Pension And Compensation Schemes For Operational Staff - Northern Ireland Fire & Rescue Service Overview The Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS) currently has two pension schemes and one compensation scheme for Wholetime, Retained, part time and volunteer firefighters: The Firefighters Pension Scheme (FPS) The New Firefighters Pension Scheme, (and Modified Scheme) (NFPS); The Firefighters Compensation Scheme. A new pension scheme (The Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) Scheme) is due to be implemented on 1 April 2015. From 01/04/2015 both the FPS and NFPS and the modified element of the NFPS will be closed and a new Career Average Revalued Earnings (CARE) Scheme will be introduced. The accrual rate in this scheme is proposed to be 1/64.8 for each year of pensionable service. The commutation factor for the CARE Scheme will be £12 for every £1 commuted. The normal retirement age will be 55 with a deferred pension is state pension age or 65 if this is higher. There will also be survivor benefits to eligible spouses, civil partner, nominated partners and children where applicable. Overall Objective HSC Pensions Service to provide a highly cost-effective and efficient pension service to NIFRS using: An agreed Service Level Agreement (SLA); A detailed list of Key Performance Indicators. Context Since December 2014, NIFRS license for their operating software AXISe provided by Heywood has expired, with the result that they do not have access to the system and, therefore, are manually calculating all Pension events. HSC Pension Service (HSCPS) currently provides retirement benefits to Health and Social Care employees, GPs, Dentists and employees of other approved organisations in Northern Ireland. The HSC Pension Scheme has 81,802 members (including deferred and undecided leavers) and 31,610 pensioners in receipt of benefits. HSCPS is the largest Public Sector Pension Scheme in NI. HSCPS has participated in the CIPFA Benchmarking club in 2012 and 2014 and is the most cost-effective pension provider in comparison with 54 other providers throughout the UK. Performance indicators, in terms of delivering services in accordance with industry standards, rank in the top 10 per cent of pension providers. In 2014, HSCPS successfully bid for capital monies from DPF to upgrade the operating system Altair to facilitate the Pension Reform legislative changes that have taken effect from 1 April 2015. The system is now in place and operational. HSCPS has also put in place a dedicated communications strategy which includes a series of Pension Reform seminars, a new Scheme Guide, a Scheme booklet for those staff who do not have access to a PC, a dedicated micro website and an ELearning programme on the HSC ELearning platform. 1 The Solution HSCPS have already updated the pension administration software to facilitate Pension Reform and have proven that, through Benchmarking across NI and the UK and customer surveys, they provide a highly cost-effective and efficient pension service. It is proposed, therefore, that HSCPS provide a similar pension service to NIFRS in accordance with an agreed SLA and detailed list of KPIs (annex A). HSCPS would provide operational services only, whilst NIFRS would retain responsibility for Scheme Legislation and Policy. NIFRS would also retain responsibility for the production and maintenance of the Scheme annual accounts. HSCPS and NIFRS have taken part in exploratory discussions and both parties feel that this solution would be advantageous and would provide a successful solution to the current situation within NIFRS. Subject to the agreement of the respective Boards of BSO and NIFRS, it would be possible to agree and sign a SLA in June 2015 with a proposed golive date of 1 September 2015. This would allow sufficient time to put the required resources in place, initial training of staff and a project plan implemented to migrate existing NIFRS data onto the existing HSC Altair database, with separate and stand-alone access. Proposal The migration of Northern Ireland Fire and Rescue Service (NIFRS) pension administration service on the expired AXISe platform to a standalone altair platform, hosted and administered by HSC BSO. Rationale Due to the end of life of AXISe on 31 December 2014, NIFRS are unable to access or administer their pension scheme data via the AXISe system. The NIFRS pension scheme needs to be live on an altair solution hosted at HSC by 1 September 2015 in preparation for Pensions Reform legislation to take effect. The payment of NIFRS Pensioners was completed outside of AXISe and it is assumed that this will continue to be the case once the NIFRS scheme data is converted to an altair solution. Work Required In order to complete a data migration and installation of NIFRS data at HSC by 31 March 2015, the following steps will be required: NIFRS AXISe data returned to heywood on DVD heywood completes the following documents with assistance from HSC and NIFRS Technical Study – To cover server sizing, performance, installation of new services, user licences and more. Functional Study – To cover NIFRS use of AXISe and how this translates to HSC. This will cover training needs. Project Initiation Document (PID) – To cover budget and heywood project monitoring. heywood complete all data cleansing of NIFRS data. This may require some assistance from NIFRS. heywood converts all NIFRS data to an altair service heywood reconciles the altair service Installation of NIFRS data on HSC altair server Training and User Acceptance Testing will be completed by HSC Data refreshed and go-live at HSC 2 Resources The following table details the pricing for delivery of the services outlined in this proposal: Costs are subject to change if project specifications are changed before a SLA is executed. HSC Pension Staff Costs Altair License Fee Annual Fee System Implementation 2015/2016 34,943 24,702 29,241 48,578 137,464 Full Year * 59,903 24,702 29,241 0 113,846 *Full year cost will be subject to pay and price inflation HSCPS will employ 1 x Band 3 staff and 1 x Band 4 staff to process and check NIFRS scheme events in accordance with existing audit requirements. Areas Out Of Scope The following options are currently out of scope, but could be considered for the future: Pensions Reform As part of the migration project, there will be a requirement to consider pensions’ reform legislation applicable from 1 April 2015. Although this is classed as ‘future work’, this is because the requirements are currently unknown. It is understood the work needs to be incorporated and included in the NIFRS altair service and be available for 1 April 2015. Backlog Scanning NIFRS do not hold digital member files on AXISe. The conversion to altair will only migrate documents generated by AXISe and supported by altair. This will not include old document production documents or any images/microfiches stored on an external system. For efficiency, a backlog scanning project could be considered to load the NIFRS member’s documents onto altair. Costs for this work are difficult to estimate without knowing the number of pages to be scanned and converted into images, but could be estimated at 25-30 days Merge to Single Service This migration project sees NIFRS as a separate service to HSC. Whilst NIFRS is an admin only service, this is acceptable, but should HSC take on the payment of NIFRS pensioners, it would be advantageous to maintain this from one system. With two separate systems, there will be duplicate deliveries leading to potentially extended down time. Merging of the NIFRS live altair service into the existing HSC test and live services could be estimated at 15-20 days Pensioner Payroll NIFRS do not currently pay pensioners from their AXISe service. A new project would be required if HSC decide to do this in the future. It would be an ideal opportunity to combine the NIFRS and HSC member data, as mentioned above, at this time. It would be very difficult to estimate re. installation of pensioner payroll into the NIFRS service as many of the requirements are unknown and could only be substantiated by a payroll survey. 3 1 Risk Lack of Knowledge re Fire Service Pension Schemes legislation 2 Lack of Resources 3 Additional Software supplier costs 4 GAD Costs 5 HSC Data 6 Unforeseen/ unplanned additional tasks 7 NIFRS data 8 Information Governance Mitigation / Controls Existing software provider Heywood will deliver initial training to HSC staff. NIFRS will retain responsibility for Policy and Regulations and will determine interpretation of same. HSC will also make use of existing fora such as inter-judiciary pension group, Fire Service Scheme national group and advice sought from GAD. HSCPS will employ 1 x Band 3 staff and 1 x Band 4 staff to process and check NIFRS scheme events in accordance with existing audit requirements. The contract for Altair pension system will be directly with NIFRS and Heywood. HSCPS will seek prior approval for any additional costs such as change requests. NIFRS will make payments direct to Heywood. GAD costs are driven by service demand and statutory change and are therefore difficult to forecast or control. NIFRS will retain budget for these costs and make payments direct to GAD. HSCPS will seek prior approval before engaging with GAD re Fire service schemes. NIFRS data will be held separately at all times from HSC data to avoid any data contamination and in line with audit controls. HSC staff will have separate log-in arrangements and permissions to access NIFRS data Any additional tasks or projects outside the SLA with NIFRS will be fully costed and agreed with NIFRS prior to any work commencing. NIFRS will be re-charged for any such work. NIFRS will ensure that all member data is accurate at the point of transfer and ensure accuracy on an on-going basis through NIFRS payroll interface. HSC Pension Service will ensure that appropriate agreements are developed to ensure compliance with Data Protection Legislation. 4 9 Transfer of NIFRS to DOJ In this event HSCPS will transfer Scheme data to DOJ via Heywood. TUPE regulations will apply to Bd 3 and Bd 4 staff employed for this work Governance Arrangements There is a need to have in place governance arrangements between NIFRS and BSO to provide a vehicle for assurances that the processing of pension events is being conducted in accordance with the SLA. Governance Structure: A formal Service Level Agreement encompassing the services to be delivered will be signed and agreed by both organisations. A Customer Panel meeting can be arranged at a time and place to be mutually agreed. A quarterly summary report of key indicators on service areas will also be provided by the BSO. This report will include information on:- Actual activity and expenditure levels and percentage variations on baseline volumes. - Performance reports on agreed items Further information relating to any of the individual KPIs within the SLA may be provided to customers in sufficient detail to allow for full discussion at subsequent meetings and agreement on a way forward, which might include, for example, re-prioritisation of tasks, re-deployment of existing staff, consideration of overall resource levels etc. The parties to this agreement may agree to conduct a review of the services provided under it. Such a review will be undertaken in a spirit of co-operation and will be guided only by a desire to improve the quality and cost- effectiveness of the service. The KPIs (annex A) may be reviewed at any time throughout the year at the request of either party. There will be a formal review of customer satisfaction carried out by the BSO at the end of the year. 5 Corrective Action Where the BSO and/or the customer identify areas that are included in the Service Level Agreement that require corrective action, the following shall act as a guideline: 1 A minor breach of the Service Appropriate operational staff. Level Agreement 2 A break-down of part of the Appropriate operational staff. Service Level Agreement occurs. 3 A breakdown of several parts of Assistant Director – Customer the Service Level Agreement Care & Service Improvement occurs. Any dispute concerning or arising out of this Agreement or its construction of effect or concerning the rights, duties or liability of either party shall be referred to arbitration in accordance with this clause. Any dispute shall be referred in the first instance to Assistant Director – HSC Pension Service. Then, if not resolved, to the signatories of the Agreement. Then, if still not resolved, to a mutually agreed arbitrator. If a mutually agreed arbitrator cannot be identified then the last line of arbitration shall be the Department of Health, Social Services and Public Safety. Both parties shall endeavour to resolve all disputes prior to going to arbitration. Arbitration is recognised by both parties as a last resort to the resolution of disputes. The arbitrator shall have the power to order specific performance of an obligation to be performed under this agreement and will only be empowered to accept the submission of one or other of the parties as presented. 6 7 Key Performance Indicators Area Of Work Joiners/rejoiners Annex A Performance Indicator Correspondence Leavers Transfers In: Transfers Out Additional Pension/Half cost Added Years Death ( In – Service/ preserved/ Retired member) Performance The BSO shall validate new start details and issue SD56 within 15 working days of receipt of the relevant interface data BSO will allocate joiners/re-joiners to correct section of the NIFRS Pension Scheme The BSO will acknowledge all ad-hoc correspondence within 15 working days of receipt of all information The BSO will provide members who leave with less than 2 years membership details of options to take either a transfer value or refund of contributions within 13 months of the member leaving. The BSO will refund contributions within 3 months of receiving the application The BSO will preserve benefits 13 months after the date any member with at least 2 years membership leaves the Scheme, once in receipt of all relevant information The BSO shall acknowledge receipt of Member’s request for transfer value within 15 working days, once in receipt of all relevant information The BSO will issue request for transfer value to sending scheme within 15 days of receiving member’s request The BSO shall send a reminder to the sending scheme after 60 days with further reminders at regular intervals The BSO shall process transfer amount within 15 working days of receipt of members instruction to transfer their rights The BSO shall acknowledge receipt of instruction from Member’s pension scheme within 15 working days once in receipt of all relevant information The BSO shall provide a transfer quote within 8 weeks of receiving the request once in receipt of all relevant information (quote guaranteed for 3 months) The BSO shall complete the transfer within 20 working days of receiving the member’s instruction to transfer their rights. The BSO shall issue estimate of costs to Members within 15 working days of receipt of request once in receipt of all relevant information .The BSO shall send notification for payroll deduction within 20 working days of receipt of the appropriate authority. The BSO will send confirmation of correspondence to scheme member on completion of additional pension request. The BSO shall calculate and issue award details within 15 working days of receipt of the application and all relevant documents. 8 Area Of Work Age Retirement Performance Indicator Ill-Health retirement Early Retirement Cash Equivalent Transfer Values for Divorce or Separation purposes (CETV’s) The BSO shall calculate and issue final award details on receipt of the fully completed application for payment of award and at least 1 week prior to pension start date where all relevant information has been received The BSO shall refer the application to its Medical Adviser within 5 working days The BSO shall notify employer/member whether ill health criteria have been met within 5 working days of receipt of Medical Adviser’s advice The BSO shall calculate and issue award details on receipt of the fully completed application for payment of award and at least 1 week before pension start date where all relevant information has been received The BSO shall calculate and issue final award details on receipt of the fully completed application for payment of award. And at least 1 week before pension start date where all relevant information has been received The BSO acknowledge receipt of request within 15 working days. The BSO will calculate and issue CETV within statutory time limit of 3 months from date all relevant information received. The BSO shall send confirmation of correspondence to scheme member on completion of CETV. Injury Benefit The BSO will calculate and issue award details within 20 working days of receipt of all required information Pension Sharing Orders The BSO will acknowledge receipt within 15 working days. The BSO will calculate and issue revised statements for both Debit and Credit Member as at valuation date (as defined in Welfare Reform and Pensions Act 1999 of pension sharing order within statutory time limit of 4 months from valuation date. The BSO shall send confirmation of correspondence to scheme member / credit member on completion of Pension Sharing Order Annual Benefit Statements Benefit Estimates Performance The BSO will issue Members an annual benefit statement, based on data as at 31 March, and deferred Members every 5 years. The BSO will provide an estimate of benefits for members within 20 working days of receipt of a request, provided they have not received an annual benefit statement or been provided with an estimate in the previous 12 months. 9 Area Of Work Payroll Administration Performance Indicator Performance The BSO will: Pay all existing pensions on due date Ensure 99% of existing pensions are correct at point of payment Ensure 95% of new pension awards are correct at point of payment Pay the lump sum into new pensioner’s or dependant’s accounts by the end of the week following their retirement where all relevant information has been received. Pay the first pension payment into new pensioners and dependants accounts by the end of the month following retirement / death where all relevant information has been received. Issue P60’s annually and within statutory deadlines Apply pension increases on an annual basis in accordance with HMT guidelines Issue a Pay advice note to existing pensioners in any month with a variance of £5 net Issue a pay advice note to new pensioners Ensure GMP is applied on time and accurately in accordance with Statutory Regulations Monitor debits and credits to the Scheme account to ensure payroll transactions are complete, accurate and validated. Recover early retirement and Injury Benefit costs from employers in accordance with legislation . 10