Entrusted and Engaged -Introduction -preachers/elders luncheon – J.R. Burr’s message -J.R. was familiar with several country congregations, none with a “located” preacher. -He knew if he could “give a talk” it would be a big help. But, he didn’t think he could do it. -However, while reading his Bible he realized there is a purpose to each part of the Lord’s body, the church (Eph 1:22-23). -1 Cor 12:1, 4-6, 12, 14-15, 20, 27; Eph 4:15-16 -Not only is there a place for us in the Lord’s church, there is also purpose. -So, he set out to “give a talk.” Over 50 years later, he’s still preaching the Word. -From the very beginning of his efforts, J.R. set out to get God’s Word off of the pages of his Bible and into his mind. In so doing, he has memorized 1,000s of verses. -Now, I’m not sharing this story with you to make you feel as if you need to memorize hundreds and thousands of verses. I am telling you this story so that you’ll know you have value, importance and purpose in the Lord’s church. In the Lord’s church, you are a VIP. -God Values You -John 3:16, Titus 2:11 -Luke 15 – Parable of the Lost Sheep, Lost Coin & Prodigal Son -Remember what prompted those parables – Luke 15:1. -The Pharisees and the scribes looked down on tax collectors and sinners. They certainly didn’t see value, importance or true purpose in them. Jesus did. -The main point of the parables: v 10 -We often times hear references to the angels rejoicing. And, while I have no problem with that concept, I don’t think that is what this verse is saying. -This verse says the rejoicing is “before the angels,” not amongst them. -See Luke 12:8-9. Is Jesus saying his acknowledgement will be to the angels or in the presence of / before the angels? -before – “in front…in the sight of a person…before…in the presence of” (Vine’s) -Who is in the presence of the angels? God. -He rejoices because you are valuable and important to him. -God wants you to be saved but you are not going to be saved by staying out of the Lord’s church. You can be saved by responding to the Gospel and being a part of the church. -Believe, confess, repent, be baptized, live faithfully -Returning to faithfulness: acknowledge your mistakes, repent, prayer -God Has “Entrusted” Us -When I think about the various abilities that exists among those in the Lord’s church, I think of the Parable of the Talents – Matt 25:14-30. -Quick overview of the parable -Typical approach – We “jump on” the one talent man – his shortcomings, laziness, mistakes, failure. If we’re aren’t careful we’ll begin to paint a picture of a worthless scoundrel. That’s not an accurate portrayal. -v 15 – This man had abilitiy. -v 14 – The man going on the journey “entrusted to” this man one talent. -“to deliver something in trust to, to commit to another with confidence” (m-w.com) -He entrusted all three. He dispersed the money differently based on ability. -This is why the man is so irate when he returns and the one-talent man had done nothing with the one talent with which he was entrusted. -v 30 – “worthless” (ESV); “unprofitable” (KJV) -The one-talent servant was not considered worthless by the master’s own evaluation. Else he would not have given him the talent. He was considered worthless/unprofitable by his own—or lack of—actions. -This parable is given in the context of Matt 24:44 – “You must be ready.” To be spiritually ready, we must realize our importance in the sight of God and our responsibility to be at work utilizing the ability with which he has entrusted us. -We are to be Engaged in Service to God -We can find a very similar parable in Luke 19:12-27 (Parable of the Minas/Pounds) -context: v 11 -Chronologically, this parable was given prior to the Parable of the Talents by several days. -The point: The Lord’s servants are expected to utilize their abilities and opportunities in his service while he is away. -Notice v 13 – “Engage in business until I come” -Likewise, we are to be engaged in service to the Lord. -Closing and Invitation -So, again, let’s not look at that “one-talent man” in the wrong way. He had value to his master. He had usefulness to his master. He had purpose to his master. However, he failed to engage himself in that which his master had entrusted him. -What about us? Are we engaged with that with which the Master has entrusted us? -We have value. We are important. We have a purpose. (down to the “little toe”) -But, let’s be very careful not to develop the wrong idea: We are not earning our salvation. Our work does not make us any more worthy of the blessings he offers. -Lk 17:10 – “unworthy” – Same word that is used in Matt 25:30 – “worthless, unprofitable” -We are to serve God because he deserves it. We can have forgiveness and hope of Heaven even though we don’t deserve it…because Jesus was willing to serve as our sacrifice. -Invitation