FORM_Implementation Completion

Implementation Completion
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Combined Schools
School Details
School name
School campus name
School Main Phone
(including area code)
eSmart Contact
(including area code)
(work email address)
eSmart coordinator
(including area code)
(work email address)
Completion Confirmation
Our school has completed implementing the following
1. Effective school organisation
an eSmart committee that meets regularly and has representatives from a
range of teaching and administrative areas of the school, as well as the
school council/board
established guidelines for effective supervision of the school yard and other
areas, and the use of ICTs
established processes for ethically collecting and storing incident data
Implementation Completion
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Combined Schools
established and documented a system for students to report incidents of
bullying, cyberbullying and other forms of harassment and abuse
established an induction process to support new students, families and staff
to become members of the school community
2. School plans, policies and procedures
collaboratively developed an eSmart policy with input from staff, students
and parents and have developed implementation procedures
established a behaviour management plan and procedures to deal with
bullying, cyberbullying and other cybersafety issues
expected students to comply with acceptable use agreements for
information and communications technologies used in the school
3. A respectful and caring school community
developed a set of values to guide the behaviour of all members of the
school community
staff that use an agreed set of respectful behaviour protocols
developed and extended the opportunities for students to work together in
same-age and cross-age groupings
4. Effective teacher practices
teachers who use a range of relationship-based pedagogies and classroom
organisation to maximise peer relationships
staff who model agreed approaches to safe, smart and responsible use of
information and communications technologies
developed a list of key principles of effective classroom management and
developed a set of approaches for responding to unsafe or harmful
behaviour by or against any student at the school
a professional learning plan focused on updating teacher knowledge and
skills in the smart use of information and communications technology
5. eSmart Schools curriculum
developed a plan for the inclusion of the explicit teaching about rights and
responsibilities, digital citizenship, bullying and its dynamics, social and
emotional skills and cybersafety
cyber-risks and cyber-safe practices being taught in appropriate discipline
identified in curriculum planning documents where and how safe, smart and
responsible use of technology is explicitly taught
students who generate information on bullying, cyberbullying, cybersafety
and e-security for a variety of purposes
students develop and deliver resources about the smart use of information
and communications technology
6. Partnerships with parents and the local community
fostered parent/carer involvement in the school in a variety of ways
Implementation Completion
Upload completed form or email to
Combined Schools
a variety of methods to provide information to parents on bullying,
cyberbullying, cybersafety and the smart, safe and responsible use of
information and communications technology
where appropriate, made links with local community organisations to create
consistent messages about the smart, safe and responsible use of
information and communications technology
I confirm that our school has completed all the implementing requirements in the
eSmart Schools Framework as listed on this form.
I give eSmart (The Alannah and Madeline Foundation) permission to access our
school’s self-assessment summary report, stored on the eSmart Schools website.
Principal Signature
Principal Full Name
President Signature
(if required)
President Full Name