COMPREHENSIVE WELLNESS QUESTIONNAIRE Thank you for choosing a Functional Naturopathic Approach. Our ability to draw effective information about your state of health and how to optimize its improvement depends largely on the accuracy of the information in which you provide, including symptoms that you may consider minor. Health issues may be influenced by many factors; therefore, it is important that you carefully consider the questions asked in this form as well as those posed by the Naturopath during your consultation. This will assist our goal to provide you with an optimal plan of holistic wellness, to enhance our efficiency, and will provide effective use of your scheduled time. This questionnaire is not meant to treat or diagnose, dis-ease, but to get a clearer picture of your overall health history. Date: . First Name: Middle: Last: . Address ________________________________ City _________________ State _____ Zip Code . Home Phone (____) _____-_______ Work (____) _____-_______ Cell (____) ____-_______ Email _____________________________________ Age _____ Date of Birth ____/____/_____ Place of birth________________ Gender: Female__Male___ City or town & country, if not US Referred by: . Marital Status: Single____ Married____ Divorced____ Widowed____ Long Term Partnership____ Emergency Contact: Name: Phone: . Occupation _______________________________________ Hours per week _________ Retired Height: Bone Mass: Weight: Body Fat%: (leave blank if you don’t know) Muscle Mass%: TBW: Section I Part 1: Psycho-Spiritual Survey Check any that you harbor or are experiencing for yourself or towards others ___Anger___Bitterness___Depression___Fear___Grief___Gossip___Helplessness ___Hoplessness___Loneliness___Guilt___Betrayal___Envy___Jealousy ___Insecurity___Impatient___Arrogance___Pride___Hatred___Rage___Resentment ___Revenge___Shame___Sorrow___Regret___Passivity___Slander___Possessiveness ___Rebellion___Unforgiveness___Gambling___Addictions (Explain)___Other (Explain)______________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ Part 2: Air Check what currently applies to you ___I am always indoors___Do not regularly change home air filter___Home has mold ___Home has an air ionizer___Have plenty of green plants in my living space ___Practice deep breathing exercises regularly, especially outdoors ___I live away from city smog ___Dizziness ___Headaches___Watery eyes ___Sneezing___Cough regularly___Fatigue___Smoke cigarettes regularly Part 3: Water Check which currently apply ___Dry mouth, dry eyes, dry nasal membranes ___Dry or leathery skin ___Dry or chapped lips ___Stools hard & Dry ___Low volume of urine, urinate infrequently ___Dark urine (dark yellow or orange) ___Poor skin turgor (loss of elasticity of skin) ___Headaches ___Leg and arm cramps ___Weakness ___Drink less than eight 8 ounces glasses of water daily Part 4: Light Check which currently applies ___Depression___Poor bone health___Low vitamin D levels ___Outdoors at least 30 minutes a day Part 5: EMF Check what you are presently experiencing ___Headaches___Nausea___Brain fog___Sleep disorders___Loss of memory ___Sensitive skin___Dizziness___Burning sensation___Rash___Vision problems ___Chest pains___Swollen lymph nodes___Live near electrical towers ___Teeth & jaw pain___Constantly having cell phone to the ears ___On computer more than six hours___Aching muscles___Fatigue ___Bouts of unexplained fear or anxiety ___Tingling or prickly sensation across face or other parts of body ___Feeling of impeding influenza but never quite breaks out Part 6: Exercise Check which currently applies ___Exercise regularly at least twice a week___Fatigue___Weight gain___Weakness ___Muscle atrophy___Depression___Lack of flexibility and good balance ___Heart problems Part 7: Fiber Check which presently applies to you ___Painful or hard bowel movements___Constipated, less than 1 bowel movement a day ___Varicose veins___hemorrhoids or rectal fissures___Use lots of toilet paper to clean yourself ___Stools are pencil size and drop to the bottom of the toilet. Part 8: Diet Check what currently applies to you ___Consume six types of vegetables daily ___Eat at least two types of fruit daily ___Consume at least an ounce of raw nuts daily ___50% of my diet is made up of raw foods ___I do not consume dairy, wheat or gluten containing foods ___I consume very little dairy or gluten (2 to 3 meals a week) ___Eat fresh and/or organic foods as much as possible ___Vegetarian___Vegan ___Eat white fish two to three times a week How often do you consume the following foods? Answer: daily/weekly/more than once a week Fried foods__________________________Fatty meats/lunch meats______________________ Soft drinks___________________________Candy or gum_____________________________ Commercial pizza_____________________Pork meat_________________________________ Bottom dwelling fish (shrimp, lobster, clams, etc._____________________________________ Refined white flour products (bread, rice, pasta, etc.)___________________________________ Commercial Cookies/desserts_____________________________________________________ Margarine___________________________ Describe Your Typical Daily Diet: Indicate at What time You Eat Breakfast Lunch Dinner Snacks Check which blood type you are: ___A___AB___B___O Check which body type you are: ___Ectomorph (thin boned, small frame)___Mesomorph (Muscular type, broad shoulders) ___Endomorph (Large bones, round face) Part 9: Toxic Survey Check which currently applies Section A: General toxicity ___Allergies___Chronic Headaches/migraines___Chronic skin problems___Digestive problems ___Diabetes___Auto immune disease___Difficulty sleeping___Depression/poor mood ___Low energy___Liver dysfunction___Overweight___Sore muscles or stiff joints ___Unhealthy cravings___Chemical sensitivities/Environmental illness___Sleepy after meals ___Food allergies/food intolerance Section B: Heavy Metals ___High blood pressure___Numbness and tingling in extremity ___Twitching of face and other muscles___Tremors or shakes of hands, feet, head, etc. ___Jumpy, jittery, nervous___Unexplained chest pains___heart beat over 100 per minute ___unexplained rashes or skin irritations___Excessive itching ___Bloated feeling most of the time___Frequent or reoccurring heart burn ___Constipated on regular basis___Frequent diarrhea___Depression___Unexplained irritability ___Sudden, unexplained or unsolicited anger___Constant death wish or suicidal intent ___Difficulty in making simple decisions ___Cold hands or feet, even in warm or moderate weather___Out of breath easily ___Headaches after eating___Frequent leg cramps___Frequent metallic taste in mouth ___Burning sensation on the tongue___Constant or frequent ringing of the ears ___Frequent urination during the night___Unexplained chronic fatigue ___Poor or failing memory___Constant or frequent pain in joints___ frequent insomnia ___Unexplained fluid retention Section 10: Parasite Survey Check which presently or frequently applies to you ___Gas___Bloating___Abdominal fullness___Nausea___Constipation___Diarrhea ___Abdominal cramps or pain___Fatigue___Hives___Allergies, especially foods ___History of parasitic infections___History of traveler’s diarrhea ___Difficulty overcoming intestinal yeast growth Part 11: Yeast Survey Check which presently or frequently applies to you ___Gas___Bloating___Constipation and/or diarrhea___Spastic/irritable colon ___Chrohn’s disease, colitis___Intestinal cramping___Heart burn___Itchy anus ___Continuous sinus problem ___Chronic or reoccurring sore throat, colds, bronchitis, ear infection ___Premenstrual symptoms___Menstrual cramps and problems___fatigue___Depression ___Irritability___Inability to concentrate___Headaches ___Recurrent or chronic vaginal yeast infections___Infertility___Chronic rashes ___Recurrent bladder infections or irritation___Reccurent staph infections ___Itchy ears or ringing in the ears___General itching___Multiple Allergies___Weight problems ___Craving for sweet, alcohol, bread, cheese___Feel drunk without having ingested alcohol ___Chemical and fume intolerance ___Worsening of any of the above symptoms within six to twelve months after a pregnancy ___Multiple pregnancies___Antibiotic use___Birth control pill (oral contraceptives) use ___Cortisone or steroid use___Chemotherapy or radiation Section II Part A Elemental Survey Circle What You Are Currently Experiencing: Element Incidence of Deficiency Typical Symptoms and Conditions Biotin Uncommon Dermatitis, eye inflammation, hair loss, loss of muscle control, insomnia, muscle weakness Calcium Average diet contains 40 to 50% of RDA* Brittle nails, cramps, delusions, depression, insomnia, irritability, osteoporosis, palpitations, periodontal disease, rickets, tooth decay Chromium 90% of diets deficient Anxiety, fatigue, glucose intolerance, adult-onset diabetes Anemia, arterial damage, depression, diarrhea, fatigue, fragile bones, hair loss, hyperthyroidism, weakness Copper Essential fatty acids Diarrhea, dry skin and hair, hair loss, immune impairment, infertility, poor wound healing, premenstrual syndrome, acne, eczema, gall stones, liver degeneration, headaches when out in the hot sun, sunburn easily or suffer sun poisoning Increased secretion from mouth, nose, eyes. Swelling in hands and feet, muscle cramps, Menstrual cramps, low exercise tolerance, cold hands and feet, bleeding gums, low immunity, fatigue, muscles more flabby than normal, hair loss, splitting hair and nails, low heart rate, hypoglycemia. Protein Decreased secretions from mouth,nose,eyes Muscle weakness, inability to concentrate, easily startled, difficulty swallowing, voice affected by stress Carbohydrates Average diet contains 60% of RDA*; deficient in 100% of elderly in one study; deficient in 48% of adolescent girls; requirement doubles in pregnancy Anemia, apathy, diarrhea, fatigue, headaches, insomnia, loss of appetite, neural tube defects in fetus, paranoia, shortness of breath, weakness Iodine Uncommon since the supplementation of salt with iodine Cretinism, fatigue, hypothyroidism, weight gain Iron Most common mineral deficiency Anemia, brittle nails, confusion, constipation, depression, dizziness, fatigue, headaches, inflamed tongue, mouth lesions Folic acid Magnesium 75 to 85% of diets deficient: average diet contains 50 to 60% of RDA* Anxiety, confusion, heart attack, hyperactivity, insomnia, nervousness, muscular irritability, restlessness, weakness, hypertension Manganese Unknown, may be common in women Atherosclerosis, dizziness, elevated cholesterol, glucose intolerance, hearing loss, loss of muscle control, ringing in ears Niacin Commonly deficient in elderly Bad breath, canker sores, confusion, depression, dermatitis, diarrhea, emotional instability, fatigue, irritability, loss of appetite, memory impairment, muscle weakness, nausea, skin eruptions and inflammation, high cholesterol or triglycerides, poor circulation. Pantothenic acid (B5) Average elderly diet contains 60% of RDA* Abdominal pains, burning feet, depression, eczema, fatigue, hair loss, immune impairment, insomnia, irritability, low blood pressure, muscle spasms, nausea, poor coordination Potassium Commonly deficient in elderly Acne, constipation, depression, edema, excessive water consumption, fatigue, glucose intolerance, high cholesterol levels, insomnia, mental impairment, muscle weakness, nervousness, poor reflexes Pyridoxine (B6) 71% of male and 90% of female diets deficient Acne, anemia, arthritis, eye inflammation, depression, dizziness, facial oiliness, fatigue, impaired wound healing, irritability, loss of appetite, loss of hair, mouth lesions, nausea Deficient in 30% of elderly Britons Blurred vision, cataracts, depression, dermatitis, dizziness, hair loss, inflamed eyes, mouth lesions, nervousness, neurological symptoms (numbness, loss of sensation, "electric shock" sensations), seizures. sensitivity to light, sleepiness, weakness Average diet contains 50% of RDA Growth impairment, high cholesterol levels, increased incidence of cancer, pancreatic insufficiency (inability to secrete adequate amounts of digestive enzymes), immune impairment, liver impairment, male sterility Thiamin Commonly deficient in elderly Confusion, constipation, digestive problems, irritability, loss of appetite, memory loss, nervousness, numbness of hands and feet, pain sensitivity, poor coordination, weakness, slow heart beat or rapid heartbeat, enlarged heart, heart palpitations. Vitamin A 20% of diets deficient Acne, dry hair, fatigue, growth impairment, insomnia, hyperkeratosis (thickening and roughness of skin), immune impairment, night blindness, weight loss Vitamin B-12 Serum levels low in 25% of hospital patients Anemia, constipation, depression, dizziness, fatigue, intestinal disturbances, headaches, irritability, loss of vibration sensation, low stomach acid, mental Riboflavin Selenium disturbances, moodiness, mouth lesions, numbness, spinal cord degeneration Vitamin C 20 to 50% of diets deficient Bleeding gums, depression, easy bruising, impaired wound healing, irritability, joint pains, loose teeth, malaise, and tiredness. Vitamin D 62% of elderly women's diets deficient. It is said that 80% of USA population is deficient. Burning sensation in mouth, diarrhea, insomnia, myopia, nervousness, osteomalacia, osteoporosis, rickets, scalp sweating, poor immunity. Vitamin E 23% of male and 15% of female diets deficient Gait disturbances, poor reflexes, loss of position sense, loss of vibration sense, shortened red blood cell life Vitamin K Deficiency in pregnant women and newborns common Bleeding disorders, arteriolosclerosis, spurs, calcium deposits. 68% of diets deficient Acne, amnesia, apathy, brittle nails, delayed sexual maturity, depression, diarrhea, eczema, fatigue, growth impairment, hair loss, high cholesterol levels, immune impairment, impotence, irritability, lethargy, loss of appetite, loss of sense of taste, low stomach acid, male infertility, memory impairment, night blindness, paranoia, white spots on nails, wound healing impairment, low testosterone. Zinc Part B: Body Systems Survey I. Upper GI Check which you are frequently or presently experiencing ___Belching or gas within one hour after eating___Heartburn or acid reflux___Bad breath ___Bloated within one hour after eating___Loss of taste for meat___Sweat has strong odor ___Stomach upset by taking vitamins___Feel like skipping breakfast___Sleepy after meals ___Feel better if you do not eat___Fingernails chip, peel or break easily ___Anemia unresponsive to iron___Stomach pains or cramps___Chronic Diarrhea ___Diarrhea shortly after meals___Black or tarry colored stools___Undigested food in stool II. Liver/Gallbladder Check which presently or frequently applies ___Pain between shoulder blades___Stomach upset by greasy foods___Greasy or shinny stools ___Nausea___Sea, car, airplane or motion sickness___History of morning sickness ___Light or clay colored stools___Dry skin, itchy feet or skin peels on feet ___Headache over eyes___Gallbladder attack or removed ___Bitter taste in mouth, especially after meals___Become sick if you drink wine ___Easily intoxicated if you drink wine ___Easily hung over if you drink wine How much alcohol do you drink per week? ___I am a recovering alcoholic___History of drug or alcohol abuse___History of Hepatitis ___Long term use of prescription or recreational drugs___Sensitive to chemicals ___Sensitive to tobacco smoke___Pain under right side of rib cage ___Hemorrhoids or varicose veins___Chronic fatigue or fibromyalgia ___Nutrasweet consumption___Sensitive to Nutrasweet (aspartame) III. Small Intestine Check which currently or frequently applies ___Food Allergies___Abdominal bloating 1 to 2 hours after eating___Pulse speeds after eating ___Specific foods make you tired or burdened___Airborne allergies___Experience hives ___Sinus congestion___Crave bread or noodles___Alternating constipation and diarrhea ___Crohn’s disease___Wheat or grain sensivitity___Asthma, sinus infections, stuffy nose ___Dairy sensitivity___Bizarre, vivid dreams, nightmares___Feel spacy or unreal ___Use over the counter pain medications IV. Large Intestine Check which presently or frequently applies ___Anus itches___Coated tongue___Feel worse in moldy or dusty places ___Have taken antibiotics for long periods (2 to 3 months or more) ___Fungus or yeast infection___Ring worm / nail fungus___Blood in stool___Mucous in stool ___Painful to press on outer side of thighs___Cramping in lower abdominal region ___Dark circles under eyes___Excessive foul smelling lower bowel gas ___Irritable bowel or mucous colitis___Strong body odors___Less than 1 bowel movement daily V. Sugar Handling Check which presently or frequently applies ___Awaken a few hours after falling asleep, hard to get back to sleep___Crave sweets ___Bing or uncontrolled eating___Excessive appetite ___Crave coffee or sugar in afternoon___Sleepy in the afternoon ___Fatigue that is relieved be eating___Headaches if meals are skipped ___Irritable before meals___Shaky if meals are delayed ___Family members with diabetes___Frequent thirst___Frequent Urination VI. Adrenal Check which presently or frequently occurs ___Tend to be a night person___Difficulty falling asleep___Slow starter in the morning ___Keyed up, trouble calming down___Blood pressure above 120/80 ___Headache after exercising___Feeling wired or jittery after drinking coffee ___Clench or grind teeth___Calm on the outside, trouble on the inside ___Chronic low back pain, worse with fatigue ___Become dizzy when standing up suddenly ___Difficulty maintaining manipulative correction ___Pain after manipulative correction___Arthritic tendencies___Crave salty foods ___Salt foods before tasting___Perspire easily___Chronic fatigue or get drowsy often ___Afternoon yawning___After headaches___Asthma, wheezing or difficulty breathing ___Pain on the medial or inner side of the knee ___Tendency to sprain ankles or shin splints ___Tendency to need sunglasses___Allergies and/or hives___Weakness, dizziness VII. Thyroid Check which presently or frequently you experience ___Sensitive/allergic to iodine___Difficulty gaining weight, even with large appetite ___Nervous, emotional, can’t work under pressure___Inward trembling___Flush easily ___Fast pulse at rest___Intolerant to high temperatures___Difficulty losing weight ___Mentally sluggish, reduced initiative___Easily fatigued, sleepy during the day ___Sensitive to cold, poor circulation (cold hands and feet) ___Chronic constipation___Excessive hair loss and/or coarse hair ___Morning headaches, wear off during the day___Seasonal sadness ___Loss of lateral 1/3 of eyebrow VIII. Men Only Check which presently or frequently applies ___Prostate problems___Difficulty with urination or dribbling ___Difficult to start or stop urine stream___Pain or burning with urination ___Waking to urinate at night___Interruption of stream during urination ___Pain on inside of legs or heels___Feeling of incomplete bowel evacuation ___Decreased sexual function IX. Women Only Check which presently or frequently applies ___Depression during periods___Mood swings associated with periods (PMS) ___Crave chocolate around period___Breast tenderness associated with cycle ___Excessive menstrual flow___Scanty blood flow during periods ___Occasional skipped periods___Variations in menstrual cycle___Endometriosis ___Uterine fibroids___Breast fibroids, benign masses___Painful intercourse ___Vaginal discharge___Vaginal itchiness___Vaginal dryness ___Weight gain around hips, thighs and buttocks___Excessive facial or body hair ___Thinning skin___Hotflashes___Night sweats (in menopausal women) X. Cardiovascular Check which presently or frequently occurs ___Aware of heavily or irregular breathing___Discomfort at high altitudes ___Air hunger or sigh frequently___Compelled to open windows in a closed room ___Shortness of breath with moderate exertion___Ankles swell, especially at end of day ___Cough at night___Blush or face turns red for no reason ___Muscle cramps with exertion ___Dull pain or tightness in chest and/or radiate into right arm, worse with exertion XI. Kidney and Bladder Check which presently or frequently occurs ___Pain in mid-back region___Puffy around the eyes, dark circles under eyes ___History of kidney stones___Cloudy, bloody or darkened urine ___Urine has a strong odor XII. Immune System Check which presently or frequently occurs ___Runny or drippy nose___Catch colds at the beginning of winter___Adult acne ___Itchy skin___Cysts, boils, rashes___History of Epstein Bar___Frequent colds or flu ___Frequent infections___Mucous producing cough___History of Mono, Herpes ___History of Shingles, Chronic fatigue, Hepatitis or other chronic viral condition List the Medications you presently take: Prescription and over the counter _____________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ List the Vitamin Supplements You Presently Take: ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________ List the Medical Conditions You Have Been Diagnosed as Having: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ List Any Operations You Have Had: _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ List the Medical Conditions that Run in Your Family _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ What Have You Come Here For?_____________________________________________________