CITY OF TORONTO EMERGENCY PLAN Emergency Support Function Emergency Level Notifications Office of Emergency Management Version 6.0 July 2015 3 Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction ......................................................................................................... 5 1.1 Purpose .............................................................................................................. 5 1.2 Scope ................................................................................................................. 5 2.0 Concept of Operations ........................................................................................ 6 2.1 General .............................................................................................................. 6 3.0 Roles and Responsibilities ................................................................................. 6 3.1 Primary / Lead Agency / Division ....................................................................... 6 3.1.1 Office of Emergency Management .............................................................. 6 3.2 Supporting Agency / Division ............................................................................. 6 3.2.1 Strategic Communications .............................................................................. 6 3.2.2 City Clerk's Office ........................................................................................ 6 APPENDIX 'A': Toronto Emergency Management Program Committee (TEMPC) Members ...................................................................................................................... 7 APPENDIX 'B': TEMPC Control Group Members ........................................................ 8 APPENDIX 'C': Emergency Management Working Group (EMWG) ............................ 9 4 Emergency Support Function Emergency Level Notifications Primary / Lead Agency / Division: Office of Emergency Management (OEM) Supporting Agencies / Divisions: (ABCCD's) City Clerk's Office Strategic Communications External Supporting Agencies: N/A 1.0 Introduction Emergency Support Functions are supporting documents to the City of Toronto Emergency Plan (COTEP). While these are stand-alone documents not contained in the Emergency Plan they provide the structure and framework for integrated support by Lead and Supporting Agencies, Boards, Commissions, Corporations and Divisions (ABCCD's) in the most frequently grouped operational functions responding to emergencies. The Office of Emergency Management (OEM) has responsibility for the development of the Emergency Level Notifications Emergency Support Function (ESF). This Emergency Support Function provides guidance on the Office of Emergency Management, Strategic Communications and City Clerk's Office responsibilities in notifying appropriate stakeholders during an incident, emergency and/or major emergency. 1.1 Purpose The purpose of this Emergency Support Function (ESF) is to describe the four level notification system, give examples, explain operational implications of each level, define the required support of the Office of Emergency Management and/or the Emergency Operations Centre, outline notification requirements of Strategic Communications and City Clerk's Office at each level, and the required notifications by the Office of Emergency Management at each level. 1.2 Scope The scope of this ESF is limited to the notification requirements for the Office of Emergency Management, Strategic Communications and City Clerk's Office for an incident, emergency and/or major emergency. This ESF does not describe how Divisions will follow established internal notification procedures as it relates to normal business (i.e. house fire, water main break, motor vehicle accident, road closures, etc.). 5 2.0 Concept of Operations 2.1 General This ESF will be implemented when activation of the Office of Emergency Management and/or the Emergency Operations Centre is required to provide any one or a combination of the following: Effective policy and strategic direction to the emergency; Support of emergency operations at the site(s); Consequence management; Resource management; Coordination of management linkages to the emergency site, Divisional Operations Centre, external agencies and the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre; Information to the public and news media; and Business continuity for the rest of the City. Depending on the magnitude and duration of the above requirements appropriate notifications of stakeholders are required by the Office of Emergency Management, Strategic Communications and City Clerks. Please note that the Emergency Operations Centre is ready 24/7. 2.2 Emergency Level Notifications This ESF has established a four tier emergency level system to determine the appropriate notifications (see Table 1). The 4 levels are as follows: Level 0 – Normal Level 1 – Incident Level 2 – Emergency Level 3 – Major Emergency Table 1 describes the following: Levels Operational Implications Office of Emergency Management Support City Division Notification Office of Emergency Management Notification Examples 6 Table 1: Emergency Level Notifications Level 0 - Normal Operational Implications Normal is described as 'business as usual' or 'normal operations' for emergency services and/or Divisions. Office of Emergency Management Support No support required but OEM 24/7 Stand-by Coordinator available to support. City Division Notification Office of Emergency Management Notification Lead Division(s) will follow established notification and escalation procedures to their chain of command. No notifications required as Division(s) will follow established internal notification and escalation procedures. Examples House fire, water main break, motor vehicle accident, road closures. Level 1 - Incident Operational Implications Office of Emergency Management Support City Division Notification Office of Emergency Management Notification Examples Incident requires monitoring, coordination, collaboration and/or communications for one or a combination of the following: Support of emergency operations at the site(s); Coordination of management linkages to the emergency site, Divisional Operations Centre, and external agencies; and Information to the public and news media Support available through OEM 24/7 Stand-by Coordinator. Lead Division(s) will follow established notification and escalation procedures to their chain of command. No notifications required as Division(s) will follow established internal notification and escalation procedures. If the OEM is activated to monitor it may require notification to members of the Toronto Emergency Management Program Committee (Appendix A), Toronto Emergency Management Program Committee – Control Group (Appendix B), Emergency Management Working Group (Appendix C), Strategic Communications, City Clerk's Office and other key Agencies, Boards, Commissions and Divisions. Localized power disruptions, severe weather watches and warnings, localized flooding, Emergency Social Services coordinate and respond. 3 Level 2 - Emergency Operational Implications Office of Emergency Management Support City Division Notification Office of Emergency Management Notification This level requires coordination, collaboration and/or communications for one or a combination of the following: Effective policy and strategic direction to the emergency; Support of emergency operations at the site(s); Consequence management; Resource management; Coordination of management linkages to the emergency site, Divisional Operations Centre, external agencies and the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre; Information to the public and news media; and Business continuity for the rest of the City. The Office of Emergency Management may; Facilitate access to City Divisions/External Agencies and/or; Facilitate integration of City Divisions/External Agencies into the Incident Management Structure in the Emergency Operations Centre and/or; Attend Site as a Liaison Officer. Lead Divisions will follow established notification and escalation procedures to their chain of command and the OEM. Office of Emergency Management: Must Notify Deputy City Manager, Cluster 'B' Must Notify the City Clerk's Office May Notify TEMPC/EMWG Emergency Social Services Working Group, and Other Key Divisions / Agencies (as required) May Notify Strategic Communications Strategic Communications Notifications The Emergency Information and Media Relations Emergency Support Function will be activated. City Clerk's Office Notification The City Clerk's Office will notify Councillors of the activation of the EOC and the activation of the Councillor Coordination Emergency Support Function. City Clerks will follow established protocols set out in the Councillor Coordination Emergency Support Function. Examples High-rise(s) or large area evacuation, major road(s) washout/closures, emergency social services reception centre, large power outage (2008 200 Wellesley St., 2013 – July 8 flooding). 4 Level 3 – Major Emergency Operational Implications Office of Emergency Management Support City Division Notification Office of Emergency Management Notification This level requires coordination, collaboration and/or communications for ALL of the following purposes: Effective policy and strategic direction to the emergency; Support of emergency operations at the site(s); Consequence management; Resource management; Coordination of management linkages to the emergency site, Divisional Operations Centre, external agencies and the Provincial Emergency Operations Centre; Information to the public and news media; and Business continuity for the rest of the City. Office of Emergency Management may; Facilitate access to City Divisions/External Agencies and/or; Facilitate integration of City Divisions/External Agencies into the Incident Management Structure in the Emergency Operations Centre and/or; Attend Site as a Liaison Officer. Lead Divisions will follow established notification and escalation procedures to their chain of command and the OEM. Office of Emergency Management: Must Notify Deputy Manager, Cluster 'B' Must Notify EMWG, TEMPC, Control Group, Emergency Social Services Working Group, and Other Key Divisions / Agencies Must Notify the City Clerk's Office Must Notify Strategic Communications Must Notify the Province of Ontario if a declared state of emergency Strategic Communications Notifications The Emergency Information and Media Relations Emergency Support Function will be activated. City Clerk's Office Notification The City Clerk's Office will notify Councillors of the activation of the Emergency Operations Centre and the activation of the Councillor Coordination Emergency Support Function. The Clerk's Office will follow established protocols set out in the Councillor Coordination Emergency Support Function. Examples Nuclear event, public health emergency, city wide power outage, severe storm/weather (2013 Ice Storm). 5 3.0 Roles and Responsibilities 3.1 Primary / Lead Agency / Division 3.1.1 Office of Emergency Management The role of the OEM as it pertains to this Emergency Support Function is to provide: 3.2 Support and maintenance of The Emergency Plan and this ESF Notification as per Notification Levels in Table 1 Activation and coordination of activities for the EOC Supporting Agency / Division 3.2.1 Strategic Communications The role of Strategic Communications as it pertains to this Emergency Support Function is to provide: Support and maintenance of this ESF Notification as per Notification Levels in Table 1 Activation of The Emergency Information and Media Relations Emergency Support Function 3.2.2 City Clerk's Office The role of The City Clerk's Office as it pertains to this Emergency Support Function is to provide: Support and maintenance of this ESF Notification as per Notification Levels in Table 1 Activation of The Councillor Coordination Emergency Support Function 6 APPENDIX 'A': Toronto Emergency Management Program Committee (TEMPC) Members 1. Mayor 2. Deputy Mayor 3. City Manager 4. The Deputy City Manager, Cluster 'A' 5. The Deputy City Manager, Cluster 'B' 6. The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer – Cluster 'C' 7. Chief of Police 8. Fire Chief and General Manager of Fire Services 9. Chief and General Manager of Toronto Paramedic Services 10. Medical Officer of Health 11. Director of Strategic Communications 12. Executive Director of Human Resources 13. Chief Executive Officer of Toronto Transit Commission 14. General Manager of Transportation Services 15. General Manager of Toronto Water 16. General Manager of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration 17. City Solicitor 18. City Treasurer 19. Chief Corporate Officer 20. Chief Building Official and Executive Director of Toronto Building 21. General Manager of Parks, Forestry and Recreation 22. General Manager of Solid Waste Management Services 23. Director of Facilities Operations 24. Chief Information Officer 25. Manager of Insurance and Risk Management 26. Director of Office of Emergency Management 27. City Clerk 28. Toronto Hydro 7 APPENDIX 'B': TEMPC Control Group Members 1. Mayor 2. Deputy Mayor 3. City Manager 4. The Deputy City Manager, Cluster 'A' 5. The Deputy City Manager, Cluster 'B' 6. The Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer, Cluster 'C' 7. Chief of Police 8. Fire Chief and General Manager of Fire Services 9. Chief and General Manager of Toronto Paramedic Services 10. Medical Officer of Health 11. Director of Strategic Communications 12. Executive Director of Human Resources 13. Chief Executive Officer of Toronto Transit Commission 14. General Manager of Transportation Services 15. General Manager of Toronto Water 16. General Manager of Shelter, Support and Housing Administration 17. Director of Office of Emergency Management 8 APPENDIX 'C': Emergency Management Working Group (EMWG) Depending on the emergency incident, staff from various City Divisions will form the Emergency Management Working Group (EMWG) and will sit in the Operations Section of the Emergency Operations Centre. This includes staff representatives from the following City Agencies, Boards, Divisions and Commissions: 1. Office of Emergency Management (Chair) 2. Toronto Police Service 3. Toronto Fire Services 4. Toronto Paramedic Services 5. Toronto Public Health 6. Strategic Communications 7. Toronto Water 8. Transportation Services 9. Shelter, Support and Housing Administration 10. Toronto Building 11. Toronto Transit Commission 12. Purchasing and Materials Management 13. Facilities Management 14. Engineering and Construction Services 15. Solid Waste Management Services 16. Parks, Forestry and Recreation 17. Toronto Office of Partnerships 18. Finance and Administration 19. Human Resources 20. Information and Technology 21. City Clerk's Office 22. 311 Toronto 23. Toronto Hydro 9 Revision History Revision Name of Contributor Number 1.0 Office of Emergency Management Summary Of Changes Revision Date Updated as required February 2009 2.0 Wayne Banon (OEM) Updated as required August 19, 2011 3.0 Loretta Chandler & Wayne Banon (OEM) Converted existing ESF to New Template Updated as required Revised with EMWG input As per Ombudsman Report – Emergency Levels Table Level 2 – OEM Must Notify DCM Cluster 'B') Level 3 – OEM Must Notify DCM 'B', EMWG, TEMPC & Control Group and Key Divisions Revisions as per changes to City's Emergency Plan December 28, 2012 4.0 Wayne Banon (OEM) February 25, 2013 5.0 Wayne Banon (OEM) 6.0 Donna Clark (OEM) James Kilgour (OEM) Loretta Chandler (OEM) Revisions as per changes to City's Emergency Plan and additions of ESFs May 1, 2015 Approved by EMWG August 31, 2015 Posted to the OEM Website September 1, 2015 December 19, 2013 7.0 10 11