Floodplain Management: Standards Building Towards: MS-ESS3-2: Analyze and interpret data on natural hazards to forecast future catastrophic events and inform the development of technologies to mitigate their effects Analyzing and Interpreting Data Analyze and interpret data to determine similarities and difference in finding. (MS-ESS3-2) MS-ESS3.B: Natural Hazards Mapping the history of natural hazards in a region, combined with an understanding of related geologic forces can help forecast the locations and likelihoods of future events. (MS-ESS3-2) Patterns Graphs, charts, and images can be used to identify patterns in data. (MS-ESS3-2) Bundled with: Developing and Using Models Evaluate limitations of a model for a proposed object or tool. Use and/or develop a model of simple systems with uncertain and less predictable factors. Develop and/or use a model to predict and/or describe phenomena. Develop and/or use a model to generate data to test ideas about phenomena in natural or designed systems, including those representing inputs and outputs, and those at unobservable scales Systems and System Models Models can be used to represent systems and their interactions—such as inputs, processes and outputs—and energy and matter flows within systems. Models are limited in that they only represent certain aspects of the system under study. ELA/Literacy Common Core State Standards Connections • RST.6-8.2 - Determine the central ideas or conclusions of a text; provide an accurate summary of the text distinct from prior knowledge or opinions. • RST.6-8.9 - Compare and contrast the information gained from experiments, simulations, video, or multimedia sources with that gained from reading a text on the same topic. • WHST.6-8.1 - Write arguments focused on discipline-specific content. Mathematics Common Core State Standards Connections • MP.2 - Reason abstractly and quantitatively. (MS-ESS3-2) • MP.5 - Use appropriate tools strategically 1 Floodplain Management: Teacher Information Too much rainfall or melting snow can sometimes cause a flood. There are different types of floods. The most common type is generally called a river flood. It occurs when a river or similar body of water (stream, creek, brook, etc.) overflows because of heavy rainfall and sometimes because of melting snow and ice. Other times, heavy rains are the result of hurricanes or other large storms. Floods can be deadly and destructive to people and property. To prevent property destruction and injury to people, engineers study the dynamics of floodplains. They also work with geologists and meteorologists to devise ways to control flooding with a range of human-made structures: dams, dikes, levees, flood gates, seawalls, drainage canals, sewer/water/storm drainage systems, pumping stations, bridges, concrete river banks, spillways, overflow basins, embankments, retention ponds and wetlands restoration. To aid in prediction and planning, engineers and scientists also develop instruments and computer programs to monitor weather (precipitation, temperature, snow pack, etc.), and develop complex models to estimate worstcase-scenario storm surges and flood risks. Scientists and engineers do these same types of experiments with small-scale models, as well as computer simulations, to understand how real-life floods behave. An engineer needs to know the area of a floodplain in order to figure out how a flood might affect anything located there. A floodplain is the dry land surrounding a waterway, like a river or stream, into which flooding waters spill. Natural flooding has been occurring for thousands of years. It only becomes a problem when people create something of value in the floodplain, like houses, that might be destroyed in a flood. As it turns out, floodplains are very attractive locations to build towns and cities — until flooding occurs. A floodplain is usually a flat area conveniently located near a river that can be used for transportation and recreation, as well as agriculture, with the land usually good for growing crops because of the rich soil deposited by past floods. “Vocabulary/Definitions dam: Large structure that retains flowing water into a reservoir to control flow. dike: Another term for levee. flood: Too much water in a given place at a given time. For example, river flood, coastal flood and flash flood. floodplain: Normally dry land surrounding a waterway, into which flood waters spill. hydrological cycle: Also called water cycle. Cycle of fresh water evaporating from bodies of water, falling as precipitation, being absorbed into the ground or flowing down into streams, rivers, etc. back into large bodies of water. levee: Barrier constructed to contain the flow of water or to keep out the sea. model: A small object that represents another, often larger object. Often used in testing or perfecting a final product. riverbed: The earth structure that holds river water.” https://www.teachengineering.org/view_activity.php?url=http://www.teachengineering.org/collect ion/cub_/activities/cub_natdis/cub_natdis_lesson07_activity1.xml 2 Floodplain Management: Lesson (Originally called Floodplain Modeling) http://teacherstryscience.org/lp/floodplain-modeling Driving Question: How can the impact of future flooding events be mitigated through the understanding of floodplains? Student should be familiar with the following before starting this lesson: ESS2.C: The Role of Water in Earth’s Surface Processes Water continually cycles among land, ocean, and atmosphere via transpiration, evaporation, condensation and crystallization, and precipitation, as well as downhill flows on land. (MS-ESS2-4) PS3.A: Definitions of Energy Motion energy is properly called kinetic energy; it is proportional to the mass of the moving object and grows with the square of its speed. (MS-PS3-1) A system of objects may also contain stored (potential) energy, depending on their relative positions. (MS-PS3-2) Part 1 Materials Floods, National Geographic article http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/natural-disasters/floodsprofile.html Chart Paper Chart Markers Preparation Gather materials and make copies. Instructional Sequence Introduction Ask students to remember the last rainstorm. Have them discuss with a partner the results of that storm. (Alternative: If you live in a climate with limited rainfall, engage your students in discussion around a national hurricane or share a video with them on rainstorms.) After allowing students time to share their experiences, guide the conversation to the impact the storm had on different aspects of the community/ecosystem. Was there flooding? Was there damage? Did plants benefit from the water? If your area utilizes ground water, how did the rainfall impact water levels? Record student ideas on a piece of chart paper and label the top of the paper “What we Know”. This chart is the first part of a K-W-L you will complete during this activity. (K“What we Know”, W- “What we want to Know”, L- “What we Learned”) With a new partner, have students generate questions they have about around the current conversation. Let students record their questions on a new piece of chart paper labeled “What we want to Know”. If they notice another question on the chart paper similar to their question they should put a check next to this question instead of adding their question to the list. As a group, examine the “What we want to Know” chart paper and discussion common themes and questions, and acknowledge any unique questions. Some of these 3 questions will hopefully be addressed by the following reading and activities, but it is okay if there are unanswered questions. These unanswered questions can be used to guide extended activities and/or individual student research. Provide students with the National Geographic articles along with the following guiding questions. o Floods, National Geographic http://environment.nationalgeographic.com/environment/natural-disasters/floodsprofile.html Guiding Questions How can floods negatively impact people and ecosystems? How can floods positively impact people and ecosystems? How do scientists and disaster authorities prepare for floods? Suggested Literacy Strategies: Have students read the entire article and discuss as a group. Jig-saw the reading, by having students read assigned sections and share what they have learned with the rest of the students in the class. Have the students take notes, or highlight, or text code as they are reading. Provide students with a glossary of new terms they will encounter in this article (i.e. mitigation, dam, levee, hundred-year flood) After students have completed the reading the National Geographic article discuss their answers to the guiding questions with a partner before engaging the entire class in a discussion. Return to the “K” and “W” charts from earlier and label a final piece of chart paper “What we Learned”. As a group, fill in this chart. Try to have the students answer both the guiding questions, their questions on the “What we want to Know” chart and any additional things they learned from the reading and discussion. Encourage students to refer directly to the text and provide evidence for their statements. (If students generate more questions they can be added to the “What we want to Know” chart.) Model Development In the article it states, “highly advanced computer modeling now lets disaster authorities predict with amazing accuracy where flood will occur and how severe they’re likely to be.” Share this quote with your students and ask them to suggest additional models scientist can use to predict flooding besides computer models. Allow students time to offer suggestions. Let the students know that they are going to use a physical model as a tool to test three different riverbed models to compare normal water flow conditions and hundred-year flood conditions. Divide the class into groups of 2-3 students and there needs to be at least three groups total so that all of the river models are tested during this investigation. Each group needs modeling clay, modified aluminum baking pan, and small board to support the baking pan during transportation. Before constructing the model, ask students to think about how water will be added to their river models. Where do they want to add the water? How should the model be placed? Why might a tilt be helpful with downhill water flow? Students need to fill the aluminum baking pan with ~3cm of clay. (If time does not permit, 4 this part can be completed for students prior to the activity.) Give each group a different template shape from the Riverbed Templates attachment. The three shapes are: narrow section river, large curve river and typical river. Have each group create a riverbed in the clay, matching their template shape. For this type of investigation, ask the students for suggestions on how to record the results. Will the results be qualitative or quantitative? Let students share their ideas and have other students respond to these suggestions. Depending on what the students suggest you might want to modify the following directions to include some of the student ideas. (Student model riverbed engineering sketches can be evaluated using the attached Engineering Sketch Assessment Rubric. In their science notebooks, have the students draw and label a sketch of the three riverbed models. (Labels: Narrow Section Riverbed: Normal Condition; Large Curve Riverbed: Normal Condition; Typical Riverbed: Normal Condition) Have students sketch their riverbeds, positioning the river in the center of their drawing. The number of sketches will depend on the number of riverbed models created for this activity. As a class, agree on a color/symbol key everyone will use for to record observations on the Engineering Sketches. (Key suggestions: Use color or draw arrows to indicate where the water will go if a flood occurs. Also, pick a color/symbol to represent their predictions.) Direct students to record this color/symbol key in their science notebook. Also chart the color/symbol key on a piece of chart paper and hang in the room as a reference. Remind students that engineers create similar models to explore the possible effects of flooding on people and property. Point out to students that engineers make sketches like these to describe the details of a riverbed and floodplain when they research and make recommendations for future development. Both the physical models and engineering sketches are tools that scientists and engineers use to study phenomena. 5 Part 2 Materials Per Student: o Crayons/markers/colored pencils for Engineering Sketches Per Riverbed Model: o 5-pound (2.3 kg) box of oil-based modeling clay per group (reusable) o Aluminum baking pan with one of the shorter walls removed o Small board (or something else rigid) to support the baking pan during transportation after inserting the clay o Riverbed Template (PDF), one of three designs provided Per Testing Station: o Clean-up supplies (paper towels, sponges, towels, etc.), for after using wet clay o Thick book to prop up the plastic tub (may not be needed if you conduct activity outside) o 1 large, shallow, plastic waterproof tub, 8-in x 14-in x 30-in or 20-cm x 36-cm x 76-cm, clear plastic is better but not necessary (may not be necessary if you can conduct the activity outside) o 500 ml graduated cylinder, used to pour water over the riverbed model Preparation Gather materials and make copies. Testing Stations In a central area so that students will be able to observe the various tests, use a block or thick book you don't mind getting wet to prop up the plastic tub. When the aluminum baking pan is placed inside the plastic tub, this tilt creates a downhill flow for the riverbed and catches water runoff. Alternative: To minimize the mess, take the model riverbeds outside, placing them at the edge of a pavement area so the draining ends drip water into a grassy area. Riverbed Models The aluminum baking pan is the base for the riverbed model. To allow water to flow through the model, remove one of the shorter pan walls with wire cutters or tin snips. Prepare at least three pans in this way so that there is a riverbed for each river template. Depending on the size of your class, increase the number of riverbeds accordingly. Pack the modified aluminum baking pans with modeling clay to a depth of ~3 cm if time does not allow for students to complete this step. Troubleshooting Tips and Safety Issues Tilt and drain the plastic tub and clay riverbed thoroughly between each trial. (Alternative: Since a small amount of water is used for each trial, a towel placed at the bottom of the riverbed (at the bottom or the tub) works well to absorb the water.) When adding water to the riverbed model, make sure not to flood the riverbed at the pouring spot. Pour the water at the maximum rate that the riverbed allows at this point. Consider conducting the activity outside because using water and clay has the potential for quite a mess. Take precautions to protect surfaces and take into consideration that students' hands will be covered in wet clay. 6 Instructional Sequence Riverbed Model Test 1: Normal Conditions 1. With a partner have the students discuss what they think will happen when 100 ml of water is added to the different models. Have them record their prediction on their engineering sketches. Have a few students share their predictions. 2. One at a time, have each group bring their riverbed (clay-covered baking pan) to the front of the classroom (or a central area) and place it in the tilted plastic tub. Have the rest of the class gather around to watch the water flow through the river models. 3. For each of the river models (narrow, curved and typical), pour 100 ml of water slowly into the higher end of the tilted riverbed (clay-covered baking pan). 4. After each model test, have students record observations by coloring the areas on their Engineering Sketches observations with the group. a. Narrow Section River Model- This test shows that with a modest amount of water, it flows through the narrow river section without overflowing the riverbed. b. Large Curve River Model- This test shows that water can flow through and around the large curve without overflowing the riverbed. c. Typical River Model- This test shows that water can flow normally through the riverbed, without overflowing. 5. Between each test, remove excess water from the tilted, plastic tub. 6. As part of their data analysis, have the students discuss their observations with the same partner from the beginning of this test. Do they notice any patterns or trends in their data? Are there any anomalies? Can they make a claim or statement about each of the three river shapes? 7. As a class, return to the “K-W-L” charts from earlier, and have students share their analysis add to the “What we Learned” chart. If needed, use another piece of chart paper. 8. Have the students begin to predict what they think might happen if 250 ml of water is added to each of the models to represent a hundred-year flood. Riverbed Model Test 2: Hundred-Year Flood Conditions 1. In their science notebooks, have the students draw and label a sketch of the three riverbed models. (Labels: Narrow Section Riverbed: Hundred-Year Flood Condition; Large Curve Riverbed: Hundred-Year Flood Condition; Typical Riverbed: Hundred-Year Flood Condition) 2. With a partner have the students discuss what they think will happen when 250 ml of water is added to the different models. Have them record their prediction on their engineering sketches. Have a few students share their predicts. 3. One at a time, have each group bring their riverbed (clay-covered baking pan) to the front of the classroom (or a central area) and place it in the tilted plastic tub. Have the rest of the class gather around to watch the water flow through the river models. 4. For each of the river models (narrow, curved and typical), pour 250 ml of water slowly into the higher end of the tilted riverbed (clay-covered baking pan). 5. After each model test, have students record observations by coloring the areas on their Engineering Sketches that flooded and adding arrows to indicate water flow. Students can share additional observations with the group. a. Narrow Section River Model- This trial demonstrates water overflowing at the narrow point of the river when there is an increase in water flow. b. Large Curve River Model- By increasing the amount of water, this trial demonstrates 7 water overflowing at the first large curve, flooding the peninsula within (ideally). c. Typical River Model- By increasing the amount of water, this trial demonstrates water overflowing along the edges of the (ideally). 6. Between each test, remove excess water from the tilted, plastic tub. 7. As part of their data analysis, have the students discuss their observations with the same partner from the beginning of this test. Do they notice any patterns or trends in their data? Are there any anomalies? Can they make a claim or statement about each of the three river shapes? How do the results from the hundred-year flood compare to the results from the normal flow conditions? Do they notice that much of the flooding happens downhill no matter the shape of the river? How does this relate to the tilt of the riverbed and gravity? 8. As a class, return to the “K-W-L” charts from earlier, and have students share their analysis add to the “What we Learned” chart. If needed, use another piece of chart paper. 9. Share the driving question for this investigation with students and ask the students to suggest what they can now do with their data analysis to help answer this question. Driving Question: How can the impact of future flooding events be mitigated through the understanding of floodplains? If they need prompting, remind them of the National Geographic article they read during an earlier part of this investigation. 10. Let the students know that they are going to develop a proposal for the construction of vacation homes, businesses and farms along a riverbed. 8 Part 3: Performance Task Materials Copies of Writing Performance Task Rubric Preparation Gather materials and make copies. Instructional Sequence Ask students to imagine what might have happened if there were buildings located on the areas of the model floodplains that flooded. Let students share their ideas. Tell students that they are going to create a proposal for the construction of vacation houses, farms and businesses along a river by utilizes what they have learned from the narrow section river, large curved river and typical river models (Engineering Sketches, notes, readings and class charts from Parts 1 and Part 2). Discuss with students the requirements of each type of construction. Refer back to the National Geographic reading for additional information. This is also a good time to return to the conversation about downhill water flow. a. Vacation Homes- riverside with beautiful views b. Businesses- outside of flood prone areas c. Farms- fertile lands Review the Performance Task, Proposal Assessment Rubric and Engineering Sketch Assessment Rubric with students Have the students sketch a river that includes a narrow section and a large curve like the river templates tested earlier in this investigation. Label the top of the river and bottom of the river to indicate direction of downhill water flow. Have the students include the same color-coded key used in the prior sketches. They will need to add new symbols for the vacation houses, farms and businesses. Have students draw a second sketch of this same river and include the same key. Label one of the sketches “Normal Water Flow Conditions” and the other sketch “HundredYear Flood Conditions”. Performance Task Performance Task: How can the impact of future flooding events be mitigated through the understanding of floodplains? Record the predicted water flow and flooding on your Normal Water Flow Conditions and Hundred-Year Flooding Conditions Engineering Sketches. Write a proposal for the construction of vacation homes, farms and businesses along your sketch of your riverbed. Add the vacation houses, farms and businesses to both of your Engineering Sketches Support your construction proposal with evidence from the observations you made during riverbed model testing activity. Explain how your understanding of downward water flow and floodplains support your proposal. Be prepared to present your proposal to the class. 9 Investigation Reflection Let students know that all models have limitations. Have the students discuss what some of the limitations of their physical models and their engineering sketches? What changes can we make to our models to limit these limitations? Ask the students if human-made buildings were not located in floodplains, would flooding be a problem? Why do you think people build houses in floodplains? Give students time to discuss and record their ideas. As a class, return to the “K-W-L” charts from earlier in this investigation, and have students share their analysis add to the “What we Learned” chart. If needed, use another piece of chart paper. 10 Floodplain Management: Rubrics Engineering Sketch Assessment Rubric Score 4 3 2 1 Floodplain Sketch Criteria Sketch is labeled appropriately with test conditions and river type. River is present and in center of drawing. Sketch includes labels indicating downhill water flow Shading and arrows show path of water. Sketch includes a color-coded key. Sketch is neat and easy to read. Sketch is missing one or two main components: Labels River Flow of water Key Sketch is neat and easy to read. Sketch is missing one or two main components: Labels River Flow of water Key Sketch is not easy to read. Sketch is missing three or more main components: Labels River Flow of water Key Sketch is messy and hard to read. 11 Performance Task Assessment Rubric Score Proposal Criteria 4 Proposal: is consistence with Engineering Sketches for Normal Water Flow Conditions and Hundred-Year Flood Conditions. includes construction suggestions for vacation houses, farms and businesses. is supported by evidence from riverbed model testing. demonstrates students understanding of floodplains and downward water flow. 3 Proposal is missing one of the performance tasks components or parts are weak, but complete. 2 Proposal is missing two or more of the performance tasks components or multiple parts are weak and incomplete. 1 Proposal is missing two or more of the performance tasks components or all parts are incomplete. 12 Floodplain Management: Lesson Extensions and Suggested Scaffolds Video Differentiation Replace the National Geographic reading in Part 1 with the following video. o Floods 101, National Geographic. http://video.nationalgeographic.com/video/101-videos/floods Additional Readings Explore current events related to water management with grade level appropriate readings. o Forced budget cuts could hurt crucial U.S. flood warning system https://newsela.com/articles/flood-gauges/id/125/ o Beavers to the California drought rescue https://newsela.com/articles/beaver-drought/id/6752/ o Californians greet the rain, but worry about mudslides https://newsela.com/articles/water-california/id/6292/ o Which would you rather face: Hurricane or tornado? https://newsela.com/articles/hurricane-tornado/id/197/ o More than 500 killed in floods as monsoon hits India early https://newsela.com/articles/india-floods/id/413/ Extended/Additional Activities Students can test their proposed construction plans. Students can conduct individual students research or class research on any of the questions that remain unanswered on the “What we want to Know” chart. Have students look up a map for a floodplain in their area. Can they make recommendations for development (or building houses) on the floodplain, based on the riverbeds modeled in this activity? Have students investigate how other natural disasters can cause flooding and the failure of engineering structures such as levees. Line the riverbed with fine sand and gravel to see what impact they have on erosion and to examine how they might change the model floodplain. Other suggestions to extend this activity can be found at TeachEngineering, including the original Floodplain Modeling lesson. Performance Task: Provide sentence starters. Have the students discuss their thoughts as a group before they have to write their response. Have students peer review the performance tasks and offer suggestions to their classmates. 13 Credit This material was adapted from the Floodplain Modeling activity, created through the Integrated Teaching and Learning Program at the College of Engineering and Applied Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder. The TeachEngineering Digital Library is a free, online collection of teacher-tested K-12 engineering activities, lessons and units aligned to educational STEM standards, funded primarily through the National Science Foundation. 14