Vis, F. (2011, invited) - University of Leicester

Vis, F., and Thelwall, M., Researching Social Media, Sage methods series
(forthcoming, 2012)
Peer reviewed journal articles
Thelwall, M., Sud, P. and Vis, F. (2011, forthcoming), ‘YouTube video
discussions: A quantitative analysis’, to be sent to Journal of the American
Society for Information Science and Technology.
Mihelj, S., Van Zoonen, L., and Vis, F., (2011, forthcoming), ‘Cosmopolitanism
and the Muslim Ummah On-line: ‘YouTubers’ responding to the anti-Islam film
Fitna’. British Journal of Sociology.
Van Zoonen, L., Mihelj, S. and Vis, F., (2011, in press), ‘YouTube interactions
between agonism, antagonism and dialogue: video responses to the antiIslam film Fitna’, New Media & Society.
Vis, F., van Zoonen, L. and Mihelj, S., (2011), ‘Women responding to the antiIslam film Fitna: voices and acts of citizenship on YouTube’, Feminist Review,
97(1): 110-129.
Van Zoonen, L., Vis, F., and Mihelj, S. (2010), ‘Emerging citizenship on
YouTube: activism, satire and online debate around the anti-Islam video
Fitna’, Critical Discourse Studies, 7(4): 249-262
Toynbee, J. and Vis, F. (2010) ‘World Music at the BBC World Service, 1942
- 2008: Public Diplomacy, Cosmopolitanism, Contradiction’, Media, Culture &
Society, 32 (4): 547-564.
Faulkner, S., Leaver, A., Vis, F., and Williams, K. (2008), ‘Art for art’s sake or
up?’, The European Journal of Communication 23 (3): 295-317.
Book chapters
Vis, F (2011, forthcoming). ‘Innovative Methods for Studying YouTube’ for
edited collection (Linda Woodhead), Innovative Methods in the Study of
Religion: Research in Practice, Oxford University Press.
Vis, F. (2009) ‘Wikinews reporting of Huricane Katrina’, in S. Allan and E.
Thorsen (eds) Citizen Journalism: Global Perspectives. New York: Peter Lang
Vis, F., (2011) Lee Marsden and Heather Savigny (eds) (2009), Media,
Religion and Conflict & Tanja Dreher and Christina Ho (eds) (2009), Beyond
the Hijab Debates: New Conversations on Gender, Race and Religion
(review). European Journal of Communication. UPDATE!!!
Vis, F. (2008) Henry Giroux (2006), Stormy Weather: Katrina and the Politics
of Disposability (review), Media, War and Conflict, 1 (2): 240-241.
Publications in preparation
Peer reviewed journal articles
Vis, F., and Faulkner, S., (2011, in preparation), Digging for Victory! Mobilising
heritage identities: the case of the Gerrard Winstanley festival and the Ashton
Allotment Action Group.
Vis, F., and Manyukhina, Y., (2011, in preparation), Losing the plot, bringing
an end to the good life? Media and policy discourses on allotments and
growing your own.
Vis, F., and Mayukhina, Y., (2011, in preparation), Allotments, the good life
and growing your own: Dominant representations in national UK newspapers,
2001 – 2011.
Vis, F. (2012, invited, in preparation), Tagging Islam online: the fastest
growing religion on YouTube, for special issue of Religion and Culture (edited
by John Zavos).
Vis, F. and Thelwall, M. (2012, in preparation) ‘Overcoming the Challenges
of Digital Video Data: Cross Disciplinary Methods for YouTube. A Critical
Reflection on Methods and devices’, to be sent to Journal of ComputerMediated Communication.
Book chapters
Vis, F. (2011, invited), Tagging Islam online: the fastest growing religion on
YouTube, for edited collection (Linda Woodhead et al), Everyday Islam in
Europe, IB Taurus.
Vis, F. (2011, invited), Online strive: Islam, conflict and gender on YouTube,
Media, Religion and Gender Edited (Editor: Mia Lövheim), volume in to be
published in the Routledge series “Media, Religion & Culture”, editors Stewart
Hoover, Jolyon Mitchell, David Morgan.
Selected Conference presentations
2008 - onwards
Vis, F. (2011), ‘Allotments in the UK: growing back to the future? Open data
stories and interventions’, Open Government Data Camp, Warsaw, Poland,
20-21 October
Vis, F. (2011), ‘Lessons learnt from coordinating a Pre-MA dissertation
module’, BALEAP PIM - How good is the international student experience in
British universities and how can we help to improve it?, 25 June, University of
Mihelj, S., Van Zoonen, L., and Vis, F., (2011), ‘Cosmopolitanism and the
Muslim Ummah On-line: ‘YouTubers’ responding to the anti-Islam film Fitna’,
ICA 2011 (Boston, USA)
Mihelj, S., Van Zoonen, L., and Vis, F., (2011), ‘Fitna, YouTube, and the
Enactment of Citizenship’, IAMCR 2011 (Istanbul, Turkey)
Vis, F. (2011), ‘ and the outbreak narrative: alternative public
understandings of flu pandemics’, MeCCSA Annual Conference, University of
Salford, 12-14 January.
Van Zoonen, L., Hirzalla, F., Vis, F. and Mihelj, S., (2010) ‘Islam on the
popular battlefield: comedy vlogs and their responses’, Contesting Religious
Identities, Amsterdam, 13-15 October.
Vis, F. (2010), ‘Everyday online knowledge practices: alternative public
understandings of flu pandemics’, ECREA 2010: Third European
Communication Conference, Hamburg University, 12-15 October.
Van Zoonen, L., Mihelj, S. and Vis, F. (2010), ‘YouTube activists: contesting
Geert Wilders' Fitna with visual means’, ECREA 2010: Third European
Communication Conference, Hamburg University, 12-15 October.
Vis, F. and Thelwall, M. (2010), ‘Overcoming the challenges of digital video
data: Cross-disciplinary methods for YouTube’, CRESC Conference 2010:
The Social Life of Methods, Oxford, 1-3 September.
Vis, F. (2010), ‘Alternative public understandings of flu pandemics: looking for
data in less obvious places’, CRESC Conference 2010: The Social Life of
Methods, Oxford, 1-3 September.
Vis, F., Thelwall, M., van Zoonen, L. and Mihelj, S. (2010), ‘Challenging
dominant representations of Islam online: innovative methods for studying
YouTube’, Innovative Methods in the Study of Religion Conference, London,
29-30 March.
Vis, F., van Zoonen, L. and Mihelj, S., (2010), ‘Fitna: the video battle.
Analyzing responses to the controversial anti-Islam film on Youtube. Islam
and the Media conference, University of Colorado at Boulder, 7-10 January.
Vis, F., van Zoonen, L. and Mihelj, S., (2009), ‘Weapons of gender: images of
women in and against Fitna’. ECREA Media, Communication and the
Spectacle conference, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 26-27 November.
Vis, F., van Zoonen, L. and Mihelj, S. (2009), 'Women's voices in and around
Fitna'. CRESC Religion, Media and Social Change symposium on Media
Reception, Participation and Power, London, 27 June.
Ananiadou, S., Weissenbacher, D., Rea, B., Pieri, E., Lin, Y., Vis, F., Procter,
R. and Halfpenny, P. (2009), ‘Supporting Frame Analysis using Text Mining’.
The 5th International Conference on e-Social Science, Cologne 24 – 26 June.
Vis, F. (2008), ‘Reporting lawlessness in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina:
did wikinews offer an alternative to the mainstream media?’. LSE Media and
Humanities conference, 22-23 September.
Vis, F. (2008), ‘Framing the visual: an overview and some suggestions’ (part
of organised ‘Framing the visual’ panel), MeCCSA conference, Cardiff
University, 9-11 January.
Prior to 2008
Toynbee, J., Vis, F. (2007), ‘World Music for a World Service?’. International
Broadcasting, Public Diplomacy and Cultural Exchange - A conference to
evaluate 75 years of BBC overseas broadcasting, SOAS, London, 18-19
Vis, F. (2007), ‘Dialogue in the media: how do national and international news
sources shape news of the Israel/Palestine conflict?’, Al Quds University, East
Jerusalem, 14-16 November.
Toynbee, J., Vis, F. (2007), ‘Expatriate Blues? World Music and the BBC
World Service’. Mediations of Cultural Difference: Debating Media and
Diversity (ECREA workshop), University of Leeds, Leeds, 7-8 September.
Vis, F. (2007), ‘Resisting occupation: the Palestinian suicide bomber and the
Western print media’. Media, War and Conflict conference, Marquette
University, Milwaukee, 19-20 April.
Vis, F., (2007) ‘How do national and international sources shape news of the
Palestine/Israel conflict in the Western print media?’. CAMMRO conference,
Kings College, London, 17 February.
Vis, F. (2007), ‘Comparing recent Dutch Media Policy to developments at the
BBC: tackling issues of responsibility and accountability’. Etmaal van de
CommunicatieWetenschap, University of Antwerp, Antwerp 8-9 February.
Vis, F. (2007), ‘Yahoo! News and the two-photo controversy: the depiction of
different groups of victims in the aftermath of the Katrina hurricane’. MeCCSA
with AMPE conference, Coventry University, Coventry, 10-12 January.
Vis, F., (2006) ‘Considering narratives and numbers in relation to current and
future methodologies within my research practice’, CRESC RA/RF Narrative
and Numbers Residential, Stafford, 16-17 November.
Vis, F. (2006), ‘Resisting occupation: the Palestinian suicide bomber and the
Western print media’. Dialogue Under Occupation conference, Northeastern
Illinois University, Chicago, 7-11 November.
Vis, F. (2006), ‘Representing Victims of Natural Disaster. Framing Katrina:
journalistic practices and the two-photo controversy’. CRESC Media Change
and Social Change conference, St Hughs College, The University of Oxford,
Oxford, 6-8 September.
Vis, F. (2006), ‘The media as mnemonic agent in the aftermath of the
assassination of Yitzhak Rabin: A textual analysis of four Western
Memoria/Historia/Amnesia/ conference, University of Leeds, Leeds, 5-8 July.
Vis, F. (2006), ‘Death of the leader: the role of the media in the creation of
liminal space after the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin’. MeCCSA Postgraduate
Network conference, University of Ulster, 22-23 June.
Vis, F. (2006), ‘Perpetrators and Victims in the Palestine-Israel conflict, 19941995’. MeCCSA with AMPE conference, Leeds Metropolitan University,
Leeds. 13-15 January.
Vis, F. (2005), ‘Exploring print media representations of perpetrators and
victims in the Palestine-Israel conflict after Oslo’. Perspectives on conflict: An
Interdisciplinary Postgraduate Conference, University of Salford, Salford, 8-9
Conference abstracts under review
Vis, F., and Faulkner, S., Digging for Victory! Mobilising heritage identities: the
case of the Gerrard Winstanley festival and the Ashton Allotment Action
Group. (submitted for MeCCSA, 2012, University of Bedford)
Vis, F., and Manyukhina, Y., Losing the plot, bringing an end to the good life?
Media and policy discourses on allotments and growing your own. (submitted
for MeCCSA, 2012, University of Bedford)
Invited presentations | discussant | keynotes
Vis, F. (2011), ‘The Future of Allotments in the UK. Growing Manchester: an
open data story’, Manchester City Camp, Manchester 14-15 October.
Vis, F., (2011) ‘Studying users, (hash)tags, comments, networks and links:
reflecting on methodological problems (and finding solutions!)’,
Religionwissenschaft zwischen 0 and 1: Methodische and theoretische
Überlegungen zur Internetforschung, 26-29 September, 2011, University of
Bremen, Germany.
Vis, F., (2011) ‘Tagging Islam online: the fastest growing religion on
YouTube’. Lived Islam in Europe: Forms and Elements of Muslim Religiosity
Workshop September. 14-16 2011, Casa Arabe, Madrid, Spain.
Vis, F., (2011) ‘Tagging Islam online: the fastest growing religion on YouTube.
What does it all mean?’, Media Spaces, Religion Networks and Social
Change, A Transatlantic Collaborative Workshop organized by the Mediating
Religion International Research Network, 28-29 June, 2011, Open University,
Camden Centre London.
Vis, F., (2011), ‘Digging into citizenship: land, waiting lists, broken promises
and creating creative allotment publics. The case of Ashton Allotment Action
in East Manchester’. Creating Publics workshop, organized by the Publics
Research Programme at The Centre for Citizenship, Identities and
Governance at The Open University, with the University of Westminster, 2122 June, University of Westminster, London.
Vis, F., (2011) ‘Exploring daily Islam on Youtube – The role of Methods’,
Everyday Islam seminar (The Center for European Islamic Thought,
Copenhagen University and The AHRC/ESRC Religion and Society
Programme, UK), 3-4 March, Copenhagen, Denmark.
Vis, F., van Zoonen, L. and Mihelj, S., and Thelwall, M. (2010), ‘Fitna: the
video battle: an overview of reactions on YouTube’, invited presentation for
MOI studiedag, Amsterdam, 10 December 2010.
Vis, F., van Zoonen, L. and Mihelj, S., (2010), ‘Fitna: the video battle. An
Overview’. Faith X Change symposium, Leeds University, 2 July.
Vis, F., van Zoonen, L. and Mihelj, S., (2010), ‘Innovating methods across
disciplines: studying religion on YouTube’. Social Media and the Sacred
conference, (Mediating Religion International Research Network’s Annual
Conference), London, 28-28 June.
Vis, F. (2010), ‘Fitna: the video battle. Outreach, impact and creative
dissemination’, invited presentation for Connection Factory on the Public
Engagement for Arts and Humanities Researchers workshop, Westminster
University, 29 April.
Vis, F., (2010), ‘Contested images of the Israel/Palestine conflict in the
international media’, The Winning Image conference, Shenkar College, Ramat
Gan, Israel, 7 March. Invited plenary presentation.
Invited discussant at MEDIA, ISLAM AND MODERNITY: Challenges to the
Nordic Context, organized by The Nordic Network for the Mediatization of
Religion and Culture, Sigunta, Sweden 26-28 October 2009.
Invited participant at the ‘Visualizing Visual Cultural Studies at BZU’ workshop
at Bir Zeit University, Ramallah, Palestine, 28 February 2009.
Invited discussant at ‘Mediapolis’ workshop, Open University, Milton Keynes,
10-11 June 2008.
Vis, F. (2008), ‘Active citizens online: deliberation in the aftermath of
Hurricane Katrina’, invited presentation for Liverpool University’s Political
Communication seminar, 16 April.
Vis, F. (2007), ‘Doing early career research in Media, Communication and
Cultural Studies: some tips for survival’. Invited keynote at the MeCCSA
postgraduate conference, UWE, Bristol, 12-13 July.
Vis, F. (2006), ‘Researching media representations of conflict and disaster’.
Invited talk for the Researching Arab Media, Culture and Society: Confronting
Methodological Challenges symposium, Westminster University, London, 9
Invited guest lecturer at Manchester University ‘Steps Ahead’ widening
participation Summer School for year 10 and 11 pupils, Lecture: ‘Introduction
to Media studies’, July 2006.