London, SW7 2BP, UK 2 School of Physical and Geographical Sciences, Keele University, Keele, ST5 5BG, England, UK 3 Environmental Geology, Natural Resource Department, New Mexico Highlands University, Las Vegas, NM 87701, USA 4 School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 2TT, UK The rheology of magma fundamentally controls igneous intrusion style as well as the explosivity and type of volcanic eruptions. Importantly, the dynamic interplay between the viscosity of magma and other processes active during intrusion (e.g., crystallisation, magma mixing, assimilation of crystal mushes and/or xenolith entrainment) will likely bear an influence on the temporal variation of magma rheology. Constraining the timing of rheological changes during magma transit therefore plays an important role in understanding the nuances of volcanic systems. However, the rheological evolution of actively emplacing igneous intrusions cannot be directly studied. While significant advances have been made via experimental modelling and analysis of lava flows, how these findings relate to intruding magma remains unclear. This has led to an increasing number of studies that analyse various characteristics of fully crystallised intrusions in an attempt to ‘back-out’ the rheological conditions governing emplacement. For example, it has long been known that crystallinity affects the rheology and, consequently, the velocity of intruding magma. This means that quantitative textural analysis of crystal populations (e.g., crystal size distribution; CSD) used to elucidate crystallinity at different stages of emplacement can provide insights into magma rheology. Similarly, methods that measure flow-related fabrics (e.g., anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility; AMS) can be used to discern velocity profiles, a potential proxy for the magma rheology. To illustrate these ideas, we present an integrated AMS and petrological study of several sheet intrusions located within the Ardnamurchan Central Complex, NW Scotland. We focus on the entrainment and transport dynamics of gabbroic inclusions that were infiltrated by the host magma upon entrainment. Importantly, groundmass magnetic fabrics within and external to these inclusions are coaxial. This implies that a deviatoric stress was transmitted into the inclusions during magma flow. We suggest that this represents a modification of the magma dynamics from Newtonian-like to Bingham-like behaviour. Furthermore, the spatial restriction of inclusions within the sheet intrusions suggest that subtle variations in magma rheology may partition apparently continuous intrusions, perhaps affecting lateral mixing and the longevity of discrete sheet segments. Detailed fabric analysis of other inclusion-free intrusions in the Ardnamurchan Central Complex supports this interpretation. Our results highlight that the crystalline cargo of a magma can result in temporal and spatial variations in magma rheology. This can partition coalesced magma bodies into ‘zones’ characterised by different magma properties, potentially affecting the location of magma flow pathways or even eruption sites.