Http/MQ Gateway - HMG Instructions 1.0.2 Company: Volvo IT Issuer: Johan Planmo Date: 2013-05-22 Issue: Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Sign Date Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Issuer (name, phone) 2 (40) Johan Planmo Approved by (name, phone) Page Info class 2012-05-22 Sign Date Valid Contents 1. REVISION HISTORY .................................................................................................... 4 2. PUBLICATION OF HMG INFORMATION ..................................................................... 5 3. INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................... 6 3.1. Service Interface .................................................................................................. 7 3.2. Alternative to Web Services ................................................................................. 8 4. SERVICE ENDPOINTS ................................................................................................. 9 5. AUTHENTICATION ...................................................................................................... 9 5.1. Session cookies ................................................................................................... 9 6. AUTHORIZATION....................................................................................................... 10 7. SERVICE DEFINITION ............................................................................................... 11 7.1. General definition ............................................................................................... 11 7.2. HMG Specific Definition ..................................................................................... 11 8. MESSAGE EXCHANGE PATTERNS ......................................................................... 12 8.1. General Header Information ............................................................................... 12 8.2. Tracking ID......................................................................................................... 13 8.2.1. Usage.......................................................................................................... 13 8.2.2. Setting the Tracking ID ................................................................................ 13 8.2.3. Idempotence ............................................................................................... 14 8.3. Fire&Forget ........................................................................................................ 15 8.3.1. MEP Overview ............................................................................................ 15 8.3.2. Purpose ....................................................................................................... 15 8.3.3. Operation .................................................................................................... 15 8.3.4. Specific Header Information ........................................................................ 15 8.3.5. Reply ........................................................................................................... 15 8.3.6. Examples: ................................................................................................... 16 8.4. Synchronous Request/Reply .............................................................................. 17 8.4.1. MEP Overview ............................................................................................ 17 8.4.2. Purpose ....................................................................................................... 17 8.4.3. Operation .................................................................................................... 17 8.4.4. Specific Header Information ........................................................................ 17 Document name Document1, saved date 2016-02-08 Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Reg. No. Page 3 (40) 8.4.5. Reply ........................................................................................................... 18 8.4.6. Examples: ................................................................................................... 18 8.5. Push................................................................................................................... 19 8.5.1. MEP Overview ............................................................................................ 19 8.5.2. Purpose ....................................................................................................... 19 8.5.3. Operation .................................................................................................... 19 8.5.4. Specific Header Information ........................................................................ 20 8.5.5. Reply ........................................................................................................... 20 8.5.6. Pushing data to many Roles ........................................................................ 20 8.5.7. Examples: ................................................................................................... 21 8.6. Asynchronous Request Reply ............................................................................ 22 8.6.1. MEP Overview ............................................................................................ 22 8.6.2. Purpose ....................................................................................................... 22 8.6.3. Operation .................................................................................................... 22 8.6.4. Specific Header Information ........................................................................ 23 8.6.5. Reply ........................................................................................................... 23 8.6.6. Error code when the reply has not yet arrived ............................................. 23 8.6.7. Duplicate Control ......................................................................................... 23 8.6.8. Examples: ................................................................................................... 23 8.7. List Messages .................................................................................................... 24 8.7.1. MEP Overview ............................................................................................ 24 8.7.2. Purpose ....................................................................................................... 24 8.7.3. Operation .................................................................................................... 25 8.7.4. Specific Header Information ........................................................................ 25 8.7.5. List Message Logic...................................................................................... 25 8.7.6. Reply ........................................................................................................... 25 8.7.7. Examples: ................................................................................................... 26 8.8. Update Message Status ..................................................................................... 27 8.8.1. MEP Overview ............................................................................................ 27 8.8.2. Purpose ....................................................................................................... 27 8.8.3. Operation .................................................................................................... 27 8.8.4. Specific Header Information ........................................................................ 28 8.8.5. Reply ........................................................................................................... 28 8.8.6. Examples: ................................................................................................... 28 9. THE MESSAGE BOX ................................................................................................. 29 9.1. Message Box state handling .............................................................................. 29 9.2. Different ways of fetching responses from the Message Box.............................. 30 9.2.1. 1 - List & Fetch ............................................................................................ 30 9.2.2. 2 - Fetch by Role ......................................................................................... 31 9.2.3. 3 - List by Role ............................................................................................ 32 9.2.4. 4 - Fetch by Service .................................................................................... 33 10. HMG RULES OF USAGE ........................................................................................... 34 Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Reg. No. Page 4 (40) 10.1. Encoding of Message Payload ........................................................................... 35 10.1.1. String........................................................................................................... 35 10.1.2. AnyXML ...................................................................................................... 35 10.1.3. Base64 ........................................................................................................ 35 11. VERSION HANDLING ................................................................................................ 36 11.1. Version Naming.................................................................................................. 36 11.2. HMG WSDL and Message Schema ................................................................... 36 11.3. Service Versioning ............................................................................................. 36 12. ERROR MESSAGES .................................................................................................. 37 12.1. 12.2. 12.3. 12.4. 12.5. 12.6. 13. Configuration Errors ........................................................................................... 37 Illegal arguments and incorrect usage errors ...................................................... 37 Generic error codes ........................................................................................... 37 Security error codes ........................................................................................... 37 Internal error codes ............................................................................................ 37 Back-end System Errors .................................................................................... 38 TROUBLE SHOOTING ............................................................................................... 39 13.1. Authentication setup. .......................................................................................... 39 13.1.1. Cookies and Microsoft Windows Communication Framework – WCF.......... 39 13.2. Timeouts ............................................................................................................ 39 14. WSDL AND SCHEMAS .............................................................................................. 40 14.1. HMG 1.0.0.......................................................................................................... 40 1. Revision History Date Revision Events 2012-10-02 1.0 First release 2013-04-05 1.0.1 Clarifications about Idempotence. Clarifications about duplicate detection in section Asynchronous Request Reply (Out of Scope in first Release). List Messages has been updated with information about sorting and a new default behavior. List Messages will only return unread messages by default. Updated error messages 2015,5002,5003. Updated trouble shooting regarding timeout. Updated cookie section. Updated section about Async Request Reply. New section Publication of HMG Information. 2013-05-22 1.0.2 Shortened the external link. Re-inserted attachemements. Update of broken links. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 2. Page 5 (40) Publication of HMG Information This document is published on the Volvo IT EDI and B2B website: Select the tab B2B HMG for news and decommissioning statements about HMG versions. The subpage Instructions contains this Instruction (Latest and older versions). Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 3. Reg. No. Page 6 (40) Introduction HMG stands for Http/MQ Gateway. This is an infrastructural component at Volvo Group which bridges synchronous Web Service calls from outside Volvo Group to asynchronous messages based on WMQ inside Volvo Group. The purpose is to protect the Volvo back-end systems from synchronous dependencies and enable all existing services based on WMQ to be exposed as Web Services outside Volvo. This means that HMG Web Services do not behave as a Web Service would normally do, we aim to mimic the behavior of messaging as far as we can. Purpose of HMG: Expose any Volvo back-end system based on WMQ as a Web Service A uniform authentication and authorization model for Web Services Remove Synchronous dependencies to Volvo back-end systems o External system and back-end system can operate independently in time (except synchronous Request/Reply) Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 3.1. Reg. No. Page 7 (40) Service Interface In order to offer a general solution, Volvo will expose one generic Web Service. This Web Service is described in section WSDL and Schemas. There are operations for all Message Exchange Patterns available in HMG. Meta data headers are used to specify which Volvo back-end Service that will be used. Figure 1 Conceptual Message Structure Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 3.2. Reg. No. Page 8 (40) Alternative to Web Services Web Services is a non-transactional protocol. This means that delivery cannot be guaranteed. Pushing messages is also problematic. Web Services are also synchronous which mean that both communicating systems need to be available at the same time. The Http/Message Gateway can mitigate some of these issues, but to get full transactionality another approach is needed. If there are higher requirements than supported by Web Services, Volvo offers WMQ interfaces. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 4. Page 9 (40) Service Endpoints Environ ment TEST URL Purpose QA1 PROD2 Mainly used for tests by Volvo Group. Used for testing with external parties. May be connected to QA backend services. The production URL with connection to real back-end services. 5. Authentication Username and password should be entered in the Http header using the Basic Authentication Standard. Always use lower case user names. User name and password will be supplied by your local Volvo contact. 5.1. 1 2 Session cookies When logged in with a SOAP request using basic authentication, a session cookie will be returned. It is highly recommended that you use this cookie in subsequent requests, as this increases the throughput and lowers the per-request round trip delay of your requests to HMG. Not available yet and the address may be changed Not available yet and the address may be changed Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 6. Reg. No. Page 10 (40) Authorization In order to offer a flexible authorization model, HMG provides a role concept which enables one authenticated user to play many different roles with access to different Services Figure 2 Role Concept In the example above one DMS (Dealer Management System) administers two different dealers in the DMS system. Trucks United can access all services, but US Trucks can only fetch Standard Times. Role is mandatory in messages sent to HMG. The role concept can also be used to fetch messages from the Message Box for a specific role. This is described in section The Message Box. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Page 11 (40) 7. Service Definition 7.1. General definition A service is the primary concept used in all application integration. A service exposes application functionality via a well-defined interface. From “WS Definitions and Principles”: “At a high level, a Service is a mechanism by which the need or want of the Service Requestor is satisfied according to a negotiated contract”. Services make use of messages to communicate. When using HMG a message is conveyed by a SOAP request. A message defines the message format (payload) as well as other characteristics, e.g. headers and character set. Services can support several different message exchange patterns, for example request-reply or one-way inbound. 7.2. HMG Specific Definition A service is identified by Name Version A service is implemented by one Message Exchange Pattern Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Page Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8. 12 (40) Message Exchange Patterns This section gives general instructions on how to use the different Message Exchange Patterns provided by HMG. For details on a specific Service, there is a specific instruction available which is provided by the local Volvo contact. 8.1. General Header Information The Attributes are annotated in the schemas. Below is an overview of the most important header attributes. Attribute Description ServiceName The name of the service to call. ServiceVersion The version of the Service to be used. CreationTime RoleID SourceSystem Name TrackingID Date and time when this message was created. Include timezone if possible. The role which sends or requests the message. Defined by the external partner. Any name identifying the system sending this message. GUID (Globally Unique Identifier) set by the external partner to uniquely identify a message. Read more in section Tracking ID Purpose Defined in Specific Service Instruction Identify which Service Yes to call Possibility to have Yes many concurrent versions of a service Logging No Mandatory Authorization to the incoming Service call. It is also used to fetch messages for a specific role from The Message Box Logging No No No Yes Tracking ID is used to correlate responses and for logging purposes. It is also used to fetch a unique message from The Message Box. The tracking. Read more in section Tracking ID No No, but HMG will generate a unique ID if not set by the sender. Yes Yes No Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Page Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 13 (40) Attribute Description Purpose GIMHeader The GIMHeaders are used to add specific and dynamic meta data to the message. The GIM headers are used for routing or specific handling in the Volvo back-end systems. Only specific back-end services require GIM headers. 8.2. Tracking ID 8.2.1. Usage Defined in Specific Service Instruction Yes Mandatory No The Tracking ID makes it possible to identify a unique message. The tracking ID must contain a Globally Unique ID (GUID). The Tracking ID can be set in the incoming message to Volvo by the external party. If a Tracking ID is missing in the incoming message, HMG will provide a Tracking ID which is returned in the synchronous response. It is recommended that the Tracking ID is set by the external partner in the incoming message to Volvo for the following reasons: The external party can easily correlate a response with a specific request It is easier to manage errors, since duplicates can be spotted more easily by the external party 8.2.2. Setting the Tracking ID There are standard ways to create a GUID in common development platforms. See examples below. Java Example Java: UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); 11. String randomUUIDString = uuid.toString(); .Net Example System.Guid guid = System.Guid.NewGuid (); String id = guid.ToString(); Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Reg. No. Page 14 (40) Development Platforms lacking native GUID support Volvo may provide a prefix in cases when the development platform cannot create a Globally Unique ID. A manual GUID can be created by combining the Volvo prefix and a sequence number. The external party is responsible to ensure a unique sequence. 8.2.3. Idempotence HMG does not support idempotence. Even if HMG require a unique Tracking ID, we will not check if the Tracking ID has been used before. HMG does not inspect the payload to detect duplicates or in any other way ensure that a unique message always give the same result in the Volvo Back-end system. HMG only provide transport and protocol conversion. However, a basic level of duplicate control is available in the Asynchronous Request Reply Message Exchange Pattern. HMG will check that no current message is in in flight or in the message box with the same tracking id as an incoming message. In that case, the incoming message will be rejected. The back-end system which receives a message from HMG may have different levels of impotence implemented. The Service Specific Instruction states if a back-end service is idempotent and how it supports idempotence. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8.3. Fire&Forget 8.3.1. MEP Overview 8.3.2. Purpose Page 15 (40) The purpose of Fire&Forget is to send a message to Volvo. 8.3.3. Operation 8.3.4. Web Service Operation: sendMessage Specific Header Information Attribute Description Purpose Defined in Specific Service Instruction Mandatory N/A 8.3.5. Reply The Fire&Forget MEP does not offer a real reply. However, a response will be sent in the same session with an ACK or an error message in order for the external party to understand if the message has been received by HMG or not. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8.3.6. Examples: Reg. No. Page 16 (40) Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Page 17 (40) 8.4. Synchronous Request/Reply 8.4.1. MEP Overview 8.4.2. Purpose The purpose of Request Reply is to request data from a Volvo Service and to get the reply in the same session. Request/Reply should be used for sessions lasting for a few seconds (see HMG Rules of Usage). Asynchronous Request Reply (Out of Scope in first Release) can be used when the reply message is expected after a longer time. 8.4.3. Operation 8.4.4. Specific Header Information Attribute N/A Web Service Operation: processMessage Description Purpose Defined in Specific Service Instruction Mandatory Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8.4.5. Reg. No. Page 18 (40) Reply The reply is returned in the same session. The reply message payload is encoded in the same way as the request. 8.4.6. Examples: Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8.5. Push 8.5.1. MEP Overview 8.5.2. Purpose Reg. No. Page 19 (40) The purpose of Push is to send out a message from a Volvo back-end system to an external partner. The message is fetched by polling The Message Box. This Message Exchange Pattern is an outgoing Fire&Forget from Volvo. Some use cases for Push: Push can be used to push out basic data to an external partner. Push can be used to give an independent reply to an incoming Fire&Forget message. 8.5.3. Operation Web Service Operation: fetchMessage Read section Different ways of fetching responses from the Message Box to understand how the fetch can be managed. List Messages can also be used to discover Push messages available for pickup. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Page Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8.5.4. 20 (40) Specific Header Information Attribute Description Purpose ReturnMessag ePayloadType Enter: XML, String or Base64. Used to decide how the reply message payload should be encoded. Make it possible for the external party to choose how many messages which will be returned in one session. MaxMessageC The maximum ount Messages returned in the bundle. The number cannot be larger than defined in HMG Rules of Usage MaxMessageS ize 8.5.5. The maximum size of the returned message(s) fetched in one call, expressed in MB. Make it possible for the external party to choose the maximum size of returned messages. Defined in Specific Service Instruction Yes Mandatory No No, but 1 message will be returned if not set by the requestor No, but the size is capped to HMG Rules of Usage. No Yes Reply The reply contains the information pushed from the Volvo back-end system. The encoding of the Push message can be chosen according to Specific Header Information. The FetchMessage operation used in the Push Message Exchange Pattern may return many messages in one Session. This is called a Message Bundle. How the message bundle behaves is described in Specific Header Information above. 8.5.6. Pushing data to many Roles Some messages are intended for many roles. This is common for different types of basic data. A proper Publish/Subscribe pattern is not available in HMG, but a similar effect can be established by setting up a generic role representing the Authenticated User (e.g. a DMS Provider). The Volvo back-end systems can push messages to this specific role and the external system can distribute the message to all or a selection of managed roles. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Figure 3 Pushing data to many Roles 8.5.7. Examples: Reg. No. Page 21 (40) Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8.6. Asynchronous Request Reply 8.6.1. MEP Overview 8.6.2. Purpose Reg. No. Page 22 (40) The purpose of the Asynchronous Request/Reply is to manage replies which are sent much later than the request (long running). Like in Fire&Forget, there is a response sent in the same session to clarify if the message was received by HMG or not. The reply containing the message payload is processed by the back-end system asynchronously and is placed in the Message Box for the external party fetch at will. The TrackingID is used to correlate the incoming request with the reply by the external party. 8.6.3. Operation Web Service Operation for sending the request: sendMessage Web Service Operation for fetching the response: fetchMessage o Use the TrackingID acquired from the sendMessage reply to fetch the specific reply for the request using the fetchMessage operation. o Replies can also be listed and fetched in bulk with the same semantics as the Push exchange pattern. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Page Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8.6.4. 23 (40) Specific Header Information Attribute Description Purpose TrackingID In this MEP the Tracking ID is used to fetch the reply for a specific request asynchronously from The Message Box Tracking ID is used to correlate responses and for logging purposes. It is also used to fetch a unique message from The Message Box. The tracking. Read more in section Tracking ID 8.6.5. Defined in Specific Service Instruction No Mandatory No, but HMG will generate a unique ID of not set by the sender. Reply There is one response as in Fire&Forget to determine if the request was successfully placed or not. The real reply will be returned asynchronously to The Message Box. The external party polls for reply messages using the TrackingID to identify a specific reply message. 8.6.6. Error code when the reply has not yet arrived An asynchronous reply might by design take some time to arrive to HMG. An attempt to fetch an asynchronous reply when it has not yet arrived will result in an error with the error code 2017. This can be good to know of and not log as a real error, but rather look for the reply at a later stage. 8.6.7. Duplicate Control HMG requires a unique Tracking ID, but does not enforce this behavior. In the case of Asynchronous request reply, HMG will check for duplicates in the Message Box. If there is an existing message in the Message Box, the incoming message will not be accepted. No history is saved, which means that a message with the same Tracking ID may be accepted at a later stage when the first message has been deleted from the Message Box. The purpose of the duplicate detection is to ensure that the reply is sent to the same requestor. 8.6.8. Examples: Example messages include a sendMessage request, a sample response and a fetchRequest message. Those are the same as used in Push and Fire & Forget scenarios, so check them out as well. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8.7. List Messages 8.7.1. MEP Overview 8.7.2. Purpose Reg. No. Page 24 (40) There are many purposes with List Messages: Overview of the messages in Message Box (foundation for retransmission) Error-handling List Messages can be a method to poll the message box. See section Different ways of pulling responses from the Message Box List Messages will return a list of Messages currently in the message box. The list is sorted by Creation Date and time in descending order. By default the List Message Operation only return unread messages. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Page Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 25 (40) Since Web Services is a non-transactional protocol it is possible that messages are marked as read by HMG, even if the message was lost on the way back to the external party. By listing the messages in the Message box it is possible to see which messages that can be retransmitted. 8.7.3. Operation 8.7.4. Web Service Operation: listMessage Specific Header Information Attribute Description ReturnMessag eStatusType Specify what status of messages should be in the list reply. All, Unread and Read. 8.7.5. Purpose Defined in Specific Service Instruction The purpose is to limit No the response size if there are a lot of messages in the box No (defaults to Unread) List Message Logic List Messages can be used in the following ways: User ID Role Service Mandatory Blank Blank Mandatory Role ID Blank Mandatory Role ID Service ID and Version Mandatory Blank Service ID and Version 8.7.6. Mandatory Result Lists all messages in the message box for the authenticated User ID. Lists all messages in the message box for a specific Role ID. Lists all messages in the message box for a specific Role and Service. Lists all messages in the message box for a specific Service. Reply The reply is a list of messages in The Message Box with its current read status Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8.7.7. Examples: Reg. No. Page 26 (40) Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8.8. Update Message Status 8.8.1. MEP Overview 8.8.2. Purpose Reg. No. Page 27 (40) The purpose of Update Message Status is to change the read status of a message in The Message Box. It is possible to alter the read status to Reset. This makes it possible to fetch the message(s) from The Message Box again. 8.8.3. Operation Web Service Operation: updateMessageStatus Update Message Status requires a Tracking ID as input parameter for each message that needs to be reset. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 8.8.4. 28 (40) Specific Header Information Attribute Description Purpose Defined in Specific Service Instruction N/A 8.8.5. Reply The response is a list of messages with the current read status. 8.8.6. Page Examples: Mandatory Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 9. Page 29 (40) The Message Box The message box makes it possible for a Volvo back-end system to reply to an incoming Web Service Call asynchronously. It also makes it possible to push out messages to an external party. Figure 4 Conceptual Message Box Interaction The message box is used in the following Message Exchange Patterns: Push Asynchronous Request Reply Messages are fetched from the Message box using: The fetchMessage operation as described in the Patterns above. The message box can be monitored and altered by the following Message Exchange Patterns: List Messages Update Message Status 9.1. Message Box state handling The message box is able to store messages waiting to be fetched by the client. Each message in the message box has a status attached to it. The status can be either of “AwaitingReply”, “Unread”, “Read” and “Reset. Awaiting Reply – A request is sent Unread – A response is received from the backend system Read – The response is fetched by the client Reset – The client has reset the message to be able to read it again The state chart stops when the time to live is reached and the message deleted Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Page Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 30 (40) No reply recieved AwaitingReply Reply Received Unread Read by Client Read Read after Reset Reset By Client Reset Message is never fetched Figure 5 Message box message status state chart 9.2. Different ways of fetching responses from the Message Box There are many ways to fetch message from the Message Box. The different methods have different pros and cons. The different polling patterns are described below in the order Volvo would like recommend. 9.2.1. 1 - List & Fetch List and fetch is based on a reoccurring poll using the list message operation based on role. When list message gives a result the messages are retrieved by a role based fetch. The initial list operation gives knowledge in which messages that are supposed to be fetched, if anything goes wrong. This makes it possible to reset individual messages by resetting the read status by Tracking ID using Update Message Status. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Page 31 (40) Service can be used as a parameter in the fetch, but is more costly since there will be more fetches performed. If MaxMessageCount is not set or set to 1, you need to repeat step 1 until you receive a successful reply with no included message. This is also true if MaxMessageCount is set to 25 and the number of messages in the List Operation exceeds 25 messages. Pros: Cons: 9.2.2. Few polls Possible to get only one Service Error handling based on Tracking ID possible The back-end service needs to be able to distinguish different Services in one response 2 - Fetch by Role Fetch by role is based on a reoccurring fetch based on role. This polling pattern is basically the reverse of List and Fetch. If an error occurs the external system needs to list all messages in order to understand which message that has not been received. After this, it is possible to reset the read status and fetch again. You need to repeat step 1 until you receive a successful reply with no included message. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Reg. No. Page 32 (40) Pros: The fetch is easy to implement in the external system Few(er) polls Cons: The back-end service needs to be able to distinguish different Services in one response 9.2.3. 3 - List by Role List by Role is based on a reoccurring poll using the list message operation based on role. The fetch is made on each individual Tracking ID received in the list message operation. This gives a very controlled way of handling the poll since only one message with a unique ID is handled at a time. This makes error handling easier, but the cost is higher than fetching many messages in one go due to the overhead of fetching single messages. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Page 33 (40) Pros: The best option for error handling, since every poll is isolated to one specific Tracking ID Fewer polls than polling one service as a time Cons: Many fetch interactions due to one fetch per message 9.2.4. 4 - Fetch by Service Fetch by Service is based on a reoccurring fetch based on both Role and Service. The result will be clean replies with only one Service for one specific Role. The backside of this solution is that there may be very many polls, since each service is polled individually. You need to repeat step 1 until you receive a successful reply with no included message. Pros: It is easy to implement this solution in the external application. Cons: Many polls, since each service needs to be polled individually. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 10. Page 34 (40) HMG Rules of Usage Rule Poll interval in The Message Box Maximum Total Message Size Maximum Message Count Clean-up of unread messages Clean-up of read messages Pushing large data volumes (initial load) Synchronous Request/Reply time limits Rule to adopt new versions HMG Service Window Value It is not allowed to poll The Message Box more frequently than every five minutes for a specific role and service. 5MB (single message or message bundle) 25 Messages in any bundle. A message bundle can only contain messages for one role in order to correlate asynchronous responses from back-end systems. Unread messages are kept in the Message box for 1 week Read messages are kept for retransmission for 2 days. The pushing of large data volumes should be discussed with the back-end system in order to plan capacity in HMG and the back-end system. Used for sessions estimated for about 10 seconds. Maximum is 1 minute. For longer sessions, use asynchronous request/reply. See section Version Handling HMG may be down for maintenance on Sundays between 17.00-21.00 CET. Comment The use of small atomic messages is preferred. If MaxMessageCount is set higher or is left out in a fetch message, it will be capped according to this rule. Some services may have specific solutions for initial load which are not implemented by HMG. It is recommended to use these services. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 10.1. Reg. No. Page 35 (40) Encoding of Message Payload There are three ways to encode the Message Content: String XML Base64 10.1.1. String The easiest way to encode a message is as a string. An XML message can also be encoded as a string using CDATA markup or by escaping the XML characters. However, if the included XML file includes CDATA sections, you need to use AnyXML or encode the payload using Base64. Known Limitations If a string contains “<” or “&” characters, they will be escaped in response messages. 10.1.2. AnyXML The payload can be encoded as XML. However, it may be difficult to parse the reply in some environments. The XML declaration needs to be removed before inserting the payload as XML in a message to HMG. 10.1.3. Base64 Practically anything can be attached to the message using Base64 for encoding any text. Disadvantages are the cost for encoding and a larger message size. Another disadvantage is that the message is not readable by humans. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Reg. No. Page 36 (40) 11. Version Handling 11.1. Version Naming X.Y.Z (1.0.0): First digit X: Major version. Big changes which are not backwards compatible Second digit Y: Change in the current major version which is not backwards compatible Third digit Z: Minor version change. The change is backward compatible. 11.2. HMG WSDL and Message Schema The HMG WSDL and Message Schema will be available in different versions over time. A version will be available for 2 years after a defined decommissioning statement. The external user of HMG needs to migrate to a newer version within this time. 11.3. Service Versioning A specific Service has its own life cycle. A version will be available for 2 years after a defined decommissioning statement as a default. Decomissioning statements is available on the HMG Webpage. Specific rules for a Service may be defined in the specific Service Instruction. The external user of the Service needs to migrate to a newer version within this time. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 12. Page 37 (40) Error Messages 12.1. Configuration Errors Error Code Description 1001 Role ID not found in HMG 1002 No service with specified name found in HMG 1003 Message Exchange Pattern is defined differently for this request 1004 Unexpected message type 1005 Correlation type not specified 1006 Missing update information 1007 No role with specified name found in HMG 1008 No user with specified name found in HMG 12.2. Illegal arguments and incorrect usage errors Error Code Description 2001 Authentication header not specified. Request should go through the SWS service. 2002 No messages found with given tracking id when Fetching data 2007 No Service was specified in the request. 2008 No Role was specified in the request. 2009 No Username was specified in the request (also checked by SWS) 2010 No Service version was specified in the request. 2011 Role ID should be specified using the GIMDestinationId header when message is routed from MQ to HMG. 2012 CorrelationId needs to be set. Typically, this means that the header HMGVirtualQueueName needs to be specified on a MQ message to HMG. 2013 Unexpected Request data type, String, Base64 and XML are valid 2014 Incorrect tracking id given when trying to update message status 2015 Payload validation error (message could not validate against schema) 12.3. Generic error codes Error Code Description 3001 Unknown error. Please contact support for more information. 12.4. Security error codes Error Code Description 4001 Permission denied – the user/role does not have access to perform the operation requested. 12.5. Internal error codes Error Code Description Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction 5001 5002 5003 Page 38 (40) The message box is unable to parse the XML data in the payload. Message Box update mismatch. Error in resetting a message status. Report issue to support. Tracking ID already exists in HMG. Please provide a globally unique (guuid) tracking ID for each send request. 12.6. Back-end System Errors Error Code Description 6001 The backend system response timed out. Please try again. 6002 Service defined MQ queue not found. 6003 Unknown MQ error. Please contact support for more information. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Reg. No. Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Page 39 (40) 13. Trouble Shooting 13.1. Authentication setup. Basic authentication is needed. However, SWS also requires a specific cookie. Most clients are able to set this header automatically by doing a request to HMG/SWS, but some are not able to. Please add the HTTP cookie “SMCHALLANGE=YES”. This resolves into the following HTTP header: Cookie: SMCHALLANGE=YES 13.1.1. Cookies and Microsoft Windows Communication Framework – WCF When Communicating with HMG from a .Net based solution additional headers may have to be set. When using WCF, please add this header in the request: ("Cookie", "SMCHALLENGE=YES") 13.2. Timeouts If you receive time outs, please increase your web service call time out to more than 60s to make sure you are able to receive HMG error message. HMG currently has a timeout of 60s, add additional time on top of that to cope with network round trip time etc. Company name Type of document Volvo IT Instruction Name of document Issue Http/MQ Gateway Instruction Reg. No. Page 40 (40) 14. WSDL and Schemas 14.1. HMG 1.0.0 Date Revision Events 2013-04-25 1.0.1 First version