ONE DIMENESIONAL WAVE EQUATIONS M.Sc. Graduate Seminar Gemeda Tolessa November, 2012 Haramaya University ONE DIMENESIONAL WAVE EQUATIONS A Graduate Seminar Submitted to the Department of Mathematics, School of Graduate Studies HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY In partial Fulfillment of the Requirement for the Degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN MATHEMTICS (DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS) By Gemeda Tolessa Advisor Tsegaye Gedif (PhD) November, 2012 Haramaya University ii SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES HARAMAYA UNIVERSITY As member of the Examination Board of the Final M.Sc. Open Defense, we certify that we have read and evaluated this Graduate Seminar prepared by Gemeda Tolessa Entitled: OneDimensional Wave Equations and recommended that it be accepted as fulfilling the Graduate Seminar requirements for the Degree of Master of Science in Mathematics. ___________________ Name of Chair person ___________________ _______________ Signature ________________ Name of External Examiner Signature __________________ ________________ Name of Internal Examiner _________________ Date ________________ Date _________________ Signature Date Final approval and acceptance of the Graduate Seminar is contingent upon the submission of the final copy of the Graduate Seminar to the Council of Graduate Studies (CGS) through the Department Graduate Committee (DGC) of the candidate’s department. I hereby certify that I have read this Graduate Seminar prepared under my direction and recommend that it be accepted as fulfilling the Graduate Seminar requirement. Tsegaye Gedif (Ph.D.) Name of Advisor _______________ Signature ii _________ Date PREFACE The objective of this seminar is to discuss the basic solution techniques associated with the one Dimensional Wave Equations. It insights the general concepts of One Dimensional Wave Equations. This seminar deals with a wave equation in one dimensional with methods of solutions namely method of separation and d’Alembert’s method which may be successfully applied to solve different types of partial differential equations. The one-dimensional wave equations can be exactly solved by d'Alembert's solution and separation of variables. Here, on this seminar paper considerable attention is given to the techniques of separation of variables and d'Alembert's solution. However, additional methods such as Laplace transforms, Fourier transforms and integral representations are also possible. i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Different people have assisted me in various ways while doing this seminar paper. First and foremost I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor Dr. Tsegaye Gedif for his unreserved guidance and immediate feedback. He critically read my draft and gave me critical comments and constructive suggestions. His comments are insightful. My special indebtedness goes to my wife, Aberash Gunja and her sympathy, love, morale, and hospitality they provided me during the study of the whole courses. ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BC : Boundary Conditions BVP: Boundary Value Problem NBC: Neumann Boundary Condition CW: Cauchy Problem IC : Initial Conditions ICW: Inhomogeneous Cauchy Problem IVP: Initial Value Problem ODE :Ordinary Differential Equation PDE : Partial Differential Equation MDW: Mixed Cauchy Problem π1 : Continuously Differentiable π 2 : Continuously Differentiable twice iii TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE I ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS II LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS III 1. 1 INTRODUCTION 1 1.2 Preliminary Concepts 1.2.1 Classification of partial differential equations 1.2.2 The canonical forms of second order partial differential equations 1.2.3 Reduction partial differential equation into a canonical form 1.2.4 Method and Techniques for solving Partial differential equations 2 2 4 4 6 ONE DIMENSIONAL HOMOGENEOUS WAVE EQUATIONS 9 2.1 Derivation of One Dimensional Wave equations 9 2.2 General Solution of wave equations 11 2.3 Initial Value Condition: Cauchy Problem 2.3.1 Domain of Dependence 2.3.2 Domain of Influence 2.3.3 Well-posedness 14 16 17 18 2.4 Separation of Variable 19 2.5 The Wave Equation on the Half line: Reflection Method 21 2.6 23 Mixed Problems for the Wave Equations ONE - DIMENSIONAL NON-HOMOGENEOUS WAVE EQUATIONS 26 3.1. Initial Condition: Cauchy problem for the Non-homogeneous wave equation 26 3.2. D’Alembert’s Solution for Non-homogeneous Wave Equations 26 3.3 SUMMARY 31 REFERENCES 32 iv CHAPTER ONE 1. 1 Introduction Investigations in the theory of wave propagation lead quite naturally to the consideration of a linear, hyperbolic partial differential equation the wave equation. In 1727, John Bernoulli (16671748) treated the vibrating string problems by imagining the string to be a thread having a number of equally placed weight along it. However, because his governing equation was time independent. It was not truly partial differential equation. The French Mathematician Jean Le Rond Almebrt (1717-1783) derived the One Dimensional Wave equations as we know it today by letting the number of weight in the Bernoulli ‘s model become infinite while at the same time allowing the place between them to go to zero . His famous solution widely known as d’ Almbert solution, appeared around 1746, six years before the separation of variable technique was introduced by Daniel Bernoulli (1700-1782), Leonard Euler (1707-1783), Bernoulli and Josef Lous Lagrange (1736-1813) all solved the wave equations in the mid 1700’s by Method of separation of variables . Wave equations are examples of hyperbolic partial differential equations. In its simplest form, the wave equation concerns a time variable t, one spatial variables π₯ and a scalar function π’(π₯, π‘)whose values could model the height of a wave. The one dimensional wave equation has form π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = 0 where π₯ is the (spatial) and c is a fixed constant. Solutions of this equation that are initially zero outside some restricted region propagate out from the region at a fixed speed in one spatial direction, as do physical waves from a localized disturbance; the constant c is identified with the propagation speed of the wave. This equation is linear, as the sum of any two solutions is again a solution: in physics this property is called the superposition principle. 1 1.2 Preliminary Concepts This chapter introduces basic concepts and definitions for partial differential equations (PDE) and solutions to a variety of PDEs. Applications of the method of separation of variables a represented for the solution of second-order PDEs. Definition1.1: A partial differential equation (PDE) is an equation that1has an unknown function depending on at least two variables, contains some partial derivatives of the unknown function. Equations involving one or more partial derivatives of a function of two or more independent variables are called partial differential equations (PDEs).Well known examples of PDEs are following. Notations: i) π‘, π₯, π¦, π§ ( ππ π. π. π, π, ∅) ) – the independent variables (here, t represents time while the other variables are space coordinates), ii) π’ = π’(π‘, π₯, , , , ) - the independent variables (the unknown function), iii) the partial derivatives will be denoted as follows (e.g.) ππ’ ππ’ π2 π’ π’π₯ = ππ₯ , π’π₯π¦ = ππ¦ππ₯, π’π₯π₯ = ππ₯ 2 , etc. is used 1.2.1 Classification of partial differential equations The partial differential equations may be classified by the number of their independent variables, that is, the number of variables that the unknown function depends on. Definition 1.2: A PDE is linear if the dependent variable and all its derivatives appear in a linear form. Example 1.1: PDE in two variables: π’π‘ = π’π₯π₯ , (π’ = π’(π‘, π₯)) 1 1 PDE in three variables: π’π‘ = π’ππ + π π’π + π 2 π’ππ , π’(π’ = π’(π‘, π, π)) PDE in four variables: π’π‘ = π’π₯π₯ + π’π¦π§ , (π’ = π’(π‘, π₯, π¦, π§)) 2 Definition 1.3: The order of a partial differential equation is the order of the highest partial derivative in the equation. Example 1.2: First order: π’π‘ = π’π₯ , Second order: π’π‘ = π’π₯π₯ , π’π₯π¦ = 0 Third order: π’π‘ + π’π’π₯π₯π₯ = sin(π₯), Fourth order: π’π₯π₯π₯ = π’π‘π‘ A second –partial differential linear PDE into variables can be written in the following general form: π΄π’π₯π₯ + π΅π’π₯π¦ + πΆπ’π¦π¦ + π·π’π₯ + πΈπ’π¦ + πΉπ’ = πΊ Where A, B, C, D, E, and F are coefficients, and G is non-homogeneous term. All quantities are constants or functions of x and y. The second –order linear is either Hyperbolic: if π΅ 2 − 4π΄πΆ > 0 e.g., heat flow and diffusion-type problems. Parabolic: if π΅ 2 − 4π΄πΆ = 0 e.g. vibrating systems and wave motion problems. Elliptic: if π΅ 2 − 4π΄πΆ < 0 ., steady-state, potential-type problems Example 1.3: ππππ + πππ > 0 πππ π¦ < 0 (βπ¦ππππππππ) = π → π΅ − 4π΄πΆ = −4π¦ { = 0 πππ π¦ = 0 (πππππππππ) < 0 πππ π¦ > 0 (ππππππ‘ππ) 2 Definition 1.4: A second-order PDE in two variables (x and t) is linear and homogeneous if it can be written in the following form π΄π’π₯π‘ + π΅π’π₯π‘ + πΆπ’π‘π‘ + π·π’π₯ + πΈπ’π‘ + πΉπ’ = 0 where the coefficients A, B, C, D, E, and F do not depend on the dependent variable π’ = π’(π₯, π‘) any of its derivatives though can be functions of independent variables (π₯, π‘). 3 1.2.2 The canonical forms of second order partial differential equations Any second-order linear PDE (in two variables) π΄π’π₯π₯ + π΅π’π₯π¦ + πΆπ’π¦π¦ + π·π’π₯ + πΈπ’π¦ + πΉπ’ = πΊ (where A, B, C, D, E, F, and G are constants or functions of x and y)can be transformed into the so-called canonical form. This can be achieved by introducing new coordinates π = π(π₯, π¦) , π = π(π₯, π¦) (in place of x and y) that simplify the equation to its canonical form. For the hyperbolic PDE (i.e. if π΅ 2 − 4π΄πΆ > 0) ,there are two possibilities πππ − ππΌπΌ = π(π, πΌ, π, ππ , ππΌ ) , or π’ππ = π(π, π, π’, π’π , π’π ) For the parabolic PDE (i.e. if π΅ 2 − 4π΄πΆ = 0) πππ = π(π, πΌ, π, ππ , ππΌ ) For the elliptic PDE (i.e. if π΅ 2 − 4π΄πΆ < 0) πππ + ππΌπΌ = π(π, πΌ, π, ππ , ππΌ ) 1.2.3 Reduction partial differential equation into a canonical form Introduce the new coordinates π = π(π₯, π¦) and π = π(π₯, π¦) π’π₯ = π’π ππ₯ + π’π ππ₯ , π’π¦ = π’π ππ¦ + π’π ππ¦ π’π₯π₯ = π’ππ π 2 π₯ + 2π’ππ ππ₯ ππ₯π₯ + π’ππ π2 π₯ + π’π π’π₯π₯ + π’π π’π₯π₯ , π’π¦π¦ = π’ππ π 2 π¦ + 2π’ππ ππ¦ ππ¦π¦ + π’ππ π2 π¦ + π’π π’π¦π¦ + π’π π’π¦π¦ , π’π₯π¦ = π’ππ ππ₯ ππ¦ + π’ππ (ππ₯ ππ¦ + ππ¦ ππ₯ ) + π’ππ ππ₯ ππ¦ + π’π ππ₯π¦ + π’π ππ₯π¦ . Substituting these values into the original equation to obtain a new form 4 Μ π’π + πΈΜ π’π + πΉπ’ = πΊ π΄Μπ’ππ + π΅Μ π’ππ + πΆΜ π’ππ + π· Where the new coefficient are as follows: π΄Μ = π΄ππ₯ 2 + π΅ππ₯ ππ¦ + πΆππ¦ 2 , π΅Μ = 2π΄ππ₯ ππ₯ + π΅(ππ₯ ππ¦ + ππ¦ ππ₯ ) + 2πΆππ¦ ππ¦ Μ = π΄ππ₯π₯ + π΅ππ₯π¦ + πΆππ¦π¦ + π·ππ₯ + πΈππ¦, πΆΜ = π΄ππ₯ 2 + π΅ππ₯ ππ¦ + πΆππ¦ 2 , π· πΈΜ = π΄ππ₯π₯ + π΅ππ₯π¦ + πΆππ¦π¦ + π·ππ₯ + πΈππ¦, π = π(π₯, π¦) , π = π(π₯, π¦). Introducing the new coordinates Μ π’π + πΈΜ π’π + πΉπ’ = πΊ π΄Μπ’ππ + π΅Μ π’ππ + πΆΜ π’ππ + π· To find the coefficients π΄Μ, π΅Μ, πΆΜ , and solve for π and π. Using the new coordinate for the coefficients and homogenous part (to replace π₯ = π₯(π, π) and π¦ = π₯(π, π)) in the new canonical form For the hyperbolic equation the canonical form π’ππ = π(π, π, π’, π’π , π’π ) is achieved by setting π΄Μ,= π΅Μ = πΆΜ =0 , π΄Μ = π΄ππ₯ 2 + π΅ππ₯ ππ¦ + πΆ = 0 , ΜπΆ = π΄ππ₯ 2 + π΅ππ₯ ππ¦ + πΆππ¦ 2 , This can be written as π 2 π π¦ ππ₯ ππ¦ π¦ and ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ¦ = −π΅+√π΅2 −4π΄πΆ 2π΄ , ππ₯ ππ¦ = 5 π¦ , we find the so called characteristic equations: ππ₯ π π΄ (ππ₯ ) + π΅ (ππ₯ ) + πΆ = 0, π¦ Solving these two quadratic equations for 2 π π΄ (ππ₯ ) + π΅ (ππ₯ ) + πΆ = 0, −π΅−√π΅2 −4π΄πΆ 2π΄ The new coordinates equated to constant values define the parametric lines of the new coordinates .That means that the total derivative s are zero, i.e., π(π₯, π¦) = ππππ π‘πππ‘ → ππ = ππ₯ ππ₯ + ππ¦ ππ¦ = 0 → π(π₯, π¦) = ππππ π‘πππ‘ → ππ = ππ₯ ππ₯ + ππ¦ ππ¦ = 0 → ππ¦ ππ₯ ππ¦ ππ₯ π , = − ππ₯ π¦ π , = − ππ₯ π¦ and can be easily integrated to find the implicit solution , π(π₯, π¦) = ππππ π‘. and π(π₯, π¦) = ππππ π‘. that is, the new coordinates ensuring the simple canonical form of the PDE. 1.2.4 Method and Techniques for solving Partial differential equations In developing a solution to a partial differential equation by separation of variables, one assume that it is possible to separate the contributions of the independent variables into separate functions that each involve only one independent variable. For example, consider the dependent variable u that depends on independent variables t and x as specified in the following partial differential equation and restricting conditions (i.e., one initial and two boundary conditions) ππ’ ππ‘ 2 = π2 π’ π‘ > 0 πππ 0 < π₯ < πΏ ππ‘ 2 π’(π₯, 0) = 0 I.C B.C.1: B.C.2: ππ’ ππ‘ ππ‘ π‘ = 0 for (π, π‘) = 0 (.1.1) 0<π₯<πΏ ππ‘ π₯ = 0 for π‘ > 0 π’(π, π‘) = 0 ππ‘ π₯ = πΏ for π‘ > 0 To solve this problem by applying separation of variables we have assume that: π’(π₯, π‘) = π(π₯)π(π‘) (1.2) Differentiating (1.2) twice with respect to x and t and substiituting in the equation (1.1) we obatian: π(π₯)πΜ(π‘) = πΜ(π₯)π(π‘), 6 Or πΜ (π‘) πΜ (π₯) π 2 π(π‘) = π(π₯) , thus the equality is one of the functions of different variables,so both πΜ (π‘) quotients have to be constant.Say π(π‘) πΜ (π₯) 2 = π(π₯) = ο¬ ,then we can solve each ordinarydifferential 2 2 equation separatly.We have the followwing three cases: − ο¬ , ο¬ , πππ ο¬ ο½ 0 . Case 1. When the constant is , − ο¬ ,then the solution for 2 πΜ (π₯) π(π₯) = − ο¬ , πππ: 2 π(π₯) = π1 π ππ(ππ₯) + π2 πππ (ππ₯)πππ π‘βπ π πππ’π‘πππ πππ πΜ(π‘) = −π2 , πππ: π(π‘) π(π‘) = π1 π ππ(ππ‘) + π2 πππ (ππ‘).Then Then , π’(π₯, π‘) = (π1 π ππ(ππ‘) + π2 πππ (ππ‘))(π1 π ππ(ππ₯) + π2 πππ (ππ₯)). Case 2. When the constant is π2 ,then the solution for πΜ(π₯) π(π₯) = ο¬ 2 , πππ: π(π₯) = π1 π ππ₯ + π2 π −ππ₯ πππ π‘βπ π πππ’π‘ππππππ πΜ(π‘) = π2 , πππ: π(π‘) π(π‘) = π1 π ππ‘ + π2 π −ππ‘ .Thenπ’(π₯, π‘) = (π1 π ππ‘ + π2 π −ππ‘ )(π1 π ππ₯ + π2 π −ππ₯ ) Case 3.When the constant is 0,thenthe equations becomeπ₯Μ (π₯) = πΜ(π‘) = 0, and π(π₯) = π1 π₯ + π2 ,and π(π‘) = π1 π‘ + π2 . Then, π’(π₯, π‘) = (π1 π‘ + π2 )(π1 π₯ + π2 ) Definition 1.9 A functionπ(π‘) is piecewise continuous on an interval[π, π] if the interval can be partitioned by a finite number of points π = π‘0 < π‘ < π‘1 < π‘π = π so that a. π(π‘) is continuous on each subinterval(π‘π−1 , π‘π ) b. π(π‘) approaches a finite limit as the endpoints of each subinterval are approached from both side within the interval. Here is the graph of piecewise continuous function π‘ πππ. 1.1 7 ` Here is example of a piecewise continuous functions: π₯ + 4 ,π₯ ≥ 0 π(π₯)={π₯ 2 , 0 < π₯ < 5 7, π₯≥5 In other words, a piecewise continuous function is a function that has a finite number of breaks in it and doesn’t blow up to infinity anywhere. Definition 1.10: A function is f(x) is "even" when: f(x) = f(-x) for all x In other words there is symmetry about the y-axis Fig 1.2 Definition 1.11 A function f(x) is "odd" when: f(-x) = -f(-x) for all x And we get origin symmetry Fig 1.3 8 CHAPTER TWO One Dimensional Homogeneous Wave equations 2.1 Derivation of One Dimensional Wave equations When deriving a differential equation corresponding to a given physical problems, we usually have to make simplified assumptions to ensure that the resulting equation does not become too complicated. We know these important facts from the ordinary and partial differential equations. To derive one – dimensional wave equations, we assume the following assumptions. Consider a flexible string of length πΏ tightly stretched between two points π₯ = 0 and π₯ = πΏ on the π₯–axis, with its ends. To determine its deflections (displacement from π₯–axis) at any point π₯ and at any time π‘, let us take the following assumptions: 1. The string is uniform. ( i.e. its mass per length is constant) 2. The string is perfectly elastic and so offers no resistance to any bending. 3. The tension is too large that the action of gravitational force on the string is negligible. 4. The motion of the string is a small transverse in a vertical.( i.e. each particle of the string moves strictly in vertical plane) 5. No other forces acting on the string. Under this assumptions we may expect the solution π’(π₯, π‘) of the differential equation to be obtained and will reasonably well describe small vibration of the physical ‘’ no idealized ‘’ string of small homogenous under a large tension. To obtain the differential equation we consider the force acting on small portion of the string (Fig.2.1). Since the string does not offer resisting to bending, tension is tangential to the curve of the string at each point. Let π1 and π2 be the tensions at the points π and π of the portions. 9 Since there is no motion in the horizontal direction, the horizontal component of the tension must be constant. π’(π₯, π‘) Q πΌ π½ π2 p π1 πΉππ. 2.1 0 π₯ βπ₯ πΏ Using the notations in fig 2.1, we obtain π1 πππ πΌ = π2 πππ π½ = π = ππππ π‘πππ‘ (2.1) By Newton’s second law of motion, the resultant of these two forces is equal the mass πβπ₯ of the portion times the acceleration(π = π2 π’ ππ‘ 2 ),evaluated at some point between π₯ and π₯ + βπ₯; here π is the mass of undeflected string per length, βπ₯ is the length of the portion the undeleted string. Hence π2 π’ π1 π πππΌ − π2 π πππ½ = πβπ₯ ππ‘ 2 (2.2) Using equation (2.1) we can divide this by π1 πππ πΌ = π2 πππ π½ = π , obtaining π1 π πππΌ π1πΆπππΌ π2 π’ π π πππ½ − π2πππ π½ = π‘πππΌ − π‘πππ½ = πβπ₯ ππ‘ 2 (2.3) 2 Now, π‘πππΌ and π‘πππ½ are slope of the string at π₯and π₯ + βπ₯ respectively. ππ’ ππ’ π‘πππΌ = (ππ₯ ) , π‘πππ½ = (ππ₯ ) π₯ π₯+βπ₯ Here, we have to write partial derivatives because π’ also depends on π‘ . Dividing equation (2.3) byβπ₯ , thus we have 1 ππ’ ππ’ π π 2π’ [( ) − ( ) ]= βπ₯ ππ₯ π₯ ππ₯ π₯+βπ₯ π ππ‘ 2 10 π 2π’ π π 2π’ = ππ₯ 2 π ππ‘ 2 π 2π’ π π 2π’ = ππ‘ 2 π ππ₯ 2 If we let βπ₯ approaches to zero, we obtain the linear partial differential equation. π 2π’ π 2π’ 2 =π , ππ‘ 2 ππ₯ 2 π€βπππ π 2 = π , π π ππ πππππ π‘βπ π‘πππ πππ πππ ρ π‘βπ ππππππ ππππ ππ‘π¦, π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = 0 (2.4) This is the so called One Dimensional Wave Equation, which governs our problems we see that it is homogenous and of the second order. The notation π 2 (in stead of π) for the physical constant π π has been chosen to indicate that this constant is positive. “One Dimensional’’ indicates that the equation involves only one space variable π₯. 2.2 General Solution of wave equations The partial differential equation π2 π’ ππ‘ 2 π2 π’ = π 2 ππ₯ 2 (2.5) Definition 2.1. The solutions of (2.5) are called the two families of characteristics of the equation. The equation (2.5) can be written as ( π π π π π π −π )( + π )π’ = 0 ππ‘ ππ₯ ππ‘ ππ₯ π π (ππ‘ + π ππ₯) = 0or (ππ‘ − π ππ₯) = 0 11 (2.6) The integrals are straight lines π₯ + ππ‘ = π1, π₯ − ππ‘ = π2 Introducing the characteristic coordinates π₯ + ππ‘ = π ,π₯ − ππ‘ = π ππ’ ππ’ ππ ππ’ ππ ππ’ ππ’ ππ’ ππ’ (1) + (1) = = + = + ππ₯ ππ ∂x ππ ∂x ππ ππ ππ ππ ππ’ ππ’ ππ ππ’ ππ ππ’ ππ’ ππ’ ππ’ ππ’ ππ’ = + = (1) + (1) = (π) + (−π) = π ( − ) ππ‘ ππ ∂t ππ ∂t ππ ππ ππ ππ ππ ππ οΆ 2u οΆ 2u οΆ 2u οΆ 2u ο½ ο«2 ο« οΆx 2 οΆο₯ 2 οΆndο₯ οΆn 2 (2.7) 2 οΆ 2u οΆ 2u οΆ 2u οΆ 2ο¦ οΆ u ο§ ο½c ο§ 2 ο2 ο« 2 ο·ο· οΆt 2 οΆ οΈ οΆ nd οΈ οΆn οΈ ο¨ ο¨2.8ο© Substituting in eq. (2.5) ο¦ οΆ 2u ο¦ οΆ 2u οΆ 2u οΆ 2u οΆ οΆ 2u οΆ 2u οΆ ο· c 2 ο§ο§ 2 ο 2 ο« 2 ο·ο· ο½ c 2 ο§ο§ 2 ο« 2 ο« οΆndοΈ οΆn οΈ οΆndοΈ οΆn 2 ο·οΈ ο¨ οΆοΈ ο¨ οΆοΈ οΆ 2u 4c ο½0 οΆο¨οΆοΈ οΆ 2u ο½ 0, c οΉ 0 οΆο¨οΆοΈ 2 ( 2.9) (2.9) is called the canonical form of one dimensional wave equation Integrating (2.9) with respect to π π ππ’ ∫ ππ ( ππ ) ππ=∫ 0ππ οΆu ο½ g (οΈ ) οΆοΈ where g is a function 12 Further integrating with respect to π u ο½ ο² g (οΈ )dοΈ ο« c(ο¨ ) Relabeling in more conventional notation gives u (οΈ ,ο¨ ) ο½ F (οΈ ) ο« G (ο¨ ) where πΉ is an arbitrary function and πΊ(π) = ∫ π(π)π π. Hence the general solution of (2.5) has the form π’(π₯, π‘) = πΉ(π₯ + ππ‘) + πΊ(π₯ − ππ‘) (2.10) The function πΉ(π₯ + ππ‘)is a wave traveling to the left with the same speed, and it is called a backward wave. Indeed c can be called the wave speed. Equation (2.10) demonstrates that any solution of the wave equation is the sum of two such traveling waves. This observation will enable us to obtain graphical representations of the solutions (the graphical method) Let us further discuss the general solution (2.12) Consider the (x, t) plane. The following two families of lines are called the characteristics of the wave equation. For the wave equation, the 1 characteristics are straight lines in the (π₯, π‘)plane with slopes ± π . t x ο ct ο½ ο¨ x ο« ct ο½ οΈ t ο¨ οΈ x πππ2.2 13 x 2.3 Initial Value Condition: Cauchy Problem The approach to the solution of PDE (One dimensional wave equations) has some similarity to the case of an ODE. That is, after we solve for the general solution of the PDE itself, we apply the prescribed auxiliary conditions in order to find the particular solution. Specifically, after the general solution is found in terms of the arbitrary functions F and G , we proceed to find the particular solution by finding the specific form of the arbitrary functions F and G that also satisfy the prescribed auxiliary conditions. Definition 2.2 Finding those solutions that satisfy the initial conditions (initial data) is called the Cauchy problem. To describe the motion of the string completely it is necessary also to specify suitable initial and boundary conditions for the displacement of π’(π₯, π‘). The ends are assumed to be fixed, and therefore the boundary conditions are: π’(π₯, 0) = 0, (2.11) π’(πΏ, π‘) = 0, π‘ ≥ 0 (2.12) Since the differential equation (2.1) is of the second order with respect to π‘ , it is plausible to prescribe two initial conditions . π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯), 0 ≤ π₯ ≤ πΏ (2.13) The Cauchy initial value problem for the wave equation is to find a πΆ 2 solution of π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = 0 π’(π₯, 0) = πΌ(π₯), π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = π½(π₯) πΌ, π½ ∈ πΆ 2 (−∞, ∞)are given THEOREM 2.1 There exists a unique solution of the Cauchy initial value problem and this solution is given by d’Alembert’s formula 1 1 π₯+ππ‘ π’(π₯, π‘) = 2 [πΌ(π₯ − ππ‘) + πΌ(π₯ + ππ‘)] + 2π ∫π₯−ππ‘ π½(π )ππ where πΌ(π₯) ∈ πΆ 2 , π½(π₯) ∈ πΆ 1 π’(π₯, 0) = πΌ(π₯) π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = π½(π₯) 14 (2.14) Proof. Assume there is a solution π’(π₯, π‘)of the Cauchy initial value problem, then it follows from (2.14) that π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯) + π(π₯) = πΌ(π₯) (2.15) π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = ππ ′ (π₯) − ππ′ (π₯) = π½(π₯) (2.16) From (2.15 ) we obtain π ′ (π₯) + π′ (π₯) = πΌ ′ (π₯). Which implies, together with (2.16 ) ππΌ′ (π₯)+π½(π₯) π π ′ (π₯) = 2 ππΌ′ (π₯)−π½(π₯) π π′ (π₯) = 2 Then π(π₯) = πΌ(π₯) 1 π₯ + ∫ π½(π ) ππ + πΆ1 2 2π 0 π(π₯) = πΌ(π₯) 1 π₯ − ∫ π½(π ) ππ + πΆ2. 2 2π 0 The constants πΆ1 ,πΆ2 satisfy πΆ1 + πΆ2 = π(π₯) + π(π₯) − πΌ(π₯) = 0, π’(π₯, π‘) = 1 1 π₯+ππ‘ [πΌ(π₯ − ππ‘) + πΌ(π₯ + ππ‘)] + ∫ π½(π ) ππ 2 2π π₯−ππ‘ This completes the proof. Thus each solution of the Cauchy initial value problem is given by d’Alembert’s formula. On the other hand, the function π’(π₯, π‘) defined by the right hand side of (2.14) is a solution of the initial value problem. Example 2.1 Solve the following Cauchy Problem π’π‘π‘ − π’π₯π₯ = 0, (π₯, π‘)πβ × (0, π‘) π’(π₯, 0) = πππ π₯ π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = π₯ Solution: By (2.14) Putting π = 1 and πΌ(π₯) = πππ π₯ πππ (π₯ + π‘) + πππ (π₯ − π‘) 1 π₯+π‘ π’(π₯, π‘) = + ∫ π₯ππ 2 2 π₯−π‘ = πππ π₯πππ π‘ + π₯π‘ 15 Remark. πππ (π΄ + π΅) = πππ π΄πππ π΅ − π πππ΄π πππ΅ Example: 2.2 Let u ( x, t ) be a solution of the wave equation u tt ο c 2 u xx ο½ 0 , This is defined in the whole plane. Assume that u is constant x ο½ 2 ο« ct. Prove that u t ο« u x ο½ 0 . Proof. The solution u ( x, t ) has the form Since uο¨2 ο« ct , t ο© ο½ constant, it follows that f (2 ο« 2ct ) ο« g (2) =constant Set s ο½ 2 ο« 2ct , we have f (s ) =constant. Consequently u ( x, t ) ο½ g ( x ο ct ) Computing now the expression u t ο« cu x , we obtain u t ο« cu x = cf ' ο¨x ο« ct ο© ο cg ' ο¨x ο ct ο© ο½ 0 Example: 2.3 Find the solution uο¨x, t ο© of the Cauchy problem u xx ο« utt ο½ 0 u ο¨x,0ο© ο½ x 2 , u t ο¨ x,0 ο© ο½ 4 x 2 . Solution: Since f ( x) ο½ x 2 , g ( x) ο½ 4 x 2 , the D’Almebert formula yields u ο¨ x, t ο© ο½ ο¨x ο« t ο©2 ο« ο¨x ο t ο©2 ο« ο¨x ο« t ο©4 ο ο¨x ο t ο©4 2 2.3.1 Domain of Dependence Definition 2.4 The value of u at any point (x0,t0) depends only on the initial data f and g (t=0) in a certain interval called the domain of dependence of u at (x0,t0) , which is given by [x0-ct0, x0+ct0].The value π’ at (π₯0 , π‘0 )is determined by the restriction of initial functions π and πin the interval [π₯0 − ππ‘0 , π₯0 + ππ‘0 ]on the π₯ −axis, whose end points are cut out by the characteristics: π₯ − π₯0 = ±(π‘ − π‘0 ), 16 through the point(π₯0, π‘0 ). The characteristic triangle β(π₯0 , π‘0 )is defined as the triangle ℜ × ℜ+ in with vertices πΏ(π₯0 − ππ‘0 , 0),π΅(π₯0 + ππ‘0 , 0) , π (π₯0 , π‘0 ) For every (π₯1 , π‘1 ) ∈ β(π₯0, π‘0 ) [π₯1 − ππ‘1 , π₯1 + ππ‘1 ] c [π₯0 − ππ‘0 , π₯0 + ππ‘0 ], β(π₯1, π‘1 ) c β(π₯0, π‘0 ) and (π₯1 , π‘1 ) is determined by the values π and π on [π₯1 − ππ‘1 , π₯1 + ππ‘1 ] πΉππ. 2.3 Example 2.4 For the Cauchy probblem π’π₯π₯ − π’π‘π‘ = 0 , π’(π₯, 0) = π₯ 2 , π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = 4π₯ 3 The domain of dependence with respect to the point (−3,5) is −8 ≤ π₯ ≤ 2. 2.3.2 Domain of Influence Definition 2.5 Given an interval [a , b] of x at the initial time, we also find that the initial data in this interval can only affect the value of u in a limited region of the domain called the domain of influence of the interval [a , b] . The point(π₯0 , 0)on the π₯ − axis influence the value of π’ at (π₯, π‘) in the wedge –shaped region. πΌ(π₯0 ) = {(π₯, π‘): π₯0 − ππ‘ ≤ π₯ ≤ π₯0 + ππ‘, π‘ ≥ 0}. 17 For any π1 (π₯1, π‘1 ) ∈ πΌ(π₯0 ), β(π₯1, π‘1 ) ∩ πΌ(π₯0 ) ≠ ∅ π1 (π₯1, π‘1 ) ο πΌ(π₯0 ), β(π₯1, π‘1 ) ∩ πΌ(π₯0 ) = ∅ These are the points inside the forward (truncated) characteristic cone that is defined by the base[π, π] and the edges π₯ + ππ‘ = π, π₯ − ππ‘ = π(it is the union of the regions I–IV of πΉππ. 2.4) πππ. π. π 2.3.3 Well-posedness Definition 2.6 The problems are well- posed in the sense of Hadamard if the following three conditions are satisfied: (i) There exists a solution; (ii) The solution is unique; (iii) The solution is stable. Statement (iii) means that small variations of the initial data yield small variations on the corresponding solutions. This is also referred to as continuous dependence upon the initial data. The meaning of small variation is made precise in terms of the topology suggested by the problem. A problem that does not satisfy any one of these conditions is called ill-posed. Example 2.5: For second order hyperbolic PDE problems ,the vibrating string is the most frequently use as an example of a well- posed problem. If we think of π’(π₯, π‘) as a vibrating as representing the vertical displacement at position π₯ and time π‘ of an ideal string which is static equilibrium occupies the horizontal line joining π₯ = 0and π₯ = πΏ.Then the following IBVP models the movement of the string subject to an initial displacement given π(π₯)and initial velocity given by π(π₯). 18 π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = 0, 0 < π₯ < πΏ ,π‘ > 0 π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯), 0 < π₯ < πΏ π’π (π₯, 0) = π(π₯), 0 < π₯ < πΏ π’(0, π‘) = 0, π‘ > 0 π’(πΏ, π‘) = 0, π‘ > 0 Example2.6 An example of ill-posed, second order hyperbolic problem. A dramatic example of an ill-posed, second order hyperbolic PDE is given by the following BVP for the one dimensional wave equation. It can be shown that if π is irrational, then the only solution of this BVP for the wave equation is identically zero; whereas if π is rational, the problem has infinitely many non-trivial solution. This solution fails to depend continuously on the data mainly on the size of the region on which the problem is stated. 2.4 Separation of Variable If we we tie the string at both ends we can have the following boundary conditions: π’(0, π‘) = π΄(π‘), π’(πΏ, π‘) = π΅(π‘),Where π΄ ,π΅ are πΆ 1 piecewice functions .When the boundary values π΄ and π΅ are 0 we obtian the Dirichlet Problem for wave equation: π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = 0,0 < π₯ < πΏ, π‘ > 0 Differential Equation(DE) π’(0, π‘) = 0, π’(πΏ, π‘) =0 π‘ > 0 Boundary Condtion(BC) u(x, 0) = f(x), ut (x, 0) = g(x) ,0 < π₯ < πΏ Initial Condition (IC) THEOEREM 2.2A soluton of the wave problem: π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = 0,0 < π₯ < πΏ, π‘ > 0 π’(0, π‘) = 0, π’(πΏ, π‘) =0 (π·πΈ) π‘ > 0( π΅πΆ ) π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯), π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = π(π₯) ,0 < π₯ < πΏ πΏ(πΌπΆ ) is given by: ∞ π’(π₯, π‘) = ∑ [π΄π π ππ ( π=1 π€βπππ: π(π₯) = ππππ‘ ∑∞ π=1 π΅π π ππ ( ∞ πΏ ππππ‘ ππππ‘ πππ ) + π΅π πππ ( )] π ππ ( ), πΏ πΏ πΏ ) , πππ πππ₯ Μ π΅π πππ πππ£ππ ππ¦ βΆ ) . πβπ πππππππππππ‘π π΄π πππ πΏ π(π₯) = ∑ π΄π π ππ ( π=1 19 2 πΏ πππ₯ 2 πΏ πππ₯ π΅π = ∫ π(π₯) π ππ ( ) , π΄π = ∫ π(π₯) π ππ ( ). πΏ 0 πΏ πΏ 0 πΏ Proof. Let’s take a look at the boundary conditions: π’(0, π‘) = 0, π’(πΏ, π‘) =0 The only solution for π’(π₯, π‘) that satisfy them is π’(π₯, π‘) = (π1 π ππ(πππ‘) + π2 πππ (πππ‘))(π1 π ππ(ππ₯) + π2 πΆππ(ππ₯)), and the boundary conditions translated into: (π1 π ππ(πππ‘) + π2 πππ (πππ‘))(π1 π ππ(0) + π2 πΆππ(0)) = 0 (π1 π ππ(πππ‘) + π2 πππ (πππ‘))(π1 π ππ(ππΏ) + π2 πΆππ(ππΏ)) = 0, ∀π‘ > 0 namely : π2 = 0 ( 2.17) π1 π ππ(ππΏ) = 0 ( 2.18) From equation ( 2.18 ) we obtain π = ππ πΏ . and ο₯ ο© ο¦ ο°n οΆ ο¦ ο°n οΆοΉ ο¦ ο°n οΆ u ο¨x, t ο© ο½ ο₯ οͺd1n sin ο§ ct ο· ο« d 2 n cosο§ ct ο·οΊcn sin ο§ x ο·. ο¨ L οΈ ο¨ L οΈο» ο¨ L οΈ n ο½1 ο« The only condition left to check are the initial conditions: ο₯ π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯) = ο₯ πππ₯ π΅π π ππ ( n ο½1 πΏ ), ο₯ π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯) = πΏ Then, π’(π₯, π‘) = ∑∞ π=1 [πππ π΄π π ππ ( ππππ‘ πΏ ο₯ π΄π π ππ ( n ο½1 ππππ‘ ) + π΅π πππ ( πΏ πππ₯ ) πΏ πππ )] π ππ ( πΏ ). THEOREM 2.3 Letπ’1 (π₯, π‘) and π’2 (π₯, π‘) be two solutions of the problem: π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = 0,0 < π₯ < πΏ, π‘ > 0 (DE) π’(0, π‘) = π΄(π₯), π’(πΏ, π‘) =π΅(π‘), π‘ > 0( BC) π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯), π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = π(π₯) ,0 < π₯ < πΏ (IC) where π΄, π΅, π, π are piecewise continuous functions. Then π’1 (π₯, π‘) = π’2 (π₯, π‘) for all points in the domain. 20 Proof. Let π’(π₯, π‘) = π’1 (π₯, π‘) − π’2 (π₯, π‘),t hen π£ satisfies the wave equation with initial conditions: π’(π₯, 0) = π’π‘ (π₯, π‘) = 0, and boundary conditions π’(0, π‘) = 0, π’(πΏ, π‘) = 0.Our goal is to prove that π’(π₯, π‘) = 0 ∀π₯, π‘. In order to accomplish this, define: πΏ π»(π‘) = ∫0 [π 2 π’π₯ (π₯, π‘)2 + π’π‘ (π₯, π‘)2 ]ππ₯ We will prove that π»(π‘) = 0 first. Differentiating with respect to π‘we obtain: Μ = ∫πΏ[π 2 2π’π₯ π’π₯π‘ + 2π’π‘ π’π‘π‘ ]ππ₯ π»(π‘) 0 πΏ = 2π 2 ∫0 [π’π₯ π’π₯π‘ + π’π‘ π’π₯π₯ ]ππ₯ (from eq. (2.4)) πΏ 2 = 2π ∫ 0 πΏ (π’π₯ π’π‘ )ππ₯ = 2π 2 [π’π₯ (π₯, π‘)π’π‘ (π₯, π‘)]πΏ 0 πΏπ₯ 2 = 2π (π’π₯ (πΏ, π‘)π’π‘ (πΏ, π‘) − π’π₯ (0, π‘)π’(0, π‘)) = 0. Since π»Μ (π‘) = 0, π»(π‘) is constant, and as π»(0) = 0, we conclude that π»(π‘) = 0 πΏ Then π’π‘ (π₯, π‘) = 0, and π’(π₯, π‘) = π’(π₯, π‘) − π’(π₯, 0) = ∫0 π’π‘ (π₯, π‘)ππ‘ = 0 2.5 The Wave Equation on the Half line: Reflection Method Definition 2.8(Even and odd extension) Suppose that a function π(π₯) is continuous and defined on the interval [0, π]. we can extend this function n to the interval[−π, π]. This can be done in two ways: 1. π(π₯) is an even extension if π(−π₯), π(π₯), −π ≤ π₯ < 0, 0 ≤ π₯ < π. −π(−π₯), π(π₯), −π ≤ π₯ < 0, . 0 ≤ π₯ < π. πππ£ππ (π₯) = { 2. π(π₯)is an odd extension if ππππ (π₯) = { 21 To illustrate a further application of d’Alembert formula, let us next consider this initial /boundary-value problem on the half-lineβ+ = {π₯ > 0}: π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = 0 ππ β+ × (0, ∞) {π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯), π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = π(π₯) ππ β+ × (0, ∞) {π‘ = 0} π’(π₯, 0) = 0 ππ {π‘ = 0} × (0, ∞) , (2.19) Where π, π are given, with π(π₯, 0) = π(π₯, 0) = 0. We convert (2.19) into the form (3) by extending π’, π, π to odd reflection. That is, we get π’Μ(π₯, π‘) β { π’(π₯, π‘)(π₯ ≥ 0, π‘ ≥ 0) −π’(−π₯, π‘)(π₯ < 0, π‘ > 0), π(π₯)(π₯ ≥ 0) πΜ(π₯) β { −π(−π₯)(π₯ < 0) π(π₯)(π₯ ≥ 0) πΜ(π₯) β { −π(−π₯)(π₯ < 0). Then (2.20) becomes π’Μπ‘π‘ = π 2 π’Μπ₯π₯ ππ β × (0, ∞) { π’Μ = πΜ , Μ π’π‘ = πΜ ππ β × (π‘ = 0) Hence d’Alembert’s formula (2.14) implies 1 1 π₯+ππ‘ π’(π₯, π‘) = 2 [πΜ(π₯ + ππ‘) + πΜ(π₯ + ππ‘)] + 2π ∫π₯−ππ‘ πΜ(π¦)ππ¦ Recalling the definitions π’Μ, πΜ , πΜabove, we transform this express to read forπ₯ ≥ 0,π‘ ≥ 0 1 [π(π₯ + ππ‘) + π(π₯ + ππ‘)] + π’(π₯, π‘) = {12 [π(π₯ + ππ‘) − π(ππ‘ − π₯)] + 2 1 π₯+ππ‘ π(π¦)ππ¦ if x ≥ ct ≥ 0 ∫ 2π π₯−ππ‘ 1 π₯+ππ‘ π(π¦)ππ¦ if 0 ≤ π₯ ≤ ππ‘. ∫ 2π −π₯+ππ‘ (2.20) If π = 0, we can understand formula (2.20) as saying that an initial displacement β splits into two parts, one moving to the right with speed π and the other to the left with speed π. The latter then affects off π₯ = 0, where the vibrating string is held fixed. 22 Note that π’(π₯, π‘) is a continuous function if the compatibility conditionπ(0)=0 is satisfied. Otherwise π’(π₯, π‘) is a discontinuous solution and the jump of π’(π₯, π‘) on the characteristic π₯ = ππ‘ is (ππ‘ + 0, π‘) − π’(ππ‘ − 0, π‘) = π(0). We can do the same for the problem with the Neumann boundary condition, considering even extensions of initial data. Let us consider the problem We can do the same for the problem with the Neumann boundary condition, considering even extensions of initial data. Let us consider the problem π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = 0 0 < π₯ < ∞, π‘ > 0 (πΆππ): { π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯), π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = π(π₯) 0 < π₯ < ∞ π’(π₯, πΏ) = 0 π‘≥0 . In this case the problem (πΆππ) to (CW) with initial functionsπ0(π₯) πππ π0 (π₯), π€βπππ π0 (π₯) β { π(π₯) ππ π₯ ≥ 0, π(−π₯) ππ π₯ ≤ 0 As before we can show that the problem (πΆππ) has a unique 1 1 (π(π₯ + ππ‘) + π(π₯ − ππ‘)) + (Ψ(π₯ + ππ‘) − Ψ(π₯ − ππ‘)) , π₯ > ππ‘ 2 2π π’(π₯, π‘) = { 1 1 (π(π₯ + ππ‘) + π(ππ‘ − π₯)) + (Ψ(π₯ + ππ‘) − Ψ(ππ‘ − π₯)), 0 < π₯ < ππ‘, 2 2π π‘ where Ψ(π‘) = ∫0 π(π )ππ . On a semi domain, we often have a slightly more involved process 2.6 Mixed Problems for the Wave Equations Let us consider the problem (CW) on a finite interval[0, π]which Dirichlet boundary conditions at the end- points π₯ = 0 and π₯ = π .This is the problem π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = 0, 0 < π₯ < π, π‘ > 0, (ππ·π): { π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯), π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = π(π₯), π’(0, π‘) = π’(π, π‘) = 0, π‘ ≥ 0. 23 0 ≤ π₯ ≤ π, It can be interpreted as vibrations of a string with clamped ends, for instance vibrations of a guitar string. We can get the solution of the problem (ππ·π) again using the method of reflection in this case through both ends. We extend the initial data π(π₯)and π(π₯) given on the interval(0, π) to the whole line using “odd" extensions πππ (π₯)and πππ (π₯) with respect to both sides π₯ = 0 and π₯ = π , where π(π₯), 0<π₯<π πππ (π₯) β { −π(−π₯) − π < π₯ < 0 ππ₯π‘πππππ π‘π ππ ππ ππππππ 2π. Consider the problem (πΆπππ ): π£π‘π‘ − π 2 π£π₯π₯ = 0, π₯ ∈ β , π‘ > 0 , (πΆπππ ): ={ π₯∈β π£(π₯, 0) = πππ (π₯), π£π‘ (π₯, 0) = πππ (π₯), π₯∈β Section 2.2 it has a solution 1 1 π₯+ππ‘ π£(π₯, π‘) = (πππ (π₯ + ππ‘) + πππ (π₯ − ππ‘)) + ∫ π (π ) ππ . 2 2π π₯−ππ‘ ππ Its restriction π’(π₯, π‘) = π£(π₯, π‘)\0≤π₯≤π gives the unique solution of the problem(ππ·π). Note that the solution formula is characterized by a number of reflections at each end point. π₯ = 0 ππππ₯ = πalong characteristics through reflecting points. They divide the domain β = {(π₯, π‘): 0 < π₯ < π, π‘ > 0}into diamond-shaped domains with sides parallel to characteristics and within each diamond the solutionπ’(π₯, π‘) is given by a different formula. On the data πand πwe impose the compatibility condition π(0) = π(π) = π(0) = π(π) = 0 (2.26) In this case the solution π’(π₯, π‘) is a continuous function on β. Note that π’(π₯, π‘ )ππΆ 2 (β) if π(0) = π(π) = π ′′ (0) = π ′′ (π) = π(0) = π(π) = 0 (2.27) We can do the same for the problem with the Neumann boundary condition, considering even extensions of initial data. Namely, let us consider the problem 24 π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = 0, 0 < π₯ < π, π‘ > 0, (ππ·π): { π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯), π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = π(π₯), π’π₯ (0, π‘) = π’π₯ (π, π‘) = 0, π‘ ≥ 0. 0 < π₯ < π, In this case we reduce the problem (MDW)to (CWee ) with initial functions φee (x)and ψee (x),where π(π₯), 0<π₯<π πππ (π₯) β { π(−π₯) − π < π₯ < 0 ππ₯π‘πππππ π‘π ππ ππ ππππππ 2π. As before the problem(πΆπ·π) admits the unique solution π’(π₯, π‘) = π€(π₯, π‘) \ 0ο£ xο£t where π€(π₯, π‘) is the solution of the problem π€π‘π‘ − π 2 π€π₯π₯ = 0, π₯ ∈ β , π‘ > 0, (πΆπππ ): { π€(π₯, 0) = πππ (π₯), π₯ ∈ β , π€π‘ (π₯, 0) = πππ (π₯), π₯ ∈ β . Example 2.8 Solve the problem (CDW) with π = 1, π = 0 and 3π 5π πππ 3 π₯, π₯πβ ( , ) , 2 2 π(π₯) = { 3π 5π 0, π₯πβ+ ( , ) . 2 2 Solution. The solution of the odd extended problem π’π‘π‘ − π’π₯π₯ = 0, π₯ ∈ β , π‘ > 0, { π’(π₯, 0) = π0 (π₯), π₯ ∈ β, π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = 0, π₯ ∈ β. 1 isπ£(π₯, π‘) = 2 (π0 (π₯ + π‘) + π0 (π₯ − π‘)). The original problem has the solution 1 (π(π₯ + π‘) + π(π₯ − π‘)) π₯ > π‘, 2 π’(π₯, π‘) = { 1 (π(π₯ + π‘) − π(π‘ − π₯)) 0 < π₯ < π‘. 2 π 3π The profile of π’(π₯, π‘) at successive instances areπ‘ = 0, 2 , 25 2 , 2π, 5π 7π 2 , 2 CHAPTER THREE One - Dimensional Non-homogeneous Wave Equations 3.1. Initial Condition: Cauchy problem for the Non-homogeneous wave equation Consider the following non-homogeneous Cauchy problem π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = πΉ(π₯, π‘), −∞ < π₯ < ∞, π‘ > 0 (3.1) π’(π₯, 0) = π(π₯), −∞ < π₯ < ∞, (3.2) π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = π(π₯), −∞ < π₯ < ∞, (3.3) This problem models, for example, the vibration of a very long string in the presence of an external force πΉ. As in the homogeneous case π andπ are given functions that represent the shape and vertical velocity of the string at time π‘ = 0 3.2. D’Alembert’s Solution for Non-homogeneous Wave Equations Definition 3.1 The transformation(π, π) = (π(π₯, π¦), π(π₯, π¦))is called a change of Coordinates (or a nonsingular transformation) if the Jacobian π½ β ππ₯ ππ¦ − ππ¦ ππ₯ ofthe transformation does not vanish at any point (x, y). It can be split into two problems –one homogeneous with nonzero initial data (CW) which we solve, and one inhomogeneous with zero data π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ =0 π₯ πβ , π‘ > 0 π’(π₯, 0) = 0, π₯ πβ , (3.4) π’(π₯, 0) = 0,π₯ πβ . 26 If π’1 (π₯, π‘) and π’2 (π₯, π‘)are solutions of (CW) and (3.4) respectively then π’(π₯, π‘) = π’1 (π₯, π‘)+ π’2 (π₯, π‘) is a solution of (πΌπΆπ).Let us consider (3.4).Making change of variable π = π₯ + ππ‘, π = π₯ − ππ‘, We transform (3.4) into 1 πππ = − 4 πΉ(π, π), (3.5) π(π, π) = ππ (π, π) = ππ (π, π) = 0 (3.6) Where π+π π−π , ), 2 2π π+π π−π πΉ(π, π) = π ( , ). 2 2π π(π, π) = π’ ( Integrating (3.5) with respect to π we have ππ (π, π) − ππ (π, π) = − 1 π ∫ πΉ(π, π ) ππ 4π 2 π Which, in view of (3.6), yield 1 π ππ (π, π) = 2 ∫ πΉ(π, π ) ππ 4π π Integrating the last equation with respect to π π(π, π) − π(π, π) = 1 π 1 π π§ ∫ ∫ πΉ(π, π ) ππ 4π 2 π π π§ π(π, π) = 2π 2 ∫π ∫π πΉ(π, π ) ππ . Let us make change of variables π = π − ππ, π§ = π + ππ, Which has Jacobian π½ = π(π ,π§) π(π,π) = 2π ≠ 0 The last change transforms the domain of integration π· = {(π , π§): π ≤ π ≤ π§, π ≤ π§ ≤ π} into π·′ = {(π, π): π₯ − π(π‘ − π) ≤ π ≤ π₯ + π(π‘ − π), 0 ≤ π ≤ π‘}. Indeed by, π ≤ π ≤ π§ ≤ π, we have π₯ − ππ‘ ≤ π − ππ ≤ π + ππ − ππ ≤ π₯ + ππ‘. 27 (3.7) Then it follows 0 ≤ 2ππ ≤ 2ππ‘ ⇔ 0 ≤ π ≤ π‘, and π₯ − π(π‘ − π) ≤ π ≤ π₯ + π(π‘ − π). The solution of (2.1) is π‘ 1 π₯+π(π‘−π) 1 π’2 (π₯, π‘) = 2π ∫0 ∫π₯−π(π‘−π) π(π, π) ππππ = 2π ∫ ∫β(π₯,π‘) π(π, π)ππππ (3.8) Where β(π₯, π‘)denotes the characteristic triangle. We prove that (ICW) has a solution given the exact formula. We prove that problem (πΌπΆπ)has a solution given by the exact formula 1 1 π₯+ππ‘ π₯+π(π‘+π) π’(π₯, π‘) = 2 (π(π₯ + ππ‘) + π(π₯ − ππ‘)) + 2π (∫π₯−ππ‘ ∫π₯−π(π‘−π) π(π, π)) ππππ Note that from (3.9) it follows that the well-posed of (ICW) , for 0 ≤ π‘ ≤ π, We have |π’(π₯, π‘)| ≤ |π|∞ + 1 1 |π|∞ 2ππ + |π| β¬ ππππ 2π 2πΆ ∞,π β(π₯,π‘) Note that from (3.6) it follows the well-posedness of(πΆπ) Indeed, , for 0 ≤ π‘ ≤ π ,we have π’|(π₯, π‘)| ≤ βπβ∞ 2ππ + 1 ||π||∞, π β¬ ππΏππ 2π β(π₯,π‘) π2 ≤ βπβ∞ + πβπβ∞ + βπβ∞, π 2 because ο²ο²ο¨ dο© ο€dο΄ ο½ S (ο) ο£ ο x ,t 2cT .T . 2 Then for ∈> 0, there exists πΏ ∈ (0, ∈ 1+π+ π2 2 ) such that if βπβ∞ < πΏ, βπβ < πΏ and βπβ∞,π < ∈. It follows βπ’β∞,π < ∈,which proves the continuousdependence. Example 3.1 Find the value solution π’(π₯, π‘) at the point (1,1) of the Cauchy problem π’π‘π‘ − π’π₯π₯ = 1, π’(π₯, 0) = π₯ 2 , π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = 1 Solution: From (2.1) π = 1 ,π‘ = 0 π’(1,1) = 1 1 2 1 [π(1 + 1) + π(1 − 1)] + ∫ π(π₯) ππ₯ − β¬ πΊ(π₯, π‘)ππ 2 2 0 2 π 28 (3.9) = 22 + 02 1 2 1 1 2−π¦ + ∫ 1ππ₯ − ∫ ∫ 1ππ₯ππ¦ 2 2 0 2 0 π¦ 5 = 2 Example 3.2 Find the value solution π’(π₯, π‘) at the point (π₯, π‘) of the Cauchy problem π’π‘π‘ − π’π₯π₯ = 1 π’(π₯, 0) = π₯ 2 π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = 1 Solution: Consider (π₯1 , π‘1 ) to be a point the plane. Then, putting π = 1 π’(π₯, π‘) = π₯1 +π‘1 (π₯1 + π‘1 )2 + (π₯1 − π‘1 )2 1 π‘1 −π‘+π₯1 +π‘1 +∫ ππ₯ − ∫ ∫ ππ₯ππ¦ 2 2 0 π‘+π₯1 −π‘1 π₯1 −π‘1 1 = π₯1 2 + π‘ 2 + π‘1 2 Finally, letting (π₯1, π‘1 ) = (π₯, π‘) yields the solution 1 π’(π₯, π‘) = π₯ 2 + π‘ 2 + π‘. 2 Example3.3: Solve the following Cauchy problem π’π‘π‘ − π 2 π’π₯π₯ = π π₯ − π π₯ , (π₯, π‘) ∈ β × (0, ∞) π’(π₯, 0) = π₯ π’π‘ (π₯, 0) = π πππ₯. Solution: We use π π₯ − π −π₯ = 2π ππβπ₯ and formula Remark. πππ β(π + π) = πππ βππππ π + π ππβ π π ππβ π. Then by (3.9) 29 (π₯ + 3π‘) + (π₯ − 3π‘) 1 π₯+3π‘ 1 π‘ π₯+3(π‘+π ) π¦ (π − π −π¦ )ππ₯ππ¦ π’(π₯, π‘) = + ∫ sin π¦ ππ¦ + ∫ ∫ 2 6 π₯−3π‘ 6 0 π₯−3(π‘−π ) 1 π₯ + 3π‘ 1 π‘ π¦ π₯ + 3(π‘ + π ) = π₯ − πππ π¦ ⌊ + ∫ (π + π −π¦ ) ⌊ ππ 6 π₯ − 3π‘ 6 0 π₯ − 3(π‘ − π ) 1 1 π‘ π₯ + 3(π‘ + π ) [πππ (π₯ =π₯+ − 3π‘) + πππ (π₯ + 3π‘)] + ∫ cosh π | ππ 6 3 0 π₯ − 3(π‘ − π ) 1 2 2 = π₯ + π πππ₯π ππ3π‘ − π ππβπ₯ + π ππβπ₯πππ β3π‘. 3 9 9 30 3.3 SUMMARY Like ordinary differential equations, partial differential equations are equations to be solved in which the unknown element is a function, but in PDEs the function is one of several variables, and so of course the known information relates the function and its partial derivatives with respect to the several variables. Again, one generally looks for qualitative statements about the solution. For example, in many cases, solutions exist only if some of the parameters lie in a specific set (say, initial data). Various broad families of PDE's admit general statements about the behavior of their solutions. This area has a long-standing close relationship with the physical sciences, especially physics, thermodynamics, and quantum mechanics: for many of the topics in the field, the origins of the problem and the qualitative nature of the solutions are best. A general linear PDE may be viewed as seeking the kernel of a linear map defined between appropriate function spaces. (Determining which function space is best suited to the problem is itself a nontrivial problem and requires careful functional analysis as well as a consideration of the origin of the equation. Indeed, it is the analysis of PDEs which tends to drive the development of classes of topological vector spaces.) The perspective of differential operators allows the use of general tools from linear algebra, including eigen space decomposition (spectral theory) and index theory. Generally, 1. Wave equations are examples of second order partial differential equations 2. One dimensional wave equation are mathematical models of most physical phenomena.( Sound Wave ,musical Technology) 3. The solution of one dimensional equation can be successfully solved by separation variables and d’Alembert’s method 4. Finding a specific solution to a 1D.W Eq. typically requires an initial condition as well as boundary conditions. 31 References Andrews, L.C.1986 .Elementary partial differential equations with boundary value problems, Academic press ,Orlando. E.L. Ince,1944.Ordinary Differential Equations.Mineda, NY: Dover. Erwin kreyszig, 2005. Advanced Engineering Mathematics, Wiley john Wiley & Sons, Inc. U.S.A G.F. Carrier and C.E. Pearson, 1988 .Partial Differential Equations, Theory and Technique,second edition. Boston, MA: Academic Press. Lonis p. Stavroulak and T.A. Stepan. Partial Differential equation –An Introduction with mathematical maple ,second edition. N.H. Fletcher and T.D. Rossing, 1998.The Physics of Musical Instruments.New York, NY:Springer-Verlag, Pinchover Y. and J. Rubinstein, 2005.An Introduction to Partial Differential equation. U.S.A R. Courant and D. Hilbert, 1996. Methods of Mathematical Physics, Vols. I, II, New York, NY: John Wiley & Sons. Walter A. Strauss, 1992 Partial Differential Equations. Sons, Inc. 32