
Can Your Skin Repair Itself…?
Women of all ages are discovering the simple technology that triggers
a rare Swiss apple to:
Smooth out unsightly wrinkles and fine lines
Firm up sagging skin
Erase blemishes
Grow fresh, vibrant skin that looks and feels years younger!
Dear Reader,
I’d never seen anything like this.
In 2004, Swiss researchers raced to an isolated farm in the foothills of the Alps. There,
they quickly barricaded the last remaining Uttwiler Spatlauber trees.
To the locals, it seemed like a lot of fuss over
You see, they knew if you bit into the apple of
this rare tree, you probably wouldn’t like the
taste. It was incredibly tart—much too tart to
Yet, scientists weren’t trying to save the tree so
they could eat its fruit.
Instead, they wanted to find out what caused
this rare Swiss apple to stay fresh and firm for
months after being harvested…long after other
varieties shriveled up and rotted.
Protected rare Uttwiler Spatlauber
tree found in an isolated orchard in
northern Switzerland.
How to be mistaken for a woman half your age
Now—not to cut my story short—but this Swiss apple discovery is truly groundbreaking.
Because when you make a revolutionary anti-aging serum from this miracle fruit, it
transforms the skin on your face to look and feel years younger.
Women who use it discover they can erase wrinkles…tighten the fine lines around their
eyes…wipe out blemishes…and firm up sagging skin.
In fact, you can get skin that looks and feels like that of a woman half your age!
And laboratory tests prove it.
When Swiss researchers mixed an extract of this miracle apple with a culture of human
stem cells, they were stunned by what they found.
The age-reversing formula grew brand new skin at nearly twice your body’s
normal rate!
But that wasn’t even the best part.
The researchers wanted to see what would happen if the stem cells were attacked. Like
what happens to your skin after being in the sun too long.
So, they set up a controlled assault on the culture. After irradiating it with UV light, a full
50% of the human stem cells died. Yet, when they added in the special extract, less
than 10% died.
Almost twice as many skin stem cells survived thanks to the special fruit extract!
The rare Swiss apple not only helped skin last
longer, but it stopped UV radiation damage to
And when women used the anti-aging
breakthrough on their skin, the results were
even more impressive…
The Swiss apple extract smoothed away
wrinkles in 100% of the volunteers…after
just 28 days!
In all my years as an anti-aging physician, I’d never seen a plant restore beauty as
completely and effortlessly as this rare Swiss apple.
This special extract repaired aged or damaged human skin stem cells, giving them new
life. What’s more, it prevented wrinkles from forming in the first place and helped
normal, healthy cells live longer.
Just as amazing…is how the researchers figured this out in the first place.
You see, even before they got to the orchard, the research team heard of the apple’s
unique ability to outlast other varieties in winter storage.
But shortly after arriving, they got another clue.
Locals claimed the rare Swiss apple had the power to heal itself. In fact, they said when
the fruit got cut while still on the tree, it could quickly grow a whole new layer of
protective skin.
Regrow new skin?
At first, the researchers were skeptical. And who could blame them? Yet it was true.
When they cut the apple, it grew completely new tissue…making it look whole again.
They almost couldn’t believe what was happening right before their eyes.
But after seeing it, they wondered why they hadn’t heard of this before. Even more so—
what gave this miracle fruit the ability to heal itself in the first place…so quickly and so
So the team carefully extracted some plant tissue and headed back to the lab to find the
Plant stem cells appear to “wake up”
human stem cells and trigger skin repair
Scientists already knew special cells called stem cells “sleep” just below the skin’s
surface cells. As these surface cells die off, the stem cells awaken to stimulate new
Yet, the research team studying this rare Swiss
fruit wanted to know what caused these plant
stem cells to come alive.
Pic of stem cells or signal molecules
relevant to the topic of this section
Soon, they isolated special “signal molecules”
inside the plant’s stem cells. These signals
instructed the fruit to grow new cells, triggering
its remarkable healing ability.
You see, plant stem cells—like those extracted
from the Swiss miracle fruit—possess the ability
to regrow an entire new plant.
However, your skin’s stem cells aren’t so lucky. As you get older, they die off.
It’s the main reason your skin takes longer to heal…starts to lose its vibrancy…and
appears old and run-down.
Yet—as we indicated before—when the skin on your face contacts these special “signal
molecules” from the rare Swiss apple, it comes alive and glows.
The result is nothing short of a facelift.
Wrinkles tighten…fine lines fade…blemishes disappear. Dull worn out skin is replaced
with fresh, vibrant skin. Making you look and feel years younger.
In just a moment, I’ll show you how to get your hands on this extraordinary skin renewal
discovery. When you do, you’ll be able to slow down the aging of your skin to get a
younger-looking face—no matter your age—quicker and easier than you ever thought
But first…
Learn the secrets of the world’s most beautiful women
Hi. I’m Dr. Al Sears.
As a leading anti-aging doctor, I routinely
travel the globe searching for the most
effective age-reversing beauty secrets with
one goal in mind—to help women become
more beautiful.
And frankly, bringing you this stem cellboosting technology promises to change
the future of skin beauty—forever.
Scientists have proven once and for all…if
you boost the activity of your skin's stem
cells using this rare Swiss apple, it’s
possible to slow down—even reverse—skin
aging to get skin that looks and feels
decades younger.
Meet Al Sears, M.D.
Uniquely Qualified to Keep
You Beautiful for Life
Al Sears, M.D., is a medical
doctor and one of the nation's
first board-certified anti-aging
Dr. Sears owns and operates a
successful integrative medicine
and anti-aging wellness center in
Royal Palm Beach, Florida.
He travels the world in search of traditional
remedies proven to help his more than 25,000
patients get better health, better skin, and live
healthier, longer.
Yet, while this Swiss beauty secret is truly remarkable, it’s not the only one.
In fact, there are dozens of safe, effective natural beauty remedies used by the world’s
most glamorous women.
Like the Japanese deep-sea “miracle” that lubricates and conditions skin to look and
feel soft, smooth, and radiant. This centuries-old beauty secret has been helping the
women of Japan to renew and refresh their skin, making it glow at any age.
Studies show it penetrates deep to make your skin soft and flexible…erase wrinkles,
fine lines, and age spots…and protect against sunburn and harsh chemicals in our
Of course, Brazilian women have their own
special skin rejuvenating remedy.
Get the Secret of the World’s
Most Stunning Super Models
When they spread a certain plant-based
“butter” onto their face, arms, and legs, their
skin comes alive. It appears fresh, smooth, and
colorful…restoring that youthful look and feel
typical of all women of Brazil.
(Pic of a produce market in Brazil or a
pic of a Brazilian super model)
What’s their secret?
A rare fruit with high fat content helps hydrate
the skin, so it can hold more moisture.
In fact, this Brazilian miracle helps skin capture
240% more water than even the most popular
moisturizing ingredient on the market!
Brazilian women have access to some
of the most powerful plants and fresh
produce on earth.
So instead of skin that’s dry, wrinkled, and discolored…you get fresh, moist, plump skin
that provides a toned, youthful look.
French women are known for their soft, wrinkle-free skin. Their secret? An “herbal”
therapy that makes skin smooth, supple, and radiant.
Now, scientists know how it works.
The French healing herb contains a special compound that boosts collagen production.
And we know collagen helps restore the skin’s delicate structure—giving you the ability
to strengthen your own skin to get rid of those ugly lines and wrinkles.
You see, these are just a few of the most powerful anti-aging secrets I’ve ever run
across. Simple, effective, safe remedies chosen by today’s most stunning supermodels.
Fact is, these are the same natural therapies I use with women who come to see me at
my office. And every one of them are backed by solid research…and proven to make
your skin look and feel years younger.
Yet, they aren’t the only ones.
Look and feel younger, healthier, and more beautiful
than you did in your 30’s—even as you get older!
Because recently, I went back through hundreds of articles revealing the best
discoveries, health advice, and natural remedies I’ve ever published.
What surprised me most…was not the ability of these healing miracles to recharge your
natural beauty. Instead, it was the sheer number of them at your disposal.
Problem is…there was no good way for you to keep track of them all.
Until now.
Because today I’m making them available to you for the first time in one easy-to-use
natural beauty guide I call, Anti-Aging Secrets from the Ageless Beauty Collection.
Make no mistake. Anti-Aging Secrets is chock full of the best health tips and healing
remedies I’ve ever come across. Rediscovered today to help you can get back the
energy, youthfulness, and beauty you had in your 30’s.
Truthfully, any one of these discoveries could change the course of your life—how
beautiful you look and feel—for years to come.
Yet incredibly, most of these beauty secrets have been skipped over by all the big-name
cosmetic manufacturers.
Instead, most continue to exaggerate the health claims of their costly “chemical”
You know…those so-called “natural” cleansers, toners, creams, gels, serums, and
sprays that actually damage your skin, nails, teeth, and hair.
Instead of helping you look more beautiful, they only make you look older than you
really are.
Yet, by simply swapping those toxic
chemical cosmetics with the proven
natural beauty secrets I reveal in AntiAging Secrets, you can get back that
youthful, radiant look you once had in
your 30’s.
And regardless of how old you are.
Rediscover your true
beauty…from head-totoe
Look, I’ve authored many cutting-edge
natural health books. But this is the first
time I’ve pulled together so many lost
beauty secrets to help you transform
how you look on the outside.
In fact, Anti-Aging Secrets is a
complete collection of the most
effective, easy-to-use natural solutions
for getting a younger-looking body from
7 Most Dangerous Substances
They Still Hide in Cosmetics
1. Mercury
 Found in skin-lightening creams
 Causes brain injury, organ failure
2. Parabens
 Found in hair and skin care products
 Causes cancer, disrupts hormones
3. OMC (octyl methoxycinnamate)
 Found in sunscreens
 Kills cells—even at low doses
4. Sodium lauryl sulfate
 Found in thousands of cosmetics
 Creates the carcinogenic 1,4-dioxane
5. Propylene glycol
 Found in 12,080 skin cosmetics
 Causes skin allergies, organ damage
6. PEGs (polyethylene glycols)
 Found in thousands of cosmetics
 Contain cancer-causing contaminants
7. Formaldehyde
 Found in most cosmetics
 Known to cause cancer
Like the secret vitamin that gives women of the Brazilian rainforest thick, shiny, silky
smooth hair…now rediscovered and studied by modern science.
In one study after just four months, this tribal wonder helped grow thicker hair. Plus, it
significantly increased elasticity…making hair healthier, stronger, and easier to comb.
(Learn all about it on page 100.)
Then there’s the natural plant oil that brightens up tired, dull eyes. It even helps you
focus more clearly. We’ll tell you about the tropical fruit that boosts your blood levels of
this powerful healer by 266%! (You can find every detail starting on page 127.)
Plus you’ll discover a treasured secret the ancient Mayans used to keep their skin soft,
smooth, and looking young—no matter their age. According to the New England Journal
of Medicine, this all-natural seed oil boosted collagen production by an astounding 80%!
(It all begins on page 46.)
And there’s so much more!
Like the 2,000-year-old Chinese secret for getting silky smooth hands and strong,
healthy nails. This plant quickly replenishes a vital mineral both men and women start
losing once they turn 40. We’ll show you three easy and inexpensive ways to get your
hands on it. (Discover them now, starting on page 111.)
And if you want sexier feet…I’ll tell you all about the native South African herb you can
“drink” to soothe, refresh, and protect the delicate skin on your feet. (It’s on page 116.)
Yet, as promising as these beauty secrets are, I’ve treated enough patients over the
years to know that not every single one works for everybody. That’s why I stuffed AntiAging Secrets full of dozens of today’s biggest breakthrough beauty tips and remedies.
And starting today, you can use any number of them to restore your youthful look.
Yet, you won’t just appear gorgeous on the outside. Because I’ll also reveal…
Dozens of beauty secrets to help you “cheat”
your biological age…from the inside out!
See, I’ve been an anti-aging doctor for nearly three decades. Women come into my
clinic all the time looking for ways to hold on to their youthful appearance for as long as
But even more so, they want to start feeling better on the inside too.
So I’ve rounded up and created some of the safest, most powerful treatments and
recommendations to help you feel younger and more beautiful on the inside. You’ll find
every one of them in Anti-Aging Secrets.
Imagine if you could relieve stress and fatigue in just two weeks…
Or reduce symptoms of menopause—including hot flashes, night sweats,
anxiety, and depression—a full 75% in a matter of weeks…
Discover the secret that helps lower your blood sugar—without side
Or the most effective way to cut fat, drop excess weight, and decrease the size
of your chest, waist and hips…
Now, imagine if you could lower your risk of dying from a stroke…a heart
attack…or, get this, 15 kinds of cancer!
…without ever relying on dangerous, ineffective, and costly medications or
Because when you do, you’ll be able to:
 Get back your youthful energy…so you can outlast your kids on the tennis
courts, or your grandkids while walking from one end of the zoo to the other.
 Restore a peaceful calm…so you can finally relax despite high stress at the
office, around the house, or during the holidays.
 Get trim and fit…so you feel strong and athletic. Then, slip into that bikini and
head to the beach, or perform at the top of your game for your partner!
 Get a good night’s sleep. And you won’t just fall asleep quickly. You’ll stay
asleep all night, and wake up feeling rested and ready to take on your day.
You see, these are all time-tested beauty secrets—developed by our ancestors and still
used by natives from around the world —that can help you look and feel decades
younger than your biological age.
In Anti-Aging Secrets, you’ll learn these exact same secrets—the ones I share with my
own patients—to get a beautiful, younger-looking body…inside and out.
Every one of them backed by decades—even centuries—of use, not to mention solid
clinical evidence.
The ONLY beauty guide you’ll ever need—
Look, here’s the bottom line…
The natural beauty breakthroughs I’ve included in Anti-Aging Secrets are nothing short
of life-changing. In most cases, you haven’t seen or heard these beauty breakthroughs
mentioned anywhere else.
So, I wanted to make it easy to get my new beauty guide into your hands as quickly as
possible…by putting it all together into an easy-to-download e-book. That way, you
could benefit from its vast research and timely advice right away.
Truth is, I’ve learned that if you look hard enough, there are effective natural remedies
for turning any body—no matter its age—into a beautiful, more youthful version.
With Anti-Aging Secrets, you get every healing remedy…every beauty tip…every
scientific validation—as well as the secret lies told by industry insiders—all organized
into one easy-to-access and searchable beauty guide.
What’s even better—it won’t cost you a small fortune to start looking and feeling better
immediately. In fact, I’m offering Anti-Aging Secrets from the Ageless Beauty
Collection today for the low introductory price of just $27.97.
Send Me My Book Now!
Remember, I’ll continue to send you all my latest beauty discoveries in real time—just
as soon as they happen—through my weekly email updates. The best part is…you’ll get
all of these at no additional charge.
And, as always…
You don’t risk a single penny!
Look, scores of women around the world—and those who come into my clinic—are
using this same information today to look better on the outside…and feel better on the
So I want you to get this information and use it…and benefit as quickly as possible. But
without any risk to you.
When you buy Anti-Aging Secrets from the Ageless Beauty Collection, you’re
covered by my exclusive 100% Satisfaction, No Questions Asked, Money-Back
Guarantee…for a full 12 months!
That’s right. Even though many of the natural remedies and beauty tips start working in
just days, take up to a full year to grow thick, glossy hair…restore clear, bright
eyes…develop smooth, glowing skin…and build strong, healthy nails.
In fact, I’m so confident Anti-Aging Secrets is exactly what you’ve been looking for, I
stand behind it 100%. If at any time—or for any reason—you are not completely
satisfied, just call or email us within 12 months for a full and prompt refund…no
questions asked!
Go ahead. Get your copy of my powerful new beauty guide today.
Send Me My Book Now!
To your ageless beauty,
Al Sears, MD
P.S. Remember, Anti-Aging Secrets is a comprehensive collection of the latest beauty
discoveries, secret tips, and natural health information used by today’s top super
I’m making them available to you—all organized and searchable—in an easy-to-access,
downloadable beauty guide. With Anti-Aging Secrets, you won’t find a more simple,
affordable, and effective resource for holding onto your youthful appearance…even into
your 60’s, 70’s, 80’s, and beyond!
P.P.S. Plus, I’ve removed all the risk. You’ve got a full 12 months…and if Anti-Aging
Secrets doesn’t help you get a more beautiful body—both inside and out—you
shouldn’t pay a single penny.
Just call or email me, and I’ll happily refund your entire purchase price…No Questions
Asked. Plus, you even keep your copy of the book!
So grab yours today!
Send Me My Book Now!