Nov. 18

Nov. 16 St. Margaret of Scotland
November 18 Lesson Kindergarten
Start in classrooms at 6:10 due to 1st Reconciliation
**Remember to pray for your seminarian**
Their picture should be located by the
crucifix/door in your classroom. Feel free to send
cards and letters throughout the year
Prayer for Holy Vocations
Heavenly Father, make us more holy
each day, we pray.
Help us to embrace the way of life
You planned for us, our call;
And as priests, deacons, religious sisters or brothers,
married couples or chaste singles, help us to find joy
in giving You our most, our best, our all!
This we ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.
** Maybe bring in an Advent wreath to begin
explaining the season of Advent**
Have cards or pieces of paper with the following
colors: green, white, purple, red
Play gathering music softly.
Have the children quiet themselves and “center”
themselves to talk God.
Welcome the children. Say: Today, I have several
pieces of colored paper. We use these colors at
different times of the year to help us think of different
times in Jesus’ life. Hold the purple paper. Say: We
use purple at two different times of the year, called
Advent and Lent. Hold the white paper. We use
white at Christmas and Easter. Hold the green paper.
Green is for Ordinary Time. Hold red. We use red
when we want to remember the Holy Spirit or when
we want to honor Jesus and the saints
Assist children with the Sign of the Cross and pray:
Margaret was a blessing for all the people of
Scotland. Before she came, there was
great ignorance and many bad habits among
them. Margaret worked hard to
obtain good teachers, to correct the evil
practices, and to have new churches built. She
loved to make these churches beautiful for
God's glory, and she embroidered the
priest's vestments herself.
Nov. 17 St. Elizabeth of Hungary
According to legend, Elizabeth went out with
loaves of bread to feed those who were poor.
Her husband saw her and took hold of her
cape to see what she was carrying. What he
saw was roses rather than bread! Because of
this, she is also known as the patroness of
bakers. Louis supported her in all she did to
relieve the sufferings of those who were poor
or sick. But Louis’s mother, Sophia, his
brother, and other members of court resented
Elizabeth’s generosity. She was taunted and
mocked by the royal family, but deeply loved
by the common people. Louis loved her and
defended her. They had three children
Nov. 18 St. Rose Philippine
Duchesne Rose joined the Society of the
Sacred Heart. In 1818, when she was fortynine years old, Rose was sent to the United
States. She founded a boarding school for
daughters of pioneers near St. Louis and
opened the first free school west of the
Missouri. At the age of seventy-one, she
began a school for Indians, who soon came to
call her "the woman who is always praying".
Her biographers have also stressed her
courage in frontier conditions, her singlemindedness in pursuing her dream of serving
Native Americans, and her self-acceptance.
There is a time for everything under Heaven.
A time to plant
A time to harvest
A time to cry
A time to laugh
A time to rest
A time to work
A time to be silent
A time to speak
-Ecclesiastes 3: 1-7
Ask children if they have prayers to add
Our Lord, please be with us as we learn, live and love today.
Assist children with the Sign of the Cross
Say: The Scripture in our prayer today tells us that not all things happen at once. We can’t have
night when it is day. Christmas and Easter don’t come at the same time. We have different
times and different seasons.
In our Church, we have different seasons as we think about Jesus’ life. For example, at
Christmas time, we think of Jesus as a baby. Other times, we think of Jesus as a grown –up. We
use colors to help us know what season it is in our Church year.
Show the Liturgical Year Calendar. This circle is a kind of a calendar. It shows our Church year.
We start right before Christmas. (Point to the section of Advent) Say: This is the season of
Advent. It is a time when we are waiting and preparing for Jesus’ birthday.
(Point to the section of Christmas). White is the color we use to show our happiness and joy.
So, we use it for Christmas because we are so happy that Jesus came to be born and with us on
(Point to Ordinary Time). Green is the color for Ordinary Time. During this time, our
Scripture stories are about Jesus as a grown up. We learn about how Jesus teaches and
helps people.
(Point to Lent) We use purple for the season of Lent. That is a time when we get ready
for Jesus’ Death and Resurrection
(Point to the Easter Triduum) See this tiny section of the calendar? It shows us three
special days, just before Easter. Holy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. These
special days are called the Triduum. Write on the board and have children say Triduum.
Triduum means three or three days. On the Triduum we remember Jesus’ life, Death
and Resurrection. We use the color red.
(Point to Easter) Then, we have the greatest celebration, Easter! Easter is when Jesus
rose from the dead. Because this is a happy time, the color is back to white.
At the very end of Easter is a special day called Pentecost. At Pentecost the Holy Spirit
came to help Jesus’ friends. Red helps us think of the Holy Spirit, so we use red that
(Point to Ordinary Time) When the Easter celebrations are done, we have green for
Ordinary Time again
See the calendar keeps going in a circle. What season comes next? (Advent)
Activity: Torn paper Crosses
Materials: Copies of the cross pattern. Construction paper colors: purple, white, green, red. Glue sticks
Pass out the copies of the cross pattern to each child
Show children how to tear pieces of the different colors of construction paper
Show children how to paste to fit inside the cross
Now their cross show the different colors for the different seasons of Jesus’ life.
Play music while children clean up and gather the things. As music gets softer they should join
you in prayer space.
Allow children to center themselves.
Explain that that it was a wonderful time to be with friends and teachers. Explain: We have
different decorations at home to mark seasons and holidays. What season is it when we might
see a snowman? (winter) What season is it when we see new flowers blooming? (spring) Did
you know that symbols and decorations in our Church can tell us about the Church seasons?
Show an Advent wreath. Look at this beautiful wreath. It has four or five candles. Let’s count
them. Each candle marks the four weeks we wait for Jesus to be born. Three candles are purple
and one is rose. (Pass out copies of the Advent wreath and have children color the candles
correctly. The one in the middle can remain white). Sometimes we see statues of Baby Jesus,
Mary and Joseph, along with some farm animals, this season is? (Christmas) What was the
color of our joy at Christmas time? (white) Other times in the year we will see the color green.
Father will wear a green chasuble or vestments. Green is for Ordinary Time. It is a time to listen
to Jesus and grow in our love for him and in God. What green things grow? Allow responses.
Purple will come back in our Church, but it not Advent. Now it is Lent. We remember that Jesus
loved us so much that he died for us. It’s another time of waiting for Jesus to rise from the
dead! White will also come back for Easter. Easter is very special because we celebrate Jesus’
Resurrection. We will light the Easter candle to show that Jesus is the Light of the World.
Alleluia! Red is a color for a special feast called Pentecost. Red helps us remember the Holy
Spirit, who came to help Jesus’ friends. It is the day the Church began its work. The Church has
many seasons. A season for waiting, a season for celebrating and seasons for growing and hope.
Practice the Sign of the Cross. Let us pray:
Thank you, Jesus for your Church and all the beautiful seasons!
Complete with the Sign of the Cross (assist children if needed)
Pass out any information/ materials/projects needed for families
7:30 Dismiss Children at school’s main doors