. – Elements of numerical analysis PROFESSOR MAURIZIO PAOLINI Text under revision. Not yet approved by academic staff. COURSE AIMS To teach students the basis they need to solve limit problems numerically (discretization), with special reference to the finite element method for elliptic partial differential equations. Related aspects include: solving linear systems with modern iterative methods and function approximation techniques. COURSE CONTENT Approximations of one-variable functions: Hermite interpolation and spline function interpolation. Optimal approximation. Linear systems with sparse matrices: gradient method and conjugate gradient method (case of symmetric positive definite matrices); methods for nonsymmetric matrices (BCGstab and GMRES). Preconditioners for linear systems. Overview of the multigrid method. Limit problems in several dimensions: Galerkin method and finite elements, interpolation error and energy-norm error estimates. Elliptic equations (Poisson's equation): L2 error estimate. Computational problems: grid generation and matrix assembly. Adaptive methods for partial differential equations (overview). Overview of the case of parabolic and hyperbolic equations. Univariate optimization problems (overview). READING LIST V. COMINCIOLI, Analisi Numerica, Metodi Modelli Applicazioni, McGraw Hill, Libri Italia, Milan, 1990. A. QUARTERONI - A. VALLI, Numerical approximation of partial, differential equations, Springer, 1994. C. JOHNSON, Numerical solution of partial differential equations by the finite element method, Cambridge university press, Cambridge, 1990. G.H. GOLUB - C.F. VAN LOAN, Matrix Computations, The Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore and London, 1993. NOTES Further information can be found on the lecturer's webpage at http://www2.unicatt.it/unicattolica/docenti/index.html or on the Faculty notice board.