ATTACHMENT I: Animals with altered genetic make-up

Please DELETE this attachment if it is not relevant to your application.
ATTACHMENT I: Animals with altered genetic make-up (manipulated,
modified, naturally-occurring mutation)
(For the purpose of this document Strain is defined as: A group of animals developed by breeding to maintain certain defining
characteristics. Note: When cross breeding two different strains (outcrossing), the offspring is considered to be a different strain
from either of the parental strains. Where the cross produces offspring with segregating genotypes (eg homozygous, hemi/heterozygous or wild-type for any of the genes) all individuals are considered members of the same strain.)
1. Please indicate which of the following is involved with this project:
Use of an existing genetically modified strain.
Production/creation and use of a new genetically modified strain of animal (Including outcrossing or
backcrossing onto a different background strain)
Use of animals with a naturally occurring mutation.
2. Explain the relevance of the genetic modification (s) to this project (in plain English).
(Where more than one genetically modified strain is used in this project, provide this information for each strain used).
3. Describe the method of collection of tissue used for genotyping in this project
(Note: The ACEC expects the use of the least invasive method of tissue collection ag swabbing, collection of ear punch tissue.
Please justify the use of more invasive methods.)
4. What will be the fate of animals that are not of the appropriate genotype in this project?
(If this differs between strains, describe the fate on a strain by strain basis)
5. Does an ACEC approved ‘Animal Wellbeing Phenotype Report’ exist for the genetically modified
strains used in this project? (Approved Animal Wellbeing Phenotype reports are available at )
Yes. Please provide the Phenotype reference number and Nickname (common name)
below for all animals with an existing phenotype report. If all animals are covered by
an existing phenotype report you have now completed this attachment.
No . Please complete the “Animal Wellbeing Phenotype Report” that appears over the
page. Copy and complete a separate phenotype report for each NEW genetically
modified strain used in this project.
University of Newcastle Animal Care and Ethics Committee
Animals with altered genetic make-up (manipulated, modified, naturally-occurring mutation)
Phenotype Report Number
Date Approved:
Date for Review:
PR Reference
(for use in ACEC applications):
Version Number:
1. Strain Details
Description of the mutation(s),
genetic modification(s), or allele
nomenclature (genotype)
Genetic background strain
Nickname (s) (if relevant)
Origin (e.g., supplier, JAX Mice stock
#, EMMA strain ID)
2. How much is known about the biological characteristics/phenotype of this strain?
Well characterised
Partially-characterised/some information available
3. Provide references to publications describing the creation of this animal or its characterisation. If
this information is not available indicate the approximate date this genetic modification was created or
4. How many generations of this genetic modification or mutant animal have been produced?
5. Briefly describe the function of the gene(s) that have/will be modified or have mutated.
6. What organs/tissues are affected (eg. gene expressed in liver only)
7. What abnormalities are known to exist, or do you expect, in these animals (eg. behaviour,
physiology, reproductive or developmental measures). Your answer to this question should inform the
AEC about abnormalities or changes which have an animal wellbeing or welfare impact.
8. Describe any problems with the breeding of heterozygous or homozygous animals (e.g.,subfertility,
lactation defects)?
9. Describe any exceptional housing requirements (e.g., IVCs or isolators, bedding, medicated feed
or water)?
10. Describe any special husbandry or care procedures required to minimise adverse effects of the
genetic modification?
11. Does this animal require a specific monitoring checklist for known animal wellbeing effects?
Yes. Attach the specific monitoring checklist to this attachment.
No. Ensure that a standard general health monitoring checklist is included with your ACEC
application so that unexpected animal wellbeing impacts are identified, recorded and
appropriate action taken.