Тел.: +7 (495) 783 9 785 Факс: +7 (499) 703 1659 job@abbyy-ls.ru www.abbyy-ls.ru Name: E-mail: Phone: Please, correct the text in the last column in “Track changes” mode (Review -> Track Changes). Source 中国是世界上油气生产、进口和消费大国 。2012年中国国内生产原油2.07亿吨、进 口2.71亿吨,生产天然气1071亿立方米、 进口399亿立方米,其中松辽、鄂尔多斯 、渤海湾、塔里木、四川等是中国油气生 产的主要盆地。煤炭作为中国能源结构的 主体能源,2012年生产36.6亿吨,进口2.9 亿吨,占一次能源消费总量的68%。 1986年颁布的《中华人民共和国矿产资源 法》及以后陆续颁布实施的配套法规,确 立了矿产资源分类分级管理、矿业权审批 登记、有偿取得、市场转让、权益保护、 监督管理与服务,以及税费征收等基本制 度,构成了中国的矿产资源管理法律法规 基本体系,为各级政府和国土资源管理部 门依法行政和科学管矿提供了法律依据和 保障。 Machine Translation China is the world's oil and gas production, import and consumption power. 2012 207 million tons of crude oil, and imported 271 million tons of domestic production in China, 107.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas, imported 39.9 billion cubic meters, songliao, Ordos, Bohai Bay, Tarim, Sichuan is China's main oil and gas production basins. Coal as energy structure, China's main energy 2012 production of 3.66 billion tons, imports of 290 million tons, accounting for 68% of the total primary energy consumption. 1986 enacted of People's Republic of China mineral resources law under and the yihou gradually enacted implementation of supporting regulations, established has mineral resources classification ratings management, and mining right approval registration, and paid made, and market transfer, and interests protection, and supervision management and service, and tax levy, basic system, constitute has China of mineral resources management legal regulations basic system, for levels Government and homeland resources www.abbyy-ls.ru job@abbyy-ls.com +7 (495) 783 9 785 Post-Editing Result China is the world's oil and gas production, import and consumption power. 2012 207 million tons of crude oil, and imported 271 million tons of domestic production in China, 107.1 billion cubic meters of natural gas, imported 39.9 billion cubic meters, songliao, Ordos, Bohai Bay, Tarim, Sichuan is China's main oil and gas production basins. Coal as energy structure, China's main energy 2012 production of 3.66 billion tons, imports of 290 million tons, accounting for 68% of the total primary energy consumption. 1986 enacted of People's Republic of China mineral resources law under and the yihou gradually enacted implementation of supporting regulations, established has mineral resources classification ratings management, and mining right approval registration, and paid made, and market transfer, and interests protection, and supervision management and service, and tax levy, basic system, constitute has China of mineral resources management legal regulations basic system, for levels Government and homeland resources Тел.: +7 (495) 783 9 785 Факс: +7 (499) 703 1659 job@abbyy-ls.ru www.abbyy-ls.ru 为促进油气资源领域的对外开放,中国颁 布了《中华人民共和国对外合作开采海洋 石油资源条例》和《中华人民共和国对外 合作开采陆上石油资源条例》等,为外国 企业在中国海上、陆上合作勘探开发油气 资源提供了法律保障。中国鼓励具有资金 、技术、管理能力的外国企业以合资、合 作等方式参与页岩气的勘探开发。 中国正致力于通过加强勘探开发,提高能 源供应能力,优化能源结构,促进减排降 污。中国高度重视煤层气、页岩气等非常 规油气资源和地热等清洁能源的勘探开发 利用。中国近半个世纪的油气开发,形成 了比较完备的石油工业体系。特别是经过 近十余年的努力,我们持续开展国内矿产 资源潜力动态评价和国土资源大调查,显 示出巨大的找矿潜力和良好前景。 management sector law administrative and science tube mine provides has legal pursuant to and guarantees. To promote the field of oil and gas resources open to China's enactment of the People's Republic of China on the exploitation of offshore petroleum resources in cooperation with foreign regulations and the People's Republic of China exploitation of onshore oil resources in cooperation with foreign regulations, for foreign enterprises in China offshore and onshore exploration and development of petroleum resources in cooperation with legal protection. China encourages foreign businesses with capital, technology, management skills, such as joint ventures and cooperative participation in shale gas exploration and development. China is committed to strengthening the exploration and development, increased energy supply capacity, optimizing energy structure, promoting the reduction and reducing pollution. China attaches great importance to coalbed methane, shale gas and other unconventional oil and gas resources and exploration and development of clean energy, such as geothermal energy use. For nearly half a century, China's oil and gas development, formed a relatively complete systems for the oil industry. Particularly over the past more than 10 years of effort, we sustain the dynamic evaluation www.abbyy-ls.ru job@abbyy-ls.com +7 (495) 783 9 785 management sector law administrative and science tube mine provides has legal pursuant to and guarantees. To promote the field of oil and gas resources open to China's enactment of the People's Republic of China on the exploitation of offshore petroleum resources in cooperation with foreign regulations and the People's Republic of China exploitation of onshore oil resources in cooperation with foreign regulations, for foreign enterprises in China offshore and onshore exploration and development of petroleum resources in cooperation with legal protection. China encourages foreign businesses with capital, technology, management skills, such as joint ventures and cooperative participation in shale gas exploration and development. China is committed to strengthening the exploration and development, increased energy supply capacity, optimizing energy structure, promoting the reduction and reducing pollution. China attaches great importance to coalbed methane, shale gas and other unconventional oil and gas resources and exploration and development of clean energy, such as geothermal energy use. For nearly half a century, China's oil and gas development, formed a relatively complete systems for the oil industry. Particularly over the past more than 10 years of effort, we sustain the dynamic evaluation Тел.: +7 (495) 783 9 785 Факс: +7 (499) 703 1659 job@abbyy-ls.ru www.abbyy-ls.ru of domestic mineral resources potential and land resources survey, shown great potential and good prospect. 为提高国内能源资源保障能力,降低商业 To enhance domestic energy resources 性勘探风险,吸引更多企业参与资源勘探 security capacity, reducing commercial 开发,中国政府正在开展“找矿突破战略行 exploration risk, attract more enterprises to 动”,加强基础地质调查力度,开展资源潜 participate in resource exploration and 力评价,鼓励致密油气、煤层气、页岩气 development, the Chinese Government is 等非常规和低品位油气资源的勘探开发利 implementing the "breakthrough in mineral exploration strategies for action", 用。力争8-10年后,天然气、煤层气和页 strengthening basic geological survey and 岩气等清洁化石能源在一次能源消费结构 resource potential, encourage, such as tight 中的比重显著提高。 gas, coalbed methane, shale gas exploration and development of unconventional and low grade petroleum resources. Strive to 8-10 years later, natural gas, coal bed methane and shale gas and other clean fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to significantly increase the share of the structure. www.abbyy-ls.ru job@abbyy-ls.com +7 (495) 783 9 785 of domestic mineral resources potential and land resources survey, shown great potential and good prospect. To enhance domestic energy resources security capacity, reducing commercial exploration risk, attract more enterprises to participate in resource exploration and development, the Chinese Government is implementing the "breakthrough in mineral exploration strategies for action", strengthening basic geological survey and resource potential, encourage, such as tight gas, coalbed methane, shale gas exploration and development of unconventional and low grade petroleum resources. Strive to 8-10 years later, natural gas, coal bed methane and shale gas and other clean fossil fuels in primary energy consumption to significantly increase the share of the structure.