
Please include the GM notification to your animal
license in Provet animal management system
Name of the research project
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Research group/Department
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Responsible researcher
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Phone and e-mail
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Species and strain
(exact official nomenclature)
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Short name of GM-strain
(to be used in Provet)
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Origin of the strain, and year of creation
Background strain
Description of gene modification
-method (vectors, technique)
-inserted/excluded gene material and its
Desired /expected GM phenotype
Welfare issues related to the GM
If YES, please give the license number under
which the strain is maintained and specify the
welfare issues, and actions related to them.
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No ☐
Yes ☐
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GM ANIMALS – RISK EVALUATION: Hazard identification
Please, identify/describe the possible adverse effects on human/animal health and environment.
Effects on human/animal health and on environment
Does transferred genetic material make animals prone to
pathogens or enhance spreading of pathogens
Can animals become a transmitter for some infectious disease,
as a consequence of the gene modification?
No ☐ Yes ☐
No ☐ Yes ☐
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Please, explain/justify
Survival, reproduction and outbreak capability
Is the gene modification connected with changes in survival of
animal/offspring in a way that offers a competitive advantage
in Finland’s nature?
No ☐ Yes ☐
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Please, explain/justify
Please include the GM notification to your animal
license in Provet animal management system
Special requirements for animal care
If special requirements, describe
Isolation of animals
Protection of personnel
Waste disposal (handling of dirty bedding,
fee, carcasses, etc.)
Other special requirements, e.g. feeding
Normal care ☐
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GM ANIMALS – RISK EVALUATION: Risk evaluation (Contained use)
Please, consider the hazard identified above. Estimate the risks related to them (taking into account
the severity and probability). Consider how the planned preventive measures affect the risk and
whether they are adequate. Based on these considerations, select the class of use.
Use classification
Class 1: There is no or minor risk related to the use of animals. GM
animals do not cause harm to humans/environment. They are unlikely to be
reproductive in Finland’s nature or to settle in there
Class 1 ☐
Class 2 ☐
Class 2: There are bigger than minor risk or remarkable ethical questions
related to use of animals. GM animals may cause ha rm to
humans/environment. GM animals can breed in Finland’s nature.
NB! Current LAC’s notification to the Board of Gene Technology
covers the class 1 contained use. The use of common lab animals (as
rats, mice, hamsters) can usually be included into this cl ass. A new
notification/application is needed for class 2 use.
Place and date
Person who have mad the
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After the use of animals has started, the user is responsible to report to LAC, if
there is any new data/observations that might affect the risk evaluation
there are deviations and/or dangerous situations that have (or might have) led to unintended
spread of the GM animals inside the facility, or to their escape outside facility. The user
must always describe the measures that were taken