
Compare/Contrast Paragraph
Both Ray Bradbury and Michael Crichton describe a Tyrannosaurus Rex in their writing. Which description is
more effective? Compare and contrast the descriptions in order to support your answer.
State which author’s description is more effective. Compare and contrast details from the two texts in order to
support your opinion. Explain how or why each point of comparison or contrast supports your argument.
Elements of an Effective Compare/Contrast Paragraph
Topic sentence should:
 introduce the subjects being compared
 tell the reason for the comparison
Supporting details should:
 use textual evidence that shows or supports your topic sentence
 show similarities or differences between the subject
 explain how comparisons or contrasts support your topic sentence
Concluding sentence should:
 summarize the comparison or contrast
 reiterate the conclusion the writer draws based on the comparison and contrast.
A successful compare-contrast paragraph should:
introduce the subjects being compared
state a clear purpose for the comparison
include transitional words and phrases to make similarities and differences clear
follow a clear organizational pattern
include both similarities and differences and support them with specific examples and details
summarize the comparison and give new understanding in the concluding sentence
General Outline for single or body paragraph
Topic Sentence
Transition + Statement 1 – general statement that sets up or introduces specific textual evidence
Example 1 – a specific piece of textual evidence that demonstrates or supports your topic sentence
Explanation 1 – tells how or why your examples support the topic sentence
Transition + Statement 2 – general statement that sets up or introduces specific textual evidence
Example 2 – a specific piece of textual evidence that demonstrates or supports your topic sentence
Explanation 2 – tells how or why your examples support the topic sentence
Transition + Statement 3 – general statement that sets up or introduces specific textual evidence
Example 3 – a specific piece of textual evidence that demonstrates or supports your topic sentence
Explanation 3 – tells how or why your examples support the topic sentence
Transition + Concluding Sentence
Directions: Use the sentence outline below to develop your essay. You should write no more than one
sentence per section.
Topic Sentence: (Tell which author’s description is better and give a brief reason why.)
Transition + Statement #1: (Introduce first piece of textual evidence. Set up a point of comparison)
Example #1: (Give textual evidence to show similarities or differences between the descriptions.)
Explanation #1: (Explain how or why one author’s description is better. Connect back to topic sentence.)
Transition + Statement #2: (Introduce second piece of textual evidence. Set up a point of comparison)
Example # 2: (Give textual evidence to show differences between the descriptions.)
Explanation #2: (Explain how or why one author’s description is better. Connect back to topic sentence.)
Transition + Statement #3: (Introduce third piece of textual evidence. Set up a point of comparison)
Example #3: (Give textual evidence to show differences between the descriptions.)
Explanation #3: (Explain how or why one author’s description is better. Connect back to topic sentence.)
Transition + Concluding sentence (reiterate main idea in FRESH WORDS)
Quality of Writing
”A Sound of Thunder” and Jurassic Park: Compare/contrast Paragraph
Focus –
Topic sentence directly responds to the prompt
Supporting details relate back to the main idea
Concluding sentence restates main idea
Content –
Statements effectively set-up each piece of textual evidence
Examples provide at least three pieces of accurate textual evidence
Each example is followed up with an explanation of how or why
the textual evidence supports the main idea
Organization – Transition are used between each set of supporting details
Transitions are used before the concluding sentence
Logical arrangement of details
Conventions –
√ Complete sentences (no fragments or run-ons)
√ Spelling (do not just rely on spell check!!!)
√ Punctuation
√ Maintain present verb tense
√ Capitalization
√ Maintain third person
√ Correct comma usage with prepositional phrases and conjunctions
√ MLA Heading
√ Double spaced
√ Title
Total Quality of Writing Score
Writing Process
Draft 3 with evidence of proofreading
Draft 2 with evidence of edits and editing page in packet
Rough Draft with revisions and revision page in packet
Topic Sentence Page
Total Writing Process Score