2 4 6 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) 8 Supplement 169: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 DICOM Standards Committee 1300 N. 17th Street, Suite 900 24 Rosslyn, Virginia 22209 USA 26 Version: Working Draft, Mar 21, 2014 28 Developed pursuant to DICOM Work Item 2012-11-A 30 Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 2 Table of Contents 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 46 48 50 52 Scope and Field .............................................................................................................................................. 3 Concepts ......................................................................................................................................................... 3 TODO .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 OPEN ISSUES ................................................................................................................................................ 6 CLOSED ISSUES ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Changes to NEMA Standards Publication PS 3.2-2011 ............................................................................... 15 Changes to NEMA Standards Publication PS 3.3-2011 ............................................................................... 15 Changes to NEMA Standards Publication PS 3.16-2011 ............................................................................. 16 SIMPLIFIED ADULT ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY TEMPLATES ............................................................... 16 TID 5QQQ Echocardiography Procedure Report ................................................................. 16 TID 3QQ Pre-coordinated Echo Measurement ............................................................................ 18 TID 3QZ Post-coordinated Echo Measurement .......................................................................... 18 CID newcid1 Echo Derivation .................................................................................................. 21 CID newcid2 Echo Finding Subjects ........................................................................................ 21 CID newcid3 Echo Measurement Type.................................................................................... 21 CID newcid4 Echo Measured Properties ................................................................................. 22 CID newcid0 Core Echo Measurements .................................................................................. 23 Changes to NEMA Standards Publication PS 3.17-2011 ............................................................................. 28 ANNEX ??: Mapping Guidance? Population Guidance? (Informative) ........................................................ 29 Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 3 54 56 Scope and Field This supplement to the DICOM Standard introduces a simplified SR template for Adult Echocardiography measurements. 58 It provides similar content to that of TID 5200 while addressing details that were the source of interoperability issues; in particular, varying degrees and patterns of pre- and post-coordination, multiple codes for the same concept and numerous optional descriptive modifiers. 60 The new template will be driven significantly by currently documented ASE Guidelines and Standards. 62 Concepts This text introduces concepts, principles, guidelines and convenient terms discussed by the committee that influenced the contents of the supplement. It may help reviewers better understand the material. If it still appears to be useful to implementers when the supplement moves to letter ballot it will likely be 66 incorporated into a section in Part 17. 64 Anatomic Sections: Were included as containers and headings in the old template to facilitate layout of printed/displayed reports. These were a source of problematic variability and are not used in the new template. Receivers may choose group measurements based on Finding Site or some other logic as they 70 see fit. By configuring this at the receiver it can be consistently organized in one place rather than having to synchronize the behavior of many carts. SR objects are considered acquisition data/evidence. When 72 the findings are transcoded into CDA reports sections will likely be introduced in the CDA as appropriate. 68 Finding Site: The location at which the measurement was taken. While some measurements will be a measurement of the structure of the finding site itself, other measurements will measure something like flow in which case the Finding Site is simply the location, not the actual subject of the measurement (e.g. 76 at a valve, be clear when it is the velocity of the blood, not the velocity of the valve leaflets). 74 78 80 82 84 86 Method: Allows distinguishing between two measurements that tell you the same thing, derived in a different way. If two measurements tell you something different, it's not a method. Indexing: All Core Set measurements that index against BSA, and all post-coordinated measurements that reference (LN, 8277-6, Body Surface Area) as their index are using the value recorded for BSA in the Patient Characteristics TID. The TID can encode the equation used to derive the BSA. Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 4 88 Myocardium refers to the tissue from the endocardium to the epicardium and includes the intraventricular septum. 90 Useful Tables: CID 12222 CID 12224 CID 12226 94 CID 12227 CID 12233 96 CID 12236 CID 12250 92 Orifice Flow Properties Ultrasound Image Modes Echocardiography Image Views Echocardiography Measurement Methods Cardiac Phases Echo Anatomic Sites Cardiac Ultrasound Common Linear Measurements 98 Future Meetings: 2014 AIUM Las Vegas, NV 3/29/2014 – 4/2/2014 2015 AIUM Orlando, FL 3/21/2015 – 3/25/2015 102 2016 AIUM Las Vegas, NV 3/19/2016 – 3/23/2016 100 Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 5 TODO 104 DONE Choose between TID 5201 and TID 3602 3602 (used by FPC Echo) is more complete and has more mandatory elements Go with 3602 – it means that technically a cart shouldn’t send an object without requiring the tech to input a height weight. Review Stress Echo template for template elements to consider/include Review CID 12280 and 12281 Confirm if ASE specifies units and whether those match Propose additional measurements “common to most vendors” – Paul will post an initial spreadsheet for consideration. Submit a CP to change “Image or Spatial Coordinates” to “Spatial Coordinates or Image”. The former was confusing for some people, implying it was Coordinates that could either be image coordinates or spatial coordinates. Consider how consuming systems will handle Derivation (Min/Max/Mean/Selected). e.g. if you have three measurements and a fourth that says ”Mean”, is it clear what to do.>> <<Seems reasonable for consumers to accommodate this>> Gopi – Diagram the four viewpoints (New Cart, Old Cart, New Receiver, Old Receiver) and how they will use/understand/respond to new and old SRs when doing association negotiation and/or extended negotiation and/or parsing the objects. Earl – Consider how a 5200 parser would respond to being given a new object. It would be nice if it provides some basic success. Get New LOINC Codes If we want to “improve” the definition of a LOINC code, we have to get a new code assigned to our improved definition. Retiring the old code is optional. PS 3.16 Annex G says that LN 11726-7 Peak Velocity is synonymous with Peak Systolic Velocity. Is that true in LOINC? Is that what we want? WG-6 Questions: PS 3.16 Annex H seems to redefine the code meaning of many LN codes. What’s the history? (Added to get more clear short names, ask Harry for details. OK for us to use too.) 106 108 110 Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 6 OPEN ISSUES Scope S1 Should TID 5200 (the original) be retired when the new TID is introduced? A: Yes. Probably depends on how we support vendor-specific and user-defined. Should hopefully retire it. We can still ship products that are capable of sending 5200, but new products probably shouldn’t bother. If we offer two Adult Echo templates, some percentage of novice vendors will choose 5200 without understanding the implications. On the other hand, if our “fallback” for non-Core measurements that can’t be coded in the structured post-coordinated bucket is to suggest they be sent with 5200 then we shouldn’t retire it. Maybe they can use generic Comprehensive SR. S2 Is it necessary/practical to guarantee convertibility from Old-to-New SOP? A: Guarantee, no. We are trying to make sure that the new SOP is reasonably powerful so it may be reasonably tractable. Doing so would prevent making new information mandatory which would also restrict harmonization with newer templates. Could allow systems to output both and let recipients choose to use the new? Note that a system that can’t fill in values could omit the measurement from the converted new SOP. S5 Have other international groups published “Core Set” papers we should include? Get Public Comment input - Look into JIRA (Japan) and EAE (Europe) - (Japan signed on to at least one of the ASE papers) S6 What is needed to address both the processing and reporting systems on the consuming side? Processing may want to tweak/select direct measurements and recalculate derived measurements. Reporting might want to just reach in for a single value. Need to encourage adoption. Note that some of the job is for the consuming system to filter/simplify based on its needs. Possible approaches: - have a “summary” section - use a “Preferred” flag to highlight the values for simple consumers - output two instances of the same IOD from the cart, one is sparse/summary (reporting), the other is more complete (processing). Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 7 S7 How much do we support “vendor-specific” measurements (beyond core)? Common measurements could be added to the Core Set. “Well behaved” measurements can go in the Post-Coordinated Measurement container. That should handle a large number of typical variations. By using the spreadsheet to model the core set, we’ll have a good set of “basis axes” for the Post-Coordinated Measurement container. So what should we do about measurements that don’t fit in the Post-Coordinated bucket. - We could add a “freeform” container with few rules - We could add an “Additional Modifier Code Sequence” to the Post-Coordinated bucket or simply allow it to be extended - We could tell them they just have to make a Private SOP Class. The danger is that “lazy implementers” might just put everything in the freeform section or otherwise abuse the tools. There is of course a tradeoff between interoperability/simplicity and being able to use this for ANY measurement (particularly “ambiguous codes” that are 1-1 coordinated between sites and vendors) What information gets recorded (eg display/screen name of the measurement on the original cart) How does it get slotted into the database, and who does that configuration? S8 Can the vendor-specific strategy also be used for user-defined measurements? That’s the intent Maybe this is the root case and vendor-specific is just user-defined where the vendor is a user? Maybe the vendor presets are just too hard to navigate. Note that part of the problem is that these may not be well modelled. They “just want a label and a number” but then later they want intelligent handling of the data they have handicapped. S10 What kind of a process should WG12 have (if any) to monitor and react to updates from ASE? S11 S13 How/Should vendor education be addressed? The new template makes finer distinctions than the old template. To reduce the validation load on the consuming systems, confidence is needed that the producing system is in fact taking the distinctions into account. E.g. Systole, vs End Systole, vs Atrial Systole. So if the pre-coordinated code means exactly End Systole, then don’t use the pre-coordinated code if the system measures at mid-systole. Is TEE excluded? Having View=mdc for most measurements means TEE is not excluded and that is good. Check if there are TEE issues for ones where View is not mdc. Structure Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 8 St2 Should the list of Core Measurements be included directly in TID rows, or dereference through CID tables? Consider TIDs. This would allow making some measurements conditional on other measurements and explicitly making units required, etc. Since there are 150-200 core measurements, might want to break out a few sub TIDs to make it more readable/manageable. On the other hand, CIDs are much more readable for implementers. St1 Create a new SOP Class? A: Yes. We will create a template and will give it a new UID. This allows negotiation for the new template (and allows systems to reject the new template if they don’t support it). The contents still parse and process as SR (i.e. dsrdump still works, parsers don’t need to be changed, etc.) Of course the template can still be sent inside a generic SR SOP Class. Could this be handled with extended negotiation at the template level? Has anyone implemented it? Q (Earl) Would a generic or flexible 5200 parser handle the new template OK? If so, it’s a nice avenue of legacy reader support. Gopi – will diagram how this will work with New Sender – New Receiver, New Sender (how does the sender know it is getting a new one, how does the sender know it’s a New R that handles it not an Old R that drops it) – Old Receiver, Old Sender – New Receiver, Old Sender – Old Receiver. ** Proposing constraint that samples must be consistent with the stats ** Update the Selector/Derived as shown on the diagram on the whiteboard Within the container (Pre-Coord; Post-Coord), should measurements be sorted by code? A: No. It would be a predictable/non-random order that would be simple to implement. It would group multiple instances of the same measurement together. But parsers have to handle any order anyway, and it’s a simple run through to sift for what you need. Should the Image Library container be MC based on use of REFER in the children? It’s simplest to make it optional. Really the recipient can construct the library themselves? The purpose is to describe the images, not just list them. So maybe it doesn’t really serve a purpose here. Do not use references from the children to the image library – it’s complex for the parser. Better to just have a direct “by value” reference in the measurement to the specific image instance. Or should the use of REFER or INFER be mandated below? (Ann looking into more detail) Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 9 Should the Core Spreadsheet be maintained? The sorting and filtering and parsing could be very handy for some. The details would not otherwise be included in the DICOM standard. Consider somehow fitting it into Part 17? C9 Coding Do the Cardiac Phase/Cycle semantics refer to Mechanical or Electrical and the Chamber or the Organ? Most clear is to refer to the chamber. And be clear in the definition about time point vs time period and if needed time point at the end, not mid. Could allow that if not fully specified, the default chamber is the Left Ventricle, i.e. End Systole = Left Ventricle End Systole If just systole or diastole is referred to, it means the period of the full duration of systole or diastole. Often the code meaning will refer to Systolic X. Pre-coordinate but work off the codeset in CID 12233 (but need clear definitions, does SNOMED provide them?) C10 Should missing codes be added in LOINC, SNOMED or DICOM? Most of the existing (mostly) pre-coordinated codes are from LOINC, most of the existing postcoordinated concepts are from SNOMED. When fully pre-coordinated codes exist in both, let’s prefer LOINC. If we don’t have LOINC, but we do have SNOMED, do we still ask LOINC for a new code, or do we just use the SNOMED? YES. If you need a LOINC measurement code, ask for one. For now, use DICOM Supp placeholder codes and consider this closer to or during Public Comment. Need to review the new LOINC codes introduced in Sup 78 and use if possible. C11 How should values that have to be estimated by the operator/clinician be addressed? Need to allow the method for some measurements to be “estimated”. Should perhaps mandate that if there are derived/calculated values, then all input values must be included in the SR as well so it will be recorded if some inputs are estimated. May also need to use the tools to point specifically to the values that were used in a given equation. C13 Does Hand Grip and Valsalva need to be encoded (in association with specific measurements)? Maybe yes. This is significant for Mitral E Velocity. (and others?) C14 What needs to be captured about the package/pre-processing before the measurement? E.g. if presence of special speckle tracking or proprietary segmentation, where does that fit in? Or is this about a unique method or a unique measurement vs about the package that was used. Might need a method modifier. Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 10 Should we try to unify/converge units across modalities? A: No. I.e. when the same measurement is made in CT, MR, XA, … Probably outside scope for this supplement, but we have been sloppy and someone should tackle it. Do we need to record Stress Stage in a pre-coordinated way for each or specific measurements? Is this better recorded at a higher level in the object? (would force separate objects for different stages) Is Stress Echo in scope for this Object? (It’s not handled in 5200 now – although it references 5202 which references the Echo section) Note that Wall Motion Scoring is not really used outside of Stress. So do we want to bring in 5202 to our template. And if so, how does it work. It would start breaking up into sections again. How can a consumer identify/strip out derived values (that could be re-derived if needed?) vs measured values? Do we want to differentiate equation/derived “measurements” from those measured directly? The derived don’t exactly have a view/mode/etc, or may be derived from elements in several views/modes/etc. Method modifier? It’s what we add new ones of most. Sometimes it matters. Consider the difference between a value, like velocity, that can be directly measured or can be derived from an equation. In the case of precoordination this is less of an issue since we simply explain which it is, but needs consideration for user-defined. Adding new methods has a rollout challenge Note that DCM 125212 is underspecified relative to the other codes that follow it. Supplemental information No modifiers on core measurements "For some attributes (e.g. the Image View for the Right Ventricule Free Wall Thickness) multiple valid values exist and we don't really care which it is (mdc). Prohibit senders from sending it (rather than allowing senders to code it and receivers to ignore it). Most importantly, we don't want transmission to fail because the receiver has trouble handling it." Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 11 Should ratios and indexes be modelled in the post-coordinated structure? Representing a simple numerator/denominator relationship between two values might be tractable and might address a lot of vendor and user-defined variations (e.g. wishing to index against BMI instead of BSA, or taking a ratio of two values) Significant resistance noted. Will evaluate once a structure for modelling this is proposed. Review how TID5223 modelled indexes. How should Indexed Measurements (e.g. by BSA) be encoded? Is it fair to say that whenever an indexed measurement is stored, the unindexed measure is also stored? (e.g. LVID & LVID/BSA) We should likely require that whenever an indexed measure is stored, the index itself (BSA) also be stored with the value that was used in the indexed measure. Are there cases where we might use different values of BSA in the same acquisition set? One approach would be to store the base value and the index and if anyone wants the indexed value, they could compute it in a single step. That would be fine for databases and analysis packages, but would it work for display overlays and report insertions? Do we add an “Indexed by” attribute, and record the code for the index used, eg. BSA. Then the Measurement could contain the nature of the base measure, as long as consumers are smart enough to look at the Indexed by column to understand why a “diameter” measure is in cm/m2. In the case of pre-coordinated codes, the Indexing is built into the concept. Average of Septal & Lateral values used instead of separately? E:eprime ratio CLOSED ISSUES 112 Scope S3 Should Cardiovascular History be reiterated in the Echo SR? A: No. If the worklist provides it, it might be OK to suggest it be copied, but otherwise, the Cart is not likely to have access to this information unless the tech does manual data entry, in which case, it’s not clear that the cart console is the best place/GUI to be typing it in. It would be better done by a clerical person on another system (e.g. the HIS, the RIS or the CVIS). Note that Indications have been included. Perhaps the same logic applies to those. S4 What is in the core list of measurements? A: The full set of concepts from the ASE papers, as collated in the ASE Core spreadsheet. (about 150 currently) plus additional measurements proposed by vendors and found to be reasonably “common”. No new papers have come out recently so the original work stands (spanning 1989ish to 2012ish) Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 12 S12 Should advanced equations be modelled? A: No. Too complex and open ended. Should the vanilla template retain a few congenital codes? A: Yes. Want to allow a vanilla workup to record a few of these measurements without invoking the more sophisticated Fet/Ped/Con template which supports a more complete workup. Forcing them to switch to the FPC template could be problematic since some sites don’t expect that and won’t have it configured. The current list in the spreadsheet is sufficient. Structure St3 Should the TID Row Order be Significant or Insignificant? A: Assume insignificant until a need is found for it to be significant. Order significant would be a harder for producer but might be easier for consumers. Coding C1 Should the code meanings use uniform terminology or colloquial terminology? A: Use uniform but don’t be pedantic. Colloquial is somewhat random which might lead to coding errors. Use uniform terms unless they get too unwieldy. In any case, Apps can display them in the GUI/report any way they like. C2 Bias toward pre-coordination or post-coordination? A. Pre-coordination. • Make it mandatory • Do not include modifiers [Structure/Location/Finding Site] [Observable][Flow Direction?] [Cardiac Phase] [Method] etc See Google Doc. Would it be bad to allow lots of modifiers that reiterate semantics in the pre-coordinated code to allow “dumb” applications to handle new codes in some way (e.g. add to the For example some measurements will have “View not specified” since we don’t care and don’t want codes for all the different variants. <Do we allow a measurement to add a detail like view to a NOS code> But maybe we say that user measurements are completely post-coordinated and all modifiers are mandatory. But what process is this facilitating, and would it be better just to do the Conformance statement. Might want to have a user-defined-measurement flag (beyond the private coding scheme?) And we might want to put the vendor and user defined measurements in another group/container. Note that we will have to enforce some level of discipline on the user when creating/configuring new measurements. Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 13 C3 How can reasonable consistency of units be achieved? A: Stick to what is stated in ASE, but flag & discuss deviations from the following: Distance in cm Area in cm2 (except BSA in m2) Velocity in cm/s Time in ms Volume in ml Mass in g Flow in ml/s Systems are welcome to do conversions when displaying measurements to users if some sites/users have preferences that differ from the standard. C4 Should $DerivationParameter, $Equation, or $Table be encoded? A: No. They add complexity. Few creators use them. Few consumers support them (or else they get derailed when they are provided). For the core set the equation is pre-coordinated in the measurement. For user-defined measurements, it seems unlikely that consumers would parse/recomputed the value even if the equation was included in-band, rather than just documenting it out of band. Arguably, equations could be stuffed in the Code Meaning of the $Method (which is done in a couple of places in Part 16), since the only real user might be the clinician wanting to know what equation was used, but usually they are named, not expressed. Anyone with a concrete Echo use case for these should present it. (They are used somewhat in OB for the GA calculations) C5 Should $Quotation be encoded? A: No. It adds complexity. Few creators use it. Few consumers support it (or else they get derailed when they are provided). Anyone with a concrete Echo use case for these should present it. C6 Should $Equivalent Meaning of Concept Name be encoded? A: No. It adds complexity. Few creators use it. Few consumers support it (or else they get derailed when they are provided). Anyone with a concrete Echo use case for these should present it. C7 Should $Laterality and $Topographical Modifier be encoded? A: No. Don’t need them for Cardiology (although vascular does). Left/right chambers are not laterality. Proximal/Distal/etc is not relevant. Anyone with a concrete Echo use case for these should present it. Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 14 C8 C12 Should $Measurement Properties be encoded? A: No. It adds complexity (normality codes, level of significance, statistical properties, ranges, range authorities). Few if any creators use it. Few consumers support it (or else they get derailed when they are provided). Anyone with a concrete Echo use case for these should present it. The Selection Method concept is useful though. It will be migrated into the Derivation. Do Flow Direction semantics refer to the viewpoint of the probe or anatomy? A: Anatomy is most clinically useful (see CID 12221). While the probe knows towards/away, the app must help figure out the anatomic. How should different BSA calculation methods be handled? A: Core Set will code DuBois. Other methods can be handled as vendor/user-defined. The receiver can also compute alternate indexes. What does Finding Site mean (in Post-Coordinated measurements)? A: The nominal location where the measurement was taken. It may or may not be the subject of the measurement. The latter is coded in Finding Subject. For example, Doppler can measure the velocity of both blood and tissue. A Finding Site=Mitral Valve and Finding Subject= Antegrade Flow means a measurement of the velocity of the antegrade blood flow taken at the mitral valve. Note there are a few ambiguous cases: the Pulmonary Pressure is the site of the mmHg finding value, but a measurement sample was taken elsewhere to compute that finding. Should we allow modifiers on Finding Site? A: Not in Post-coordinated. It is irrelevant in Pre-coordinated. It is seldom used in post-coordinated. Simplest is to use more specific Finding Sites when needed. If we allow an “Unconstrained bucket” then modifiers of everything could be allowed. The main drivers for modifiers would be to allow tagging particular segments of a vessel or specific parts of a Mitral Valve Leaflet. Modifiers could, however, open a can of worms for receiving systems in terms of unexpected pairings. Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 15 114 Changes to NEMA Standards Publication PS 3.2-2011 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) 116 Part 2: Conformance 118 Add Section: 120 Describe documentation of vendor specific measurements. For example, the format could require that you document the view, the mode, the method, etc, etc, etc 122 124 Changes to NEMA Standards Publication PS 3.3-2011 126 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Part 3: Information Object Definitions 128 Add new SOP Class if needed: 130 <Likely needed but still a point of discussion> See Homework for Gopi to model the different cases. 132 Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 16 Changes to NEMA Standards Publication PS 3.16-2011 134 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) Part 16: Content Mapping Resource 136 138 Add new Section to Annex A following Echocardiography Procedure Report Templates SIMPLIFIED ADULT ECHOCARDIOGRAPHY TEMPLATES 140 The templates that comprise the Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report are interconnected as in Figure A-x.1 TID 5QQQ Simplified Echo Procedure Report TID 1204 Language of Content Item and Descendants TID 1001 Observation Context TID 3602 Cardiovascular Patient Characteristics TID 3QQ Precoordinated Echo Measurement TID 3QZ Postcoordinated Echo Measurement TID 5204 Wall Motion Analysis (TBD) 142 Figure A.x-1: Echocardiography Procedure Report Template Structure 144 TID 5QQQ Echocardiography Procedure Report 146 This template forms the top of a content tree that allows an ultrasound device to describe the results of an adult echocardiography imaging procedure. Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 17 148 It is instantiated at the root node. It can also be included in other templates that need to incorporate echocardiography findings into another report as quoted evidence. 150 NL Rel with Parent 1 VT CONTAINER EV (125200, DCM, “Adult 1 Echocardiography Procedure Report”) HAS INCLUDE DTID (1204) Language of 1 CONCEPT Content Item and Descendants MOD HAS OBS INCLUDE DTID (1001) Observation 1 CONTEXT Context CONTAINS CONTAINER DT (121064, DCM, “Current 1 Procedure Descriptions”) CONTAINS CODE DT (125203, DCM, “Acquisition 1-n Protocol”) CONTAINS CONTAINER EV (121109, DCM, “Indications 1 for Procedure”) 2 > 3 > 4 > 5 >> 6 > 7 >> CONTAINS CODE 8 9 >> CONTAINS TEXT CONTAINS INCLUDE 10 > 11 13 EV (121071, DCM, “Finding”) M U M U M U 1 1 U U 1 U >> > CONTAINS CONTAINER EV (newcode001, DCM, “Pre- 1-n M 1 M >> CONTAINS INCLUDE 1-n U EV (121071, DCM, “Finding”) DTID (3602) Cardiovascular Patient Characteristics CONTAINS CONTAINER EV (111028, DCM, “Image Library”) CONTAINS IMAGE No purpose of reference coordinated Measurements”) DTID (3QQ) Pre-coordinated Echo Measurement BCID (12001) Ultrasound Protocol Types U 1-n > 12 TID 5QQQ – Simplified Echo Procedure Report Type: Non-Extensible Order: Insignificant Concept Name VM Req Cond Value Set Constraint Type ition DCID (12246) Cardiac Ultrasound Indication for Study $Measurement = DCID (newcid0) Core Echo Measurements $Units = corresponding value from Units column of CID (newcid0) 14 > 15 >> TBD > 152 CONTAINS CONTAINER EV (newcode002, DCM, “Post- 1 coordinated Measurements”) CONTAINS INCLUDE DTID (3QZ) Post-coordinated 1-n Echo Measurement M CONTAINS INCLUDE U DTID (5204) Wall Motion Analysis 1-n U $Procedure = DT (P5-B3121, SRT, "Echocardiography for Determining Ventricular Contraction") Content Item Descriptions Row 8 A text string containing one or more sentences describing one or more indications, possibly with additional comments from the physician or tech. Row 11 All images which are referenced in the body of the SR will be listed here. Row 13 Multiple instances of the same measurement code may be present in the container. Each instance represents a different sample or derivation. This template makes no requirement that any or all samples be sent. For example, a mean value of all the samples of a given measurement could be sent without sending any or all of the samples from which the mean was calculated. Device configuration and/or operator interactions determine what measurements are sent. Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 18 <<Can we include the 5202/5203 here (even if it is a one line version) to communicate the “symmetry”/compatibility with the “original template”>><<And where there are deviations communication 156 the rationale, e.g. we don’t send the finding site because it is inherent in the pre-coordinated measurement code>> 154 158 TID 3QQ Pre-coordinated Echo Measurement 160 This Template codes numeric echo measurements where most of the details about the nature of the measurement have been pre-coordinated in the measurement code. In contrast, see TID 3QZ Postcoordinated Echo Measurement. 162 The pre-coordinated measurement code and units are provided when this Template is included from a parent Template. 164 Note that this template is a simple subset of TID 300. TID 3QQ Parameters Parameter Name Parameter Usage $Measurement Coded term or Context Group for Concept Name of measurement $Units Units of Measurement 166 TID 3QQ Pre-coordinated Echo Measurement Type: Non-Extensible Order: Insignificant 168 NL Relation with Parent 1 Value Type Concept Name VM Req Type Condition Value Set Constraint NUM $Measurement 1 M Units = $Units CODE EV (121401, DCM, “Derivation”) 1-n U DCID (newcid1) Echo Derivation > INCLUDE DTID (320) Image or Spatial Coordinates <<WG6: Since we have some Echo 3D, do we need TID 322 to add SCOORD3D to TID 320? Or can we just add to 320 directly? Or has someone already done this?>> <Duplicate in 3QZ> 1-n U $Purpose = EV (121112, DCM, "Source of measurement”) > INCLUDE DTID (321) Waveform or Temporal Coordinates 1-n U $Purpose = EV (121112, DCM, "Source of measurement”) 2 > 3 4 HAS CONCEPT MOD 170 Content Item Descriptions Row 2 If Row 2 is not present, then the measurement is simply a sample. 172 TID 3QZ Post-coordinated Echo Measurement This Template codes numeric echo measurements where most of the details about the nature of the measurement have been post-coordinated in modifiers and acquisition context. In contrast, see TID 3QQ 176 Pre-coordinated Echo Measurement. 174 Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 19 It is intended to be used for User-defined and Vendor-defined Echo Measurements. TID 3QZ Post-coordinated Echo Measurement Type: Non-Extensible Order: Insignificant 178 180 NL Relation with Parent 1 182 Value Type Concept Name VM Req Type Condition Value Set Constraint NUM $Measurement 1 M Units = $Units CODE EV (121401, DCM, “Derivation”) 1 U DCID (newcid1) Echo Derivation > INCLUDE DTID (320) Image or Spatial Coordinates 1-n U $Purpose = EV (121112, DCM, "Source of measurement”) 4 > INCLUDE DTID (321) Waveform or Temporal Coordinates 1-n U $Purpose = EV (121112, DCM, "Source of measurement”) 5 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE EV (G-C0E3, SRT, “Finding Site”) 1 M BCID (12236) Echo Anatomic 6 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE EV (newcode003, DCM, “Finding Subject”) 1 M DCID (newcid2) Echo Finding Subjects 7 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE EV (newcode004, DCM, “Measurement Type”) 1 M DCID (newcid3) Echo Measurement Types 8 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE EV (newcode005, DCM, “Measured Property”) 1 M DCID (newcid4) Echo Measurement Properties 9 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE EV (G-C036, SRT, “Measurement Method") 1 MC BCID (12227) Echocardiography Measurement Methods 10 > HAS ACQ CONTEXT CODE EV (G-0373, SRT, “Image Mode”) 1 M DCID (12224) Ultrasound Image Modes 11 > HAS ACQ CONTEXT CODE EV (111031, DCM, “Image View”) 1 M BCID (12226) Echocardiography Image View 12 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE EV (R-4089A, SRT, “Cardiac Cycle Point”) 1 MC IFF the cardiac cycle point is significant for this measurement. DCID (12233) Cardiac Phase 13 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE EV (G-C048, SRT, “Flow Direction”) 1 MC IFF the flow direction is significant for this measurement. DCID (12221) Flow Direction 14 > HAS CONCEPT MOD CODE EV (R-40899, SRT, “Respiratory Cycle Point”) 1 MC IFF the respiratory cycle point is significant for this measurement. DCID (12234) Respiration State 2 > 3 HAS CONCEPT MOD Echo Measurement Descriptions Row 1 << vendor values and user values would look similar except for Dictionary>> <<Intention is that vendors can send a consistent fully pre-coordinated (private) code here so that parsers can recognize post-coordinated measurements that have been previously analyzed/vetted/accepted/databased>> <<Note that this depends on the vendor maintaining a stable list of these pre-coordinated codes it uses. What if the vendor doesn’t feel like doing that. Should we make it a UID? Or have a DICOM Code for “This measurement Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 20 has no stable continuity. Parse the post-coordinated details but assume nothing beyond those.”?>> 184 186 Row 5 The finding site reflects the anatomical location where the measurement is taken, preferably coded using SNOMED to as fine detail as possible. Row 6 The finding subject reflects the subject of the measurement. In many cases, for example Aortic Root Diameter, the subject is the structure of the finding site. In other cases, for example Mitral Valve Regurgitant Flow Peak Velocity, the finding site is the mitral valve, the finding subject is the Regurgitant Flow and the measured property is the Peak Velocity. Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 21 Add the following CID’s to Part 16 Annex B: 188 CID newcid1 Measurement Labels Context ID newcid1 Measurement Labels Type: Extensible Version: yyyymmdd 190 Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) Code Value (0008,0100) Code Meaning (0008,0104) SRT G-A437 Maximum – this sample was the maximum SRT R-404FB Minimum – this sample was the minimum DCM 121411 Most Recent Value – this sample was the most recent DCM 121410 User chosen value – this sample was chosen (as representative) by the user SRT R-00317 Mean – this isn’t a sample, it’s the average Preferred – this is the single preferred value for this measurement DCM 192 CID newcid2 Echo Finding Subjects Context ID newcid2 Echo Finding Subjects Type: Extensible Version: yyyymmdd 194 196 198 Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) Code Value (0008,0100) DCM newcode100 Structure of the Finding Site DCM newcode101 Behavior of the Finding Site SRT R-42047 Antegrade Flow (at the Finding Site) SRT G-0367 Regurgitant Flow (at the Finding Site) CID newcid3 Code Meaning (0008,0104) Echo Measurement Type Context ID newcid3 Echo Measurement Type Type: Extensible Version: yyyymmdd 200 Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) Code Value (0008,0100) Code Meaning (0008,0104) DCM newcode110 Direct DCM newcode111 Indexed DCM newcode112 Ratio DCM newcode113 Fraction Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 22 DCM newcode114 Calculated 202 CID newcid4 Echo Measured Properties Context ID newcid4 Echo Measured Properties Type: Extensible Version: yyyymmdd 204 206 Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) Code Value (0008,0100) Code Meaning (0008,0104) LN 20168-1 Acceleration Time LN 59130-5 Alias Velocity SRT G-A166 Area SRT F-32070 Cardiac Ejection Fraction SRT G-038E Cardiovascular Orifice Area LN 20217-6 Deceleration Time SRT M-02550 Diameter LN 59120-6 dP/dt by US Duration LN 20222-6 Ejection Time LN 59093-5 Epicardial Area LN 59132-1 Fractional Shortening LN 59084-4 Isovolumic Contraction Time LN 59083-6 Isovolumic Relaxation Time LN 20256-4 Mean Gradient [Pressure] by Doppler LN 20352-1 Mean Velocity LN 20247-3 Peak Gradient [Pressure] by US.calculated LN 34141-2 Peak Instantaneous Flow Rate Peak Pressure LN 11726-7 Peak Velocity PISA Radius LN 59085-1 Pre-Ejection Period Pressure LN 20280-4 Pressure Half Time by US.calculated SRT G-0390 Regurgitation Fraction LN 59090-1 ROI Internal Dimension by US LN 59089-3 ROI Thickness by US SRT F-32120 Stroke Volume LN 12144-2 Systolic to Diastolic Velocity Ratio SRT F-02692 Vascular Resistance Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 23 Velocity LN 20354-7 Velocity Time Integral Vena Contracta Width 208 SRT G-D705 Volume LN 33878-0 Volume Flow DCM 122447 Wall Mass CID newcid0 Core Echo Measurements Context ID newcid0 Core Echo Measurements Type: Non-Extensible Version: yyyymmdd 210 Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) Code Value (0008,0100) Code Meaning (0008,0104) Units LN 18016-6 Aortic Valve Annulus Diameter (cm, UCUM, “centimeter”) LN 18169-3 Aortic Valve Velocity-Time Integral (cm, UCUM, “centimeter”) LN 11706-9 Aortic Valve Peak Systolic Flow (m/s, UCUM, “meter per second”) LN 29431-4 Interventricular Septum Thickness Diastole by US.M-mode (cm, UCUM, “centimeter”) LN 29433-0 Interventricular Septum Thickness Systole by US.M-mode (cm, UCUM, “centimeter”) LN 29436-3 Left ventricular Internal Diameter Minor Axis Diastole (cm, UCUM, “centimeter”) LN 29438-9 Left Ventricle Internal Systolic Dimension (cm, UCUM, “centimeter”) LN LN 212 Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 24 214 Modify the following CID’s in Part 16 Annex B: CID 12233 Cardiac Phase Context ID 12233 Cardiac Phase Type: Extensible Version: 20100317 216 218 Coding Scheme Designator (0008,0102) Code Value (0008,0100) Code Meaning (0008,0104) SRT F-32020 Systole SRT F-32010 Diastole SRT F-32011 End Diastole SRT R-FAB5B End Systole SRT R-40B1B Early Diastole SRT F-32021 Peak Systolic SRT F-32030 Atrial Systole SRT F-32040 Ventricular Systole SRT R-40B12 Ventricular Isovolumic Contraction SRT R-40B11 Ventricular Ejection SRT R-40B10 Ventricular Isovolumic Relaxation SRT R-40B1C Diastolic Rapid Inflow SRT R-40B21 Diastasis Full Cardiac Cycle Left Atrial A-wave Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 25 220 Add the following Definitions to Annex D DICOM Code Definitions (Coding Scheme Designator “DCM” Coding Scheme Version “01”) Code Value Code Meaning Definition … newcode001 Pre-coordinated Measurements Measurements that are described by a single pre-coordinated code. newcode002 Post-coordinated Measurements Measurements that are described by a collection of (generally atomic) post-coordinated codes. newcode004 Measurement Type newcode005 Measured Property newcode100 Structure of the Finding Site The subject of a measurement is the physical structure of the Finding Site, such as the mass or diameter. newcode101 Behavior of the Finding Site The subject of a measurement is the behavior of the Finding Site, such as the velocity or duration of motion. newcode110 Direct newcode111 Indexed newcode112 Ratio newcode113 Fraction newcode114 Calculated Fully pre-coordinated terms: Definition Template: The <attribute> in <units> of the <structure/characteristic> measured/calculated at/during <time/phase> in <mode/view> using the <method> normalized by <index>. The measurement may have been taken using any <leftovers>. Consider removing units since that is not fundamental to the concept and is communicated in the $units anyway. Preference is to leave units out of the definition and to tie them down in the TID (or CID if we can do that). May also talk to Daniel Vreeman – LOINC will provide their atomic elements in a spreadsheet. Download it. Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 26 Aortic Valve Annulus Diameter The diameter in cm of the Aortic Valve Annulus measured at End Systole in 2D mode. The measurement may have been taken using any view or method. Aortic Valve Flow VTI The Velocity Time Integral in cm of the Aortic Valve Flow measured during Systole in Doppler mode. The measurement may have been taken using any view or method. Aortic Valve Flow Peak Velocity The Peak Velocity in m/s of the Aortic Valve Flow measured during Systole in Doppler mode. The measurement may have been taken using any view or method. The Mean Velocity in m/s of the Aortic Valve Flow measured during Systole in Doppler mode. The measurement may have been taken using any view or method. Aortic Valve Flow Mean Velocity Aortic Valve Peak Instantaneous Gradient Aortic Valve Mean Gradient The Peak Instantaneous Pressure Gradient in mmHg across the Aortic Valve measured during Systole in Doppler mode using the Simplified Bernoulli method. The Mean Pressure Gradient in mmHg across the Aortic Valve measured during Systole in Doppler mode using the Simplified Bernoulli method. Aortic Valve Regurgitant Flow VTI The Velocity Time Integral in cm of the Aortic Valve Regurgitant Flow measured during Diastole in Doppler mode. The measurement may have been taken using any view or method. Aortic Valve Regurgitant Flow Volume by PISA The Volume in ml of the Aortic Valve Regurgitant Flow measured during Diastole in Doppler mode using the PISA method. The measurement may have been taken using any view. Aortic Valve Regurgitant Flow Jet Area to LVOT Area The Ratio in % of the Aortic Valve Regurgitant Flow Jet Area to the LVOT Area measured during Diastole (?) in Doppler mode. The measurement may have been taken using any view. Aortic Valve Regurgitant Flow Effective Orifice Area The Effective Orifice Area in cm2 of the Aortic Valve Regurgitant Flow measured during Diastole in Doppler mode using the volume derived from the PISA method? The measurement may have been taken using any view. Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 27 Aortic Valve Regurgitant Fraction The Ratio in % of the Aortic Valve Regurgitant Volume to the Aortic Valve Stroke Volume measured in Doppler mode. The measurement may have been taken using any view. Aortic Valve Area by Continuity VTI / BSA An indexed value in cm2/m2 representing the Area in cm2 of the Aortic Valve measured in Doppler mode using the Continuity VTI method, normalized to the Body Surface Area in m2. Pulmonary Vein Flow S-wave Peak Velocity The Peak Velocity in m/s of the Pulmonary Vein Flow measured during Systole in pulsed Doppler mode. The measurement may have been taken using any view or method and in any of the Pulmonary Veins. Pulmonary Vein Flow A-wave Duration The Duration in ms of the Pulmonary Vein Flow measured during Atrial Systole in pulsed Doppler mode. The measurement may have been taken using any view or method and in any of the Pulmonary Veins. Delta D The difference in duration in ms between the duration of the Pulmonary Vein Flow measured during Atrial Systole in pulsed Doppler mode, and the duration of the Mitral Valve Flow measured during Atrial Systole in pulsed Doppler mode. The measurement may have been taken using any view or method and in any of the Pulmonary Veins. 222 Modify Definitions in Annex D as shown: 224 DICOM Code Definitions (Coding Scheme Designator “DCM” Coding Scheme Version “01”) Code Value 226 Code Meaning Definition Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 28 228 230 232 Changes to NEMA Standards Publication PS 3.17-2011 Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine (DICOM) 234 Part 17: Explanatory Information Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 29 236 Add Annex ?? ANNEX ??: Mapping Guidance? Population Guidance? (Informative) 238 Use Case 0: Store and Use Core Set 240 Use Case 1: Store and Display on PACS (non-semantic number) [User configures Cart: define tool/interaction and link to new measurement = ID + Label String] 242 [User writes down detailed description of new measurement] (which then gets thrown in the shredder) User takes measurement on Cart 244 Cart stores measurement value & units in SR for the exam under the ID+Label String Cart sends SR to PACS 246 User selects an exam on PACS for display PACS opens image and renders to screen 248 [User configures PACS: define layout/overlay and link row to SR Tag = ID] PACS opens SR, finds ID, renders Label String, renders value+units 250 252 Q. Can we allow the customer to sometimes use LN code for the ID and sometimes local code? In any case it would be handy to use the same ID on several carts so they Use Case 2: Store and Insert in Report (non-semantic) Same as PACS, but PACS=>Reporting Station, Layout=>Template, Render=>Insert 254 Use Case 3: Store and Plot Graph? Trending? Database? Etc. 256 May be useful to limit Use Case 3 to single/individual patient and push Big Data/Population health into Use Case 4. 258 260 ** Include a description of the sub-case where the object is from some other hospital. How do you track down the paper? E.g. look in the header for the institution, call their Echo group, quote the name of the measurement and ask for documentation. Use Case X: Identifying matching different non-standard measurement codes from different vendors Also consider if they use the same measurement code, but different modifiers. (Could happen if the LN code is not fully pre-coordinated). Maybe we should mandate that you have to use unique precoordinated 264 codes unless the LOINC is fully pre-coordinated. 262 Supplement TBA: Simplified Adult Echocardiography Report Page 30 Q. How do we handle dumb reporting systems? Could send a two objects, a stripped down one for the reporters and a fully fledged one for the CVIS. Could assume that the CVIS will pre-process and 268 spoonfeed the reporter. Could assume that the cart will be down-configured to minimal outputs. Could imagine a flag. The cases are: how do I handle multiples of the same measurement (and know you should 270 take the last, or the mean) vs recognizing specialized (e.g. X by Method A and X by Method B to be instances of generic X). 266 X1 = 3.2 X2 = 3.1 (location a) 274 X3 = 3.3 X4 = 3.1 (location b) 272 3.2 3.1 278 3.3 3.1 280 3.3 – Max 3.18 – Mean 282 3.1 – Most Recent 276 3.2 – Sample 3.1 – Sample 286 3.3 – Sample, Max 3.1 – Sample, Most Recent 288 3.18 - Mean 284 3.2 – Sample 3.1 – Sample 292 3.3 – Sample 3.1 - Sample 294 3.18 – Mean 3.3 – Max 296 3.1 – Most Recent 290