Law and Gospel Continued… God gives us His Law in Holy Scripture, especially in the Ten Commandments. But how does His Law function? How does it do its job in our daily life? Lutherans confess that there are three functions, or uses, of God’s Law. 1. A Curb—Just like a curb keep cars on the right path and prevents traffic on the roadway from spilling over onto sidewalks and yards, so it is that God’s Law keeps evil and chaos in check. This use of the Law applies to all people in any and every place. This use of the Law is what we find reflected in the laws and boundaries of our civil governments. These laws, these governing authorities are gifts of God to keep the wicked at bay. Read Romans 13:1-7 together as a family and answer these questions: A. Where does governing authority originate? B. If you break the (just) laws of governing authorities whose law are you breaking? C. Why does God give authority to the government? (verse 5) D. If the laws of the government are contrary to God’s Law, who must you obey? (Acts 5:29) 2. A Mirror—Just like a mirror reflects that which is before it, so God’s Law shows us who we really are. We are sinners. We have been since conception. We have sinned against God, our families, our friends, our neighbors, and even strangers. We are in no position to save ourselves or assist God in saving us. We are sinners by our very nature (our identity) and by our deeds (our actions). This use of the Law is meant for everyone who hears God’s Word and is meant to bring people to repentance. Read Romans 7:18-24 together as a family and answer these questions: A. According to the Bible, is there anything good in us that makes God love us? B. Do we have the power to carry out His commands on our own? C. What is happening in our lives, in our own bodies? (verse 23) D. Read the following confession of sin from our liturgy: We confess that we are by nature sinful and unclean. We have sinned against You in thought, word, and deed, by what we have done and what we have left undone. We have not loved You with our whole heart; we have not loved our neighbor as ourselves. We justly deserve your present and eternal punishment. For the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Forgive us, renew us, and lead us, so that we may delight in Your will and walk in Your ways to the glory of Your Holy Name. Amen. E. What are we by nature? How have we sinned? Have we sinned by what we do? Or by what we don’t do? Have we failed God or other people? What do we deserve? What are we asking God to do about all of the above? What will we be able to do if He does what we are asking? F. How often do you think we need to look into this mirror? Why? G. What does sin tempt us to do even after we take a look into the mirror of God’s Law? 3. A Guide—Just like a guide shows us where to walk and where to go, God’s Law shows us how we are to live as God’s children. This use of the Law only applies to those who are in a covenant relationship with the Father, or more simply said, this part is only for Christians. This use of the Law shows us what pleases God. These are the thoughts, words, and actions by which we can live according to God’s Word and through which we can positively affect the people around us. It is CRITICALLY important that we understand that following God’s Law as a guide does not save us. But since we are saved, we will want to be doing these things. Read Romans 8:1-17 together as a family. A. Who is working in you to want to live according to God’s Law? B. Who creates the active obedience in you? C. Who gets the glory when you think and act like a child of God? D. Why is it important to follow the guide? What often happens to people who ignore guides and go their own way? E. When people wander off of the path which use of the Law do they need and why? As a family discuss how you have seen examples of each of these three uses of God’s Law at work in your lives. Please write down a few of these “real-life” examples for each use: First Use-Curb: Second Use-Mirror: Third Use-Guide: