Assessment Report Recruitment of a consultant to provide Administrative and Technical Support to SA Parliament on MDGs processes & Reporting on the Role of the Legislatures in the achievement of the National Priorities and Global Commitments. 1. Background The Speaker to the National Assembly has approved the concept document on the Seminar and Report on Inter-legislature workshop and Consultative Seminar on the Role of SA Legislatures in the achievement of the national priorities and global commitment. This project has the following objectives and scope: Develop a comprehensive understanding of the state of affairs with regard to the achievement of the MDGs at local, provincial and national government level through Committee work; Determine the contribution of the SA Legislative Sector (Parliament and Provincial Legislatures) as well as local councils to the achievement of the MDGs; Consult and engage with stakeholders on the report, obtain their inputs and perspectives on Executive and Legislative progress towards to the MDGs; and Compile and produce a comprehensive SA Legislative Sector MDG oversight report including a report detailing the SA Legislative Sector contribution to the achievement of the MDGs. In giving effect to the above objectives, it is proposed that Committees (with the exception of the Multiparty Women’s Caucus) involved in the project should focus on 2 areas: 1. What has Parliament (Committee) done to date in assessing the implementation of the MDGs? This is in respect to: Legislation Ratification of international instruments Oversight activities (with a focus on the targets and indicators of each goal) Public participation initiatives 2. Progress, challenges, recommendations and monitoring mechanisms in assessing the MDGs. This is in respect to: Programmes Policies Legislation Budget In addition, civil society perspectives on the role that Parliament should play in relation to the MDGs should be gathered. 1 It is further proposed that the National Assembly Committees consider the above from a national perspective. It is further proposed that the National Council of Provinces Committees consider the above from a Provincial and Local perspective. It is proposed that the Committees invite the relevant sphere of government, as well as civil society organisations, to make presentations on the above. (Proposed) Focus of the Multi-party Women’s Caucus The Multi-party Women’s Caucus (MPWC) has indicated that it wants to mainstream gender throughout the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). However, given the time constraints of the current process, it is recommended that the MPWC focus on the following MDGs from a gendered perspective: Goal 1: Eradicating extreme poverty and hunger Goal 3: Promoting gender equality and empower women Goal 4: Reducing child mortality Goal 5: Improving maternal health Goal 6: Combating HIV and AIDS, malaria and other diseases Given that the National Assembly and the National Council of Provinces’ Portfolio and Select Committees will be engaging with National and Provincial departments, respectively, it is proposed that the MPWC facilitate a civil society participation process. In light of the time constraints this process can be undertaken collaboratively with provincial women’s caucuses or committees dealing with gender. This would culminate in a summit hosted by the National MPWC where provinces will share feedback and a comprehensive report will be collated. The following are key issues to be discussed with civil society at provincial level: What are the challenges and achievements that women have experienced in relation to the above-mentioned MDGs? What recommendations does civil society propose in ensuring that the MDGs are met and the challenges are addressed? What role do they see Parliament playing in ensuring that the MDGs are met? In addition, the MPWC is in a position to engage with the lived experiences of women – these “case studies/stories” can be collated to depict women’s experiences of the MDGs across the provinces. This will supplement the main provincial report and also provide a platform for the MPWC to create awareness of their existence. It is proposed that: The MPWC, in consultation with the provincial legislatures, invite non-governmental organisations, community based organisations, as well as individuals, to submit case studies/ stories in respect of the 8 MDGs. The organisations should submit motivations for their story to be selected. 2 The MPWC would select a number of case studies and interview the selected organisations/individuals. The case studies, together with pictorial depiction, would be included in the final report. The final report would thus include a section on each MDG, as well as a case study. The case studies/stories be produced in a separate publication reflecting the MDGs in a case study and pictoral format. The separate publication reflecting the MDGs in a case study and pictoral format be formally launched by the MPWC. It is further proposed that the MPWC schedule a briefing meeting with representatives from Multi-Party Women’s Caucuses/Committees dealing with gender in provincial legislatures. The aim would be to enhance collaboration, ensure that provincial caucuses/gender committees take ownership of the project and build momentum around the project. 2. Position: Technical Manager to Parliament for MDGs Processes and Reporting 2.1 Key Responsibilities Under the supervision of the Office of the Speaker, the Manager is expected to work with a team assigned to facilitate the Inter-legislative Workshop and consultative Seminar and Reporting on the MDGs by undertaking the following key responsibilities: 3. Coordinate systems and processes on the legislature’s MDGs seminar and reporting Ensure the active participation of all identified key stakeholders in both the seminar and the reporting process, including the business sector and civil society Ensure submission of reports/inputs by stakeholders Participate in the collation and analysis of collected data Develop reports analysis tools and verification modalities Establish Parliament’s MDGs database Facilitate and document reports from different committees Undertake additional desk review on the SA Legislature Sector contribution to the achievement of the MDGs Provide reporting and any related MDGs capacity building, if need be, to provinces and local governments Institutionalize the monitoring mechanisms of the process Provide administrative and coordination support to the MDGs seminar and the report Envisaged Outputs Analytical reports from legislatures and committees Seminar report 3 Full Report - SA Legislative Sector MDGs oversight report, including the SA Legislative Sector’s contribution to the achievement of the MDGs. Policy briefs - Based on the full report 4. Required Competencies and Skills Proven research experience Experience in stakeholder coordination High level report-writing and editing skills Familiarity with the South African governance structures and processes, Familiarity with South Africa’s development experience MDGs reporting process experience will be an added value Project management and administration Post graduate Degree in Development studies, or equivalent Timeframe: 6 months Location: Parliament, Cape Town if need be. Assessment Against Terms of Reference Specification Name of Candidate Education, Experience Experience Research, Total Qualification knowledge on MDGs, Report Score and on the work running Writing Competences of seminars Legislatures James ATEMA 5 5 4 5 19 MSc(Economics) :Policy Analysis and Planning, Social Research Methods, Monitoring and Evaluation and Strategic Planning Nehemia 8 8 5 5 26 Sekhonyana BA of Arts BERENG degree with Majors in Government and English, Masters degree in Public and International Affairs 4 Comments/Assessment Mr. Atema has more experience working with multilaterals and also on M&E work. Mr. Bereng joined UNDP in 1995 and has worked very closely with the Government and also with the opposition parties. Has mobilized resource for Government from different donors. He also researches and prepare political drafts to UNDP’s Regional Binta JANNEH 6 MIA-Economic Policy Management *scoring: 10=fully meets the requirements 4 3 5 18 Bureau for Africa and the UN Department of Political Affairs(DPA) Ms. Binta has more experience in the Banking institution and could be helpful to Government especially with their budget planning processes. 0=fails to meet requirements Results of the evaluation: Based on the evaluation, Mr. Nehemiah Bereng is recommended for the job. However, in case he is not available, Mr. James Atema should be hired. Names and signatures of Evaluators : Mr. Nii-Moi Thompson Signature:…………………………………… : Mr. Khepi Shole Signature:……………………………………. : Mr Frederick Shikweni Signature:…………………………………….. Compiled by : Kgomotso Maditse Date : 26 July 2011 Signature:…………………………………….. 5